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㈠ 求《愛麗絲夢遊仙境(2010)》百度雲無刪減完整版在線觀看,蒂姆·波頓導演的


編劇:琳達·伍爾芙頓 / 路易斯·卡羅爾
主演:米婭·華希科沃斯卡 / 約翰尼·德普 / 海倫娜·伯翰·卡特 / 安妮·海瑟薇 / 克里斯平·格洛弗 / 馬特·盧卡斯 / 斯蒂芬·弗雷 / 麥克·辛 / 艾倫·瑞克曼 / 克里斯托弗·李
類型:奇幻 / 冒險
上映日期:2010-03-26(中國大陸) / 2010-03-05(美國)
片長:108 分鍾
又名:魔境夢游(台) / 愛麗絲漫遊仙境 / 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記

該片講述了愛麗斯(米婭·華希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 飾)始終被同一個夢魘所困擾,直到她20歲時參加的一場聚會。本認為是一場無聊至極的聚會而已,沒想到卻是精心策劃的求婚儀式。面對養尊處優的公子哥哈米什突如其來的求婚,毫無准備的愛麗斯著實被嚇了一跳。愛麗斯被一隻身馬甲 的兔子所吸引,在追趕過程中愛麗斯掉入了一個深不見底的樹洞里,來到了一個如同仙境般不可思議的「地下世界」。此時,生活在地下世界的善良人們似乎都在盼望著她的到來,可是她卻認為這是一場夢,只想快點醒過來回到現實世界。然而,在認識瘋瘋癲癲的瘋帽子(約翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 飾)之後,愛麗斯才知道地下世界正處於「紅桃皇後」(海倫娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 飾)的血腥統治之下,按照「皇歷」的預言,只有她才能幫助「白色皇後」。

㈡ 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境2》電影完整高清版百度雲


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/15MFivKYO3pD8-rWljcf8GQ

提取碼: mf7j

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)是迪士尼的一部3D立體電影,其靈感來自於英國童話大師劉易斯·卡羅爾的《愛麗斯漫遊仙境》和《愛麗絲鏡中奇遇記》。由蒂姆·波頓執導,米婭·華希科沃斯卡、約翰尼·德普、海倫娜·邦漢·卡特和安妮·海高或瑟薇等聯袂出演。影片於2010年3月26日在中國內地上映。


㈢ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境2純英文無字幕,英語好的寶貝兒快舉手🙌 發資源哦

From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole.自從掉進兔子洞的那時起
I've been told what I must do and who I muset be.我就被告誡要做這做那。
I've been shurk, stretched, scratched and stufferd into a teapot.莫名其妙地被縮小放大,刮傷手臂,還被塞進茶壺。
I've been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice, but this is my dream.我已經受夠了你們對我身份的指責,這是我的夢境。
I'll decide where it goes from here.從現在起一切由我說了算.
I make the path.我會開出一條路。
One, There's a potion that can make you shrink.
Two, A cake that can make you grow
Three , Aimals can talk.
Four, Cats can disappear.
Five, There is a place called Wonderland.
Six, I can slay the Jabberwocky.



㈣ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境2:鏡中奇遇記高清完整版百度雲哪裡有

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/14-EJxX-Noy5t7vGT_XKZGA



㈤ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境2電影百度雲鏈接


㈥ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境2:鏡中奇遇記高清電影免費完整觀看

我有高清版的英文中字2.5G的BT種子,資源很快,二十多分鍾就可以下載完,可基知伍以的話記得採納哦,已發網路附件。[科幻] 清晰搏或度很高的 愛猛並麗絲夢遊仙境2:鏡中奇遇記.Alice.Through.the.Looking.Glass.2016.TC720P.X264.AAC

㈦ 求《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》電影1、2部HD1080p百度雲鏈接謝謝

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1zm3BJAmx2erSPJ0MqlxA-Q

?pwd=y45y 提取碼: y45y

㈧ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境2:鏡中奇遇記。英文中字。來個

第芹孫1章 掉進兔子洞
Alice was beginning to get very bored.She and her sister were sitting under the trees.
Her sisterwas reading,but Alice had nothing to do.Once or twice she looked into her s
ister's book,but ithad no pictures or conversations in it.

"And what is the use of a book,"thought Alice,"without pictures or conversations?"

She tried to think of something to do,but it was a hot day and she felt very sleepy an
dstupid.She was still sitting and thinking when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eye
s ran pasther.
There was nothing really strange about seeing a rabbit.And Alice was not very surpris
ed whenthe Rabbit said,"游拆Oh dear!Oh dear!I shall be late!"(Perhaps it was a little stra
nge, Alice thoughtlater,but at the time she was not surprised.)

But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket,looked at it,and hurried on.At onc
e Alicejumped to her feet.

"I've never before seen a rabbit with either a pocket,or a watch to take out of it,"shet
hought.And she ran quickly across the field after the Rabbit.She did not stop to think,
andwhen the Rabbit ran down a large rabbit-hole,Alice followed it immediately.

t-hole suddenly went down,deep into the ground.Alice cou

ld not stopherself falling,and down she went,too.

It was a very strange hole Alice was falling very slowly, and she had time to think and
to lookaround her.She could see nothing below her because it was so dark.But when
she looked at thesides of the hole,she could see cupboards and books and pictures o
n the walls.She had time totake things out of a cupboard,look at them,and then put t
hem back in a cupboard lower down.

"Well!"thought Alice."After a fall like this,I can fall anywhere!I can fall downstairs at h
ome,and Iwon't cry or say a word about it!"

Down,down,down."How far have I fallen now?"Alice said aloud to herself."Perhaps I'神首棗
m near thecentre of the earth.Let me
four thousand miles down."
(Alice was very good at herschool lessons and could remember a lot of things like this

Down,down,down.Would she ever stop falling?Alice was very nearly asleep when,sud
denly,shewas sitting on the ground.Quickly,she jumped to her feet and looked aroun
d.She could see theWhite Rabbit,who was hurrying away and still talking to himself."
Oh my ears and whiskers!"hewas saying."How late it's getting!"

Alice ran after him like the wind.She was getting very near him when he suddenly tur
ned acorner.Alice ran round the corner too,and then stopped.She was now in a long,
dark room withdoors all round the walls,and she could not see the White Rabbit any

㈨ 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境2:鏡中奇遇記2016》百度雲免費在線觀看,約翰尼·德普主演的

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1QEuHnJYX4EhtPd15cOi-YQ

提取碼: sng7
《愛麗絲夢遊仙境2:鏡中奇遇記 Alice Through the Looking Glass》
導演: 詹姆斯·博賓
編劇: 琳達·伍爾芙頓、路易斯·卡羅爾
主演: 約翰尼·德普、米婭·華希科沃斯卡、海倫娜·伯翰·卡特、安妮·海瑟薇、薩莎·拜倫·科恩、瑞斯·伊凡斯、馬特·盧卡斯、琳賽·鄧肯、里奧·比爾、傑拉丁妮·詹姆斯、安德魯·斯科特、理查德·阿米蒂奇、愛德華·斯皮伊爾斯、艾倫·瑞克曼、保羅·懷特豪斯、斯蒂芬·弗雷、馬特·沃格爾、芭芭拉·溫德索、麥克·辛、蒂莫西·斯波、托比·瓊斯
類型: 奇幻、冒險
製片國家/地區: 美國、英國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2016-05-27(中國大陸/美國)、2016-05-10(倫敦首映)
片長: 115分鍾(中國大陸)、113分鍾
又名: 愛麗絲鏡中奇遇記、愛麗絲夢遊仙境2:穿越魔鏡(港)、魔境夢游:時光怪客(台)、Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass
愛麗絲(米婭·華希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 飾)為了拯救摯友瘋帽子(約翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 飾)而重橋尺隱返仙境,她與白皇後(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 飾)及一群老朋友一起,展開了一段璀璨華美、永生難忘的奇幻冒險。然而除了邪惡的紅皇後之外,愛麗絲還要面對另一位勁敵——時間(薩莎·拜倫·科恩 Sacha Baron Cohen 飾),他是傳說中無人能擊敗的角困耐色!愛麗絲要如何才能扭轉乾坤,拯救瘋帽子和仙境世界?

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