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發布時間: 2023-07-23 19:56:39

❶ 英語作文邀請同學去看電影100詞帶翻譯


This weekend I invited three students to go to the movies together. There are many new movies released recently. We are going to take a bus to the cinema at the weekend.

When we get to the cinema, we will go to the front desk to buy movie tickets. Our plan is to go to the restaurant after watching the movie and go shopping after dinner. This is our preliminary plan. We will revise it according to the actual situation.

It must be a happy weekend.



❷ 英語作文我家離學校很近每天步行上學我喜歡吃蘋果我家附近有新開了一家電影院

Title: A short essay
My home is not far away from school. So I go to school by walking everyday. It takes me about 15 minutes but I have to cross a busy street. I usually have my lunch at school. I like apples as English saying; an apple a day keeps doctor away.
A new cinema was built up near my home. There was a free show for its opening. I go there with my parents sometimes on the weekend. We don't have time to see movies at evenings because I have to finish my homework.

❸ 英語作文2016年是讓吳晨同學難忘的一天那天9點在他去電影院的路上

範文四篇,僅供參考,希望能幫助你!難忘的一天 今天是英語開放周的第一天。早上八點鍾,我們三至六年級的老師和同學們按順序入場。大家都在耐心的等待著。八點三十分,幾輛小轎車緩緩地駛進校園。頓時,操場上一片歡呼,人頭涌動。哇!三位高大的、黃頭發、白皮膚、藍眼睛的外籍英語教師在我校領導的陪同下進場。場上的哨聲、鼓掌聲混成一片,同學們使勁地揮動著手中的吹起棒,對外教的熱情難以言表,只好用力地揮異口同聲地喊:「Welcome too ur school!」問好聲響徹雲霄。外教也很有理貌地向我們揮手打招呼。九點正的講座開始了。三位外教逐一登場,他們用標准流利的英語作了自我介紹。他們都來自美國紐約,其中一位還獲得了博士的學位。三位外教教我們學英語,還從舞台上走下來,把麥克風對准同學們,讓我們跟著他一起讀,一起說,一起講。他聽著我們讀,還時不時豎起大拇指「Good!Good!」同學們多麼想大聲喊啊!緊跟著MaShow老師拿起吉他彈起來,我們也情不自禁地跟著唱起來!這時,我們在場的師生的心情無比激動,難以用語言表達。真是一場英語的大盛宴啊,才發現我還有許多沒學到的地方,我要加把勁,要學得更好。難忘的一天今天,我懷著興備的心情來到了學校,我看到我們班的同學也很高興。我們的導游上來了,他們的嘴裡喊著:「一二三四,一二三四」,然後就帶著我們上車了,我們來到了馬路上,看到了路上來來往往的車,路旁也有花草樹木,司機突然停了下來,我們以為有紅綠燈,原來,前面有一輛車沖了過來,後來司機就突然停了車,人開車要安全第一,不要一沖,就沖過來,要珍惜自己的生命,我們來到了東莞展覽館,一進門口就看到一個個假人,那假人像真的一樣,都是不是在解放時期的八路軍,老百姓,戰士們,啊!國家的技術還真發達,還有一些更漂亮的呢!看!那一層層矮矮的樓,是我們國家的房子,你看那影劇院。哇!太驚奇了不得,我感到驚訝,我們國家真的太發達了!我們要走了,我真的捨不得離開,因為我想多看一會兒。然後,我們來到了小石船山谷,來到了舞台吃飯,吃完了,我們就去完游戲了,我們先玩青蛙跳,再玩追逐車等。我們到時間了,就又來到了舞台這里做手語,做完手語我們就回家了。今天,是我最難忘的一天,我永遠不會忘記。難忘的一天在我的記憶里有許許多多難忘的事情,但我最難忘的一天是那次。那天,該報前天數學考試的分數了,我真希望數學課快點來到。終於,千盼萬盼的數學課到了,數學方老師拿著考試卷,邁著輕快地步伐走了進來。老師走到講台前,翻開卷子,開始報分數;「方冉星:94,王媛媛:98……」我的心砰砰直跳,心裡像揣了幾只小兔子,只希望老師快點報我的分數。終於老師的目光停留在我的臉上,嘴裡叫出了我的名字;張思虞,可不知為什麼老師報道我的名字時,突然停頓了一下,我的心「咯噔」一下好像知道自己考得不好了一樣,跳得更快了。我暗暗想:糟了,這下會不會考砸了,我的心裡就像裝了塊大石頭,沉甸甸的。可出乎我的意料,片刻,老師面帶微笑,和氣地對我說:「張思虞,你這次考得很好,是全班最高分。」聽到這里我吃驚地睜大眼睛,簡直不敢相信這是真的,直到看到同學們向我投來羨慕的目光,我才相信。我欣喜得幾乎要跳起來了。今天我竟然考了一個滿分,我真是太激動了!我看著窗外如此晴朗的天空,感覺特別舒心,彷彿陽光照在照耀在「心田」上空,讓人不由心花怒放!這是我最難忘的一天,因為通過我的努力我終於考了滿分。以後我一定會再接再厲,爭取考更多的滿分。難忘的一天生活中有許許多多的事情令我難忘,但最令我難忘的一天是去年的國慶的一天。去年國慶節,我們去上川島看海。來到著名的「飛沙灘」,我們住下後,我就迫不急待地拉著妹妹的去海邊踏浪,還跟大人去大海的深處游泳。我發現近處的海像黃河一樣黃,遠處的海像天空一樣藍,真是「半海瑟瑟半海黃」。我和妹妹在沙灘上用沙子築起了長城,我們挖了一個大大的沙坑,我讓妹妹躺進去,然後用沙子把她全身都蓋上了,只留了一個頭,妹妹一動不動地躺在那兒,象個泥塑,好有趣啊!這時,媽媽開著一架摩托艇「沖」了過來,親愛的老媽呀,您可別開到海里去了!媽媽讓我坐上去,我還真有點心驚肉跳。我剛上去,摩托就象一隻離弦的箭串了也去,速度好快呀!海風吹拂著我的頭發,海浪翻卷著潔白的浪花,遠處不進傳來海鷗的歡叫,海過的風景真是令人陶醉!在海水漫過的地方,有許多的小貝殼,我和妹妹興致勃勃地撿起來。每一個貝殼都有自己的模樣,千奇百怪,花樣繁多,非常惹人喜愛。小小的貝殼呀,你生在海里,長在海里,一定知道許多關於大海的動人故事吧。時間飛逝,我們依依不捨地離開了這里。這次川島之旅真令我難忘。

❹ 關於電影院的英語作文及翻譯

When we go to see a movie,there are some rules we should pay
attention to .Firstly,take away your rubbish and do not litter around in
the theater.Also shouting is not allowed inside and when the movie
begins,you'd better keep quiet.What's more,after the movie begins,stop
walking around which will definitely bother other audience.Last of
all,please turn off your mobile phones or shut the sound,in order that
you won't interrupt others watching.

❺ 英語作文我如何去電影院不少於60個單詞


See a filmI have been so busy with study since I became a high school student that I hardly have any opportunity to go to the movies. Indeed, movies have ceased to interest me. Last night, however, an idea came to me that perhaps going to a movie would help relax my tense mind. So I went.


It was a very funny comedy. Most of the audience, including myself, didn't stop laughing from the beginning to the end. The picture really relaxed me. I was able to study more effectively. The movie gave me one extra lesson: play is as important as work.


❻ 從校門口到信電影院的行程過程英語作文

It is about 400 meters from my home to cinema. And I spend around 15 minutes go there every time. How do I get to cinema? Now, I'd like to give you the answer. Get out of the door of my home and just turn left, and go straight forward about 200 meters, then you can find the first crossroad. At the crossroad, you just turn right and go straight forward for 200 meters and you will find the cinema named *** on your right. You can't miss it.
從我家到電影院大約400米,我每次大約花15分鍾就可以到那裡。那麼我是怎麼到電影院的呢?現在,我將告訴你答案。出家門然後左轉,直走大約200米,你將發現第一個十字路口,在十字路口那裡,右轉,再直走200米,你會發現電影院 ***(影院名稱) 就在你右邊。你就找到了。

❼ mike是你們班的新同學想去電影院你能告訴他從學校怎麼去嗎英語作文四十詞

J:Could you help me plese?
M:Sure!What"s the matter?
J:Could you tell me hao to go to the cinema?
M:OK.Plese walk along the Renmin Road and take the secnd crossing on the left.Then you can see it on theright side about 300 meter in the front.
J:How can I get there?
M:You can take the bus of No.1 or you can go there on foot.
J:Oh,I see.Thank you very much!

❽ 八年級英語作文:請你寫一封邀請函,邀請你的同學小明跟你一起去看今晚7點在光明電影院放映的

Dear Xiaoming
The movie Love Me Once More,Mom is on tonight. I heard that it's really moving. I've already bought two tickets. What about going to watch it with me at 7? We will meet in front of the Guangming Cinema at 6 p.m. so that we can have dinner together before the movie starts. I'm looking forward to seeing you! Don't be late!

❾ 初一英語寫作訓練 材料:你曾經去電影院看過電影嗎你喜歡在電影院看電影嗎為什麼_ 請根據這

As a matter of fact, I often go to the cinema because seeing movies is one of my favorite hobbies as a fashion followers. To be accurate, I like the comic movies best especially when they are made in the forms of 3-d. Whenever I take on the magic glasses, addicted myself into the wonderful world, I can forget all of the frustrations in the real world. Besides, seeing movies with my friends is a better experience since we can share different opinions and comments on the same topic. It is really funny. All in all, I like go the cinema to enjoy the flowing pictures and special effects on the large screen, which other types of relaxing ways can never hold a candle to.

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