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《魯濱遜漂流記 (2016)》
導演: 文森特·凱斯特魯特、本·斯塔森
編劇: 李·克里斯托弗、多米尼克·帕里斯、格雷恩姆·威爾登、丹尼爾·笛福
主演: 馬提亞斯·施維赫夫、卡亞·葉娜爾、伊爾卡·貝桑、迪特·哈勒沃登、艾琳·特策爾、傑拉德·沙勒、梅蘭妮·欣茨、托拜厄斯·萊勒、伽達·雅拉科、湯米·摩根施特恩、伯特·弗蘭茲克、傑斯克·維特根、簡·牧野、阿克塞爾·勒特
類型: 喜劇、動畫、冒險
製片國家/地區: 比利時、法國
語言: 英語、法語、德語
上映日期: 2016-10-04(中國大陸)、2016-03-30(比利時)
片長: 91分鍾
又名: Wild Life、Robinson
故事開始於一座孤島之上,在這里,居住著一群動物們,其中,十分勇敢對於新鮮事物有著無盡好奇心的鸚鵡麥克(大衛·霍華德·桑頓 David Howard Thornton 配音)對小島外面的世界十分的嚮往,可是其他的動物們卻並不這么想,小島是他們的安樂窩,小島以外對於他們來說就是致命的危險地帶。
一天,一艘遇難的商船沖向了小島,為小島帶來了他們唯一的一位人類客人魯濱遜(馬提亞斯·施維赫夫 Matthias Schweigh?fer 配音),鸚鵡最先跟魯濱遜成為了朋友。起初,魯濱遜因為和其他動物們無法溝通導致了雙方產生了小小的誤會,但很快,他們之間就產生了真摯的友誼。

『叄』 《魯濱遜漂流記》英文版的好詞好句摘抄。


1、My filial son,and abandoned parents,not the bounden ty of God to punish me so quickly,really fair and just.


2、Man in the reign of God,when the limit of human understanding and narrow the scope of knowledge,it is the supreme good.


3、At this time,the advice of my parents,my father『s tears and mother』s prayer,have poured into my mind.


4、That night,I enjoy drinking nonsense,to repent for their past actions and reflection, and the future under the determination,all thrown into the winds go.


5、Every time we ship fell into the vortex wave,I think we will not hesitate to overturn sink Harbour no longer floating up.


『肆』 求一篇《魯濱遜漂流記》的英文影評。。。

《魯濱遜漂流記》Robinson Crusoe (1997)的英文影評:

If you watch ''Robinson Crusoe '', expecting it to be an adaptation of the novel written by Daniel Defoe, forget it, because you are really going to hate it. As a book adaptation, this movie sucks, since many facts were changed, and others, included in the movie, never existed. The character Mary and the fact that Crusoe was not in love when he went to the sea, Crusoe spending less then 5 years on the island( when he stayed almost 30 years)Friday being killed on the island ( when he went to Europe with Robinson), Robinson being a lord (when he was never a lord) and so on, are just a few to mention.

But as a movie,without thinking about the book,we can consider it good, with beautiful scenarios and a nice plot.

It all starts, when Robinson Crusoe needs to stay away from Britain, since he killed his friend over the love of Mary, a woman he knows since they are kids. Robinson and Mary are in love, but they cannot marry until Robinson stay away from Britain for a while, to the locals forget about his acts. So Robinson takes a ship and starts traveling to many places, until an ocean storm wrecks his ship, and leaves him alone on a desert island. Needing to know how to survive on that place and also trying to go home, Crusoe stays alone for years, until the day he saves a native man from being sacrificed, whom he calls '' Friday''. They start a friendship, and they both learn many things,specially Crusoe, who learns how to respect other cultures and religions besides his own.

''Cast Away'', the movie where Tom Hanks is alone on an island, have many things in common with this movie,including the fact that both men let their women behind and needs to find ways to survive alone on a desert island. Probably if you enjoy ''Robinson', you are going to like ''Cast'' as well(And Vice versa).

『伍』 求《魯濱遜漂流記(2016)》百度雲免費在線觀看,文森特·凱斯特魯特導演的


提取碼: pk7m
製片國家/地區:比利時 / 法國
語言:英語 / 法語 / 德語
又名:Wild Life / Robinson
該故事開始於一座孤島之上,在這里,居住著一群動物們,其中,十分勇敢對於新鮮事物有著無盡好奇心的鸚鵡麥克(大衛·霍華德·桑頓 David Howard Thornton 配音)對小島外面的世界十分的嚮往,可是其他的動物們卻並不這么想,小島是他們的安樂窩,小島以外對於他們來說就是致命的危險地帶。

『陸』 有《魯濱遜漂流記》電影嗎




『柒』 英文電影《魯濱遜漂流記》經典台詞20句


1、 我救你為的是如果有一天,我也可能命運不濟,落到和你一樣的境地,那時我也希望得到人搭救。
2、 當人們把比他們不幸的人與自己相比時,老天可能會使他們成為那些不幸的人中的一個,讓他們自己去體會以前的幸福;如果老天這么做了,那這做法是正當的,也值得所有人的考慮。
3、 一個人糟蹋了好運,常會遭到報應,招來大難。
4、 在考慮到所有壞事的時候,應當想到壞事中還有好事。當然還應當想到,壞事中還可能會有更壞的情況出現。
5、 世界上縱使一種處境使多麼艱難困苦,多麼令人難受,總還是有一些正面的情況值得慶幸的。
6、 我們對於所需要的東西感到不滿足,都是由於我們對於已經得到的東西缺乏感激之心。
7、 現在我才明白,只要上帝有意捉弄,他是多麼容易把人類最不幸的環境變得更加不幸。
8、 我們平常人,不親眼見到惡劣的環境,就無法理解原來環境的優越;不到山窮水盡的地步,就不懂得珍惜自己原來享受的東西。
9、 同現實出現於我們面前的危險相比,對危險的恐懼更讓人驚恐萬分;我們也看出,我們經常擔憂遭到不幸,而這種擔驚給我們所帶的壓力遠大於那不幸本身。
10、 無論一個人處境怎麼樣,若一直把自己同情況好的人相比,那麼他就更加不滿,滿口怨言,若同出境不如自己的人相比,那麼心裡就會感恩戴德。
11、 一個人的安全很可能就是另一個人的毀滅。
12、 平常人往往有一個通病,就是對上帝和自然界為他們安排好的生活環境,常常不滿意。
13、 我看到一種必要性,那就是對我們各種強烈的感情要保持警惕,無論歡樂和快慰,還是憂傷和憤怒,都必須如此。
14、 人們的小心謹慎是受天意支配的。只要我們注意傾聽上天的教誨,我們就可以防止許多災禍。可是,就是由於我們自己的粗心大意,我們在生活中要遭遇多少的災難。
15、 有時候,想要教育別人正是教育自己的最佳方法。
16、 只有自己付出慘痛的代價,人類才可能自省而變得聰明。
17、 聰明的人可不要自信過了頭,非得認為自己的判斷力天下無敵,認為自己能替自個兒選定不平常的生活之路。人,是一種短視的動物,看不到離眼前稍遠的地方的事情,所以他不同於一般的感情,通常弄巧成拙。
18、 生命中的真正偉大,就是做自己的主人。
19、 當一個人的願望能被自己理性所控制時,那麼,他肯定會比一個攻佔一座城市的人更偉大。
20、 我經歷了七十二年變化莫測的生活,已充分領會隱退生活的價值,也完全明白在安寧度過餘生是一種幸福,所以我在這兒決定,要作一個比所有這些旅程更長的旅行准備了。


『捌』 魯濱遜漂流記英文版簡介

Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe. The book was first published on April 25, 1719.

Robinson Crusoe, the protagonist, was born in a middle-class family and spent his life traveling around the world.

On a voyage to Africa, I was caught in a storm and drifted to a deserted island, where I began to live in isolation.

With tenacious will and unremitting efforts, he survived tenaciously on the desert island and returned to his hometown after 28 years, 2 months and 19 days.

This novel was written by Defoe inspired by a real story at that time. In September 1704, a Scottish sailor named Alexander Selkirk quarreled with the captain.

Abandoned by the captain in the Atlantic Ocean and living on a desert island for four years and four months, he was rescued by Captain Woods Rogers.

Defoe is based on the legend of Selkirk.I pour my many years'experience and experience on the sea into the characters.

and make full use of my rich imagination to carry out literary processing.Robinson became not only the hero of the middle and small bourgeoisie at that time.

but also the first idealized new bourgeoisie in Western literature.After many years of publication.

the novel has been translated into many languages and widely spread all over the world. It has been adapted into movies and TV dramas for many times.


《魯濱遜漂流記》是英國作家丹尼爾·笛福的一部長篇小說。該書首次出版於1719年4月25日。該作主要講述了主人公魯濱遜·克魯索(Robinson Crusoe)出生於一個中產階級家庭。









Defoe lived in an era when British capitalism began to develop on a large scale. In 1702, he was arrested for publishing Shortcuts to Eliminate Different Sects.

which satirized the government's religious policy.He was sentenced to shackles three times. After his release from prison.

he edited newspapers and magazines, wrote many political and economic pamphlets, and was arrested three times for speech relations.

In 1719, Defoe published his first novel Robinson Crusoe. The novel is based on the real experience of Alexander Selkirk on a desert island.

According to the British magazine at that time, in April 1704, Selkirk rebelled at sea and was abandoned by the captain on an island called Massachel in Juan-Fernandez.

Islands, more than 900 kilometers off the coast of Chile.Four years and four months later, he was found and rescued by the navigators. At that time.

Selkirk had forgotten human language and completely turned into a savage. Inspired by this incident, Defoe conceived Robinson's story.

But in the process of the novel's creation, Defoe created Robinson's image from his own perception and feeling of the times.

with the spirit of adventure and enterprising in the rising period of the bourgeoisie and the spirit of colonialism in the 18th century.








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