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發布時間: 2023-07-28 12:39:07

1. 求電影特洛伊片尾奧德修斯那段富有哲理的話(要中英文的)

if ther ever tell my story,let them say i walked with giants.

men rise and fall like the winter wheat,but these names will never die.

let them say i lived in the time of hector,breaker of horese.

let them say i lived in the time of achilles……


2. 世界著名的歷史軍事電影






珍珠港 中途島 虎虎虎 拯救大兵瑞恩 父輩的旗幟 硫磺島家書 刺殺希特勒
風語者 細細的紅線 最後的空降兵 坦克大決戰 巴頓將軍 兵臨城下空戰英豪
紅男爵 辛德勒的名單 大偷襲 帝國的毀滅 桂河大橋 獵殺紅十月 恐懼的總和
赤色風暴 我們曾是戰士 深入敵後1 2 3 全金屬外殼 K-19寡婦製造者
集結號 太行山上
莫斯科保衛戰 斯大林格勒保衛戰 解放 無畏上將高爾察克 這里的黎明靜悄悄
太極旗飄揚 2009迷失的記憶 韓半島
男人們的大和 吾為君亡 亡國神盾艦
橋 瓦爾特保衛薩拉熱窩 蘇捷斯卡戰役
阿育王 阿克巴大帝


《我們曾是戰士》(We Were Soldiers)[DVDRip]
《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)[DVDRip]
《新木馬屠城記》(Helen Of Troy)[DVDRip]
《深入防鎖線》(Behind the Lines)[DVDRip]
《哈特戰爭》(Hart's War)[DVDRip]
《雷霆戰將》(When Trumpets Fade)[DVDRip]
《萬世英雄》(El Cid)[DVDRip]
《鋼琴師》(The Pianist)[DVDRip]
《地道戰》(Di Dao Zhan)[DVDRip]
《現代啟示錄》重映版(Apocalypse Now Rex)[DVDRip]
《K-19寡婦製造者》(K-19: The Widowmaker)[DVDRip]
《希特勒:惡魔復活》(Hitler: The Rise of Evil)[DVDRip]
《全金屬外殼》(Full Metal Jacket)[DVDRip]
《黑鷹計劃》(Black Hawk Down)[DVDRip]
《加里波底》(Gallipoli) (1981) [DVDRip]
《最後的莫希幹人》(The Last of the Mohicans)[DVDRip]
《桂河大橋》(The Bridge on the River Kwai)[DVDRip]
《西線無戰事》(All Quiet on the Western Front)[DVDRip]
《早安越南》(Good Morning Vietnam)[DVDRip]
《生於七月四日》(Born on the Fourth of July)[DVDRip]
《春天的17個瞬間》(Seventeen Moments of Spring)[DVDRip]
《再戰豪情》(The Four Feathers)[DVDRip]
《蠻牛戰士》(Buffalo Soldiers )[DVDRip]
《碧血長天》(The Longest Day)[DVDRip]
《戰爭中的世界》(The world at war)[DVDRip]
《冤無頭債無主》(Prisoner of The Mountains)[DVDRip]
《荊軻刺秦王》(The Emperor And The Assassin)[DVDRip]
《美國大兵喬的故事》(Story of G.I. Joe)[DVDRip]
《對壘風暴》(The Last Castle)[DVDRip]
《以祖國之名》(Land and Freedom)[DVDRip]
《自己去看》(Come And See)[DVDRip]
《愛國者(DTS版)》(The Patriot)[DVDRip]
《紅色警戒線》(Thin Red Line)[DVDRip]
《拿破崙先生》(Monsieur N)[DVDRip]
《深藍世界》(Dark Blue World)[DVDRip]
《聖女貞德》(The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc)[DVDRip]
《朝鮮戰場--背後的故事 》(Korean War Stories)[DVDRip]
《亂世忠魂》(From Here To Eternity)[DVDRip]
《虎!虎!虎!》(Tora! Tora! Tora!)[DVDRip]
《交戰規則》(Rules of Engagement)[DVDRip]
《戰爭與和平》(War And Peace)[DVDRip]
《太陽帝國》(Empire Of The Sun )[DVDRip]
《哭泣的游戲》(The Crying Game)[DVDRip]
《沙漠之狐—隆美爾傳》(The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel)[DVDRip]
《大逃亡》(The Great Escape)[DVDRip]
《無主之地》(No Man's Land)[DVDRip]
《越戰回憶錄》(The Fog of War 2003)[DVDRip]
《勝利何價》(Death And Glory)[DVDRip]
《歐羅巴、歐羅巴》(Europa Europa)[DVDRip]
《紅櫻桃》(Hong ying tao)[DVDRip]
《紅豬》(Crimson Pig)[DVDRip]
《最後一顆子彈》(The Last Bullet)[DVDRip]
《入侵阿富汗》(Beast of War)[DVDRip]
《核戰風雲》(The Fourth Protocol)[DVDRip]
《漢堡高地》(Hamburger Hill)[DVDRip]
《野鵝敢死隊》(The Wild Geese)[DVDRip]
《亞瑟王》(King Arthur)[TS]
《戰地情人》(Captain Corelli`s Mandolin )[DVDRip]
《家園保衛戰》(Winter War)[DVDRip]
《聖戰士》(Saints and Soldiers)[DVDRip]
《諾曼底登陸日》(D-Day 6.6.1944)[DVDRip]
《黑鷹計劃的真實故事》(The True Story Of Blackhawk Down )[DVDRip]
《皇牌飛行》(Aces High )[DVDRip]
《攻陷柏林第1部》(The Fall of Berlin Part One)雙語[DVDRip]
《攻陷柏林第2部》(The Fall of Berlin Part Two)雙語[DVDRip]
《邊城英烈傳》(The Alamo)[DVDRip]
《全金屬外殼》(Full Metal Jacket)AC3[DVDRip]
《太極旗飄揚》(Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo)REPACK版[DVDRip]
《大進軍:大戰寧滬杭》(Fight for Nanjing, Shanghai and Hangzhou)ViTAMiNC出品
《蜘蛛巢城》(The Throne Of Blood)[DVDRip]
《納粹16死士》(The Eagle Has Landed)[DVDRip]
《開國大典》(Founding Ceremony)ViTAMiNC出品

《公主與俠客》(The Princess and the Warrior)[DVDRip]
《英烈的歲月》(Memphis Belle)[DVDRip]
《天與地》(Heaven and Earth)[DVDRip]
《黑鷹計劃》(Black Hawk Down)[HDTVRip]
《這里的黎明靜悄悄》(A zori zdes tikhiye)[DVDRip]
《諾曼底大風暴》(Ike: Countdown To D-Day)電視電影[DVDRip]
《新西線無戰事》(All Quiet on the Western Front)[DVDRip]
《紐倫堡大審判》(Judgment at Nuremberg)特別版[DVDRip]
《四片白羽》(The Four Feathers)[DVDRip]
《亞瑟王》(King Arthur)全屏版[DVDRip]
《三重間諜》(Triple agent)[DVDRip]
《亞瑟王》(King Arthur)(寬屏版)(導演剪輯版)[DVDRip]
《伊萬的童年》(Ivan's Childhood)[DVDRip]
《怒海爭鋒:極地遠征》(Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World)3CD*DTS*[DVDRip]
《戰火遺孤》(Edges Of The Lord)*WS*[DVDRip]
《光榮之路》(Paths of Glory)[DVDRip]
《從海底出擊》(Das Boot)[DVDRip]
《戰地軍魂》(Stalag 17)[DVDRip]
《波坦金戰艦》(Bronenosets Potyomkin)[DVDRip]
《落入敵手》(In Enemy Hands)[DVDRip]
《將軍之夜》(The Night Of The Generals)[DVDRip]
《鐵魔戰將》(Steel Tempest)全屏版[DVDRip]
《天與地》(Heaven & Earth)ViTAMiNC出品[DVDRip]
《越戰先鋒2》(Missing In Action 2 The Beginning)[DVDRip]
《盧安達飯店》(Hotel Rwanda)[DVDScr]
《大決戰II - 淮海戰役》(The Great Decisive War II - The Huaihai Military C)ViTAMiNC出品[DVDRip]
《突擊魔鬼嶺》(Hell Is for Heroes)[DVDRip]
《無仁義的戰爭之廣島死斗篇》(Jingi naki tatakai: Hiroshima shito hen)[DVDRip]
《沙漠之狐隆美爾》(Raid on Rommel)[DVDRip]
《大飯店》(grand hotel)[DVDRip]
《從海底出擊》(Das Boot)未剪輯版[DVDRip]
《瓦爾特保衛薩拉熱窩》(Valter brani Sarajevo)[DVDRip]
《地獄天使》(Hell's Angels)[DVDRip]
《太陽之淚》(Tears Of The Sun)[HDTVRip]
《大決戰 - 遼沈戰役》(The Great Decisive War - The Liaoshen Military Cam)[DVDRip]
《大決戰III - 平津戰役》(The Great Decisive War III - Pinjing Military Compaign)[DVDRip]
《非武裝地帶》(DMZ the Demilitarized Zone)[DVDRip]
《非武裝地帶》(DMZ the Demilitarized Zone)2CD[DVDRip]
《火燒圓明園》(Burning Of The Imperial Palace)[DVDRip]
《黑鷹墜落》(Rangers)全屏(Full Screen)版(ViTAMiNC出品)[DVDRip]
《亞瑟王》(King Arthur)3CD*AC3*導演剪輯版*[DVDRip]
《怒海爭鋒》(Master and Commander)[HDTVRip]
《納瓦隆大炮》(The Guns of Navarone)[DVDRip]
《九月影帶》(September Tapes)[DVDRip]
《浪人街I》(Ronin Gai PART.1)[DVDRip]
《戰火屠城》(The Killing Fields)[DVDRip]
《怒海潛將》(Men Of Honor)[DVDRip]
《羅馬帝國》(Imperium: Augustus)[DVDRip]
《戰火赤子心》(A Midnight Clear)全屏版[DVDRip]
《坦克大決戰》(Battle of the Bulge)[DVDRip]
《獨自和解》(a separate peace)[DVDRip]
《烈血焚城》('Breaker' Morant)[DVDRip]
《鬼子來了》(Devils on the Doorstep)[DVDRip]
《帝國陷落》(Der Untergang)[DVDRip]
《阿富汗戰火》(Fire Over Afghanistan)[DVDRip]
《海軍悍婦》(Hellcats of The Navy)[DVDRip]
《盧安達飯店》(Hotel Rwanda)[DVDRip]
《破釜沉舟》(No Retreat)[DVDRip]
《戰斗列車》(The Train)2CD[DVDRip]
《我們曾是戰士》(We Were Soldiers)showlee自壓制[DVDRip]
《槍殺希特勒》(Rogue Male)[DVDRip]
《教會》(The Mission)[DVDRip]
《八甲田山》(Mount Hakkoda)[DVDRip]
《生於7月4日》(Born on the Fourth of July)3CD/DTS[DVDRip]
《失落的戰場》(The Lost Battalion)[DVDRip]
《樓上的舞者》(The Dancer Upstairs)[DVDRip]
《最長的一天》(The Longest Day)國英雙語[DVDRip]
《四月的某時》(Sometimes In April)[DVDRip]
《鐵十字勛章》(Cross Of Iron)[DVDRip]
《第九日》(The Ninth Day)[DVDRip]
《心靈DJ》(Jakob The Liar)2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
《鐵血風暴》(The Gathering Storm)[DVDRip]
《紅一縱隊》(The Big Red One)[DVDRip]
《坦克大決戰》(Battle of the Bulge)加長版[DVDRip]
《晴空血戰史》(Twelve O`Clock High)[DVDRip]
《不列顛之戰》(Battle of Britain)[DVDRip]
《東方禿鷹》(Eastern Condors)[DVDRip]
《甲午風雲》(THE NAVAL BATTLE OF 1894)[DVDRip]
《丁副官》(The Americanization of Emily)[DVDRip]
《百戰榮歸》(To Hell And Back)[DVDRip]
《冒充者,諜海浮屍》(The Man Who Never Was)[DVDRip]
《愛國者》(The Patriot)超比特4cd國英雙語版[DVDRip]
《龍虎奇兵》(Two Men Went to War)[DVDRip]
《烽火驚爆線》(Welcome to Sarajevo)[DVDRip]
《北之零年》(Year One In The North)2CD/VBR[DVDRip]
《老槍》(Le Vieux fusil)國法雙語[DVDRip]
《一代人》(A Generation)全屏版[DVDRip]
《野狼呼叫21》(BAT 21)[DVDRip]
《百戰雄獅》(The Young Lions)雙音軌[DVDRip]
《戰火雲霄》(Heartbreak Ridge)2CD AC3[DVDRip]
《Z字特攻隊》(Attack Force Z)[DVDRip]
《火海浴血戰》(Halls of Montezuma)[DVDRip]
《純真11歲》(Innocent Voices)[DVDRip]
《太行山上》(Tai Hang Shan Shang)[DVDRip]
《士兵之歌》(Ballad of a Soldier)[DVDRip]
《直入虎穴》(Straight Into Darkness)[DVDRip]
《沙漠兄弟連》(El Alamein)[DVDRip]
《雪地英雄》(The Heroes of Telemark)[DVDRip]
《兩代雄兵》(Faith of My Fathers)[DVDRip]
《殺手悲歌》(Shot Through the Heart)[DVDRip]
《全金屬外殼》(Full Metal Jacket)[HDTVRip]
《天若有情III:烽火佳人》(A Moment of Romance III)國粵雙語[DVDRip]
《獵鹿人》(The Deer Hunter)[DVDRip]
《天國王朝》(Kingdom Of Heaven)2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
《三百斯巴達勇士》(The 300 Spartans)[DVDRip]
《冷血奇兵》(Flesh & Blood)2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
《快槍手》(The Marksman)[DVDRip]
《赤足小子》(Hadashi no Gen)[DVDRip]
《赤色風暴》(Crimson Tide)[HDTVRip]
《抗暴英雄》(Mangal Pandey The Rising)[DVDRip]
《末日大戰》(Left Behind: World at War)[DVDRip]
《珍珠港》(Pearl Harbor)[HDTVRip]
《火海情濤》(In Harm's Way)[DVDRip]
《裸露在狼群》(Naked Among Wolves)[DVDRip]
《世界大戰》(War of the Worlds)[DVDRip]
《無主之地》(No Man's Land)[HDTVRip]
《二二六事件》(Four Days Of Snow And Blood)[DVDRip]
《第九連》(The 9th Company)[DVDRip]
《前進巴格達》(American Soldiers)[DVDRip]
《桂河大橋》(The Bridge On The River Kwai)[DVDRip]
《佩拉斯卡》(Perlasca Un eroe italiano)[DVDRip]
《十二金剛》(The Dirty Dozen(1967))[DVDRip]
《韓吉洙》(Haan Han Gil Su)[DVDRip]
《越戰創傷》(Casualties of War)[HDTVRip]
《納粹16死士》(The Eagle Has Landed)加長版[DVDRip]
《兵臨城下》(Enemy At The Gates)[HDTVRip]
《靜靜的頓河》(And Quiet Flows the Don)一、二、三部(添加中文字幕)[DVDRip]
《亂世啟示錄》(Der Unhold)[DVDRip]
《鼓笛震軍魂》(Tunes of Glory)[DVDRip]
《洪水》(The Great Water)2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
《逃離索比堡》(Escape from Sobibor)[DVDRip]
《肉弾》(The Human Bullet)2CD有中文字幕[DVDRip]
《盧安達飯店》(Hotel Rwanda)3CD[HDTVRip]
《追擊神鷹一號》(The Hunt for Eagle One)[DVDRip]
《聖女貞德》(The Messenger The Story of Joan of Arc)[HDTVRip]
《奠邊府》(Dien Bien Phu)[DVDRip]
《追擊神鷹一號》(The Hunt for Eagle One)2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
《亞歷山大·內夫斯基》(Aleksandr Nevskiy )2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
《棲霞寺1937》(Qixia Tempie 1937)[DVDRip]
《最後的空降兵》(The Last Drop )[DVDRip]
《塞爾維亞的維和軍》(Radio West)[DVDRip]
《戰爭之勢》(Tides of War)*WS*[DVDRip]
《烈日長紅》(Dark Blue World)[DVDRip]
《狼牙山五壯士》(Five Heroes On Langya Mountain)[DVDRip]
《柳堡的故事》(The Story Of Liubao)[DVDRip]
《卑斯麥艦殲滅戰》(Sink the Bismarck!)[DVDRip]
《海底喋血戰》(The Enemy Below)[DVDRip]
《魚雷出擊》(Torpedo Bombers)[DVDRip]
《亞歷山大大帝》(Alexander)720re silu版本[HDTV]
《兵臨城下》(Enemy at the Gates)720RE[HDTV]
《海陸空大逃亡》(The McKenzie Break)[DVDRip]
《地道戰》(Tunnel Warfare)數碼修復/2CD/AC3/國語配音/中英字幕[DVDRip]
《判罰線》(The Second Front)[DVDRip]
《地雷戰》(Di Lei Zhan)[DVDRip]
《雪地英雄》(The Heroes of Telemark)國英雙語[DVDRip]
《這里的黎明靜悄悄》(The Dawns Here Are Quiet)中俄雙語4CD版[DVDRip]
《恐懼拉斯維加斯》(Fear And Loathing In LasVegas)[HDTVRip]
《勇敢的心》(brave heart)思路1080i[HDTV]
《軍人的轉變》(Soldier of Change)[DVDRip]
《七俠盪寇志》(The Magnificent Seven)[HDTVRip]
《孟菲斯美女號》(Memphis Belle)思路.xvid.1280x720RE.dd51[HDTV-RE]
《聖誕快樂》(Merry Christmas)[DVDRip]
《當風吹起的時候》(When the Wind Blows)[DVDRip]
《我如何贏得戰爭》(How I Won the War)[DVDRip]
《鍋蓋頭》(Jarhead)2CD/AC3 WAF[DVDRip]
《火與劍》(With Fire and Sword)[DVDRip]
《天堂此時》(Paradise Now)[DVDRip]
《戰爭中的男人》(Men In War)[DVDRip]
《黑鷹墜落》(Black Hawk Down)mkv封裝 思路1080i—DTS—AC3多音軌[HDTV]
《綠色貝蕾帽》(The Green Berets)[DVDRip]
《珍珠港》(Pearl Harbor)思路1280*720Re.DTS雙聲軌.2Disk[HDTV-RE]
《現代啟示錄》(Apocalypse Now Rex)[HDTVRip]
《遙遠的橋》(A Bridge Too Far)4CD/AC3/國英雙語/外掛中英泰等多國字幕[DVDRip]
《女政委》(The Commissar)[DVDRip]
《荒野之戰》(Wicked Spring)[DVDRip]
《愛國者》(The Patriot)加長版[DVDRip]
《玻璃兔》(The Glass Rabbit)[DVDRip]
《霸王鐵金剛》(The Man Who Would Be King)[DVDRip]
《帝國的毀滅》(The Downfall)[HDTVRip]
《列寧在1918 》(Lenin in 1918 )[DVDRip]
《真相的夜晚》(The Night of Truth)[DVDRip]
《帝國陷落》(Der Untergang)1280X720[HDTV-RE]
《沙普的挑戰》(Sharpe's Challenge)[DVDRip]
《九怒漢》(Southern Comfort)[DVDRip]
《聖誕快樂》(Merry Christmas)2CD/AC3 WAF[DVDRip]
《終止戰火》(To End All Wars)WS/2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
《剃刀邊緣》(The Razor's Edge)[DVDRip]
《金耳環》(Golden Earrings)[DVDRip]
《黑鷹計劃》(Black Hawk Down)擴展剪輯版[DVDRip]
《林海雪原》(Tracks in The Snowy Forest)[DVDRip]
《大偷襲》(The Great Raid)[HDTVRip]
《炮火磷磷》(Iluminados Por El Fuego)[DVDRip]
《最後的空降兵》(The Last Drop )2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
《戰爭之王》(Lord of War)思路.720HDRE.DTS [HDTV-RE]
《戰爭的恐怖》(Horrors of War)[DVDRip]
《我們曾是戰士》(We Were Soldiers)思路-WMV-HD720p+全碼DTS[HDTV]
《追擊神鷹一號:絕命追蹤》(The Hunt for Eagle One: Crash Point)[DVDRip]
《直入虎穴》(Straight Into Darkness)2CD/AC3[DVDRip]
《風吹稻浪》(The Wind That Shakes The Barley)[DVDScr]
《太陽帝國》(Empire of The Sun)思路-1080i-DD51-含sample[HDTV]
《革命往事》(Once Upon a Time...the Revolution)思路-1080i-DD51[HDTV]
《革命往事》(Duck You Sucker)3CD[HDTVRip]
《太陽帝國》(Empire Of The Sun)[HDTVRip]
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《平原游擊隊》(Ping Yuan You Ji Dui)2CD\AC3[DVDRip]
《獵鹿人》(The Deer Hunter)[HDTVRip]
《獵鹿人》(The Deer Hunter)思路.x264.dd51[HDTV-RE]
《珍珠港》(Pearl Harbor)中英雙語版[DVDRip]
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《大進軍 解放大西北》(The Liberation of Northwest China)[DVDRip]
《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)4CD[HDTVRip]
《大進軍 席捲大西南》(Sweeping the Southwest)2CD[DVDRip]
《拯救大兵雷恩》(Saving Private Ryan.HDTV. OAR.1080I.DTS)思路出品[HDTV]
《風吹稻浪》(The Wind That Shakes The Barley)[DVDRip]
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《亨利五世》(Henry V)[DVDRip]
《戰火赤子心》(A Midnight Clear)寬屏版[DVDRip]
《老兵》(The Veteran)[DVDRip]
《約克軍曹》(sergeant York)[DVDRip]
《飛刀》(Flying Sword)[DVDScr]
《刺殺希特勒》(Zamach W Wilczym Szancu)[DVDRip]
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《大逃亡》(The Great Escape)思路.OAR.1080i.DTS國英三聲軌[HDTV]
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《墨攻》(Battle of Wits)[DVDScr]
《菲律賓浴血戰》(they were expendable)[DVDRip]
《大逃亡》(The Great Escape)思路.x264.dd51.含sample[HDTV-RE]
《父輩的旗幟》(Flags Of Our Fathers)[DVDScr]
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《天國王朝》(Kingdom of Heaven)思路.1080P.高碼h264.OAR.DTS雙聲軌[HDTV]
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《風吹稻浪》(The Wind That Shakes the Barley)HQ[DVDRip]
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《喋血黑谷》(Secret Decree)[DVDRip]
《墨攻》(A Battle Of Wits)[DVDRip]
《鐵血昆侖關》(Tie Xue Kunlun Guan)[DVDRip]

3. 電影《特洛伊》開始的那段旁白

Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity.
And so we ask ourselves...
...will our actions echo across the centuries?
Will strangers hear our names long after we're gone...
...and wonder who we were...
...how bravely we fought...
...how fiercely we loved?


4. 急~關於《特洛伊》的影評(簡述下內容),中英文都要,謝謝,好的加分

其實這部電影就是和神無關的。我們不應該指責爾夫岡·彼德森,他只是努力地希望用自己人性的方式詮釋這么一個膾炙人口婦孺皆知的神話故事。十年的漫長戰爭濃縮成十五天的廝殺,神的子女最後也被凡人所害;而海倫,也就是用普通的美女代替絕色天香的傳說了。 沉醉在電影中,我忘記了所有熟悉的背景。忘記了海中漫舞的女神忒提斯的憂傷;忘記了雲霧中放出神箭的阿波羅的卑劣。電影中,我只看到了兩個人:阿咯琉斯和赫克托爾。彼德森也許只願意我們看到這兩個身處戰爭旋渦中無法逃避自身悲劇命運的英雄。 悲劇首先在於無法選擇的命運和自身內心掙扎的沖突。阿咯琉斯註定是個戰士,他生存的唯一目的就是為了戰爭中的榮譽。正如他自己說的:我不是為某一個人而站,我是為了全希臘,我是為了希臘的戰士和他們的妻兒而戰。他的母親再次確認了他的終極宿命,你是為這場戰爭而生的,你也將為這場戰爭而亡。 只是他沒有想到他還會有愛情的發生,他的溫情脈脈和被奪取的慘痛欲絕讓他在戰場之外同樣顯得高貴。他甚至已經選擇了逃避這場戰爭,盡管痛惜戰友的犧牲,盡管痛心生命的踐踏,可是他依舊按捺住自己沸騰的戰火。他最後倒下了,為了拯救一個女人。他鑽進木馬的唯一目的竟然就是找到並且保護這個女人。他奔跑在這個被廝殺搶掠的城市,目光急切,呼喊悲戚。這個時候我感懷於一個神的人性回歸。 赫克托爾同樣充滿著高貴和悲凄的命運,這該是西方藝術的一種主脈絡了。西班牙劇作家維伽在《當代編劇的新藝術》一文中提到:「悲劇是王室和高貴的行動。」赫克托爾該是電影中的一個悲劇性人物代表了。從允諾承擔弟弟的行為後果開始,他就已經知道城邦和自己的命運。盡管他鄙視弟弟的怯懦,可是作為兄長他承擔了罪責;而在誤殺阿咯琉斯的堂弟後,他坦然地接受挑戰,走向死亡。他讓他的士兵明白一個男人的尊嚴:維護自己的榮譽,愛護自己的妻兒,保衛自己的國家。做個簡單的男人,是那個時候多麼難以實現的夢想! 一個崇尚武力的世界竟然存在著這么兩位彼此惺惺相惜,厭惡戰爭憎惡死亡,卻又是被萬人景仰的勇士。他們嚮往著安寧和平快樂的生活,不僅是滿足個人,更是希望這個世界有著美好共榮的時候。可是他們總是被驅策著撲向戰場,刀起劍落,熱血噴濺,而廝殺的勝利和戰爭的榮譽中似乎看不見他們的笑臉。他們用生命譜寫了一場神話戰爭中的人性悲歌。 In fact, the film is nothing to do with God. We should not blame Wolfgang Petersen, who is just hard to want to use their own interpretation of human nature such a popular way of including women and children's fairy tale. Condensed into a decade long war in 15 days of the athletic field, God's children, the last of the victims have been ordinary mortals; and Helen, that is, instead of stunning beauty with the general legend of a heavenly fragrance. Basking in the movie, I forgot all of the familiar background. Forgotten waving sea goddess Thetis sorrow; forget the clouds release the Apollo sky despicable. The movie, I only saw two people: A strategic Grand Adams and Hector. Peterson may be only willing we can see that these two are in the vortex of war can not escape the tragic fate of their hero. First, the tragedy is that no choice in destiny and their own inner struggle conflict. A strategy destined to be a fighter Grand Sri Lanka, his sole purpose of existence is to honor the war. As he himself said: I am not for a specific indivial and station, I was the whole of Greece, I was in Greece in order to soldiers and their wives and children fight for it. His mother once again confirmed his ultimate fate, you are born for this war, you will also died from the war. Only that he did not think he will have taken place of love, his sentimental and tragic stricken captured on the battlefield outside of him the same look noble. He even has chosen to escape the war, although deplored the sacrifice of his comrades in arms, despite the sad life of trampling, but he still restrain the fighting to live their own boiling. Finally, he fell, in order to save a woman. He even got into Trojan for the sole purpose is to find and protect this woman. He has been killing one run in the looting of the city, anxious eyes, shouting grief. Thanks for the Memories at this time I return to a God of human nature. Hector also is full of noble and mournful fate, and this is a kind of Western art in the main thread. Spanish playwright Wei Jia in the "Contemporary writers of the new art," one article said: "Tragedy is the royal and noble action." Hector in the film a tragic figure representatives. Promised to take his brother's behavior from the consequences of the beginning, he would have known city-states and their own destiny. Despite his contempt for his brother's cowardice, but as a brother, he assumed the guilt; in manslaughter A strategic Grand Adams's cousin, he calmly accepted the challenge to death. He let his soldiers to understand a man's dignity: to protect their honor, love their wives and children, to defend their own country. Be a simple man, at that time how difficult it is to dream! 1 Chongshang Wu forces in the world even the existence of such a two, shows appreciation of each other, hate hate war, death, but was admired warriors million people. They aspire to the tranquil peace and happy life, not only to meet the indivial, but also hope that the world has a wonderful time of prosperity. But they are always driven forward toward the battlefield, sword from the sword down, blood splashes, while the close fight for the honor of victory and the war seemed to see their faces. They used life, he composed a myth in the human tragedies of war.

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