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❶ 公主日記英文觀後感200詞


The "Princess Diaries" is a film made by Disney company. It tells the story of a New York City ordinary girl - mia, she used to work as a transparent person in the school, but in her 16 birthday coming before the accident was confirmed to be Jinuoweiya the princess after grandma Norinari an elegant princess, find my prince charming.

This movie is similar to the sweet fairy tale Cinderella, the hero Mia is the modern version of Cinderella, the plot is full of strong fairy tale color. Mia from the past a cipher, suddenly became the focus, this is how many girls dream of a happy life.

The theme of the movie is not original, and it is not expected to get rid of the traditional mode. Its ending is also expected, but it didnt fail to get the box office. Instead, it got a good review, because the audience paid more attention to the enjoyment of watching the movie process.

I was deeply impressed with the film. A teenager, inferiority and shy I happened to see Anne Hathaway, played by MIA in creating makeup, transformed into a beautiful girl with a smile. At that time, it was a magical thing in my short cognition. So that he forgot to pay attention to the name of the film, which led to the search for it for so many years before it was found.

This film is more than the old and young story, not lack of fairy tale innocence and innocence, and the overflowing and gentle alt humour.

This role seems to specifically for her a lively, Frank Anne Hathaway will play Mia vivid. And she will each girls cherished dream princess of Shi Quan so true, her performance is a little jerky jump, but her bright smiling face, confident, elegant temperament, has become my dream girl goddess.








❷ 《公主日記》的簡介

公主日記1 電影《公主日記》海報基本信息 英文片名The Princess Diaries 中文譯名公主日記對白英語地區美國類型喜劇、愛情聲音數字化影院系統(DTS) 杜比數碼環繞聲(Dolby Digital) SDDS時長115min 演員簡介茱莉·安德魯斯生於1935年10月1日,英國薩里郡,原名朱莉婭·伊麗莎白 ·韋爾斯。 安妮·海瑟薇 安妮·海瑟薇,美國電影和舞台劇演員,父親是位律師,母親則是歌手兼演舞台劇演員。她在大學里主修英文,副修婦女研究,她說過,如果當不成演員,她會想當一位文學家或是心理學家。在《公主日記》的試鏡時,安妮意外地從椅子上摔了下來,結果反而被導演一眼相中,得到了扮演主角米婭的機會,並一舉成名。安妮擁有燦爛明媚的笑容和高雅端正的氣質,還帶有一點點的調皮可愛,被譽為「茱莉亞·羅伯茨和奧黛莉·赫本」的綜合體。 羅伯特·斯沃茲曼生於1982年12月24日,美國加州哈克特·埃利桑多1936-12-22曼迪·摩爾出生於新罕布希爾,1984年4月10日 埃里克·溫·德坦生日: 1982年10月3日 帕特里克·福倫格生於1983年12月10日,美國明尼蘇達州的Red Wing。 導演 加里·馬歇爾(Garry Marshall) 編劇 梅格·凱博特(Meg Cabot ) 吉納·溫考斯(Gina Wendkos) 演員 茱莉·安德魯斯(Julie Andrews) queen 安妮·海瑟薇 (Anne Hathaway) princess Mia 羅伯特·斯沃茲曼(Robert Schwartzman)公主日記1 哈克特·埃利桑多(Hector Elizondo) Joe 希瑟·馬特拉佐(Heather Matarazzo) 曼迪·摩爾(Mandy Moore) 埃里克·溫·德坦(Erik von Detten) 帕特里克·福倫格(Patrick Flueger)[1] 克里斯·派恩 公主日記2 Nicholas 劇情簡介 15歲的米婭是舊金山的一個普通女孩,和作藝術家的母親一起過著平靜的生活。有一天,她竟然得知自己原來是一個公主,原來,她的母親曾經和是一個歐洲小國吉諾維亞的國王有過一段短暫的戀情,並且生下了她。現在,她成了吉諾維亞唯一的王位繼承人,在她16歲的生日到來之前,她必須作出決定是繼續留在曼哈頓還是前往繼承王位。當她最終選擇來到吉諾維亞王宮的時候,在那裡見到了嚴厲的皇太後克拉麗莎,二個人不久就發生了沖突。米婭始終沒有把自己和一個國家的統治者的身份聯系起來,而皇太後克拉麗莎則認為這是米婭的職責。克拉麗莎決定要以王室的規矩把她改造成皇室的繼承人。於是,妙趣橫生的矛盾和笑料也就接踵而來。最後,米婭在他父親給他寫的日記中得到了啟示,她決心做吉諾維亞王國的繼承人,並且她還在她的生日舞會上尋到了真愛。 公主日記2 《公主日記2》海報基本信息 英文片名The Princess Diaries 2:Royal Engagement中文譯名公主日記2:皇室婚約對白英語地區美國類型家庭、喜劇分級USA:G 時長113min演職員表 導演 蓋瑞·馬歇爾 Garry Marshall 演員 茱莉·安德魯斯 Julie Andrews 希瑟·馬特拉佐 Heather Matarazzo 安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 哈克特·埃利桑多 Hector Elizondo 約翰·里斯-戴維斯 John Rhys-Davies 克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 湯姆·波士頓 Tom Poston 金·索姆森 Kim Thomson 雷文·西蒙尼 Raven Symone 拉里·米勒 Larry Miller 卡羅琳·古道 Caroline Goodall 劇情簡介 劇情緊隨前一部故事展開:景色如畫、氣候宜人的歐洲小國「吉諾維亞」終於迎來了剛剛從大學畢業的米婭公主。公主的到來顯然引起了舉國轟動,因為她將在皇後的幫助下最終成為王國的主宰者。同時,這位芳齡21歲的公主也顯得無比興奮,坐落在密林深處的宏偉古堡更是深深地吸引了她。 不久,一個難題出現在眼前。在一次皇家聽證會上,大法官宣布:「依照吉諾維亞王國的法律,若想成為擁有王國統治權的合法皇後,必須要在30天內訂婚並結婚。否則,她將失去這個資格。」 想在短短的30天內組建家庭確非易事,更何況是一個身受繁雜的皇室法典約束的公主。於是,一場紛亂緊張的「選秀」開始了。然而,這一臨時抱佛腳的「相親行動」起初並不順利,候選人條件似乎永遠也無法滿足人們的要求。直到有一天,一位英俊的年輕人出現在公主的面前。一邊閃電般同未來的「真命天子」培養感情,一邊還要接收皇室的各種高雅教育,一時間,公主米婭忙的不可開交,更是引出不少笑料。然而,荒誕滑稽過後是皆大歡喜的收場,同時,米婭身上那無比誘人的青春氣息也感染著這個古老而沉靜的國度。

❸ 公主日記 英語劇情簡介


The Princess Diaries is the diary of Mia Thermopolis, a fourteen-year-old freshman at the fictional Albert Einstein High School, a private school in New York City.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
Mia is a tall, socially awkward teenager who was raised by her liberal artist mother Helen in Greenwich Village, Manhattan. Her parents had a brief fling and separated before she was born; she sees her father Phillipe Renaldo, whom she is told is a Genovian politician, mostly when she spends every summer at her grandmère (grandmother) Clarisse s French chateau, Miragnac.

Mia s world is thrown upside down when her father, who recently underwent treatment for testicular cancer, finds out he cannot have any more children--because he is really Prince Artur Cristoff Gerard Grimaldi Renaldo of Genovia, and he informs her that since he cannot proce another heir, she is now Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Her Royal Highness, the princess of Genovia.

Mia does not adjust to this news easily; but she certainly objects when her father informs her she must now move to Genovia to learn to be a princess. Eventually, Grandmère decides to come to America to provide "princess lessons," which her father offers to pay her for. Mia declines, but asks instead that her father donate a hundred dollars a day to Greenpeace.


Garry Marshall

Writers (WGA):Meg Cabot (novel)
Gina Wendkos (screenplay)

Release Date:3 August 2001 (USA)

Julie Andrews ... Queen Clarisse Renaldi

Anne Hathaway ... Mia Thermopolis

Hector Elizondo ... Joe

Heather Matarazzo ... Lilly Moscovitz

Mandy Moore ... Lana Thomas

Caroline Goodall ... Helen Thermopolis

Robert Schwartzman ... Michael Moscovitz

Erik von Detten ... Josh Bryant (as Erik Von Detten)

Patrick Flueger ... Jeremiah Hart

Sean O'Bryan ... Teacher Patrick O'Connell

Sandra Oh ... Vice Principal Gupta
Kathleen Marshall ... Charlotte
Mindy Burbano ... Gym Teacher Ms. Harbula

Kimleigh Smith ... Music Teacher Wells (as Kim Leigh)

Beth Anne Garrison ... Cheerleader Anna


❹ 求美國電影《公主日記》觀後感要求:全文英語 50詞以上


Every girl has a dream in her heart, to be a princess.

Small inferiority, shy, shy, hope to make mistakes when the time to go into the ground, have a best friend, fantasy beautiful love, like most girls, invisible life.

Then one day luck came, unacceptably fast, "in the genetic." Suddenly he became a princess, suddenly into the fairy tale world, so everything, began to become different.

From rude to elegant, to my fair lady, the girl has gone through their own way, of course, without the help of others.

Every part is beautifully shot, lovely, and the shy boy playing the harmonica, his voice blowing in the wind, Julie Andrews playing the queen Mother, tells you what temperament is.

I really recommend every girl to see this movie, to meet their hearts a little dream.







❺ 用英語寫一篇公主日記的觀後感


I loved this movie and although it may have been slightly cliché, the dialog was quite smart and it was quite a funny movie. I think that if you expect the movie to be Oscar worthy.

it will obviously fall short. But as it only attempts to be a sweet story about a misfit 15 year old turned princess, it completely lives up to it's potential. I think that Julie Andrews completely made the movie and that Anne Hathaway also did an excellent job.

The movie is great for people of all ages because it has a simplistic plot yet has great one liners and great repartee between the characters of the Queen and Princess Mia. I also think that the minor characters are great also because they provide even more comic relief.




❻ 誰有電影《公主日記1》的英文概述

MiaLisi (Anne Hathaway ornaments) from Los Angeles is a shy girl. When she learned that he is actually a princess, she had no knowledge of it is at a loss. As a small country in Europe ---- Jinuoweiya successor, Mia began a period full of comedy of course. She is severe and Granville Health grandmother ---- Clarisa empress dowager - Leinaerdi (Jolie - decorated with Andrews) began to take her training as the Princess of responsibility. However, two indivials took place shortly after the conflict - Mia have no intention to abandon her normal life to do a distant country's ruler, and the empress dowager Clarisa insisted that this is Mia's responsibilities. Clarisa decision to the royal family's rule is no piece of the "diamond Diaozao had" completely transformed into the royal heir. Heart unwilling, reluctant little princess her life to be the most important choice - either continue to work with her family lived a quiet life; or completely abandon all become Jinuoweiya the Princess Royal's shoulder Duty. The film by the Queen in "The Sound of Music" starring Jolie - Andrews to play. Director of "Pretty Woman" and "run away bride" can deliver the mail. 米婭·泰梅波莉斯(安妮·海瑟薇飾)是一個來自洛杉磯的羞澀的小姑娘。當她得知自己其實是一個公主時,毫不知情的她簡直是不知所措。作為一個歐洲小國----吉諾維亞的繼承人,米婭開始了一段充滿喜劇性的歷程。她嚴厲而令人生威的祖母----皇太後克拉麗莎-雷納爾蒂(茱莉-安德魯斯飾)開始擔當起了把她培養成公主的重任。 但是,二個人不久就發生了沖突--米婭根本無意拋棄她的正常生活去做一個遙遠的國家的統治者,而皇太後克拉麗莎則堅持認為這是米婭的職責。克拉麗莎決定要以王室的規矩把這塊沒有「雕鑿過的鑽石」徹底改造成皇室的繼承人。心不甘、情不願的小公主必須作出她這一生最重大的選擇--要麼繼續與她的家人一起過著平靜的生活;要麼徹底拋棄一切,成為吉諾維亞的公主,肩負起皇室的責任。本片中的皇後由《音樂之聲》的主演茱莉-安德魯斯扮演。導演是《漂亮女人》和《逃跑新娘》的加里·馬歇爾。責任

❼ 誰可以給我《公主日記1》的英文簡介


Mia Thermopolis is the average teenager - sweet, a little geeky and pretty much invisible to everyone with the exception of her mother, best friend Lilly and Lilly's older brother Michael. Making it through high school without throwing up is a challenge in itself for Mia, so it doesn't come as welcome news when her estranged grandmother shows up out of the blue and calmly informs her that she is in fact the heir to the throne of a European country called Genovia. Suddenly Mia's life is thrown into complete overload. She's being taught about scarves, waves and pears in order to become a perfect princess, she gets a makeover and a tough looking yet sweet bodyguard/limo driver called Joe. Things get out of hand when the media gets a hold of the story and suddenly Mia is thrust into the spotlight in both the newspapers and in school. On top of all that Mia has a choice to make. She must decide by Genovia's Independence Day Ball whether she longs to relinquish her claim on the throne or to... Written by LadyN1

❽ 求電影公主日記1中10段經典英文對白

怎麼要那麼多啊 ~~~只找到這些~
The Princess Diaries

1 hr. 50 min.
Release Date: August 3, 2001
Starring: Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews, Hector Elizondo, Heather Matarazzo
Directed by: Garry Marshall
Proced by: Whitney Houston, Debra Martin Chase, Mario Iscovich
Written by: Gina Wendkos
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures

上映日期: 2001年8月3日
演員:安妮-海瑟薇 茱莉-安德魯斯 哈克特-埃利桑多 海瑟-馬托拉佐
製作: Whitney Houston, Debra Martin Chase, Mario Iscovich
編劇: Gina Wendkos

Fifteen-year-old Mia discovers that her father is the Prince of Genovia and she is the sole heir to the throne. She must decide, by her sixteenth birthday, whether she will live as a princess and move to Genovia or remain in Manhattan where she lives with her artist mom. She must suffer through the indignity of princess lessons at the hands of her stern grandmother…


Julie Andrews has been here before. Back in the '50s, she played Eliza Doolittle in the classic musical "My Fair Lady," making Broadway history as the lower-class lass who passes as an aristocrat after Professor Henry Higgins teaches her to talk and walk like a lady.

Decades later, "The Princess Diaries" lets Andrews (see interview) try the Higgins role herself. Here, she plays the queen of Genovia, who has decided Genovia's next ruler should be her granddaughter, Mia, a San Francisco teenager who's never been told that her long-estranged father had royal blood.

Mia knows little about Europe, and nothing about the tricks of running a country, but the queen is willing to mold her manners, coach her diction, dictate her wardrobe, and do anything needed to make her a proper Old World princess. The job carries plenty of perks - a limo is mighty tempting to a girl whose Mustang can barely make it up a hill - but Mia's a shy type who dreads the spotlight a royal perch would bring. Can her well-meaning grandma put her on the road to monarchy? Or do her Californian values run so deep that Henry Higgins himself couldn't change them?
"The Princess Diaries" unfolds its story from Mia's point of view, aiming at teen viewers who'll identify with her identity crisis and with the everyday details of adolescent life - quarrels with mom , rivalries, and romances at school - that the movie convincingly paints. A well-chosen cast helps the picture come alive: Andrews as the queen; Anne Hathaway as her undecided granddaughter; Caroline Goodall as Mia's mom; Hector Elizondo as a royal assistant; and Heather Matarazzo in a perfect performance as Mia's closest pal. Only the boys in Mia's life tend to look like generic teenpic characters.
With its leisurely pace and unfancy filmmaking, "The Princess Diaries" is a likable throwback to an old tradition of pictures from the Disney studio. While most of today's youth-targeted movies unleash bombardments of visual effects and pop-culture distractions, director Garry Marshall spins this yarn with a quiet dignity that Genovia's staid queen would applaud.

The film isn't backward-looking in its attitudes toward modern society, though. Two or three decades ago, Mia would surely have ended the story by refusing her royal opportunity in the name of American values like democracy and indivialism. By contrast, the Mia of 2001 decides to grab the job. How else could a middle-class girl get enough influence and power to make the world listen to her ideas?

Julie Andrews不是第一次出演這類題材的電影.早在50年代,在經典音樂片<<窈窕淑女>> 中,她扮演的百老匯底層少女,經過Henry Higgins教授的調教,成為了一個舉止幽雅得體的貴族式小姐.
米婭對歐洲一無所知,更不要說如何治理國家了,但女王卻十分樂於指正她的舉止和言語措辭,以及如何衣著得體……以便把她調教成一個真正的傳統意義上的公主.公主這差事固然有許多好處——正如對於只有一輛爬坡都費力的老爺車的女孩子來說,豪華轎車實在是不可抗拒的誘惑;然而,米婭生性靦腆害怕皇室高位帶來的聚光燈.那麼,善意的祖母是否能使米婭順利成為君主呢?亦或是在加里福尼亞形成的價值觀如此根深蒂固,以至於連Henry Higgins自己也不能改變米婭呢?
<<公主日記>>以米婭的視角展開故事情節,迎合了十多歲的觀眾群,因為他們有著和米婭相似的的個性沖突和青少年特有的生活細節——與母親拌嘴,叛逆,以及學校里的戀愛故事——這些都在電影里一一展現.此外,角色的成功選擇使整部電影充滿了生氣: Andrews扮演的女王: Anne Hathaway扮演的外孫女; Caroline Goodall扮演的米婭的母親;還有Hector Elizondo扮演的皇室助理;以及成功扮演米婭密友的Heather Matarazzo.而劇中米婭生活中的男孩就顯得十分普通了.
從容的節奏加上並不花哨的製作,<<公主日記>>倒更像是迪斯尼拍的傳統老片.當眾多電影為了吸引年輕人而不斷發起視覺沖擊波和流行浪潮時,導演Garry Marshall卻向我們講述了一個連端莊的吉尼維亞女王也鼓掌認可的故事.

heir n. 繼承人 stern adj. 嚴厲的
indignity n. 侮辱,無禮 Broadway n. 百老匯
lass n. 少女 aristocrat n. 貴族,上流社會人士
estrange v. 使……隔離 mold v. 對……產生影響
limo n. 豪華轎車 perch n. 高位
monarchy n. 君主國 adolescent adj. 青少年的
throwback n. 倒退 unleash v. 發動
spin v. 編造 yarn n. 故事
Mia: me? A princess? Shut up!

Queen: I beg your pardon, shut up? Nevertheless you are the princess. And I am the queen Clarisse Renaldi.

Mia: why on earth would you pick me to be your princess?

Queen: Since your father died, you are the natural heir to the throne of Geneva. That』s our law. I』m royal by marriage. You are royal by blood. You can rule.

Mia: Rule? Oh, no! oh, no. no, no no. now you have really got the wrong girl. I never lead anybody, not at brownies, not at camp fire girls. Queen Clarisse my expectation in life is to be invisible and I』m good at it.

Queen: Amelia I have other expectations also. In my wildest dreams, I never expected this to happen. But you are the legal heir, the only heir to the Genovian throne and we』ll accept the challenge of helping you become the princess that you are. Oh, I can give you books. You』ll study languages, history, art, political science. I can teach you to walk, talk, sit, stand, eat, dress like a princess. And given time, I think you』ll find the palace in Genovia a very pleasant place to live.

Mia: live in Genovia?

Queen: it』s a wonderful country! Amelia, really!

Mia: whoa, whoa, just. Rewind and Freeze. I』m no princess. I』m still waiting for normal body parts to arrive. I refused to move to and rule a country. And do you want another reason? I don』t want to be a princess.

❾ 公主日記英文影評

If "Proced by Hollywood" represents the film of big proction and big star, then "proced by Disney" must be engraved with the trace of fairy tale. "

Princess Diaries" is a new era of "sparrow to phoenix" story, and the actress Anne Hathaway has been regarded as a new generation of "Audrey Hepburn" type princess.

The film tells the process of growth and growth of the mind, not only the princess's diary, but also from the responsibility, confidence diary.






❿ 公主日記英語影評初一帶漢語 跪求 初一水平




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