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發布時間: 2022-01-20 17:12:39

① 懸崖上的金魚姬英語介紹

There is a little golden fish whose name is Poniu~likes to go up to the surface of the ocean.Once upon a time, she met a little human~a little boy named ...(sorry, forgotten..) The little boy is very lovely and kind to take care of Poniu....... Poniu's mama--ocean's godness use magic to change poniu into a little girl...then boy and girl get together and be happy...

② 懸崖上的金魚姬英文簡介

The cases of five year-old growing up in the seaside town of Kai, his waterfront home on the cliffs. One day, were mediated by the waves picked up a bottle washed ashore of waste, which has a small article caught goldfish. Small goldfish Mingjiaoboni, she is the daughter of the Queen Mermaid and secretly slipped out of play when the sail jellyfish flying into the bottle. Cases referred to pony back to the their own homes, kept in a basin inside. Pawnee In the cases referred had a very happy home, and she likes to refer cases, were referred also like her. However, the happy days passed quickly, Bonnie's father vine daughter back to the seabed. Vine Primitive is a fisherman, and later, and love the Queen Mermaid has become the seabed occupied. Pawnee home very thoughts were referred, and she made a bold decision - she wants to become a man, and were referred together. In the sisters with the help of Pawnee to steal his father's magic, to swim to the human world. Unexpectedly, the inherent danger of life the magic of water out of control. As a result, water flood, storm mad for, and my sister had a terrible giant fish, the waves were referred to a cliff where a small town sprang ... ... the beach was flooded, and Bonnie did not expect that their good wishes even provoke such a catastrophe

③ 《懸崖上的金魚公主》這電影,有位網友這樣評論了,有沒有道理


④ 英語電影

最近有個電影 ,the war horse ,戰馬,有點童話但寓意深刻。
You can't harness him. He's got to be collared. You're scaring him, Dad! You're scaring him.你不能給他套馬具 他必須得套上 你嚇壞他了 你嚇壞他了He can't take a plow! He's got to plow! He won't be able to do it! He's too young. He's not even been backed yet!他沒法犁地 他必須犁 他沒這個能力啊 他太年輕了 他還沒有被騎過Ted! It's all right, boy. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. I knew this would happen as soon as I laid eyes on him.泰德!沒事的 沒事的 沒事的 我第一眼看到他 就知道會發生這種事Ted, no. Ted, no. He's worth nothing to me. If he won't take the collar, he's not worth a damn thing!泰德 不要!泰德,不要!他對我來說一點用都沒有 他不帶上頸圈 一分錢都不值Dad? Move aside. Dad, stop! 爸爸 滾開點 爸爸 住手You shoot that horse, we have nothing. No!你殺了他 我們就一無所有了 不要You were right what you said, Dad. He'll do it. You told Lyons he'll plow that field, and he will. You'll see. He'll show you.你說的對 爸爸「他會犁地的」 你告訴萊昂斯他會犁地 他就會的 你會看到的 他會讓你看到的We'll show you. We'll get it done. Let go. Let go. Go back to the house.我們會讓你看到的 我們會做到的 放下槍 放下槍 把槍放回家裡去Some days are best forgotten. Today ain't one of them. Come on.有些日子最好忘記 今天卻不能忘記 來吧How are you today, Joey? I don't know much about life, boy, but I do know that there are big days and there are small days.你今天好嗎 喬伊 我不太懂得生活 孩子 但是我知道有重要日子 有平常日子Most days are small days, and, well, they don't matter much to anyone. But this... Well, this is a big one. This is our big day.大部分時候是平常日子 人們只是平平常常地過 但今天 今天是重要日子 今天是我們的大日子It's cold out there, so I'm going to take this off. If it's tough for you, it should be tough for me, too.外面很冷 我要脫掉外套 既然對你來說痛苦 我也要同甘共苦Now, I'm going to teach you how to plow. And you're going to learn. Is that understood?現在 我教你怎麼犁地 你好好學 懂了嗎?That we can be together, which is how I believe things are meant to be. Steady, boy. Here we go. Here we go. Come on.這樣我們才能在一起 我相信我們在一起是天意 穩著點 孩子 我們開始咯Now, boy. Easy. Easy. Look at me, Joey. See? See? You just got to put your nose through. That's it. See, you've got it. You've got it. Good boy. There.放鬆 放鬆 看著我 只要穿過你的鼻子就好了 就這樣 看 你做到了 你做到了 好孩子 好了參考資料:戰馬網路

⑤ 【求】宮崎駿電影里的英文名!!!~

《天空之城》 男:派舒 (PASU) 女:希達(SHEETA) 圖:http://img2.mtime.com/up/601/840601/17dbd4ff-d27a-471c-8c3e-0ff7d5830695_500.jpg 《風之谷》 男:阿斯貝魯 女:娜烏西卡 (nausicaa) 圖:(男主的找不到,這裡面蒙著面)https://gss0..com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/ke/pic/item/774855364c0aafcaa3cc2b9a.jpg 《幽靈公主》 男:阿席達卡(Ashitaka) 女:小珊(人稱「幽靈公主」)(san) 圖:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/13774334296/pic/item/f20d8c8b7d36e305c8fc7a3e.jpg
《紅豬》 男:羅素·波哥(義大利語「紅豬」的譯音)(Porco Rosso) 女:豆丁 圖:http://www.haotuku.com/katong/hongzhu/003c.jpg 《魔女宅急便》 男:蜻蜓 女:琪琪 (kiki) 圖:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/慕容四夕/pic/item/8c61c94ce11ab4e0d72afcad.jpg
《螢火蟲之墓》 男:清太 女:節子 圖:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/半島鐵盒之界/pic/item/d4de82a77b287e83d0435849.jpg
《側耳傾聽》 男:天澤聖司 女:月島霞 圖:http://www.zkr.cn/Group/UploadFile/2008/6/21/20086212232262517068.jpg 《貓的報恩》 男:貓公爵 女:小春 圖:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/jaychou911/pic/item/bd53d808b47a9a29e92488bd.jpg
《龍貓》 男:無(難道是龍貓??)(totoro是龍貓) 女:小梅 圖:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/tira_526/pic/item/b50769ca9d75b005bf09e678.jpg
《哈爾的移動城堡》(這個我最喜歡了) 男:哈爾 (howl) 女:蘇菲 (sophie) 圖:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/mariah_y/pic/item/5dd5df3e651cc6da7d1e719b.jpg
《千與千尋》 男:小白 (haku) 女:千尋 (chihiro) 圖:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/13774334296/pic/item/a133f908a41e4527e924883f.jpg
《懸崖上的金魚公主》 男:宗介 女:波妞 (Ponyo) 圖:https://gss0..com/7LsWdDW5_xN3otqbppnN2DJv/蔚藍天上的海雪/pic/item/11f65a38a20aa1e9b311c774.jpg
沒標的就不知道了…… 可能沒有英文音譯吧……

⑥ 懸崖上的金魚公主——中英文劇情介紹誰有呢


Ponyo is a 2008 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli.

The plot centers on a goldfish named Ponyo who befriends a five-year-old human boy, Sōsuke, and wants to become a human girl.


⑦ 類似懸崖上的金魚姬這樣的動畫電影,有意思的

可以搜索宮崎駿 動畫 比如 借東西的小人阿莉埃蒂, 哈爾的移動城堡,幽靈公主,天空之城都很好看

⑧ 懸崖上的金魚公主的英文介紹

the plot centers on a baby fish in the sea named Ponyo who becomes b human girl,in pursuing her goal,she became friends a five-year-old human boy,Sosuke.

⑨ 求懸崖上的金魚公主影評



宗介和波妞最後穿越隧道時,波妞的老爸告訴小王子「任何時候都不要放開波妞的手哦」。我們中國人都很自然的想到了「執子之手,與子偕老」這句成語,其實這句話還有個上半句「死生契闊,與子相悅」 。





當1997年宮崎駿宣布《幽靈公主》作為封筆之作,我確實把它當作一部「遺作」含淚看完。而多年後《千與千尋的神隱》對反復食言的宮崎駿也確實不愧是他創作生涯的新高度, 而到了《哈爾的移動城堡》 ,原本得監督,因為遭到所有吉卜力工作室創作人員的非議,慌忙中請來宮崎駿先生來當救火隊員,可正是這部席捲歐美票房的「動畫巨片」遠遠偏離了宮崎駿的原有風格,當然,它本身就是一個十分英國氛圍的舶來品。從此動畫製作似乎脫離「動畫」本身的原意,而在越來越魔幻的路上漸漸遠離,宮崎駿的兒子宮崎吾郎那部飽受非議的「地海戰記」不可謂不深受其毒害,據說讓他老爸看到一半就匆匆逃出來抽煙,看不下去了。



⑩ 畫電影海報


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