Ⅰ 《泰坦尼克號》100字左右英語影評。原創的。
The young Jack Dawson and Ruth David Kate from Britain to the United States luxury liner Titanic, and arrived in the United States. Unfortunately, ship sank in the way it crashed into an iceberg.
Talking about this movie, a thought of except that the scene be struck with fright, touching love, fascinating story, left me the deepest impression, is Ruth. At the edge of life and death, but not despair.
People in the face of death so small. Therefore, extreme fear, and therefore proces various kinds of ugly behavior all to cover all at one glance: in order to survive, some people in the sea will be someone else's head into water drowned, they rely on the floating in the sea; for women, children first boarded the lifeboat, a man spent money to bribe in order to protect the crew; for their own safety, can take more than 70 rescue ships carrying more than a dozen people, and the people on board for fear of his life, was reluctant to go to save many a person on the ferry, including relatives. These phenomena and the reality of how hateful. However, the nature of better always than ugly: most men to comply with the system, will hope his wife, children send boat, stay on the Titanic; calm the crew are killed for passengers, arrange orderly boarded the lifeboat; when the ship tilted, people have slipped back to when someone is hugging, pillars, the other hand to pull the hand of others; the sea chase two characters when the film is swept across and come, but saw a nobody to look after the children cry when be at a loss what to do, he picked up the child, bring him up ... ... Of these, is to face the choice of life and death, a noble spirit and noble way.
There are details many touching, all show a calm and serene to death: the three class in the young mother know slim hope of survival as the phantom, then speak a beautiful fairy tale to enable children to sleep; elderly couple tears gently embracing, quietly lying in bed waiting for death comes; the boat of the players took one after another sad music, towards the end of last collaboration; old captain came into the master room, will choose the last moment of life gave it into his greatest passion and glorious place; the female lead Ruth separate than with Jack, in the rescue ship down when the Titanic, bravely jumped on the window. For her, the meaning of life is far more than the passion for life.
Ruth had a long monologue, roughly as follows: " my life is always occupied by boring things. Dinner, endless dance, horse racing, rowing, with these people. No one really cares for me. I feel like standing on a high cliff, no turning back. " After the death of Ruth's father, Ruth has a little. Mother to daughter to marry the rich son, forced her to the worship of money in mutual flattery, the atmosphere was foul. The upper social circles have a lady's life. She is sitting on the swing, the high beginning, but suddenly the heart empty, empty is empty. So she chose to jump into the sea, but was Jack rescued, Jack also saved her heart. He in the first-class cabin dinner brave to talk about his own views " enjoy every day ". And with Ruth play in the three class party remain free, sincere, warm. He went to the full, happy to civilian life made Ruth feel, tell her where the significance of life.
Jack is a strong, optimistic person, his this spirit of Ruth. After the sinking of the Titanic, Ruth and Jack found a bamboo raft. After a thrilling, hard to escape, they are at sea was tired and cold torture to be dead beat. Live to let them talk incessantly, only kept talking, can exist. The sky was covered with stars. In the night sky twinkling, this should be a romantic night, but there was a wreck of the worst in history. In addition to the 705 people were rescued, 1515 people. A group of wearing a life jacket body floating in the North Atlantic ocean. Only one boat back to save. The crew of the searchlight return to find people living in the sea. Shivering Ruth saw the light of hope, full of joy she wanted to wake up Jack. But her voice was so feeble, Jack has been unable to wake up the sleeping. Ruth's tears over the cold face. The lifeboat was sent far away. Ruth's eyes with a look of pain will Jack's corpse into the ocean, chisuo a bamboo raft -- her to fulfill her promise, she promised Jack must live. " Eback, eback, eback ... ... " Ruth's poor call with firm eyes, the eyes look very determined, implies a desire for infinite life, she struggling on the brink of despair, tenacious struggle with death. She had boarded the lifeboat, or she will be consumed by the darkness and the dead silence of stretch to the horizon, her soul would melt in cold water of the North Atlantic cold. She don't after just understand the meaning of life will lose it, she don't violate her promised promise. She trembled as she swam to a dead crew, take him hangs whistle, with all strength blew it, blew her love of life, blew her things in the world of nostalgia, blew her of all things good. God heard her devout prayer, the lifeboat direction, toward the whistle place coming. The bright lights in the Ruth strong and full face, she finally warm on the lifeboat blanket was fast asleep. Open your eyes, she saw the soft light. The dark past.
Ⅱ 泰坦尼克號100字英語影評
Titanic, "not only because it is a successful commercial film and, more importantly, it brought about the end of the century a wave of nostalgia: the Titanic sank in the early 20th century is a tragedy, the film has to The facts add up the true love story, set sail Tai Tanni will be less than 5 days of love, friendship and a disaster at the end of the century before this generation.
it told us a truth: that we must cherish life.
Ⅲ 求 泰坦尼克號 英文簡介及評論
我拍這部電影的目的不單在於表現這艘聲名狼藉的船的戲劇性的毀滅,並且在於展示她的短暫的,燦爛輝煌的一生,捕獲泰坦尼克號和她的乘客及全體工作人員的美,活力,希望,和信心,以及在揭示人類黑暗面的過程中,頌揚人類精神的無限潛力。泰坦妮克號不只是一個警告性的故事 -- 一個關於人類的不幸的神話,寓言,和隱喻,它還是一個關於信念,勇氣,犧牲,和愛情的故事。
-- 詹姆斯·卡邁倫
它曾是一個輝煌的奇跡——「永不沉沒」的「夢想之船」,在代表著自然神秘未知力量的大海乘風破浪的前進,這無疑已成了它所屬的那個高歌猛進的時代的化身。人類充滿自豪的情緒與充分的信心,憑借自身的智慧與力量戰勝有著龐大身軀和無窮力量的自然,甚至戰勝空間與時間;而這次航行的目的地美利堅——新大陸,在歐洲人的視界中無疑正是充滿夢想的國度、自由民主以及一系列神話的化身。在影片中有幾組鏡頭專門展示了巨輪內部巨大的機械齒輪的運轉和鍋爐內熊熊火焰,正是這段「現代性敘事」的絕妙注腳。而男主角站在船頭張開雙臂向浩瀚的大海高聲呼喊: 「我是世界之王!」無疑把這一敘事主題推向了極致,
對科技力量的篤信和人對自身理性的信心是同一的,因而是任何一種懷疑也同時指向這兩者。影片在愛情故事的縫隙中不斷描繪著人們一步步走入悲劇的過程,這柄達摩克利斯之劍在語意表層的樂觀與底層的危機之間造成巨大的張力,從而也就為最後災難場景中的惶恐和絕望進行了鋪墊,這種安排更多的反映出把目光投向歷史的現代人,其內心對於自身的懷疑和命運中不可知力量的畏懼。然而做為一部商業片,《泰坦尼克號》所展現的就不只是彌漫世界的惶惶不可終日的恐懼和反省自身的懷疑,它之所以把愛情故事作為主線,正是強調現代人在困境中自我拯救。這正是這個批量製造神話的時代所具有的特徵,雖然其中蘊含的歷史性必然呈現出當代人真實的情緒,但其審美立場使得它不得不採用一定修辭策略去彌合現實與想像結構之中日益擴大的裂痕。無論我們如何誇大愛情的力量,她所能拯救的只是歷史中的個人。這使得我在感動之餘陷入更大的惶恐。實際上在純潔的愛情中本身就包含了一種修辭策略。愛情的女主人公是一個厭倦了上流社會虛偽生活的沒落貴族家的少女,而她內心之中充滿了火一樣的激情。這團火焰從她遇到男主人公,那個波希米亞式的藝術家起就被點燃。正是這種激情戰勝了金錢、地位對人的誘惑與異化,使她回歸於到生命源初的純真與活力,恢復了生存下去的勇氣,直到沉船的災難中拯救了她的生命。這種拯救本身就是一個個人主義的神話,而這一主題更多的出現在一個社會開始走上現代化道路的階段;自由戰勝桎梏,個性戰勝世俗、平民(當然還有新興的爆發戶)戰勝貴族—— 對於西方讀者而言這已是啟蒙主義、浪漫主義的濫調,但這種二次啟蒙似乎正是影片作者所關心的。
90年代以來美國的主流電影越來越關注那些曾經激動人心,如今卻令人熟視無睹或者逐漸淡忘的價值:從《阿甘正傳》、《阿波羅13》等 「准英雄片」到一系列家族倫理片,直到這部頗具史詩氣象的《泰坦尼克號》。這種努力似乎無可厚非,但在20世紀未試圖重新樹立世紀初人們曾堅信的價值—— 愛、理想、自由——在多大程度上能真正的把我們拯救呢?即使不考慮商業性的影響,其精神內核也遠離了安東尼奧尼、基耶斯洛夫斯基等大師們對人類真實自下而上境遇的關注,甚至沒有《辛德勒名單》對復雜人性的正視。不可否認,這是一部令人讓人內心難以平靜的影片,但在我看來一個激情的年代已和泰坦尼克號一起沉入海底,還有狂熱的愛情和孤獨的英雄似乎已成陳跡。也許這早已不是神話的時代,我們不得不從懷疑與信仰的夾縫中尋找出路,也許那兩個等待戈多的流浪漢是我們真實的投影。因而我還是更多的把這部影片當成一曲凄美的輓歌,即獻給那個消逝了神話卻又成批製造神話的時代。
本篇文章:《泰坦尼克號》影評 來源於:中國電視劇情網
Ⅳ 觀《泰坦尼克號》有感英文50個單詞左右
Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love,passion and feelings,full of utopias and dreams,mother and child fighting for power and greed.
Idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity.
This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years.The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that.
Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling,with great dramatic content.If we add the stunning beauty of the image,thanks to advances in digital technology,success is understandable.
Very successful movie,which tells the story of the sinking of the ship,but in the background shows a passionate love story.
Ⅳ 《泰坦尼克號》英語影評(200字左右)
Titanic is a ship that carries two things, love and disaster.
It's not deep at all, so it can be understood and touched by any audience across nationalities, ages, genders and cultures.
The love story of Jack and Rose is how a diaosi defeated a handsome man and achieved an unforgettable love.
Therefore, even though it is an old film, it is very close to the psychology and desire of the current audience.
Love without hierarchy and love that transcends secular prejudice are tear-incing in any age.
Ⅵ 泰坦尼克號100字英文電影影評(急用)
主要劇情:1912年4月10日,號稱 「世界工業史上的奇跡」的豪華客輪泰坦尼克號開始了自己的處女航,從英國的南安普頓出發駛往美國紐約。富家少女羅絲(凱特•溫絲萊特)與母親及未婚夫卡爾坐上了頭等艙;另一邊,放盪不羈的少年畫家傑克(萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧)也在碼頭的一場賭博中贏得了下等艙的船票。
Ⅶ 泰坦尼克號 英語影評 80字左右
Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of utopias and dreams, mother and child fighting for power and greed, idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity.
This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years. The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content. If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology, success is understandable.
Very successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story. It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect.
Ⅷ 急需電影《泰坦尼克號》的英文評價
Titanic--泰坦尼克號 英文影評The ship Titanic itself expressed a mentally ring this time period in which humans felt they could overcome Mother Nature. With the sinking of this ship it made people truly eat the words "Titanic is an unsinkable ship." With the character Rose, a first class passenger you are exposed to the arrogance high society had. Rose also opened your eyes to the luxuries high society had and how woman were truly trapped and were seen as second-class citizens. Rose almost committing suicide helps hit home how truly horrible it must have been for woman ring this time period. The dynamics between Rose and her mother also show the dynamics between how woman had to behave and in a sense how they survived in this society. With the character Jack, a third class passenger you are exposed to how large the gab between the rich and poor was. How first class dogs went down to be walked on the lower decks, how it was the poor who actually built Titanic and how it was the poor who were treated truly unfair on Titanic just because of social status, which helped express the mentality of the time. Having these two characters meet and expose the viewer and each other to these different lifestyles helped truly put into perspective the mentality of what this time period was like. Sure, it was in a way a clich' love story, two people from different world's falling in love. But regardless of it being typical it still exposed the different classes in a way that truly made you realize how it was for people back then. Also, many things are clich' for a reason, they most of the time work and have been shown to work time and time again. Without this love story you would have just come away with the basics of this story, the Titanic sinking. But this love story created sympathy in which you felt for Jack and Rose. It made you truly feel how the people on the Titanic were feeling at that exact moment. Families, loved ones and friends were being torn apart. Without the emotion created from the love story you wouldn't have felt nearly as sad or seriously towards what had actually happened to these people.
The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1,316 passengers and crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life. Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North Atlantic, huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense walk of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one though that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for everybody, 1,500 lives were lost.
Ⅸ 泰坦尼克號英語影評100字左右
"Titanic" business is the left arm and love is the right arm. The bold praise of love goes beyond the scope of the audience's imagination of the scale of love films at that time.
You know, this is watching a man and a woman chase, kiss and boldly express their love on the big screen.
The love shown in the film is not limited by the gap between the rich and the poor. It values love at first sight and is eager to burn in an instant.
This is the universal value of love in the world. Of course, the Chinese audience is also happy to accept it and have an addiction in the painful love of others.
她講述了她和Jack dawson(傑克·道森)的曠世愛情。
Ⅹ 關於泰坦尼克號的英語作文
Titanic was the largest passenger ship with the most luxurious internal facilities in the world at that time, and had the reputation of "unsinkable".
Unfortunately, on her maiden voyage, however, the Titanic was doomed - she set out from Southampton, England, for New York, USA. At about 23:40 on April 14, 1912, the Titanic collided with an iceberg, resulting in the rupture of the starboard bow to the middle of the ship and the flooding of five watertight compartments.
At about 2:20 a.m. on April 15, the Titanic's hull broke into two pieces and sank to 3700 meters at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Of the 2224 crew and passengers, 1517 were killed, of which only 333 were recovered.