A. 穿靴子的貓童話故事英文版
Chapter 1
Once there was a poor miller who only owned three things, a donkey, a cat and a mill. He could grindmeal with the mill. He could carry bags of meal to the market with his donkey. But, the cat, well, he couldn’t do anything with the cat except catch mice.
The miller also had three sons. The oldest son was very strong. The second son was very smart. And, the youngest son was only handsome.
When the old miller finally died he left all he had to his sons. To his oldest son he left the mill. The oldest son worked the mill and earned a living. The miller left his donkey to his second son.
The second son took the donkey and set out in search of his fortune. But, for the youngest son there was only the cat.
The youngest son was very fond of the cat, but he did not know what to do with him. I am going to starve. I will surely die with only this cat.
Just then, the cat began to laugh. Why are you laughing at me? Well, I was just thinking that if you are hungry and worried about starving, why don’t you cook me and eat me? You could use my fur to keep warm ring the cold winter.
I would never do that to you, puss! Anyway, if you were not here, then I could be all alone.
Then what would I do? If you will buy me a brown bag and a pair of leather boots, you will see that I am worth more than a mill or an old donkey.
A brown bag and leather boots? How will that ever help me? After you give me these things, I will show you how valuable I am. You are a crazy cat, but, you never know.
Why not? So, the youngest son made up his mind to give the cat a chance. The cat looked so amazing in his new leather boots that the young master decided he must also buy him a hat and a cape as well.
I can not call you just plain puss any more. From now on, you will be puss-in-boots. And I have a new name for you too, young master. From now on, you will be the Marquis of Caracas because I have great plans for you.
Chapter 2
So that night, Puss-in-boots went into the open field to begin working on his great plans. He started by filling his bag with a little delicious bran and sow thistle to attract young rabbits. He left his bag in the middle of the field and pretended to be dead.
After a while, a family of young rabbits came hopping by, too young and inexperienced to understand the ways of the world.
One of the bunnies noticed the smell of the cat’s sack and decided to find out what was inside.Without thinking, he jumped into the open bag. Ha! You will make a delicious meal for the king.
With the rabbit in his bag, puss-in-boots began walking to the king’s castle. Before long, he stood before the king of the land. Sir, I have a delicious rabbit here for you. It is a gift from the noble lord, the marquis of Casabas. Please thank your master for his kindness.
The next day, puss-in-boots went hunting, and this time he was able to catch a large, plump partridge. Once again, puss-in-boots took his catch to the king of the land. My, my! Another gift from the marquisof Casabas? My master knows how much you enjoy a fine meal.
He only wants to please and serve you. Here, I will show your master that I am grateful. Please take this bag to him as a gift from the king.
As time went by, the cat gave more and more gifts to the king. And the king gave many gifts to the marquis of Casabas. Soon the cat and the king became very good friends.
Chapter 3
Then one day, puss-in-boots decided it was time for his master to meet the king’s daughter. She was the most beautiful princess in the entire world.
He found out that the king would be taking his daughter for a carriage ride the very next day on the road by the river. He had no time to waste. Puss-in-boots ran back to come up with a plan. Early the next morning, Hurry master.
You must come with me and bathe in the river by the road. What? Why should I bathe in the river? Just do as I tell you and you will be very lucky! Take off your clothes and get into the water quickly. But it’s cold, and I don’t know how to swim. Trust me.
So, the youngest son did as the cat said. Now, I have to hide these clothes and hope he will never have to wear them again.
Puss! Puss! Where are my clothes? Just then, the king’s carriage came into view. Puss! Puss! My clothes! Be quiet, or you will ruin everything!
Listen to what I say. I will do all the talking, okay? Help! My lord, the marquis of casabas, is drowning! Guards! Hurry! Help that man! My generous friend, the marquis of casabas, must not drown! So the guards of the king ran to the rescue of the poor miller’s son and saved him just in time.
Bring a robe to cover the marquis! He is shivering with a cold.
What has happened to the marquis, and where are his clothes? A terrible thing has happened, your majesty. His clothes have all been stolen. We were riding along the riverside so peacefully。
Suddenly, a bank of villains with weapons jumped out at us from behind some rocks and attacked us. The thieves stole everything he had and would have killed him too, but fortunately the marquis escaped and jumped into the river.Unfortunately though, my master doesn’t know how to swim.
Chapter 3
When the miller’s son heard puss’ clever story, he thought to himself. Hmm. My puss is very smart. He might really make me a rich man. Puss was very happy and pleased when he saw the young princess admiring the miller’s son.
The king sent his servants immediately back to the palace to order the master of the royal wardrobe to prepare clothing for the marquis. Your majesty, you are really too kind. Look at all the fine things the marquis has given me. This is the least that I can do to repay him. In the king’s fine clothes, the miller’s youngest son looked like a fine noble, indeed.
The king never doubted for a moment that the young man was a noble or a prince.
My friend, I am so glad that I finally met you! Since you don’t have your own horse, will you please ride with us?
You majesty, it would be my pleasure.
Puss raced ahead of the carriage. He thought to himself. I have given my master his name, and the king has given him his clothes.
Now all he needs is land and a castle. The rich farmland and the castle belong to a wicked magician but I will claim it for my prince today. Hey, you there! Stop your work and listen to what I have to say. In a little while, the king will pass by here in his carriage. If he asks you who the owner of this land is, then you must answer, the marquis of casabas.
The marquis of casabas? Who is that? If you obey me you will be very lucky! We will obey you, sir. As the royal carriage came nearer to the field with the farmers, puss-in-boots jumped aboard.
Puss, I say , who owns this fine land? Just ask the farmers over there, sir. Good people, please tell me who owns this great land. This land belongs to the marquis of casabas, your majesty.
Now, if your majesty will excuse me, I will go ahead and make sure that a proper welcome is ready for you at the marquis’s castle. Castle? What castle? Shahs! Wait and see. Just trust me.
Chapter 4
Once again, puss raced ahead of the carriage. When he arrived at the wicked magician’s castle, he paused for a moment to come up with a plan. Puss-in-boots was sure no one would lower the castlefate for a cat, but they would for a damsel in distress.
Please, oh please, help me! I am a damsel in distress and I need your help! When the large gate was lowered, no one could see a damsel in distress anywhere, so it was slowly raised again.
Meanwhile, puss-in-boots was able to enter the castle unnoticed. Once inside, he began looking for the wicked magician. Ah ha! There he is! He is the man I must conquer for my master. He owns the castle and everything the marquis will need. You’re Excellency! Please excuse me, but I have traveled from very far away to see you.
You are famous throughout the world. Why would you come so far just to see me? I heard that you were the greatest magician in the entire world. So, I wanted to see for myself if it was really true.
Of course it is true! I can turn myself into anything! I can turn myself into a lion, a bear, an elephant or a tiger! Impossible! I don’t believe you can turn yourself into a lion. Without any more words, the magician immediately turned himself into a huge, ferocious, and very scary lion. Puss was so scared that he begged the magician to turn himself back.
Okay, I believe you now that you can turn yourself into large creatures. But, can you also turn yourself into small creatures, like a mouse or a rat? That must be too difficult even for someone like you.
What do you mean too difficult? Watch what I can do! In the blink of an eye, the wicked magician turned himself into a small mouse. Ah ha, my friend! You may be the greatest magician in the entire world, but I am the greatest mouser.
Puss pounced on the mouse, and that was the end of the wicked magician. Attention guards! Please prepare to welcome your new master, the marquis of casabas!
He will be the new master of the castle! All of the servants were so happy to hear the news of a new master, that they immediately obeyed puss. Just then, the royal carriage arrived. Bowing low, puss said.
Welcome, your majesty, to the home of my lord and master, the marquis of casabas.
Everyone was so happy with the new master, who was so young and handsome, that the finest feast ever was prepared and everyone had a wonderful time. My lord of casabas, I have never been so well entertained.
It will be your own fault if I do not become your father-in-law. Would you really be willing to marry me, princess? I would love to marry you, marquis of casabas. The next day, the poor miller’s son and the most beautiful princess in the whole world were married. And, everyone lived happily ever after.
貓得到了它要的東西。它穿上漂亮的靴子,把口袋掛在脖子上,用兩只前爪握住袋口的繩子,到一座居住著許多兔子的樹林里去了。它在口袋裡裝了些米糠,擺好繩套,然後躺在地上裝死,等那些涉世不深的年輕兔子跑進袋子里 吃裡面的東西。它剛躺下,它的願望就實現了:一隻冒冒失失的兔子走進了它的口袋。貓立刻把繩套拉緊,捉住了它,並毫不留情地把它勒死了。貓洋洋得意地帶著它的獵物去見國王。國王陛下在他的住處接見了它。貓向國王深深地鞠了一躬,對他說:“陛下,這只野兔子是卡拉侯爵(這是他為他的主人隨意編造的名字)托我奉獻給您的。”
B. 穿靴子的貓英文
穿靴子的貓英文:Puss in Boots.
這是一部英文電影:《 Puss in Boots 穿靴子的貓》。
1、In the days following my adventures with the Golden Goose, I found myself at a crossroads.
2、Was I destinied to be an outlaw or a hero? I did not know.
3、Only one thing was certain. I am Puss in Boots.
4、Your Majesty,I throw myself upon your mercy.
5、I am Puss in Boots. I fear nothing.
6、敬激Later, we 'll go out for fish sticks.
7、Soon two young rabbits jumped into his bag and Puss in Boots drew the strings and caught them.
8、Donkey to Puss In Boots:"I'm sorry—the position of annoying talking animal has already been filled. "
9、Just one of her golden eggs......could set me for life.
10、Here we go.Give me a......Puss!
C. 小學生必看的英文電影 適合學英語的電影
《飛屋環游記》 Up:已經78歲的氣球銷售員卡爾·弗雷德里克森自小就迷戀探險故事,曾經希望能成為偉大的探險家。卡爾與老伴艾麗擁有共同的願望——去南美洲失落的「天堂瀑布」探險。
《冰雪奇緣》 Frozen:在四面環海、風景如畫的阿倫黛爾王國,生活著兩位可愛美麗的小公主,艾莎和安娜。艾莎天生具有製造冰雪的能力,隨著年齡的增長,她的能力越來越強,甚至險些奪走妹妹的生命。為此國王緊閉宮門,也中斷了兩姐妹的聯系。
《匹諾曹》 Pinocchio:當仁慈的木匠蓋比特睡覺的時候,他夢見一位藍色的仙女賦予他最心愛的木偶——匹諾曹生命。但是,匹諾曹想要成為真正的男孩,還必須通過勇氣、忠心以及誠實的考驗。
D. 《穿靴子的貓 (2011)》在線免費觀看百度雲資源,求下載
《穿靴子的貓 (2011)》網路網盤高清資源免費在線觀看:
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/16iFiCg8Q_tGWPswB6J5_mg
《穿靴子的貓 (2011)》
導演: 克里斯·米勒
編劇: 湯姆·惠勒、布萊恩·林奇、威廉姆·戴維斯、安德魯·亞當森、夏爾·佩羅、大衛·H·斯坦伯格
主演: 安東尼奧·班德拉斯、薩爾瑪·海耶克、扎克·加利凡納基斯、比利·鮑伯·松頓、艾米·塞德麗絲、康斯坦斯·馬麗、吉爾莫·德爾·托羅、邁克·米切爾、Rich Dietl、Ryan Crego、湯姆·惠勒、康拉德·弗農、湯姆·麥格拉思、鮑勃·喬爾斯、Latifa Ouaou、鮑勃·佩爾西凱蒂、傑西卡·舒爾特、Sergio Bruna、Jossara Jinaro、拉拉·吉爾·米勒、約書亞·拉什
類型: 喜劇、動畫、家庭、奇幻、冒險
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語、西班牙語
上映日期: 2011-10-28(美國)
片長: 90 分鍾
又名: 靴貓外傳、鞋貓劍客(台)、無敵貓劍俠(港)、貓劍俠
他是一隻穿靴子的貓(安東尼奧·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 配音),多年來行俠仗義,行走江湖,劍術高明,膽大賣萌,雖是官兵通緝捉拿的要犯,但從來都無所畏懼,泰然自若。在某個極不友好的小酒館里,靴貓聽說傑克(Billy Bob Thornton 配音)和吉爾 (Amy Sedaris 配音)這對雌雄惡棍拿到了傳說中的魔豆,魔豆長出的豆莢直通巨人的宮殿,而那裡住著令人垂涎可以下金蛋的鵝。靴貓決定鋌而走險劫掠魔豆,卻遭到神秘的黑貓阻撓。在黑貓引誘下,他來到一處貓兒聚會的場所,結果意外遇到當年孤兒院的好友矮蛋(Zach Galifianakis 配音),黑貓則是性感的小母貓咪·柔爪(薩爾瑪·海耶克 Salma Hayek 配音)。
E. 穿靴子的貓高清完整版電影
F. 穿靴子的貓電影英文內容摘要,要有中文翻譯,沒有中文也行,但內容要和電影里的片段一樣,跪求啊
G. 求 穿長靴的貓 百度雲免費在線觀看資源
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1RZaqrgd2fhslfDQd_1AOVg
《穿長靴的貓》(長靴をはいた貓/ Puss in boots)是矢吹公郎執導的動畫電影,影片講述了Puss、Kitty、Humpty一起偷鵝媽媽的金蛋以及保護城鎮的故事。
H. 《穿靴子的貓:萌貓三劍客》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1az-eCPXRwPtuWqqhaD5sCg
導演: 許誠毅
編劇: 湯姆·惠勒
主演: 安東尼奧·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas
類型: 動畫、短片
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2012-02-24
片長: 13分鍾
又名: 穿靴子的貓之萌貓三劍客、穿靴子的貓:三隻大菠蘿、三惡魔
I. 跪求《穿靴子的貓2011》百度網盤無刪減完整版在線觀看,克里斯·米勒導演的
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1aATlya_4yAcfnnazQO1ICA
提取碼: 8ngv
《穿靴子的貓 Puss in Boots》
導演: 克里斯·米勒
編劇: 布萊恩·林奇、夏爾·佩羅、威廉姆·戴維斯、Tom Wheeler
主演: 安東尼奧·班德拉斯、薩爾瑪·海耶克、扎克·加利凡納基斯、比利·鮑伯·松頓、艾米·塞德麗絲、康斯坦斯·馬麗、吉爾莫·德爾·托羅、邁克·米切爾
類型: 喜劇、動畫、奇幻、冒險
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2011-10-28(美國)
片長: 90 分鍾
又名: 靴貓外傳、鞋貓劍客(台)、無敵貓劍俠(港)、貓劍俠
他是一隻穿靴子的貓(安東尼奧·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 配音),多年來行俠仗義,行走江湖,劍術高明,膽大賣萌,雖是官兵通緝捉拿的要犯,但從來都無所畏懼,泰然自若。在某個極不友好的小酒館里,靴貓聽說傑克(Billy Bob Thornton 配音)和吉爾 (Amy Sedaris 配音)這對雌雄惡棍拿到了傳說中的魔豆,魔豆長出的豆莢直通巨人的宮殿,而那裡住著令人垂涎可以下金蛋的鵝。靴貓決定鋌而走險劫掠魔豆,卻遭到神秘的黑貓阻撓。在黑貓引誘下,他來到一處貓兒聚會的場所,結果意外遇到當年孤兒院的好友矮蛋(Zach Galifianakis 配音),黑貓則是性感的小母貓咪·柔爪(薩爾瑪·海耶克 Salma Hayek 配音)。