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發布時間: 2023-06-01 00:13:12

① 英文動畫電影



《怪獸大學》(英語:Monsters University)是2001年動畫《怪獸電力公司》的前傳,故事回溯到主角毛怪與大眼仔的大學時光,講述了他們從死對頭變成至真好友的冒險經歷。

影片由皮克斯盯畝導演丹·斯坎隆(Dan Scanlon)執導,英文版由好萊塢喜劇演員比利·克里斯托(Billy Crystal)、約翰·古德曼(John Goodman)配音,中文版則邀來中國的徐崢與何炅獻聲。


② 觀看電影極速蝸牛寫一篇100字左右的英語作文

極速蝸牛》這是一部主流化的動畫電影,主題繞不開好萊塢動畫一直推崇的追夢和勵志,離不開美國人一直向外推崇的個人價值和自我實現。是一部主題很傳統的動畫電影. 影片講述的是一個立志成為賽車手的蝸牛Turbo如何真正走上賽道實現自己夢想的歷程。主角Turbo是整部電影主題的一個載體而不具有靈魂,他是沖動的,愛做夢的,勵志到底的,但給我特別的印象倒是的它哥哥,那隻早已對生活認命的胖蝸牛讓我稍有觸動。它那個胖哥哥對於生活的想法是很簡單的,有的吃,有的事做,便足矣,哪怕每日重復著同樣的日子,逐漸變得麻木——比如看著每天早上被烏鴉逮走的同伴也無動於衷——他對於生活早已沒有了幻想。他生活目標的另一部分就是維護自己唯一的親人。他相當於主角的反面,起著襯托和塑造主角的作用:一面不斷打擊著主角的白日夢,一面卻又不斷護著自己弟弟的短,哪怕弟弟後來毀掉了他一直引以為傲的安穩日子。雖然這個角色在整部片子中對於主角的作用基本都是反向的(除了最後領悟到弟弟的努力和堅持之外),可他確實是在生活中很真實的一個存在。在身邊的很多親人眼裡,一個對生活充滿幻想和追求的傻後輩往往是讓他們操煩不已的對象。長輩父母兄長都會感嘆於這些年輕後輩太單純,還未經歷過生活的錘煉和風吹雨打,總把生活想像的太美好。過來人的這些理由並不能說是毫無道理,誠如影片中主角是靠一次次近乎不可能的行動,才最終打動了自己的哥哥。比起一天到晚的異想天開,經歷過生活洗禮的哥哥顯然更願意相信腳踏實地的行動,這也是他在西紅柿園里一直在反對弟弟的理由:你拿不出實際行動給我看,憑什麼讓我相信你的夢想能實現?另一個反對的緣由則是出於親情。當主角都走上了夢寐以求的賽車場,他仍然想方設法地勸阻,多少讓人感覺這個兄長實在太固執和不可理喻,但細想之下,他並非出於對生活的膽怯和認命。一路走來,他心底其實已經承認了自己弟弟的成就超越了一個蝸牛的存在,但他害怕自己的弟弟會死在凶險的賽道上,所以他選擇反對,相比周圍那些朋友對他弟弟的支持,這個哥哥的立場顯得那麼扎眼,卻又是發自內心:「你們把自己的願望寄託在他身上,但可曾像親人一樣擔憂過他的生死及安全呢?」他反對,因為那是他唯一的弟弟。那麼,這種近乎溺愛的保護,是無異於扼殺了想法,而其背後的動機又應該怎麼樣理解。而對於Turbo來說,哥哥的認可是比任何其他的外在認同都要重要的東西,一如現實生活中長輩父母兄弟的認同,每一代的新一輩都是這樣,他們一邊嘲弄和不屑於長輩的生活和觀念,可另一方面又急切渴望著長輩的肯定。觀全片,Turbo一直都在爭取著自己哥哥的認同,他希望哥哥支持他的夢想,支持他去參賽,希望他能在賽前鼓勵他,贊許他,盡管他得到的多是一盆冷水,但足可見他對自己哥哥看法的重視。當他最終抵達終點,享受山呼海嘯般的歡呼和掌聲時,這只蝸牛真的在乎或者說理解那數萬觀眾對它的關注嗎?我想未必,反倒是哥哥第一時間沖上來擁抱的那一刻,是他最意外和高興的。同樣,墨西哥卷餅兄弟與Turbo兄弟如出一轍的相似。就不細表。所以,我覺得這個電影非常適合哥哥弟弟一起去看,哥哥弟弟一定能找到彼此心裡的哥哥與弟弟在哪裡

③ 極速蝸牛英文介紹 (必須英文)

Directed by David Soren
Proced by Lisa Stewart
Written by David Soren
Robert Siegel
Darren Lemke
Story by David Soren
Starring Ryan Reynolds
Paul Giamatti
Michael Peña
Snoop Dogg
Maya Rudolph
Michelle Rodriguez
Samuel L. Jackson
Music by Henry Jackman
Cinematography Chris Stover
Wally Pfister (visual consultant)
Editing by James Ryan
Studio DreamWorks Animation
Distributed by 20th Century Fox
Release dates June 24, 2013 (2013-06-24) (CineEurope, Barcelona)
July 17, 2013 (2013-07-17) (United States)
Running time 96 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $127 million
Box office $282,570,682

Turbo is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated comedy sports film proced by Dream Works Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It is based on an original idea by David Soren, who also directed the film. The film features an ordinary garden snail whose dream to become the fastest snail in the world comes true. The film was released on July 17, 2013.
Along with Ryan Reynolds, who stars as the eponymous character, the film also features Paul Giamatti, Michael Peña, Snoop Dogg, Maya Rudolph, Michelle Rodriguez and Samuel L. Jackson. The film has been followed by a television series, titled Turbo FAST (Fast Action Stunt Team), which first aired on Netflix on December 24, 2013.

In a suburban San Fernando Valley garden, Theo, a.k.a Turbo, is a snail who dreams of being the greatest racer in the world, just like his hero, 5-time Indianapolis 500 champ, Guy Gagné. His obsession with speed and all things fast has made him an oddity and an outsider in the slow and cautious snail community, and a constant embarrassment to his cautious older brother, Chet. Turbo desperately wishes he could escape the slow-paced life he's living, but his one chance to live proves a near fatal disaster when he tries to recover a prize tomato and needs to be rescued by Chet.
Demoralized, Theo wanders onto a freeway to admire the traffic and wishes on the very first star (which is actually an airplane light), "I wish...I wish I was fast". Suddenly, he gets into a freak accident when he gets sucked into the supercharger of a drag racer, fusing his DNA with nitrous oxide on a street race. The next day, when Theo wakes up from unconsciousness, his incident the night before finds himself vested with the power of incredible speed and accuracy, as well as some of the characteristics of an actual car, such as eyes that light up like headlights, and a shell that blinks red like taillights and makes car sounds and music from a radio.
Unfortunately, Theo's first attempt to show this power off ends with him crashing a Big Wheel tricycle into the garden, getting himself and Chet fired from the garden crew. As the siblings quarrel over Theo's problems, Chet is snatched by a crow, but is pursued and rescued by Theo at a run down strip mall where they are then captured by Tito, a "Dos Bros" taco truck driver and is brought to race with other snails. Theo astounds both human and snail alike with his speed and earns the respect of the snails, led by Whiplash, with his crew Smoove Move, Burn, Skidmark, and White Shadow, who have impressive skills of their own.
Inspired by this extraordinary snail, Tito dreams to revive the strip mall with Theo as an attraction, and eventually with the help of the snails who manage to divert and strand a tour bus and drum up impressive business. At this success, Theo convinces Tito to try to enter the snail in Indianapolis 500 as a competitor. While Tito's brother, Angelo, still declines to support him, the neighbors agree to put up the entrance fee and accompany them to Indianapolis. Once there, Tito is refused entry into the race, but a chance meeting with Guy Gagné gives Turbo a chance to show off his speed which astounds the race track at the snail qualifying for the race.
This impossible feat soon becomes a sensation on social media and the owner of the race gives in to the pressure, egged on by Gagné himself, to let the snail compete. However, the night before the race, Turbo is demoralized when his hero, Gagné, sneers at his attempt to race while Chet confesses that he cannot bear to see his brother endanger himself. Undeterred, Turbo enters the race the next day, but the dangerous racetrack and the far more experienced competition leaves him trailing in last place.
At a pitstop, Whiplash and his crew give Turbo a vital pep talk, advising him to stop racing like a car. Back in the race, Turbo realizes what they mean and uses his small size to maximum advantage with maneuvers around and under the competition that no human racer can emulate. With the snail rapidly gaining in the standings, Gagné starts racing dirty and manages to knock Turbo against the circuit wall, damaging his shell and weakening his speed powers. Eventually, in the final stretch with Turbo in the lead, Gagné tries a desperate maneuver to beat the snail and gets into a major crash that snares most of the competitors in a major pileup. Similarly, Turbo is thrown, waking up once again from unconsciousness with his shell punctured and his speed all but gone.
Alarmed at seeing Turbo giving up and retreating into his shell barely a few feet from the finish line, Chet puts himself into incredible dangers to meet up with Whiplash's crew to get to the racer. Seeing his brother and friends arrive riding crows to encourage him to continue, Turbo resumes the race. Unfortunately, Gagné, refusing to lose, singlemindedly pursues him by dragging his wrecked car after the snail and attempts to crush him. At the last second, Chet tells Turbo to tuck and roll into his shell at Gagné's last blow and the force allows him to tumble past the finish line to win.
At this victory, the strip mall becomes a major attraction with all the businesses becoming spectacular successes including extremely elaborate snail races with Whiplash's crew getting special propulsion aids for their shells, while Chet is content as the track referee. As for Turbo, he becomes happier discovering that his shell has healed, and with that, his superspeed has returned.

Voice cast
Ryan Reynolds as Theo aka Turbo, a garden snail who dreams of becoming a racer and the next Indy 500 champion.
Paul Giamatti as Chet, Turbo's brother
Michael Peña as Tito Lopez, a "Dos Bros" taco truck driver who finds and befriends Turbo.
Snoop Dogg as Smoove Move, a snail
Maya Rudolph as Burn, a snail
Michelle Rodriguez as Paz, a car mechanic
Samuel L. Jackson as Whiplash, the leader of the Starlight Plaza Snail crew.
Luis Guzmán as Angelo Lopez, Tito's brother and a "Dos Bros" taco truck driver.
Bill Hader as Guy Gagné, a French-Canadian Indy 500 champion
Richard Jenkins as Bobby, a shopkeeper who makes custom snail shells.
Ken Jeong as Kim-Ly, a manicurist
Ben Schwartz as Skidmark, Whiplash's "feisty #2".
Kurtwood Smith as Indy CEO
Michael Patrick Bell as White Shadow
Dario Franchitti as Scottish Anchor, Male Tourist
Will Power as Australian Anchor
Mario Andretti as an Indianapolis Motor Speedway traffic director
Paul Page as a booth announcer

Turbo was directed by first-time director, David Soren, who also came up with the idea for the film. It all started when DreamWorks Animation organized a competition for all employees to pitch a one page idea. The night before, Soren conceptualized Fast & Furious with snails, and won the competition. The studio bought the idea, and let it "simmer" for more than five years. When Soren and his family moved into a new home with a backyard infested with snails, he pushed for the idea and "got it back on the fast track." Soren explained why he chose snails: "For me, it was less about trying to make a racing movie and more about finding an underdog that I could really latch onto. I think that a snail is inherently an underdog. It's smashed, eaten by people, the butt of slow jokes around the world. It just seemed loaded with obstacles. Obviously, the opposite of slow is fast, and that's where racing came into the picture." For the racing side of the film, Soren was inspired by his six-year-old son's fascination with race cars.
DreamWorks Animation partnered with Hulman & Company, parent company of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Indy Racing League, LLC (the organisation that sanctions the IZOD IndyCar Series) to make the racing as authentic as possible. Dario Franchitti, four-time IZOD IndyCar Series champion, was a technical consultant on the film, giving advice how Turbo should navigate the speed and competition through the eyes of a snail.

④ 適合初一看的英文電影有哪些










⑤ 誰有極速蝸牛的資源,英語高清,中英字幕的


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1M7I9B5Wl2HA8XQmWHlgVgQ



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