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Ⅰ 電影里的英語日常生活用語

1. It's not like that. 不是那樣的。
It's not like that.這句話是用來辟謠的。當別人誤會了一件事的來龍去脈,你就可以跟他說It's not like that.「不是那樣的。」當然隨著語氣及情境的不同,It's not like that.這句話也有可能是你用來硬拗的藉口。
2. There is nothing good playing. 沒好電影可看。
這里的There's nothing good playing.是接著問句而來的,指的是「沒有好電影可看。」同樣的,若是電視上沒有好節目可看,你就可以說There's nothing good on TV.
3. I've gotten carried away. 我扯太遠了。
get carried away字面上的意思是「被帶走了」,那麼被帶走的是什麼呢?就是心思。當你或是他人說話的時候離了題,偏離主旨扯遠了。你就可以用上這個表達法I've / You've gotten carried away.
4. Good thing... 還好,幸好…
在美語當中若要表達中文裡「還好,幸好…」的語氣,你就可以用Good thing...做開頭。這個句型非常簡單又好用,你只要在Good thing後面加上完整的句子就可以。
5. I don't believe you're bringing this up. 你現在提這件事真是豈有此理。
bring something up是指「提到(某件事)」。當然情況會有正反兩面。你若沒想到對方會提起這件事討罵,你可以說I don't believe you're bringing this up.而反過來說,若你很高興對方主動提起了一件事,你也可以用這個片語自然說出I am glad you are bringing this up.
6. spy on... 跟監(某人)
spy這個字就是「間諜」。當動詞用的意思自然就是「做間諜做的事」,也就是「監視,跟蹤」之意。當你要去監視跟蹤某人,美語中就說成spy on someone。
7. There's no other way of saying it.沒有別種說法。
有時候不管你再怎麼轉、再怎麼拗,也沒有辦法更婉轉或是避開一些絕對會出現的字,這時候你就可以用上There's no other way of saying it.這句話,來表達自己避無可避的為難,因為「沒有別種說法。」
8. That will not always be the case. 情況不會永遠是這樣。
case這個字有「情況」的意思,That will be the case.就是指「情況就會是這樣了。」
但是你若覺得現在的情況只會是暫時,不會長久,你就可以反過來說That will not always be the case.「情況不會永遠是這樣。」
9. She is coming on to you. 她對你有意思。
She is coming on to you.這句話是用在兩性的關繫上,意思是「她對你投懷送抱。」也就是形容某人對某人有意思的情況,這個句型男女兩性都適用;同樣的情況,你也可以說She is making a pass at you.「她對你眉來眼去的。」這兩種說法都很生動,而且最棒的是沒有新單字,贊!
10. I was being polite.我這是在說客氣話。 polite這個字,我們在學校學的意思是「有禮貌的」。當然你若要說一個人有禮貌,你可以說He is polite.或是He has good manners.不過I was being polite.這句話是指「我這是在說客氣話。」使用的情境比較趨近於客套而不傷和氣的出發點,與「做作」artificial (a.)又不一樣了。
11. stand someone up 放(某人)鴿子
stand someone up這個片語,大家若是第一次看到,想必多半是滿頭霧水,怎麼單字全都認識,意思卻完全猜不出來。其實stand someone up的意思就是「放(某人)鴿子」,這么簡單又實用的句子,可得趕快記起來。
12. So that explains it. 原來如此。
有時候事情的來龍去脈渾沌不清,讓人摸不著頭腦,若是突然曙光一現,讓你豁然開朗,這會兒你就可以用上這句話So that explains it / everything.「這就都說得通了。」
13. I feel the same way. 我有同感。
當他人說出了你的感覺,你再同意也不過的時候,你就可以用上這句話I feel the same way.「我有同感。」這句話不但可以讓你避免把同樣的話再講一次,幫你省了不少口水,還可以讓對方覺得自己的意見被尊重呢。I feel the same way.趕快記起來。
14. Is there someone else?你是不是有了新歡?
Is there someone else?這句話字面上是指「有其它人嗎?」不過Is there someone else?這句話在使用上,問的那個「其它人」一定是感情上的「新歡,新對象」,所以若是情侶或是夫妻之間有人說了這句Is there someone else?「你是不是有了新歡?」這可就不太妙了。
15. I can't help myself. 我情不自禁。
我無法控制自己。I can't help myself.這句話可不是「我幫不了自己。」(趕快消除記憶),其實 I can't help myself. 這句話的意思是「我情不自禁。」指的是對自己的無能為力。I can't help... 這個句型很好用,若是你遇到一個情況,想要說「我不禁納悶了起來。」在美語中你就可以直接說: I can't help but wonder.
16. come hell or high water
17. have something in common
have something in common是指「彼此有著共通點」,可能是嗜好,也可能是觀念。若你和某人完全不對盤,絲毫沒有共通點,你就可以說We have nothing in common.
18. What have you got to lose?
What have you got to lose?這句話當中的lose是指「失去」的意思,當有人猶豫不決,始終做不了決定,你就可以用這句話What have you got to lose? 「你有啥好損失的?」,來增強對方破釜沈舟的決心。
19. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
這句話是用來安慰他人的,當有人對於自己太過苛責,給予自己讓人喘不過氣來的壓力,你就可以跟對方說這句話You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.「你不該這么苛責自己的。」讓對方好過一些。
20. Don't get me started on it.
這句話是指「別讓我打開話匣子」,意思是你對於某一件事或是一個主題,有很多的意見,要是讓你開了話頭,可能就要聽你連說個七天七夜,沒完沒了。Don't get me started on it.這句話是用來表達你對一件事情牢騷滿腹的心情。
21. When you get down to it
get down to...是指「追究出最根底的原因」,也就是把層層的原因攤開,在抽絲剝繭之後所得到最精確最原本的那個答案。
22. let someone off
let someone off是指「放某人一馬」,也就是let someone off the hook,就如同你在釣魚,魚兒上了「鉤」hook,而你把它放掉let it off the hook「放它一馬」。
23. I don't know what came over me.
24. I think you're thinking of someone else.
這句話的使用時機是若誰認錯人,或是記錯人的時候,你就可以跟對方說I think you're thinking of someone else.「我覺得你是想到別人去了。」
25. This is not how it looks.
這句話是用來辟謠的,當有些事情看起來讓人誤會,而實情卻不是表面那般,你就可以用上這句話This is not how it looks.「事情不是表面看來的這樣」,以說服他人不要只憑他們所看到的片面,驟下結論。
26. pass oneself off as...
pass oneself off as...的意思就是「某人矇混成……以過關」,好比小孩裝成大人去看限制級電影,這可能是服裝的不同,或是整體打扮的喬裝,甚至還包括語調口音的不同。
27. be out of someone's league
league是指「聯盟」,好比美國職棒的「大聯盟」就是Major League。A be out of B's league.這句話的意思就是A的層級、能耐或是地位……都比B高出許多,非B所能及。若是使用在男女關繫上,就是指「B配不上A」,若是使用在一般分勝負的情況,就是指「B比不上A」。
28. talk back
talk back字面的意思是「說回去」,也就是「回嘴,頂嘴」的意思。用在句子里,你可以說Don't talk back to your parents.「別跟父母頂嘴」。或是簡潔地說Don't talk back.「不許頂嘴」。
29. spare no effort
spare的意思是「省卻,省下」,effort是「努力」,spare no effort就是指「不惜血本,不計代價」,也就是你下定決心,就算用盡一切資源,也要達成某一個目標。
30. Would you cut it out, already?
cut it out是指「住嘴,住手」的意思,Would you cut it out, already?這句話當中的already,暗示著說話者的極度不耐煩,整句話的意思就猶如中文裡的「你到底是有完沒完?」

Ⅱ 看原版英語電影必會的30句口語

1. kick ass 了不起
A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You're good.
A: 哇! 你不到十分鍾就把我的計算機修好了呀! 你很棒!
B: Yep. I just kick ass.
B: 是的! 我就是厲害!

"kick ass" 除了字面上的「踢*」外, 還有「厲害、打敗」的意思。當「踢*」時, 比如某人放你鴿子, 你很氣, 就可以說:"I'm going to kick his ass." (我得踢他的*)。當「厲害」用時, 就像上面例句一樣用。"kick ass"還可作「打敗某人的意思」。比如某人一向在某方面比你強, 終於有一天你比他厲害了, 你就可以說:"Hahaha...I kicked yourass."。覺得 "ass" 太難聽的人, 就用 "butt" 吧!

2. XYZ 檢查你的拉鏈
Hey, man. XYZ.
老兄啊! 檢查一下你的拉鏈吧。

"XYZ" 是 "Check your zipper." 的意思。在美國, 填表選項時多用打「X」來表示(台灣則用打勾表示)。這個選項的動作就叫"Check", 也就是這里的XYZ 的 X所代表的。Y 是 Your, Z 就是 Zipper 啰!

3. Hit the road. 上路了
A: Do you want to come in for some tea?
A: 你要不要進來喝個茶呢?
B: No. I'm running late. I really need to hit the road.
B: 不了。我快遲到了, 得上路了。

"running late" 是快遲到了的意思。
"Hit the road" 的 "hit" 有「去」的意思。好比某人每周去健身房三次, 你就可以說 "He hits the gym three times a week."。
"I really need to hit the road." 還可以用說成"I really need to get going."。

4. hang out 和朋友在一起
A: I don't know what is going on lately. Jack seems to curse a lot these days.
A: 不知道最近 Jack 怎麼搞的。 他經常口出惡言。
B: Well, that's just what you get from hanging out with the wrong crowd.
B: 嗯, 交錯了朋友就是這樣啊!

"hang out" 是和朋友一起做一些事。看電影、逛街、聊天都算。也不限指異性朋友。

5. click (兩巧派沒人)合得來
I really like talking to her. I think we two really click.

以前只知道click the mouse(點擊滑鼠),真是鼠目寸光啊!不過 click 不一定只用在異性之間。朋友之間的頻率相同也可以用。

6. suck 差勁 ; 糟透了
A: Guess what? We've just now missed the bus, and the next one won't come for another 45 minutes.
A: 知道嗎? 我們剛好錯過公車了; 下一班(車)還要四十五分鍾才會來。
B: That sucks.
B: 真遜!

"suck" 是「差勁」的意思。 "That movie sucks." 是「那部電影真是糟透了」的意思。

7. catch some Zs 小睡一下
A: Excuse me. I have to catch some Zs.
A: 抱歉! 我想小睡一下。
B: I thought you just woke up. Sleepy head.
B: 我以為你才剛睡醒。愛睡蟲。

漫畫里的人睡覺, 不是都畫"Z,Z,Z..."來表示嗎? 這里的 "catch some Zs" 就是這樣來的。"I have tocatch some Zs." 也可以羨者說"I have to take a nap." 或 "I need to snooze."。

9. take a mp 上大號
A: Would you mind closing the door? I'm trying to take a mp here.
A: 你可不可以把門關起來呢? 我正在上大號。
B: Well, learn to lock the door next time. www.rr365.com
B: 那麼下次學會把門鎖起來吧!

"mp" 是「丟掉」的意思, 「丟」什麼不必我解釋了吧?
「我要上廁所」(大小號都一樣) 可以說 "I need to use the restroom." 或簡單地說 "I need to go."。

10. crank up 把聲量調大
A: Hey! The volume is too low. Why don't you crank it up some?
A: 嘿! 這聲量太小了。你把它調大一點好嗎?
B: No problem.
B: 沒問題。

這里的「聲量調大」也可以說 "turn it up"。意思是一樣的。
cranky 則是形容人暴躁、 易生氣。如: "Why are you so cranky today? Something happened?" 你今天怎麼這么容易生氣? 發生什麼事了嗎?

11. Shoot! 說吧!; 有*快放!
A: I've got a question for you.
A: 我想請問你一個問題。
B: Shoot!
B: 說吧!

"Shoot!" 除了當「說吧!」外, 很多女孩子也用它來代替 "Shit!", 因為覺得後者聽起來不雅。

12. Give it a shot! 試試看!
A: It would be so cool if I can win this contest. I don't think I'm good enough, though.
A: 要是我可以贏了這項比賽的話會有多好。但我不認為自己夠好。
B: Give it a shot! You'll never know.
B: 試試看啊! 沒試怎麼會知道!

13. Got you! (騙、嚇...)到你了吧!
A: My sister just now called and said she's moving in with us.
A: 我姐姐剛剛打電話來, 說她要搬進來跟我們一塊兒住。
B: What?
B: 什麼!
A: Got you!
A: 上當了吧!
"Get you" 是「(騙、嚇、捉弄...)到你了吧!」的意思。

>14. no-brainer 不必花腦筋的事物
A: How do you use this program? It looks quite complicated.
A: 你怎麼樣用這個軟體呢? 看起來蠻復雜的。
B: No. Looks can be deceiving. This thing is actually a no-brainer. Let me show you.
B: 不會! 外表有時是會騙人的。這個東西其實很容易(不必花腦筋的)。我玩給你看!

"Looks can be deceiving." 是「外表有時是會騙人的」的意思。也許你的競爭對方把自己抬高, 表現出很厲害的樣子,你的朋友就可以說"Looks can be deceiving. He may be just a paper tiger."來安慰你。

15. work one's butt off 很努力地(做一件事)
A: I can't believe all my work is gone just like this. I've worked my butt off on this all day.
A: 我不敢相信我的心血就這樣丟掉了!我今天整天辛辛苦苦都在搞這個!
B: What happened? Computer crashed?
B: 怎麼啦? 計算機當了嗎?

發現美語里不少口語都跟"butt"(**)有關, 這里的"workone's butt off" 也是。還有一個"freeze one's butt off"(冷得把**凍僵)也是喔!

16. push around 驅使(某人)
A. Gary, do you think you can rewrite this paper. I don't really like the topic.
A: Gary, 你想你是不是可以把這個報告重寫一遍。我並不是很喜歡那個主題。
B: Hey, I'm only trying to help you out. You shouldn't be pushing me around like this.
B: 嘿! 我是在幫你忙耶! 你不應該這樣指使我喔!


17. brush off 不理; 默視
A: Have you talked to Mr. Lambert about Ian's obscene speech towards you?
A: 你跟 Lambert 先生提過 Ian 對你講的猥褻的話嗎?
B: Yes, but he brushed it off as if it were not a big deal to him.
B: 有! 但他輕輕帶過(不理), 好象他覺得那並沒有什麼!

"brush away(aside)" 也是「不理」的意思。如"He brushed aside our objection."(他無視我們的反對)。

18. boss around 頤指氣使
A: Oh! No. I've got assigned to work with Marvin for our group project.
A: 噢! 不! 我被分配跟 Marvin 一起做團體作業。
B: Ooh! I heard that he love to boss people around.
B: 唉呀! 我聽說他很愛指使人的。

"boss around" 和 "push around" 都是「指使人」的意思。說一個人愛命令人也可以說"He is very bossy."。

19. Oh, boy! 乖乖! 唉呀! 真是!
A: Guess what? We first got a flat tire, and now my cell phone is dead.
A: 你猜怎麼了? 首先我門的車爆胎了, 現在我的行動電話又沒電了。
B: Oh, boy!
B: 唉!

"flat tire" 是「爆胎」的意思」。
"Oh, boy!"是美國人用的一種感嘆表示詞句。不必問他們為什麼不說 "Oh, girl" 還是別的, 因為他們也不知道。

20. bound to 必定
A: Dan forgot his map?
A: Dan 忘了帶地圖了嗎?
B: Yep! And he's bound to lose his way.
B: 是的! 他鐵定要迷路了。

"bound to" 是必定的意思。 「你死定了!」就可以說 "You're bound to die."。

21. all set 都准備妥當
A. Is my car ready yet?
A: 我的車好了嗎?
B: Yep! We just need to get this paper work done and you'll be all set.
B: 是的! 我們只要把這份「文書工作」完成, 你就一切都准備妥當了!

22. dirty work 卑鄙的工作; 討厭的工作
A: All right. You go ahead and sign this paper and I'll do the dirty work.
A: 好吧! 你就把這個東西(紙)簽了, 剩下來擦*的事兒就交給我了。
B: (It) Sounds good to me.
B: 聽起來不錯!

23. cop 警察
A: Oh! No. My TV and stereo are gone. Who did this?
A: 噢! 不! 我的電視和音響都不見了。誰乾的?
B: I've already called 911. The cops should be here any time.
B: 我已經報警了。警察應該隨時會來。

美國人在口語里很少用 "policeman" 來表示「警察」。這里報警的電話號碼是 "911" 。有時候, 美國人也用 "911" 來表示「緊急的事」。

24. spooky 玄; 可怕的
A: I had a dream last night that Keith and I had a big argument. Thismorning he came in wearing the same clothes he had on in my dream!
A: 我昨晚夢見我和 Keith 大吵了一頓。 今天早上, 他穿著和他昨晚在我夢里穿的一樣的衣服進來。
B: That's spooky!
B: 真玄!

"spooky" 就是一些所謂的鬼怪、太湊巧而令人覺得「恐怖」的意思。

25. Say cheese. (照相時)笑一個
在咱是「茄子」,"cheese" 異曲同工了。

26. eat 使困擾; 使不開心
A. What's eating you? You've been so quiet all morning.
A: 什麼事讓你不開心呢? 你整個早上都不說話。
B: I bombed in my final exam.www.rr365.com
B: 我的期末考砸了!


"What's eating you?"是個很常聽到的俚語。當你覺得某個人好象為某事所困擾, 以致整個人不大對勁, 就可以用這句話來問他, 到底發生什麼事了。
"bomb" 是個很有意思的字, 因為可以表示「完全的失敗」, 也可以表示「作得很好」。要看當時的情形來決定。

27. jazz (something) up 讓(一件事物)變得有趣些
A: What do you think of this?
A: 你覺得這怎麼樣?
B: It's kind of dead. Maybe you want to add more graphics to jazz it up.
B: 有點悶。也許你可以加點圖讓它變得生動有趣些。

"jazz (something) up" 是使一件原本可能有點沉悶的事變得有趣些。好比有人在一個冗長的會議里作些說些笑話之類的事, 企圖讓大家從昏迷中醒來, 就可以說"He tried to jazz the meeting up."

28. My hands are tied 我無能為力
A: Mr. Chapman, can I hand in my homework next time. I left it at home.
A: Chapman 先生, 我能不能下次再交作業呢? 我把功課忘在家裡了。
B: All of the scores must be given to the office by Friday, so youmust have your homework today. It is a school rule and there is nothingI can do. My hands are tied!.
B: 所有的分數都必須在禮拜五前交到辦公室(學校), 所以你今天一定要有你的作業。這是學校的規定, 我無能為力。

"My hands are tied." 在這里並不是真正「手被綁起來」的意思, 而是指「沒辦法」的意思。好比電話響了, 你很忙不能接, 也可以說:"Can you get it? My hand are tied." (我很忙, 你能接一下嗎?" 。

29. love handles 游泳圈、中廣、胖的腰圍
A: You'd better lose those love handles fast. I'm tired of having so much to hold on to.
A: 你快把你的肥肚子減掉。我對老是有這么多(肥肉)在那裡讓我可以抓著覺得很煩。
B: I think I look fine, my dear.
B: 親愛的, 我覺得我看起來很好啊!

上面的對話可能是一些太太會對發福的先生所講的, 這太太也毒了點吧?

30. maxed out 累慘了
A: I'm working 70 hours this week. I'm totally maxed out.
A: 我這星期工作七十個小時。我真是完全累壞了。
B: 70 hours? I'd be dead if I worked this hard.
B: 七十個小時? 我要是工作這么多, 我一定會死了

"max" 是「極限」的意思。用"maxed out" 來表示一個人累慘了應該是蠻貼切的哦!

Ⅲ 關於影視的英語口語翻譯

【 #英語口語# 導語】英語已經慢慢滲透入人們的日常生活,想要學好英語一定要多讀、多聽、多說、多欣賞。以下是 整理的關於影視的英語口語翻譯,歡迎閱讀!


1.That movie we saw last night was very boring, wasn't it?


2.It's said that the movie is a box-office hit.


3.That movie he starred is a blockbuster.


4.What do you think of the new film?


5. think that movie is boring.


6.The film you recommended is really worth watching.


7.This new love film has evoked general approval.


9.He performed the role well.


10.These old films are wonderful.


11.That was undoubtedly the best film I've seen all year.


12.The movie has been hyped up far beyond its worth.


14.We were deeply touched by the sentimental story that the movie told.


14.It is the most popular independent French movie ever made.


15.I think the film does have some positive effect.




雅思考試中,很多考生都會遇到無話可說的尷尬狀況(awkward situation)。這會直接畢侍影響考官的評分印象(expression),導致自身口語能力無法完全展示(show)。「要取高分就要有新意(creation),拓展性思維訓練(training)可以幫考生在答題中增加亮點。」


A. 既要多角度,又要全面




如果考生發現談到的問題自己熟悉(familiar with),可以採用積極(active)答題方式。表述中靈活加入想法,找生動例子讓內容豐富和個性化。


A. 用好「反向」、「迂迴」思


B. 學說諺語再幽默點(humor)


C. 帶入個人理解(understanding)









Walk down any city street or village road, turn any corner, find a spot at the beach or in a park and you will find mounds and mounds of dirty plastic bags, food wrappings, plastic cups, bottles and cartons lie piled high, or blocking drainage systems and sewers. The road outside our house is littered with flimsy multi-coloured plastic bags. The wind blows these bags into the open gutter. The bags collect and block the gutter which then spills on to the road. Mosquitoes thrive in the stagnant water. Pigs and rats wallow in the slime, carrying disease. The place stinks and the air is polluted. The garbage men refuse to clean the gutters... they are only paid to clear the litter off the streets! So the clutter and slime increases every week.

Who is responsible for all this litter and mess and the polluted atmosphere? We are of course! Every one of us. Although each one of us contributes to the problem, none of us is willing to be part of the solution to it. So the Tamil Na Government is keen on taking a drastic step to curb the use of plastics and make the roads clean and environmentally safe. The government's desire to introce a bill that would ban plastic bags and other plastic items is a desperate attempt to control the huge environmental and health hazards that face us today.

Despite my desire to see a clean environment and have a clean road I wonder what will we do without all the plastic things in our lives? The many uses of disposable plastic that we use everyday comes to mind, gloves, pens, cups, bottles, cans — can we really do without these?

Do we see the proposed ban as a necessary measure? Or will it be fought against with passion by the plastic instry? Each year, as instry proces more and more non-essential procts indivially and excessively packaged in plastic, we throw away more and more trash. Plastic razors can only be used a few times before disposal, then more must be bought, making the plastic and razor instries rich and happy. Pens used to be filled with ink, today we use them, throw them away and go out and buy another one. The pen instries make a lot of money too. Many household appliances are designed to become obsolete within a short ration and that guarantees that you'll just have to buy new ones next year.

To a large extent, our garbage problem is a result of a corporate business ethic that puts profits before people and the environment. Instry pushes the advantages of "disposability'' to the public because it suits them and it pays well. The profit from disposability goes into the pockets of only a few but the hazards of disposability are faced by many more.

The proposed ban makes me realise that each one of us should develop a sense of responsibility not just towards the litter on our roads but also towards the things we buy and use and throw away.



Describe a library that you often go to.

You should say:

what library it is

where it is /what the library looks like

what you do there

and explain why you like this library.

點題:There is a library near to my home where I like to go. It is called the Peoples』 Library.

地點:It is located on First Avenue near Main Street. It is a very new building and has some beautiful urban sculpture standing on the grounds around it. The library has many floors. Each floor has different sections.

介紹:The firs time I went there I had to have a lot of help to find things but now I feel like it is my second home. When I go to the library I feel like I am leaving a lot of my worries and cares behind me, even if I have to go there to do some research or to study. I think that is because I know I can always find a quiet, private place where I can read or do my work. And sometimes if I want to travel to a different place or a different time, I can do that in the library by finding a book or something on the computer that will take me into another world.

活動:I am particularly interested in this library because it has a lot to offer. Besides having a good stock of books, it also provides office facilities such as a good machine, a book binder, many computers and printers, and much more. And it has very good service too. If you need a book in another library it will obtain that book for you by either shipping it from the other library or purchasing the book.

Ⅳ 電影中的英語短語句子



《The Lion King獅子王》

1.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.


2.I laugh in the face of danger.


3.I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.


4.When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.


5.It's like you are back from the dead.


6.You can't change the past.


7.Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 對,過去是痛楚的,但我認為你要麼可以逃避,要麼可以向它學習。

8.This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?


9.Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.


10.I'll make it up to you, I promise.



《Forrest Gump 阿甘正傳》

1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,結果往往出人意料。

2.Stupid is as stupid does.


3.Miracles happen every day.


4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.


5.Have you given any thought to your future?


6.You just stay away from me please.


7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.


8.It made me look like a ck in water.


9.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.


10.I was messed up for a long time.


11.I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally——like on a breeze.




1. Have at you!

如果外國夫婦請你到家裡吃飯,看著一桌豐盛的酒席,你問他們可以開始吃了嗎,他們通常會說"Sure. Have at it."(當然,吃吧)。當兩個小孩子在相互追逐玩樂,互相打鬥的時候,一個通常會主動碰了一下另一個,然後說"哈哈,打到你了!",翻譯過來就是"Have at you!"

2. Good night, sleep tight.

這句話大家可能都認識,但是如果我說"Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."可能你就不太明白了。這句話通常都是家長對自己的小孩子說的話,其起源眾說紛紜。不過這有點像兒時的童謠,很押韻,像:Good night, sleep tight/ Wake up bright/ In the morning light/ To do what's right/ With all your might.之類的。

3. She is a has-been.

有一次我在酒吧里談論Britney Spears的時候,我朋友Tomas就說: "Well, Britney Spears is a has-been, Lady Gaga is hot nowadays."(布蘭妮早就過氣了,Lady Gaga現在很火。),不過,我回了他一句"Well, it's better to be a has-been than a never-was."(曇花一現也比默默無聞強啊!),他也不得不點頭認可。

這就是口語。恰當的用好簡單詞也能出奇制勝。像Something is off-key.(這事兒有些不對頭/蹊蹺。)、Mr.Know-it-all is humbled.(你這個"萬事通"這回可砸牌子啦!)、Don't be such a goody-goody.(不要跟個老好人似的誰也不得罪。)等等。

4. Mud in your eyes.

我們在敬酒的時候都知道用"Bottoms up!"、"Cheers!"、"Here's a toast to you!",其實還有一句就是"Here's mud in your eyes!"。這句話通常是在幽默輕松的環境來用的,多表示"祝你好運"。

其實西方還有一句諺語和飲酒有關,那就是:Beer before liquor, you'll never be sicker; but liquor before beer and you are in the clear。字面翻譯就是"喝完啤酒再喝白酒你就不會清醒,不過喝完白酒再喝啤酒你仍舊清醒"。從我

個人的經驗來看,I second that(我贊成這句話)。這句話也可以翻譯成"由淺入深難,由深入淺易"或"由儉入奢易,由奢入儉難"。

5. Do you respect me in the morning?

這是我許多年前在三里屯酒吧和一個外國友人一邊喝酒一邊shoot the breeze(神侃)的時候他教給我的,至今我沒用出去過,不過在電影里倒是遇到過幾次。這種情況多發生在party或bar里,當一個男孩和一個女孩彼此hit it off(聊得來),到了最後,男孩子如果鼓足了勇氣ask the girl to come to his house,這個女孩通常會問到這句話。因為她不希望是one night stand(一夜情)。這句話可以這樣理解,就是:"你是認真的嗎?"

Ⅳ 英文原聲電影摘錄30句有用的口語

Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.


It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.


Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing
ever dies!


Get busy living, Or get busy dying.


And dying in your beds many years from now.


Would you be willing to trade?


All the days from this day to that.


for one chance,just one chance.


to come back here and tell our enemies.


that they may take our lives.


but they,ll never take our Freedom!


We all end up dead, the question is how and why." -- William Wallace

我們最終都會死,問題在於怎麼樣死和為什麼而死。 -- 威廉·華萊士

"Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it." -- Malcolm Wallace

心靈是自由的,鼓起勇氣隨心飛翔! -- 馬爾科姆·華萊士

"It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom." -- William Wallace

如果沒有自由,一切都是空想。 -- 威廉·華萊士

Go back to England and tell them there that Scotland's daughters and sons
are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free. -- William Wallace

回去告訴整個英格蘭,蘇格蘭兒女不再是他們的臣民,告訴他們蘇格蘭是自由的。 -- 威廉·華萊士

Ⅵ 好萊塢電影中的常用語

Absolutely!—— 絕對正確! Adorable! —— 可愛極了! Amazing! —— 太神了! Anytime! —— 隨時吩咐! Almost! —— 差不多了!Awful! —— 好可怕呀!After you. —— 您先。 About when? —— 大約何時? All set? —— 一切妥當?Allow me! —— 讓我來! Baloney! —— 胡扯! Behave! —— 放尊重點! Bingo! —— 中了! Boring! —— 真無聊! Bravo! —— 太棒了!Bullshit! —— 胡說! Cheers! —— 乾杯! Congratulations! —— 恭喜啊! Correct! —— 對的! Crazy! —— 瘋了!Damn! —— 該死的! Deal! —— 一言為定! Definitely! —— 當然!Disgusting! —— 好惡心呀! Drat! —— 討厭!Encore! —— 再來一次!Exactly! —— 完全正確!Fantastic! —— 妙極了!Farewell! —— 再見啦!Fifty-fifty! —— 對半分!Foul! —— 犯規了!Fresh! —— 好有型!帥!Gesundheit! —— 保重!(特別用於對打噴嚏的人說)Gone! —— 跑了! Gorgeous! —— 美極了!Great! —— 太好了! Hey! —— 嘿!Hopefully! —— 希望如此!Horrible! —— 好可怕! Hot! —— 好辣!Hurray!/Hurrah! —— 萬歲! Hush! —— (肅靜)噓! Hurry! —— 快點!Incredible! —— 不可思議! Indeed? —— 真的? Jesus! —— 天啊!Liar! —— 你撒謊! Listen! —— 聽著! Lousy! —— 差勁!Marverllous! —— 棒極Now! —— 現在就做!Objection! —— 我抗議!Outrageous! —— 不得了!Pardon! ——請再說一遍! Perfect! ——很完美! Please! ——拜託了!Present! —— 到(有)!(用於點名時) Probably! —— 很可能!Rats! —— 差勁! Really? —— 真的? Relax! —— 放輕松 Right! —— 對的! Satisfied? —— 滿意嗎?Shhh... —— 噓... So so! —— 馬馬虎虎! Someday! —— 改天吧!Speaking! —— (打電話時)我就是! Still? —— 仍是這樣?Stingy! —— 小氣鬼!Stop! —— 停! Superb! —— 棒極了! Sure! —— 當然!Surprise! —— 給你一個驚喜! Terrible! —— 好可怕! Thirsty? —— 渴嗎!Toast! —— 乾杯! Try! —— 去試一下!Unbelievable! —— 難以置信!Understand? —— 明不明白?Unisex? —— 男女通用的? Wait! —— 等一等!Well? —— 怎麼樣? Willingly—— 很樂意! Wow! —— 哇!Yum... —— 恩...(好吃!) Imagine! —— 想想看! Impossible! —— 不可能吧!Impressive! —— 很感人,永生難忘!
帥哥FUDK YOU!這個還是最好別學啊!沒什麼用的,最好別對外佬說這個啊!

Ⅶ 求英語電影經典對白!英語口語考試要用,兩分鍾就行了。最好是經典一...

阿甘正傳經典台詞1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you』re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,結果往往出人意料)
2.Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解為傻人有傻福)
3.Miracles happen every day. (奇跡每天都在發生)
4.It made me look like a ck in water.(它讓我如魚得水)
5.I don』t know if we each have a destiny, or if we』re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze. (我不懂我們是否有著各自的命運,還是只是到處隨風飄盪)
6.Death is just a part of life, something we』re all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我們註定要做的一件事)
7.You have got to put the past behinde you before you can move on.(放下包袱,繼續前進)
8.Shit happens!(不好的事情發生了)
9.It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the batyou. There was a million sparkles on the river. (就像太陽在落山前映射在河口上,有無數的亮點在閃閃發光)
10.If there is anything you need I will not be far away. (用情至專)
11.I am a man of my word. (我是信守我承諾的人)
12.There is one small step for a man,a giant leap for mankind.(某人的一小步就是人類的一大步)
13.Nothing just happens,it's all part of a plan. (沒有事情隨隨便便發生,都是計劃的一部分)

Life is immense. Change life, start fresh.( 海上鋼琴師)
《勇敢的心》:Every man dies,not every man really lives.(每個人都會死,但是並非每個人都曾真正的活過)
Hope is a good thing,Maybe the best thing and no good thing ever dies.
希望是個好東西,或許是 世界上最好的東西,好東西從來不會消失!

Ⅷ 英語電影地道語

電影我看得也還多,不過沒仔細研究過台詞。美劇我看得最多,最愛去研究評測裡面的台詞。來自gossip girl
1. I love you , always have, always will. 我愛你,以前是,以後也是。(就是說我永遠不會變心)
2. you can talk me into anything. 現在叫我做什麼我都願意
3.as they say, in fashion, one minute you are in, the next you are out. 花無百日紅
4.we are family, what you did do is what we did do. 我們是親人,你做的就是我們做的。
5. we don't judge. we are the non-judging breakfast club. 我們不會評價你的為人。

Ⅸ 有關影視的英語口語對話

【 #英語口語# 導語】電影是一種表演藝術、視覺藝術及聽覺藝術,是利用膠卷、錄像帶或數位媒體將影像和聲音捕捉,再加上後期的我工作而成。以下是 無 整理的有關影視的英語口語對話,歡迎閱讀!


Tom:Hi,what are you doing?


Bob:Nothing special,just watching the movie.


Tom:What movie are you watching?


Bob:The Speed. Have you seen that?


Tom:Yeah,The movie Speed is the most exciting film I've ever seen.


Bob:I feel the same way.


Tom:In this movie,I like Jack,he is a resourceful man.


Bob:Anyway, Dennis Hopper's character is somewhat complex and his performance is excellent.


Tom:I heard he started in filmdom when he was 19 years old.


Bob:Yes,he is a good actor.



you make me jump! 你下了我一跳!

we better get going! 馬上就走

time is running out! 沒有時間了!

there you go again! 你又來了!

there is nothing on your business! 這沒你的事!

the walls have ears! 隔牆有耳!

the same as usual! 一畝兆如既往!

the dice is cast! 已成定局了!

the answer is zero! 白忙了!

that『s more like that! 這才象話嘛!

that『s going too far! 這太離譜了!

that『s always the case! 習以為常!

that『s a touchy issue! 這是個辣手得問題!

that makes no difference. 不都一樣嗎?


In recent years, spoken English test has become a hot topic among people, especially among students and heated debates are right on their way.

Some people are in favor of the idea of spoken English est. they point out the fact that spoken English is a basic skill that every student should master. And test is an effective way to measure our ability. In particularly, oral English test is an important and effective way for Chinese students to improve.

However, other people stand on different ground. They consider that spoken English test will increase the burden for students, especially for the senior high school students. They firmly figure out that test just is a form but could not make a great contribution for learners』 levels in English speaking. In addition, students have to waste much more time in preparing the test.

In my opinion of the view, a test of spoken English is a great motive power to learn oral English well. Furthermore, it』s a chance for me to improve my language ability. What』s more, it will improve my career potentials and be benefit for my future job hunting.

Some people are in favor of the idea of spoken English est. they point out the fact that spoken English is a basic skill that every student should master. And test is an effective way to measure our ability. In particularly, oral English test is an important and effective way for Chinese students to improve.

However, other people stand on different ground. They consider that spoken English test will increase the burden for students, especially for the senior high school students. They firmly figure out that test just is a form but could not make a great contribution for learners』 levels in English speaking. In addition, students have to waste much more time in preparing the test.

In my opinion of the view, a test of spoken English is a great motive power to learn oral English well. Furthermore, it』s a chance for me to improve my language ability. What』s more, it will improve my career potentials and be benefit for my future job hunting.


Atest of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET). The plan attracts wide attention and is discussed hotly. Some people don't think highly of it, they think a test of spoken English is not necessary. In the first place, the spoken English cannot be judged objectively. Some candidates who perform quite well may be given a low mark,on the contrary, some bad performers maybe get high marks. Secondly,it is very dlffieult to organize a test of spoken English. It requires lots of qualified examiners and time,which cannot become available easily. Some people hold different ideas. They think a test of spoken English is quite necessary. Speaking is an essential part of English learning, there is no excuse for not testing it. Such a test can motivate students practice their oral English more. I think a test of spoken English is a good practice. China has entered WTO, we will have more opportunities to communicate with foreigners orally. On some occasions we will be obliged to do so. If we cannot speak English fluently on such occasions,we may lose stone valuable business opportunities. A test of spoken English can urge us to practice more and improve the level of our spoken English.

I will take the test of spoken English.


Nowadays, more and more people have realized the importance of communication in the English class. Through the communication between students and teachers, the knowledge about English language is passed to the learners and the skills of language are practiced and acquired. And the teachers know better about students' performance in English learning. For one thing, through communication, the teacher will obtain useful information about students so as to improve his teaching method and performance. For another, the students can practice spoken English in class more often. They can also ask the teacher's advice on how to improve their methods of English study so that they can master the language more quickly and effectively. In my opinion, since communication in English class is so helpful and beneficial to both the teacher and students, it is better to make efforts to communicate more in class. Through it, the teacher will know what the students want to learn and what problems they meet in English learning and the students can motivate the interest in English learning.

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日本電影女主割下男主 發布:2023-08-31 21:58:33 瀏覽:1251
一個法國女孩剪短頭發電影 發布:2023-08-31 21:57:38 瀏覽:1275
日本電影主角平田一郎 發布:2023-08-31 21:54:07 瀏覽:924
電影票為什麼搶不到 發布:2023-08-31 21:52:52 瀏覽:1238
電影院眼鏡嗎 發布:2023-08-31 21:50:27 瀏覽:667
港劇曉梅是哪個電影 發布:2023-08-31 21:50:15 瀏覽:671
書生娶個鬼老婆是什麼電影 發布:2023-08-31 21:49:25 瀏覽:724