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Ⅰ 阿凡達男女主角英文簡介

[編輯本段]概述 多明尼加移民,1978年生於美國新澤西州,後在紐約皇後區長大的佐伊·索爾達娜擁有芭蕾女生的優雅氣質,卻在2003年憑借《加勒比海盜:黑珍珠號的詛咒》中性格強硬的女海盜Anamaria一角而為觀眾所熟悉。佐伊·索爾達娜的父親在她九歲時由於車禍去世,之後她同母親搬回了多米尼加並從那時開始學習芭蕾,進入了該國最具盛名的一所舞蹈學校,高二之際回到美國後她開始把精力轉移到表演方面。1999年底她在電視劇《法律與秩序》中首次亮相,2002年通過芭蕾題材影片《中央舞台》正式登上大銀幕,之後又同布蘭妮一起出演《穿越鄉間路》,同尼克·卡農合作《穿越鄉間路》獲得MTV電影獎提名。03年變身海盜而小有名氣之後她又接下了《幸福終點站》、《下流高校》以及《男生女生黑白配》等電影。佐伊·索爾達娜的最新大銀幕作品分別是JJ艾布斯的《星艦迷航》這部在2009年上映的大製作影片和2010年詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《阿凡達》,也保證了她成為好萊塢最受矚目的拉丁美女之一。 [編輯本段]基本信息性別:女
英文名:Zoe Saldana
佐伊·索爾達娜,多明尼加移民,1978年生於美國新澤西州,後在紐約皇後區長大的佐伊·索爾達娜擁有芭蕾女生的優雅氣質,在2003年憑借《加勒比海盜:黑珍珠號的詛咒》中性格強硬的女海盜Anamaria一角而為觀眾所熟悉在小有名氣之後她又接下了《幸福終點站》、《下流高校》以及《男生女生黑白配》等電影。佐伊·索爾達娜的最新大銀幕作品分別是JJ艾布斯的《星艦迷航》和詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《阿凡達》 [編輯本段]家庭環境佐伊·索爾達娜的父親是多明尼加人,母親是波多黎各人,在最近的一次采訪中她說她擁有黎巴嫩,印度,愛爾蘭和牙買加血統。她的母語為英語和西班牙語。Saldana對時裝很感興趣,並有自己的品牌Arasmaci,她目前正在和Keith Britton約會。佐伊·索爾達娜的味道就像她的血統一樣源頭眾多而撲朔迷離。1978年出生於美國新澤西州的索爾達娜,母親是波多黎各人,父親則是多米尼加人,而據索爾達娜本人接受采訪說,她擁有的血統起碼有黎巴嫩、印度、愛爾蘭和牙買加四種。這或許可以解釋,為何一個外形如此特別的黑美人卻有著百變的銀幕形象。
在美國出生並度過童年的索爾達娜,10歲時因父親車禍去世,她跟隨母親返回了多米尼加。這個位於加勒比海上的小國家,有著清澈的海水、明媚的陽光和妖嬈的風情,一切都深深印入了索爾達娜的骨髓並讓她著迷不已。她的藝術感覺正式在此地萌芽,索爾達娜進入了本地一所著名的芭蕾舞學校,在多米尼加度過了7年的美好時光。後來她去了好萊塢,在等待大紅大紫的日子裡,她的事業更多地放在衣飾設計上,並建立了屬於自己的時尚品牌,她將這種天賦完全歸功於自己所擁有的多米尼加的文化背景和民族氣質。 [編輯本段]演藝經歷21歲時索爾達娜因一個偶然的機會進入《法律與秩序》的電視劇組,由此開始演藝生涯。盡管當時的索爾達娜對表演尚是一派懵懂,但她很快就幸運地遇到了一部適合自己的電影《中央舞台》(Center Stage)。導演尼古拉斯·希特納在這部表現年輕芭蕾舞者們追求夢想的電影中,為了追求真實感而選用了真正的芭蕾舞演員。從小學習芭蕾舞的佐伊·索爾達娜就這樣得到了艾娃的角色。《中央舞台》中的索爾達娜,有著一臉純真的倔強與叛逆的青澀,手中夾著香煙,一邊高傲地昂起頭顱跳著優雅的芭蕾,一邊對著面前的男孩大爆粗口。她不喜歡循規蹈矩,總是自行其是,卻擁有著一顆忠誠而善良的心。索爾達娜的本色、氣質與外表都十分貼合艾娃這個角色,她在《中央舞台》中的表現也相當出彩。
有一種美是富有爭議的,如同荊棘上開出的鮮花。盡管很多人認為佐伊·索爾達娜(Zoe Saldana)並不夠漂亮,她卻註定有著鶴立雞群的光芒。她的黑色肌膚是充滿野性的色調,眼睛是孩子般的明亮,高高額頭下的寬闊鼻翼和豐厚的嘴唇都昭告著骨子裡的熱情難馴。屬於她的名詞是「性感」或「另類」,而不是「柔弱」和「完美」。她不是中規中矩的百合或溫柔可人的紫羅蘭,而是一朵又紅又辣新鮮帶刺的玫瑰花。 [編輯本段]成長經歷1978年佐伊·索爾達娜生於美國新澤西州,後在紐約皇後區長大的佐伊·索爾達娜擁有芭蕾女生的優雅氣質。
2009接拍由詹姆斯·卡梅隆導演的《阿凡達》,已在2010年1月4日在國內上映 [編輯本段]狂野變身隨後幾年,佐伊·索爾達娜在好萊塢的發展波瀾不驚。由於她在《中央舞台》中的不錯表現,索爾達娜得到了更多出演同類型影片的機會。她出演了2001年歌舞片《失戀大不同》(Get Over It )和2002年的喜劇片《穿越鄉間路》(Crossroads)以及音樂喜劇片《樂鼓熱線》(Drumline)。2004年,索爾達娜在《幸福終點站》(The Terminal)中英姿颯爽的制服形象讓人眼前一亮,但終究沒有得到太大的發揮空間。
2005年的《下流高校》(Dirty Deeds)和《男生女生黑白配》(Guess Who)兩部喜劇既可看作是佐伊·索爾達娜的轉型之作,也可看到她磨練演技的決心,索爾達娜自然清新的氣質在這兩部青春喜劇片中表露無疑。但直到2006年的《加勒比海盜2:亡靈寶藏》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)中性格火爆的海神女的出現,佐伊·索爾達娜才真正發揮出演技的光芒。當《中央舞台》中那個黑天鵝般掂起腳尖的氣質女生一躍化身為滿身海藻氣息的狂野海神,與滿面硬朗骨子裡仍有著文雅氣質的凱拉·奈特利所飾演的斯萬相比,索爾達娜那肆無忌憚的眼神和粗魯坦率的表演恰似一管芥末,為《加勒比海盜》這盤生魚片抹上了恰到好處的辛辣味道。索爾達娜的事業進入繁忙狀態似乎已是理所當然。但出乎意料的是,接下來的兩年中,她接拍的電影數量並不算多。2007年她主演了電影《停電》(Blackout),次年她穿著深色職業裝,中分直發,滿臉凝重地出現在《刺殺據點》(Vantage Point)中,飾演了一個精明干練的記者角色。 [編輯本段]科幻女王 起用佐伊·索爾達娜來出演《星際迷航》(《Star Trek(電視版 2009電影版)》)中的美女通訊官的確是導演J·J·艾伯拉姆斯所做出的明智抉擇之一。她本就有那種不知從何處而來的神秘感覺和不可捉摸的野性味道,與這部聲勢浩大的科幻片風格可謂相得益彰。你可以任意幻想電影中這位風韻無比的聰明女郎烏胡拉究竟來源於哪個星球而不感到一絲突兀。她那渾身上下充斥著的熱情之光,是來源於火星?還是夏威夷的花環與海洋?她冷艷眼神中的星光,她那纖長的腿,柔軟的腰肢,黃金分割般合理而流暢的線條,像一枚鋒利的箭那樣射中了兩位男主角的心臟。在《星際迷航》這樣一部熱鬧的純商業特技大片中,演技兩個字很難說是否真的那麼重要,而烏胡拉這個角色,也不過是男主角身邊一個美艷的花瓶,但索爾達娜對這個角色的詮釋卻無疑是成功的。《星際迷航》的大熱票房和良好口碑,終於將31歲的索爾達娜推向了好萊塢一線明星的位置。
索爾達娜的名字開始頻頻出現在美女排行榜上,她身穿性感緊身裝和長統靴登上Complex雜志,充滿科幻感的造型儼然是「科幻片新女王」的派頭。而為她贏得這一稱號的,還有未公映已被炒得紅到發紫的超級大片《阿凡達》(Avatar)。索爾達娜在其中飾演一個納美族女孩,與薩姆·沃辛頓出演對手戲。這部電影史上號稱投資最高的作品,以其非凡的電腦特效和超強的製作陣容,從開拍伊始就吸引了諸多關注。也許,在這樣一部以電腦特技為主打的好萊塢大片中,索爾達娜讓人記住的,可能仍是隱藏於納美人面具下那獨特的美艷與野性之感,但能夠與詹姆斯·卡梅隆這樣的導演合作,本身就是一種極大的認同。 [編輯本段]性感寫真當佐伊·索爾達娜身穿性感緊身裝和長統靴登上Complex雜志,充滿科幻感的造型儼然是「科幻片新女王」的派頭。而為她贏得這一稱號的,是被炒得紅到發紫的超級大片《阿凡達》(Avatar)。索爾達娜在其中飾演一個納威族女孩,與薩姆·沃辛頓出演對手戲。
這部電影史上號稱投資最高的作品,以其非凡的電腦特效和超強的製作陣容,從開拍伊始就吸引了諸多關注。也許,在這樣一部以電腦特技為主打的好萊塢大片中,索爾達娜讓人記住的,可能仍是隱藏於納美人面具下那獨特的美艷與野性之感,但能夠與詹姆斯·卡梅隆這樣的導演合作,本身就是一種極大的認同。難怪佐伊·索爾達娜會興奮地說我剛剛從事表演的時候,我會對我媽媽說,我在嘗試演戲;現在我會對她說,我在努力表演。而女主角佐伊·索爾達娜,說實在的,她在《阿凡達》里並沒有以真面目示人,觀眾只能看到用CG技術捕捉她面部表情的一個叫做「娜依提」的納威人。事實上佐伊是一個黑皮膚的女孩,曾經是一名舞蹈演員,這也解釋了為什麼她在電影中的身形和動作都可以那麼優美。而她本人最為人所知的角色可能是2003年《加勒比海盜:黑珍珠的詛咒》中性格強硬的女海盜Ana-maria一角,另外她還演過《星際迷航》。 隨著《阿凡達》在全球的火爆上映以及續集的指日開拍,相信這兩位新星也即將成為第二代的「傑克和羅絲」。
圖為佐伊·索爾達娜在電影《阿凡達》倫敦首映式上亮相照片。 [編輯本段]主要作品2000年《中央舞台》(Center Stage)
2001年《失戀大不同》(Get Over It)
2004年《幸福終點站》(The Terminal)
2005年《下流高校》(Dirty Deeds)《男生女生黑白配》(Guess Who)
2006年《加勒比海盜2:亡靈寶藏》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)
2008年《刺殺據點》(Vantage Point)
2009年《星際迷航》(Star Trek)《阿凡達》(Avatar)

Ⅱ 阿凡達英語介紹

Movie Info
Genre(s): Action | Adventure | Sci-fi | Suspense/Thriller

Written by: James Cameron

Directed by: James Cameron

Release Date:
Theatrical: December 18, 2009
Running Time: 150 minutes, Color

Origin: USA

Jake Sully is a former Marine confined to a wheelchair. But despite his broken body, Jake is still a warrior at heart. He is recruited to travel light years to the human outpost on Pandora, where a corporate consortium is mining a rare mineral that is the key to solving Earth's energy crisis. Because Pandora's atmosphere is toxic, they have created the Avatar Program, in which human "drivers" have their consciousness linked to an avatar, a remotely-controlled biological body that can survive in the lethal air. These avatars are genetically engineered hybrids of human DNA mixed with DNA from the natives of Pandora... the Na'vi. Reborn in his avatar form, Jake can walk again. He is given a mission to infiltrate the Na'vi, who have become a major obstacle to mining the precious ore. But a beautiful Na'vi female, Neytiri, saves Jake's life, and this changes everything. Jake is taken in by her clan, and learns to become one of them, which involves many tests and adventures. As Jake's relationship with his reluctant teacher Neytiri deepens, he learns to respect the Na'vi way and finally takes his place among them. Soon he will face the ultimate test as he leads them in an epic battle that will decide the fate of an entire world.

Ⅲ 電影《阿凡達》大體講了一個什麼故事

《阿凡達》劇情介紹:戰斗中負傷而下身癱瘓的前海軍戰士傑克•薩利決定替死去的同胞哥哥來到潘多拉星操縱格蕾絲博士用人類基因與當地納美部族基因結合創造出的 「阿凡達」 混血生物。














Ⅳ 電影英語推薦手抄報 英語電影手抄報





3.《黑暗騎士猛空》(The Dark Knight)


4.《喜劇之王》(The King of Comedy)


5.《了不起的蓋茨比》(The Great Gatsby)


Ⅳ 幫我寫1篇有關《阿凡達》電影介紹的英語作文,200詞左右

1. Currently one of the most popular things to do in your free time is to watch the 3D blockbuster Avatar, nevertheless a long wait in a queue for a ticket seems a certainty. If you know a little about American history, you may find Avatar to
Currently one of the most popular things to do in your free time is to watch the 3D blockbuster Avatar, nevertheless a long wait in a queue for a ticket seems a certainty.
If you know a little about American history, you may find Avatar to be a cinematized retelling of the plight of native Indian people driven away from their ancestral lands 400 years ago.
In the movie the story occurs in the year 2154. A marine named Jake is dispatched to a faraway planet called Pandora where lives blue-skinned Na'vi people and hosts a precious matter, which a greedy company head covets. In order to win Na'vi people's trust and then convince them to decamp, Jake transfers his spirit into a remotely controlled Na'vi body, called an avatar.
But as Jake mingles with the Na'vi People, he graally develops a close bond with the locals and finally decides to stand on their side against the human threat.
Having watched the movie in an IMAX theater, I, together with literally everyone else in the huge room, were thrilled and amazed at the jaw-dropping visual feast it offered.
Despite switching frequently between CGI and a real life cast, the movie doesn't discomfort its audience at all, thanks to a series of technological breakthroughs, a well-known trademark of James Cameron, the film's director.
However, at three hours running time, the plot heavy movie can prove difficult to sit through without yawning. Having said that, I don't think the story of Avatar is any worse than other Hollywood sci-fi epics. A huge leap in techniques with Avatar fails to drag the storytelling to a higher level. This may suggest that a fundamental change in storytelling is far more arous than creating cutting-edge material, and at the same time it may also prove that a refreshing story is more important.
Even James Cameron himself has said in an interview with Newsweek that movies are about storytelling, and humans playing humans.
If Avatar impacts you more on the physical side, we have to expect Cameron's future movies will both feast our eyes and touch our hearts.
On my one-to-ten movie scale, I give Avatar an eight.

2.The revelation of life
Life, in all species are very important
Life, with everything only once, no matter what.
When the home tree to the next moment, Greenaway's screams penetrate my heart, as if the green Napian heard crying.
House did not, and soul along with fly. Surrounded by the wounded and dead comrades, but the cause of this tragedy is the human.
I think this pair of scenes depicting the director not only highlight the special effects only, humans are now being little by little to destroy the tree of our own homes. A large number of harmful gas emissions, without purification of the sewage discharged into rivers directly, many of the biological we can no longer see it.
Perhaps one day we will see their homes ignited the raging flames, can we go from here?

3. paean to the courage
Him, a disabled person, for his contribution to his own country's legs, he was courageous.
He is far marines to stand up again in order to realize their dream of death came over the Pandora's Star, he was courageous.
He suffered as a claim of discrimination against the human partner is still monitoring stations set up their own dream, he is courageous.
A wheelchair, he watched helplessly that he has muscle atrophy of the legs.
With Affan up, he stood up! He flew happy to leap. Enjoy regained his legs, but closes his eyes, as if everything is Nankeyimeng. His face, he is courageous.
Navy family for his family, he became a Knight of the Phantom of the Opera, although the film did not emphasize his conquest of Phantom of the Opera scene, but this courage is enough to conquer all difficulties, and
He was also once a member of the human race, when he was switching sides, just for the sake of glory at the hearts of humanity and human enemy, he is brave!

Ⅵ 求電影<<阿凡達>>的梗概,200個英語單詞左右

Yesterday I went to watch 3D IMAX 'Avatar' with my mother and the teachers in her school. I have to admit that the film is such a wonder that I thought it is well worth watching in one's whole life. 'Avatar' is not just a film. Yes the view in it is really beautiful, charming, amazing, wonderful...I can use hundreds of words to describe what I saw. The film is not just about the love story between a 'human' and a NA'VI princess, but also a ecational file. The film has something in common with the USA history. The NA'VI people live on the planet called Pandora, seems like the Indian people who used to live on the America continent. They first welcomed the new guys who came to settled on the new land. They gave them food, provide them with warm clothing, and taught them the living skills, including how to hunt, to build house... But soon everything changed. The settlers became robbers. They robbed many things of the Indians, and treated them very bad, even began to drive them out of their living places. The Indians became homeless. What a shame! The new settlers treated their benedictory in such a curl way. How cold blood they were. In this film, the char actors were just changed. The Americans are changed into human beings, and the local Indians turn into the NA'VI people on the Pandora. They begin to rob again. They, or should I say 'we' are miserly. We have already damaged too much on the earth. The environment has been destroyed, the water has been wasted, the air has been polluted, the forest has been cut, millions of animals have been killed and we can never see them again. It is just so sad! I just cannot stand it. We must live in harmony with the nature. On the U.N. Climate Change conference, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, our Chinese government published our aim, recing the Carbon Dioxide. The USA government did not promise anything, they just focus on their own instry development. Do they really want to act like what the film has shown? Though I admire Mr. Osama, I can't understand why he did this. In the film, I saw a Circumstances, the commander told the soldier that the NA'VI people believe that the Eywa would bless them everybody laughed at it. Because they don't have anything to believe in. Or can I say they just believe in themselves. It is so sad! People hang together because they have the same belief. But the soldiers in this film, have completed been cold blood killer. What did they fight for? For resources? Then they're robbers. For the commander's orders? Then they're idiot... My men it's time to wake up! It's time for us to hang together just like brothers and sisters, to fight for our living areas. Come on! 譯文: 昨天我和我母親還有她學校里的其他老師去看IMAX 3D版的「阿凡達」了。不得不承認,這電影真是奇跡,我想在人的一生中相當值得一看。「阿凡達」並不只是一部電影。是的,那裡面的畫面真是美麗又迷人,精彩又奇特…我能用上百個詞來描述我的所見。這電影並不僅僅是一個關於人類和納美公主的愛情故事,還是一部具有教育意義的片子。 這電影和美國歷史有些類似。納美人住在一個叫潘多拉的星球上,看上去像以前住在美洲大陸上的印第安人。他們起初歡迎來到新大陸安身的新朋友。他們給他們食物和衣服並且教他們如何打獵如何造房子…之類的生存技巧。但不久後一切都變了。移民們變成了強盜。他們從印第安人那搶了許多東西並且對待他們態度惡劣,甚至逐漸把他們趕出他們的住所。印第安人無家可歸了。太可恥了!新的移民用這種殘忍的方式對待他們的恩人。他們是多麼冷血啊。 這部片子只是更換了角色。美國人換成了人類,土著印第安人換成了潘多拉星球上的納美人。他們又一次搶劫了。他們,或許我應該稱為「我們」是不幸的。我們早已在地球上破壞地太多了。環境被毀滅,水被浪費,空氣被污染,森林被砍伐,數以百萬計的動物被殺戮,我們再也見不到他們了。這真是太可悲了!我真是不能忍受。我們必須和自然和諧共存。 在丹麥的哥本哈根舉行的聯合國氣候變化會議上,我們中國政府公開了我們的目標,降低二氧化碳。而美國政府沒有任何承諾,他們只關系他們自己的工業發展。他們真想照著電影里放的那樣做嗎?雖然我很崇拜奧巴馬先生,但我無法理解他為什麼這么做。 電影里我看見一個場景,酋長告訴士兵們納美人相信聖母伊娃會保佑他們的,所有人都笑了。因為他們沒有什麼信仰。或者說他們只相信他們自己。這太悲哀了!人們互相支持因為他們有相同的信仰。但是片中的戰士們已是完完全全的冷血殺手。他們為什麼而戰?為了資源?那麼他們就是強盜。為了上級的命令?那麼他們是白痴… 我們人類,是時候覺醒了!是時候團結起來情同姐妹般,為我們的居住區而戰了。加油吧。

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