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A. 10部英文電影 要主要內容

1 變形金剛2 地球上的戰爭雖然結束,但變形金剛之間的戰爭並未告終。紅蜘蛛飛回塞博坦星球,打算帶著軍隊再回到地球一決死戰。汽車人發現威震天的屍體不見了,原來已被薩克巨人偷走,威震天隨後被復活,決心要開始復仇。與此同時,紅蜘蛛也正率領塞博坦的援軍趕來,汽車人在這時增強了自己的戰鬥力,一場大戰在所難免,山姆因為掌握了有關變形金剛的起源以及在古老時期到訪地球的線索而遭到霸天虎的追擊。霸天虎為了獲取這些信息,妄圖生擒山姆。汽車人、美軍和其它多國部隊聯合起來抵抗霸天虎的襲擊。
2 先知 在1958年,為慶祝一所新成立小學的奠基儀式,一群學生將自己的繪畫作品封藏在時間膠囊里並深埋入基石之下。但其中的一名神秘的女學生,似乎聽到了耳邊的各種私語聲,她將整張繪紙填寫上了數排無規則的數字。50年後的現在:一批新時代的學生從地下挖出並開啟時間膠囊,來查看裡面的內容。那位女學生留下的神秘數字信息被其中一位小男孩Caleb Myles拿到。而碰巧的是,Caleb的父親教授Ted Myles揭秘了一個驚人的發現,這些編碼信息毫釐不差地預言了過去50年裡每個重大災難所發生的日期、死亡人數和其它匹配數字。當Ted更進一步地揭開了這個莫名檔案的神秘面紗之時,他發現這之中還預示了未來的三件重大要事,最後一件暗示了一場全球規模的大毀滅……
3 天使與魔鬼 故事主要講述了羅伯特教授運用他在破譯密碼方面的知識,粉碎了一起企圖在教皇會議期間炸毀梵蒂岡城的陰謀。
4 博物館奇妙夜2 紐約自然歷史博物館的夜班保安拉里在趕跑了妄圖監守自盜的三個瘋狂老同事,拯救了一到晚上就撒歡吵鬧的博物館藏品之後,總算過上了兩天不用操心的舒服日子,不光兒子把他視為英雄,愛情翩翩降臨,工作也升級為解說員。可是好景不長,博物館關門整修,藏品給挪到了華盛頓的史密森博物館繼續展出。拉里知道,雖然有老成持重的西奧多·羅斯福總統壓陣,但他的一干能量過剩的藏品老友,在新家裡也不會改掉愛胡鬧的本性,於是他也跟著來到了華盛頓,不讓他們胡作非為。但他沒有想到的是,邪惡的法老王用咒語喚醒了史密森博物館里的藏品,新來的和坐地戶之間為地盤,為榮譽,也可能什麼也不為,就想打人,爆發了一場大戰。拉里雖然得到了第一個駕機飛越大西洋的女豪傑艾米莉婭·埃爾哈特的幫助,甚至就連林肯雕像都放下身段,力促雙方和解,可無奈史密森博物館里都是狠角色,不光是巨大的恐龍化石,猛獁象,甚至上世紀二三十年代的黑幫大亨阿爾·卡邦,星球大戰中的黑武士也來橫插一腳。而拉里越幫越忙,陷入了自身難保的悲慘境地。
5 天使之城 塞斯是一各充滿好奇的天使,他被上帝派駐在洛杉磯,專門護送垂死的病人上天堂。而在當地醫院中從事心臟科手術的醫生瑪姬卻成日在手術台上幫助病人與死神交戰。因為職業的沖突,天使注意到了這個美麗、自信的女醫生。有一天她在進行手術時,一名病人突然暴斃於她手中,當塞斯前來護送病人上路時,卻發現了瑪姬的脆弱和自。瑪姬無法釋懷如此打擊,頓時對一切失去信心,天使情不自禁的想要伸出援手,幫助這個令他心動的女人。於是,塞斯冒著極大的危險,毅然在瑪姬面前現身。他從一名天使,變成陌客,一嘗他嚮往已久卻只能袖手旁觀的凡人生活。當他們相遇後,瑪姬也喜歡上溫柔體貼的塞斯,可是她對這名沒有過去的男人感到十分懷疑,但卻又無法抵抗他的魅力,瑪姬因此感到困惑、害怕。而這時候的賽斯卻對自己無法真正融入現實生活,體會凡人的觸摸、感官而無奈沮喪。但他深愛著瑪姬,渴望分享她生活的點滴,於是他對上帝提出要求,那就放棄天使的身份,成為一個真實的凡人,會飢餓、會疼痛、會流淚。為了愛情,他寧願用在天堂里億萬年的永生,換取人間短暫卻甜蜜的生活。

B. 求英文電影的中文劇情介紹!急


C. 3部英文電影的主要內容!急,謝謝了

肖申克的救贖 一條漫長的自由之路、一次靈魂深處的洗滌、一部不朽的勵志經典,"希望"遵循神的旨意安睡在內頁被挖空的《聖經》里,附著在安迪高大的身軀里,匍匐在500碼的下水道里,最後,那條僅有的骯臟之路把安迪送往美麗的新世界。這段充滿絕望與沉重的救贖之旅來自臭名遠揚的鯊堡監獄、來自驚悚小說大師史蒂芬·金的原著、來自哲理導演達拉邦特的傾力之作。《肖申克的救贖》帶來的是恆久不變的真摯友情、百折不撓的靈魂鑄煉和生生不息的命運之火。


男主角1900(人名)的整個人生都已經是一場悲劇了。他是一個被人遺棄在蒸氣船上的孤兒,被船上一位好心的燒爐工收養,然而好人不得好報,燒爐工在一次意外中死亡,只有8歲大的1900又再度成為了孤兒。過人的天賦使他無師自通成了一名鋼琴大師,但宿命也令他天然地對紅塵俗世深懷戒意,他從不敢離船上岸去,只因紐約無際的高樓和川流不息的人群令他迷失自我。縱使後來遇上了一位一見鍾情的少女,他思量再三後,還是放棄了上岸尋找初戀情人的沖動。他永遠地留在船上了,就算到了最後,唯一的好朋友馬克斯警告他廢船將要被炸毀,他也不願離開,於是從出生開始就沒有離開過維吉尼亞號的1900殉船於海底。 1900,這個既沒有出生紀錄,也沒有身份證明的人,沒有留下一點痕跡就在人間蒸發,就如流逝了的音符一樣,渺無蹤影了。

D. 求10部英文電影的簡介 簡介字要少。

Film 1 THE BOUNDARY Fiction (12:00) USA Director: Julius Onah Once we cross, there is no return… A family on its way home is forced to deal with circumstances they would never hope for. 一旦越界,則無法回頭。一個尋常家庭在回家的路上,遭遇了意料不及的經歷…… ===================== Film 2 LOVE CHILD Fiction (6:00) Sweden Director: Daniel Wirtberg A young girl enjoys the perfect life of being the only child, when one day a new family member arrives. 一個年輕的女孩享受著完美的獨生女生活,直到一個家庭新成員的來臨打破了寧靜…… ========================== Film 3 MOZAMBIQUE Documentary (13:30) Mozambique Director: Alcides Soares Sixteen-year-old Alcides Soares is one of a half a million AIDS orphans living in Mozambique today. American television writer Neal Baer and movie director Chris Zalla gave Alcides a movie camera and taught him how to shoot. The result is 「Mozambique」 a moving chronicle directed by Alcides himself, which details his journey to find his family and make a new life in his country. 非洲的莫三比克有接近50萬患艾滋病孤兒,16歲的Alcides Soares就是其中一員。美國電視做著Neal Baer和電影導演Chris Zalla給Alcides一台攝影機,並教會他如何使用。這部影片則由他自己導演,記錄了他尋找自己的家庭,並在他的國家建立新生活的旅程。 =========================== Film 4 SKHIZEIN Animation (14:00) France Director: Jérémy Clapin After being struck by a 150-ton meteorite, Henry has to adapt to living precisely 91 centimeters from himself. Henry被一個150噸的隕石撞了一下,導致他不得不適應91厘米的生活。 =============================== Film 5 PARKING Fiction (11:00) Spain Director: Jorge Molina An executive goes to get his car…when he discovers that someone else has beaten him to it. 一個經理正要去停車場開他的車,卻發現遭到了別人的襲擊。 ================================ Film 6 A』MARE Fiction (15:00) Italy Director: Martina Amati Andrea and Felice are two kids whose lives centre around the sea. One ring a fishing excursion their usual routine is disturbed when something unexpected appears from the water. Will their friendship survive the turbulent events that follow? Andrea和Felice是生活在海邊的兩個小孩子。這天,從水裡出現的奇怪事物打破了他們有序的玩樂生活。他們的友誼是否能夠支持他們度過難關? ================================ Film 7 PLASTIC Fiction (7:30) Australia Director: Sandy Widyanata Whilst Anna is preparing for a first date with Henry, a man she has secretly loved for years, everything goes wrong until she discovers the impossible – to sculpt her appearance like clay to any shape she desires. Anna深愛著Henry,終於迎來了和他約會的一天。可是一切都亂套了,Anna卻驚訝的發現自己能夠像陶藝一樣隨意改變自己的外貌…… ============================== Film 8 MIENTE Fiction (15:00) Spain Director: Isabel De Ocampo Doina wants to make a birthday present to her young sister, but it isn』t easy to get it. Doina不過是想給自己的妹妹製作一個生日禮物,沒想到事情遠不是那麼簡單。 =============================== Film 9 LASHABIYA Fiction (6:00) Israel Director: Yehezkel Lazarov In an elementary school courtyard, a young Palestinian man plays a dangerous game with an armed squad of Israeli soldiers. 在一個小學的操場上,一個年輕的巴勒斯坦人和一個全副武裝的以色列士兵進行了一場危險游戲。 ==================================== Film 10 HAMMERHEAD Fiction (14:00) UK Director: Sam Donovan Boris tries to reunite his separated parents on a shark-spotting trip. The only problem is, his biggest enemy is along for the ride: his mother』s new girlfriend. Boris想要通過一次觀賞鯊魚的旅程來撮合他離異的父母。可問題是,這次旅程的最大困難,是母親帶來了一個她的女朋友。

E. 英文影片的英文簡介


Directed by Anthony mingra, the English patient is adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael ondaj.

The film is co starred by Ralph Fiennes, Christine Scott Thomas and Juliet Binoche. The film was released in the United States on November 6, 1996.

The movie takes the war and desert as the background, decing a love tragedy across time and space.

During World War II, a British plane was shot down by the German army while flying over the Sahara desert.

The pilot on the plane was completely burned on the face. The local people rescued him and sent him to the Allied field hospital.

Because of the injury, the pilot lost his memory and could not remember who he was, so he could only be called "English Patient".


該片由拉爾夫·費因斯、克里斯汀·斯科特·托馬斯、朱麗葉·比諾什等聯袂主演。影片於1996年11月6日在美國上映 。





F. 英文電影簡介50字

第一部《哈利波特與魔法石》Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
11-year old Harry, mistreated by his heartless relatives, realizes that he is, in fact, a wizard. Led by the friendly giant Hagrid, he goes to the famous Howarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to start his 7 year long wizard ecation. But someone is up to something bad in the Dark forest outside the school...

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter's adventures continue...Harry Potter begins his second year at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, but is warned by a mysterious creature that danger awaits him at the school. Malevolent voices whisper from the walls. Soon it's not just Harry who is worried about survival, as dreadful things begin to happen at Hogwarts.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
"He's at Hogwarts. He's at Hogwarts." The infamous Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban Prison and all sources believe he's after Harry Potter's life. What connection could there be between Harry's past and this crazed murderer? Can Harry figure it out before Black gets to him? And why does Mr. Weasley think Harry may want to find Black first? A shocking insight to a night 12 years ago.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire takes us deeper into the characters' minds and the darkness of the Wizarding World. At the Quidditch World Cup, Voldemort's followers gather and wreak havoc. Then, at Hogwarts, a legendary event takes place. The Triwizard Tournament! The Goblet of Fire judges who gets in and who doesn't. On the fateful night, three champions are selected. But then the Goblet spits out one other. Harry's. These two major events point to the return of Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore and the other teachers sense it, but it is inevitable. And Harry is no longer safe at Hogwarts. This fourth installment is the most dramatic, and also the scariest. Let me just say that all does not necessarily end well...

G. 急需4篇電影簡介,什麼電影都可以,要英文!!100詞左右不要太多!!謝謝

Eep is a girl in a family of Neanderthal Cavemen living and hunting in pre-historic times, talking about how her family is one of the few to survive nearby, mainly e to the strict rules of her overprotective father, Grug. Grug never allow to explore. This irritates the bored and adventurous Eep, and when the family falls asleep after dark, she ignores her father's advice and leaves the cave when she sees a light moving outside the cave.
Seeking the light's source, she meets Guy, an intelligent Cro-Magnon caveboy. She becomes fascinated with the fire he manages to create and is eager to learn more. He tells her about his theory that the world is reaching its 'end' and asks her to join him. She refuses and Guy leaves, but not before giving her a noise-making shell to call him if she feels the need for help. Shortly afterwards, Eep is then caught by Grug, he brings Eep back home, planning to keep her in the cave for the rest of her life. An earthquake then occurs, sending everyone running for the cave, only to be stopped by Grug moments before the cave is destroyed by falling rocks. Grug takes his family into the deep forest to find a new cave.
After they leave, they soon found a colorful world.They meet a lot of animals and the guy who created fire. A new life has just begun.

《雪花秘扇》Lily is the daughter of a humble farmer, and to her family she is just another expensive mouth to feed. Then the local matchmaker delivers startling news: if Lily's feet are bound properly, they will be flawless.In nineteenth-century China, where a woman's eligibility is judged by the shape and size of her feet, this is extraordinary good luck. Lily now has the povcer to make a good marriage and change the fortunes of her family. To prepare for her new life, she must undergo the agonies of footbinding, learn nu shu, the famed secret women's writing, and make a very special friend, Snow Flower. But a bitter reversal of fortune is about to change everything.
再說一個《四十歲老處男》英文版Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) has gone 40 years without "doing it." Now his pals are making it their mission to help him score... fast! Can he survive their hilariously bad advice? Will he land in the arms of the way-too-experienced or the way-too-drunk? Or can he find true love where he least expects - from a gorgeous grandmother (Catherine Keener)? When it comes to sex, there's only one sure thing - The 40-Year-Old Virgin. The outrageous comedy hit is now the DVD that makes the pleasure last forever! 中文版安迪(史蒂夫•卡瑞爾 Steve Carell 飾)40歲了,有著高薪厚職的他過著平靜的日子。然而,當他有一次和他的狐朋狗黨聊天時無意中透露了自己還是處男的時候,麻煩來了。他的朋友們最急於的是如何介紹一個女孩給安迪好讓他盡快擺脫處男身。
安迪遇上了帶著三個孩子的單親媽媽翠西(凱瑟琳•基納 Catherine Keener 飾),兩人很快墮入愛河,安迪這次能否擺脫處男身?

About 50 years ago, a ship from cyber jotham spaceship crashed the moon, initiated and u.s.s.r.opened of the space race. Time back to the beginning of the 21st century, car finally defeat decepticon invasion, then and human cooperation and common to defend the beautiful earth. In order to prevent the decepticon find energy column debacle, optimus prime and comrade in arms to fly to the moon, more from the shuttle car rescued the XianDai leader - the natural enemy. However the natural enemy but and decepticons have greater conspiracy and crisis hidden in the moonlight shadow back!

H. 急求用英文概括電影!!包括《變形金剛》《七龍珠》......知道的快來!!!

公主日記(The Princess Diaries)
Fifteen-year-old Mia discovers that her father is the Prince of Genovia and she is the sole heir to the throne. She must decide, by her sixteenth birthday, whether she will live as a princess and move to Genovia or remain in San Francisco where she lives with her artist mom. Meanwhile, she must suffer through the indignity of princess lessons at the hands of her stern grandmother, Queen Clarisse Renaldi.

A socially awkward but very bright 15-year-old girl being raised by a single mom discovers that she is the princess of a small European country because of the recent death of her long-absent father, who, unknown to her, was the crown prince of Genovia. She must make a choice between continuing the life of a San Francisco teen or stepping up to the throne. While Mia makes up her mind, she's pressed into taking princess lessons from her grandmother.

One night, a female to debut for LengYan newspaper advertising and significant YongDing not leave haunt yuan. Desire is fifty years ago as a harlot ShiTang tip, but the skirt XiaZhe sat alone, like a millionaire ChenZhenBang.
Chen door is well-known not accept a daughter-in-law, and then go in ZhenBang was struggling. As with the end of the book ZhenBang Yin, after swallowing opium suicide. Flower in the grave, waiting to see ZhenBang YangShi searching. YongDing ChuJuan and his girlfriend, sympathy, like someone to help her out, is now in 1987, forty years, people have had two or three generations, is looking for a needle in a haystack, and the seventh time which is upon...
In a newspaper advertising YuanYongAn, one day he was the next night, one in the 1930s and women dressed in newspaper, she put a significant enlightenment to come, but no money for advertising. She met the come again to her on his way, and not followed. In the gossip, she is echoing heard in the 1930s, which was a female die, was the name of the muzzle is ShiTang inn, love is called "12 siu dandies ChenZhenBang. Two people in the relationship for macro-manipulative status, and parents vetoed Chen from furniture, in order to blush box for pledge. After two co-habitation tight, plus dyed food opium, flower, who know short-lived agreed that food suicide, opium, don't like to die, connection rescued. Chen Fifty years, such as bitter, and wore on Chen not to find. It is already in 1987, keep moving when borders. As to help their girlfriends LingChuJuan echoing and finally find out in a long firm. shoes firm. made clothing firm of 12 and aging. Which will return, with rouge box returns to sheol.

It is the year 1250 B.C. ring the late Bronze age. Two emerging nations begin to clash after Paris, the Trojan prince, convinces Helen, Queen of Sparta, to leave her husband Menelaus, and sail with him back to Troy. After Menelaus finds out that his wife was taken by the Trojans, he asks his brother Agamemnom to help him get her back. Agamemnon sees this as an opportunity for power. So they set off with 1,000 ships holding 50,000 Greeks to Troy. With the help of Achilles, the Greeks are able to fight the never before defeated Trojans. But they come to a stop by Hector, Prince of Troy. The whole movie shows their battle struggles, and the foreshadowing of fate in this remake by Wolfgang Petersen of Homer's "The Iliad."

Bolt, an American White Shepherd, has lived his whole life on the set of his action TV show, where he believes he has superpowers. When separated from the studio by accident, he meets a female alley cat named Mittens and a hamster named Rhino. Along the way, he learns that he doesn't have superpowers and that the show is not real. Written by jcsmarchesi

Bolt tells the story a dog who plays a heroic dog in a hit TV show and has some trouble recognizing that he doesn't even have superpowers. This becomes something of a hindrance when he is accidentally shipped from Hollywood to New York City. From there he has to make his way home with the help of a manky old cat and an overweight hamster in a plastic ball.

There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life .
Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot.
He lost the touch with his family since then.His two pals helped him to lead a new life .
His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him by accident .She persuadee him to come back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advisebut then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkey
He returned and he got to know it's his uncle who ended his father'life .He fought against him and he won at last .
He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is lion of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!

功夫熊貓(Kung Fu Panda)
It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.

Lightning McQueen is a cocky, rookie race car. Speeding on his way to a big race, he crashes into Radiator Springs, destroying lots of the inhabitants belongings. In order to make up for what he did, the cocky roadster is sentenced to community service. Though he will do anything to get away from the work, McQueen must learn to respect and bond with the Radiator Springs inhabitants in order to get out of the town and back on the racetracks

後天(Plot Summary)
This movie takes a big-budget, special-effects-filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster, including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age. At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), Professor Jack Hall (Quaid), who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son, Sam (Gyllenhaal), who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition, when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age. In addition to all of the other challenges Dr. Hall faces, he's also going against the flow as humanity races south to warmer climes, and he's nearly the only one going north...

變形金剛(Transformers )
In the Arctic Circle ring the 1800s, Captain Archibald Witwicky chips away at a massive sheet of ice, only to break it and fall into an abyss, landing on a robotic hand partially buried in the ice. He finds the eyes of Decepticon leader Megatron staring back at him, who burns a map showing the location of the life giving Allspark into Witwicky's eyeglasses. These are handed down to his descendant, Sam, in the present day. Elsewhere, Decepticon Blackout attacks a United States Air Force base in Qatar in the present day, grabbing and absorbing information from a computer whilst he destroys the base and deploys Scorponok. Scorponok chases Captain Lennox and his Special Ops team in the desert and in a village, when Lennox makes a phone call to The Pentagon, who send a jet to fight off the Decepticon. Sam Witwicky buys his first car, which happens to be the Autobot Bumblebee. Bumblebee helps Sam to gain Mikaela as his girlfriend. The Autobots come looking for Archibald's glasses, whilst hiding in Sam's yard, and the nefarious Sector 7 comes to invade Sam's house. The film eventually concludes with a battle that begins at the Hoover Dam and concludes in Los Angeles as Autobot leader Optimus Prime and Megatron face each other.

玩具總動員(Toy Story )
A little boy named Andy loves to be in his room, playing with his toys, especially his doll named "Woody". But, what do the toys do when Andy is not with them, they come to life. Woody believes that he has life (as a toy) good. However, he must worry about Andy's family moving, and what Woody does not know is about Andy's birthday party. Woody does not realize that Andy's mother gave him an action figure known as Buzz Lightyear, who does not believe that he is a toy, and quickly becomes Andy's new favorite toy. Woody, who is now consumed with jealousy, tries to get rid of Buzz. Then, both Woody and Buzz are now lost. They must find a way to get back to Andy before he moves without them, but they will have to pass through a ruthless toy killer, Sid Phillips.The humor in here, however, is what made this so popular. There are tons of funny lines, issued by characters voiced by Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Jim Varney, Don Rickles, Wallace Shawn and John Ratzenberger, among others. As good as Hanks is as "Woody" and Allen as "Buzz Armstrong," I think the supporting characters just about stole the show: Mr. Potato Head, Slinky, Rex the dinosaur, etc.
Multiple viewings don't diminish the entertainment, either. There are so many things to catch, audibly and visually, that you always seem to discover something new. The colors in here are beautiful, too. This is a guaranteed "winner" as is the sequel.

海底總動員(Finding Nemo)
The Sentiment of Finding Nemo
I remember the first English movie I have ever seen is Finding Nemo. I moved by this movie and the tear drop fell down from my face after I see it.
「Finding Nemo」 tells the story of clownfish Marlin and his only son Nemo. Nemo is a clownfish in Chinese. In the sea, Marlin and Nemo lead a safe and quiet life. Like all the fathers, Marlin tries to protect his son from being hurt. But Nemo eager to explore the reef.
One day, Nemo is captured by a cruel man. Then he put Nemo and many fish to a big tank. The coward father knew it, he go to rescue his son and of course all the animals in Barrier Reef Helped him find his naughty son, Nemo. In doing so, Marlin overcomes his tear and he rescues his son.
I like the bbing of Nemo, is a boy and he is very lovely and I think Nemo is full of naughty. He likes risking very much.
In my opinion, Finding Nemo is similar from The Lion King. They』re all telling us to treasure the love for parents. I like the Finding Nemo in the same way I like his coward father, Marlin AND Naughty Nemo.

The story follows the life of low I.Q. Forrest Gump and his meeting with the love of his life Jenny. The film chronicles his accidental experiences with some of the most important people and events in America from the late 1950's through the 1970's including a meeting with Elvis Presley, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, fighting in Vietnam, etc. The problem is, he's too stupid to realize the significance of his actions. Forrest becomes representative of the baby boomer generation having walked through life blindly.


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