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1. 關於電影馬達加斯加的觀後感





獅子來到了草屋門前,它們一起喝水,可是它們喝的是海水,大家喝了都又噴了出來,斑馬製作了四串烤海帶,它們吃完就睡著了。獅子夢見了天上掉下了許許多多的牛排,它拿起一個正咬著,卻聽到斑馬大喊:「你為什麼咬我 *** ?」獅子反應得特別快,假裝數斑馬的條紋:「29、30、31,好了我數清楚了,你的黑色條紋有30條,白色條紋有29條。」說完獅子趕緊轉過身來,假裝睡覺。











2. 馬達加斯加2英文劇情

《馬達加斯加2:逃往非洲》(英語:Madagascar2: Escape Africa)是夢工廠製作的《馬達加斯加》續集電影,由埃里克·達尼爾、湯姆·麥克格雷斯執導,伊坦·柯亨、埃里克·達尼爾編劇,本·斯蒂勒、克里斯·洛克、大衛·休默、賈達·萍克·史密斯等配音。
該片於2008年11月7日在美國上映 。
In the highly-anticipated sequel to 'Madagascar,' Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, King Julien, Maurice and the penguins and the chimps find themselves marooned on the distant shores of Madagascar. In the face of this obstacle, the New Yorkers have hatched a plan so crazy it just might work. With military precision, the penguins have repaired an old crashed plane--sort of. Once aloft, this unlikely crew stays airborne just long enough to make it to the wildest place of all--the vast plains of Africa, where the members of our zoo-raised crew encounter species of their own kind for the very first time. Africa seems like a great place...but is it better than their Central Park home.

3. 電影馬達加斯加I 的英語評論文

Madagascar 1 Watched movies, want to go to the Madagascar. Movie scenes that frame the screen is too beautiful. I may be too easily satisfied, a lot of people feel that SOSO films, but I really like. Protagonists looked pure comedy, but a very distinct personality. Marti's voice-over people like super feeling is so simple and honest, as if it is an awareness, but do not want to 1:00; Alex's hair is a bright spot, Gloria and Melmen. Also worth mentioning is that the film is full of wisdom penguins, who face the others, is always just smell and wave ~ ~ ~ and private ideas constantly, another strong operational capabilities. On board, Does wickedly easily the Tom Cruise unlock with that section of the paper clip. We also own and animals have long been divided into the clear. Whether Disney, Pixar, and even Hollywood, as the animals have repeatedly said that the human mouth, then, sometimes in order to convey some spirit, but more often is to enable busy all day in the lives of our civilization, taking time out aftertaste our natural wild genes. Not what he wanted, and looked at the yard chip will perform a variety of techniques lion, hippopotamus, giraffe, always feel that people but is also a kind of strange animals only.

還有Information: animated "Madagascar" About the story

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年05月31日14:21新浪娛樂 http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005 on 05 years on 31 Sina Entertainment 14:21
獅子亞歷克斯是叢林之王,哦不! Alex the lion is the king of the jungle, oh no! 這里的叢林指的是喧囂的城市叢林,而非茂密的野生叢林。 The jungle was referring to the noisy urban jungle, not the dense jungle of wild. 在紐約中央公園里的動物園,他算得上是吸引遊客的頭號明星。 New York's Central Park Zoo, he can claim to be a star number one tourist attraction. 他和最要好的朋友斑馬馬蒂、長頸鹿梅爾曼和河馬格洛麗亞訓練有素,各自秀出的看家絕活即便是一招半式都會博得觀眾歡快的笑聲和熱烈的掌聲。 And his best friend Mama Di spot, giraffe and hippo Gloria Mehlman well-trained, Show of their housekeeping skills even Yizhaobanshi will win the audience's laughter and happy applause. 雖說四周有堅固的籠子和高大的圍牆照應著,深受紐約市民喜愛的四位動物好朋友的日子過得還是相當的滋潤,三餐不愁甚至可以享盡榮華富貴。 Although there is strong around the cage and take care of a tall wall, like the people in New York by four good friends of the animal life or considerable support, can enjoy three meals a day no worries about the high position and great wealth.

按說,這樣的幸福生活正是許多野生動物嚮往和追求的。 In the ordinary course, such a happy life is the number of wild animals and longing for the pursuit. 可是,馬蒂卻偏偏覺得這一切根本不值得留戀,他一直渴望回到老祖先們出生、成長的野生世界。 However, Marty has chosen to think this is not all memorable, he has been eager to return to their ancestors were born, grow wild in the world. 在四隻神秘企鵝的教唆下,馬蒂開始萌生去意。 In four of the mysterious aiders Penguin, Marty began to think of killing themselves. 於是,在企鵝們的幫助下,馬蒂悄然逃離動物園,一舉踏上探索野生世界的征程。 As a result, the Penguins had the help of Marty quietly fled the zoo, one on the journey to explore the wild world. 馬蒂失蹤了! Marty has been missing! 剩下的亞歷克斯、梅爾曼和格洛麗亞心急如焚,決定不惜一切代價找到馬蒂。 The rest of the Alex, Gloria and burning Mehlman, the decision at all costs to find Marty. 三個夥伴也跟著逃出了從未離開過的動物園。 Three partners have also escaped from the zoo never left. 搭上地鐵,經過中轉站,他們終於在終點站找到了馬蒂。 To catch a subway, after a transit point, they finally found the terminal Marti. 可惜重逢帶來的快樂太短暫了,紐約的警察和消防隊員可不管你是野獸兵團還是恐怖分子,只要有膽到紐約來鬧,就一並拿下。 Unfortunately, the reunion brought joy too short, the New York police and firefighters could be whether you are a beast or a terrorist corps as long as the courage to come to downtown New York, also won. 看樣子就知道這幾個是打非洲來的,發配回原地。 It appears that we are a few of Africa is playing, the allocation back to the place. 於是,動物們被裝進木板箱押上遠洋輪船。 As a result, the animals were put into wooden boxes ocean-going vessels.

輪船一路風浪顛簸,令關在箱子里的四隻嬌生慣養的園中動物叫苦不迭。 Ferry bumps along the storm all the way, so that in the box 4 cosseted Jiaokubudie animals in the park. 天降神兵! Tianxiangshenbing! 早有預謀的四隻企鵝迅速打翻船員、敲暈船長。 Have planned well in advance of the four penguin crew quickly knocked down, knock long seasick. 失控的輪船被海浪吞沒,船上的貨物也被海水沖到了岸邊的沙灘上。 Out-of-control ship was engulfed waves, the ship's cargo has been washed into the sea shore on the beach. 四個土生土長的紐約佬興奮地掙脫木箱:「外國到了(也就是馬達加斯加島),我們自由了!」從小到大都有人類的照顧,可是現在他們該如何應付野外生存的新挑戰呢? The four guys born and raised in New York excited to get rid of wooden box: "to a foreign (that is, Madagascar Island), we are free!" From small to large have to take care of human beings, but they now how to deal with the survival of the wild new challenges? 如何親身體驗「野生世界才是真正的叢林」這句話的含義呢? How to experience the "real world of wild jungle," the meaning of this phrase? 蔣勇/文 Jiang Yong / text

聲明:新浪網獨家稿件,轉載請註明出處。 : Sina exclusive articles, please specify the source reproced.

4. 急尋英語影評,要求不能太短。



There's no two ways about it...filmmaker Roland Emmerich really despises New York...three of his last four films depict some level of destruction within the Big Apple. Why does he hate it so? I have no idea, but he also doesn't seem all that found of Los Angeles, either...

The Day After Tomorrow (2004), written, proced and directed by Roland Emmerich stars Dennis Quaid (who'd been having a really decent run of good films, up until now, that is...), and Jake Gyllenhaal, who seems to bounce between really good movies (Donnie Darko) to really lousy ones (Bubble Boy, Highway). Also appearing is Emmy Rossum (who bares a remarkable resemblance, at times, to American Pie's Elizabeth Shannon), Jay O. Sanders (Daylight), Perry King (The Lords of Flatbush), Kenneth Walsh (Miracle), Sela `yowsa, yowsa' Ward, and Ian `Bilbo Baggins' Holm.

Okay...Jack Hall (Quaid) is a paleoclimatologist...what's that, you say? Well, apparently it's someone who studies the weather of the past, using ice core samples from the artic and sophisticated computer programs...more or less a glorified weatherman. During his research, he's found evidence to support the world is soon (soon meaning anywhere from 100 to 1,000 years) heading for another ice age, but no one is taking him too seriously, especially not the haughty Vice President (Walsh), probably e to the fact the weather reports we get on the TV are usually only right about half the time, so why should we jump through hoops for this clown? Surprise, surprise, it turns out Walsh is right (but his timing is way off...typical weatherman) as the poopie hits the fan...big time. Hail the size of footballs in Japan, tornadoes in LA, tide waves and crazy snow in New York (haven't they suffered enough?), all resulting in a global climate change, which doesn't sound all that bad, but basically the entire northern hemisphere is buried under ice and snow...a lot of ice and snow...and temperatures are dropping. Oh why didn't they listen to Hall? The fools...the frozen fools...

I will say this...The Day After Tomorrow sported some of the best special effects I've seen in awhile. The wide scale destruction of major cities was very intense (Irwin Allen, the master of disaster, the man who brought us all those wonderful 70's disaster movie, would have been proud)...also, I thought the acting was passable, which is sad, given the experienced cast involved, but they were just doing what they were told. If I were to rate this film on the special effects alone, it would be five stars, but I have to also consider the other aspects, the story, the dialog and such. It's these elements (or lack of) that ultimately derailed the film, for me at least. Emmerich seems to try and dazzle the audience with glossy special effects in hope we won't put too much thought into all the holes, large and small, that riddle the plot. I remember when I saw Emmerich's Independence Day (1996) for the first time, I was really taken with the film, but subsequent viewings revealed the paper thin construction, allowing the story to collapse in on itself...here, I need not watch the film again as the flimsy nature came through like a sledgehammer to the head...and Emmerich lays on the schmaltzy, maudlin sentimentality, disguised in the form of altruistic self sacrifice and heroism, about as thick as he lays the snows on New York...I would have thought it difficult to top the gushy, slushy, saccharine sweet goo presented in Independence Day, but I was wrong, as here, he turns it into an art form. The dialog was just awful...I was surprised some of the actors managed to get their lines out while keeping a straight face. Also, the dialog was entirely predictable, especially between the pregnant pauses meant to heighten the emotional level for the drivel soon to follow...I actually found myself speaking lines before they were spoken in the film, as it was that obvious as to what was coming. And the film seems inundated with a preachy smugness...yes, we consume fossil fuels and use resources from the Earth, but does that necessarily make us evil and deserving of the scenario played out in this film? I love it when Hollywood, in all of its shallow gloriousness, tries to teach the rest of the world what's wrong with us. This is a big difference between Emmerich and Irwin Allen...Allen made disaster films to engage and entertain, while Emmerich seems to use the medium as a means to tell us the error of our so called destructive ways, and showing the ruinous consequences that result. Ahh, I've stood on my soapbox long enough...here's some scenes to watch for...the one, after New York is frozen, with the homeless man teaching the rich kid, who normally wouldn't have given the filthy man the time of day, how to use newspapers and such to insulate himself by stuffing them in his clothes...can you see the irony here? The homeless, once a burden on our society, have now, after the disaster, found purpose in advising the uninitiated on how to survive, as they've had to do living on the mean streets. Everyone go out and befriend a homeless person now, before it's too late...okay, how about this scene...the kids, now stuck in the Manhattan library after the storm, are scrounging for food, and break into some vending machines. The homeless guy suggests looking in the trash cans, as there's always something to eat in trash cans (yeah, okay...I'll tell you what my stinky friend, I'll eat the potato chips and M&M's and you can have whatever edible, maggot infested morsels you find rummaging in the garbage)...again, infinitely invaluable advice from the homeless...


I've noticed recently how various critics and the general population treat Titanic horribly with the test of time. I find it shocking how a movie that was regarded as one of the best movies of all time has fallen ill to tons of criticisms. People seem to find it hip now days to bash Titanic and I fail to understand why. I personally find it to be the greatest movie I've seen, the Academy Awards seemed to think it was a pretty damn good movie, the critics when it first came out weren't too harsh and movie-goer's truly expressed how the general population felt about Titanic with the gigantic ticket sales.

Now, however, Titanic makes the "overblown movie" lists from several critics, enres extreme mockery and the ridicule of anyone who actually admits to liking it. This may have been e to people wanting to be different from the norm in 1997 and maybe this attitude never went away and too many people fell victim to it. Or maybe it was the cheesy scene's people like to imitate over and over which obviously must mean the entire movie is cheesy. However, I recently watched Titanic the other day and I'm going to say why I find it to my favorite movie of all time.

The ship Titanic itself expressed a mentally ring this time period in which humans felt they could overcome Mother Nature. With the sinking of this ship it made people truly eat the words "Titanic is an unsinkable ship."

With the character Rose, a first class passenger you are exposed to the arrogance high society had. Rose also opened your eyes to the luxuries high society had and how woman were truly trapped and were seen as second-class citizens. Rose almost committing suicide helps hit home how truly horrible it must have been for woman ring this time period. The dynamics between Rose and her mother also show the dynamics between how woman had to behave and in a sense how they survived in this society.

With the character Jack, a third class passenger you are exposed to how large the gab between the rich and poor was. How first class dogs went down to be walked on the lower decks, how it was the poor who actually built Titanic and how it was the poor who were treated truly unfair on Titanic just because of social status, which helped express the mentality of the time.

Having these two characters meet and expose the viewer and each other to these different lifestyles helped truly put into perspective the mentality of what this time period was like. Sure, it was in a way a clich' love story, two people from different world's falling in love. But regardless of it being typical it still exposed the different classes in a way that truly made you realize how it was for people back then. Also, many things are clich' for a reason, they most of the time work and have been shown to work time and time again.

Without this love story you would have just come away with the basics of this story, the Titanic sinking. But this love story created sympathy in which you felt for Jack and Rose. It made you truly feel how the people on the Titanic were feeling at that exact moment. Families, loved ones and friends were being torn apart. Without the emotion created from the love story you wouldn't have felt nearly as sad or seriously towards what had actually happened to these people.

As for it being morally wrong on the part of Rose. Well, she was trapped by her mother and society. The man (Cal) whom she was getting married to proved to be inconsiderate towards others, was very mean, rude and thoughtless (even before he knew of the situation between Rose and Jack). He deserved and was asking for everything he got. What Rose did was what many do in youth and sometimes you have to take what life gives you at that moment. That's exactly what she did and people shouldn't say her actions were immoral. They were done out of love at first sight and out of vengeance towards the arrogant class she was apart of.

Titanic was very authentic and very historically accurate. It did include a lot more then just the love story. It had information about the lifeboats, the binoculars, how exactly it sank, the famous people aboard the ship, and numerous other things. Even things such as the first-class band and their situation, what exactly was sung on the last time day light hit the Titanic at the morning church gathering, increasing more speed regardless of ice warnings and many more examples were all little details included in this movie which made it far more then just a "love story" if you actually paid attention.

The ending of this movie came as a shock to most people. Well, it had several things that were resolved.

-When Jack died. In most love stories they would have both survived and lived happily ever after, but this truly hit home the pain people felt after this shipwreck.
-When Rose actually had the necklace. This shocked me, although many realized it before the ending. I thought releasing it back to the water was cheesy but also very symbolic.
-When they showed the pictures of Rose doing everything her and Jack talked about and dying warm in her bed as he said she would was a wonderful way to end it in my opinion. I don't know why but it just seemed like the perfect way to end it.
-Also how Jack was waiting in the same spot he did earlier in the movie was just too cute.

Titanic did have things in it that were cheesy, like the kissing scene at the front of the boat, the drawing scene and the "I'm king of the world" scene. But these scenes's helped keep the audience drawn in regardless of their cheese factor. Also running around the ship and opening the locked gate at the last minute before they would have drowned was also cheesy. But it is a movie and you have to have suspense, and even though these things wee unlikely they were still probable and made the movie entertaining.

One of the major flaws people say this movie had was the acting. I however thought it had amazing acting and I saw nothing wrong with it. Acting is something that is hard to pin-point in terms of being good or bad. I find it an easy way to attack any film. If you say the acting is bad, you cannot really "prove" to that person it was good. Acting is something that just goes to personal opinion and you cannot really change someone's mind on it. I personally give an A+ for acting and even the script. But one thing to consider is that many shots could only be done a few times or even once because of what they had to do to the sets, making it sometimes hard to get the perfect take.

James Cameron told you some of the ending at the very start of the flim. He showed the Titanic under-water and that Rose survived. This should have made the movie boring, but it didn't. I was still glued to the screen. This really helps prove it was a good movie.


So the other night I said to my sister, hey, remember 'The Mask'?
So, well, she like flipped out. So we rented it right away. We went to the video store and there were all these people there, and we had to pay late fees.
So then we watched it and we hadn't seen it in years. And we were kinda upset because when we were little our mom made this edited version where she taped over all the nasty parts... like... a crest commercial would suddenly come on. It's because our brother might become a womanizer if he saw a girl flipping her hair around. like the part where the guy tries to lick the girl, and the part where the dog pees on the guy and you see his weener. Nolla kept saying "I never saw this part, I never saw this part" I think the worst part was that we had no idea that cameron diaz was even IN it until we watched it the other night. Anyway, it was kinda good. I liked that it made sense. Actually... i don't know why we even watched it at all when we were kids. It was mostly mouthwash and juice commercials anyway. Maybe we were all just stupid.


Before I start my review, I must disclaim that I am a huge fan of J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series. That being said, I am also a big fan of the movies based on the series. There have been many complaints that this movie didn't convey the same texture as the book on which it's based or that too much was left out. These statements, while true at base level, forget that the book in question is 730-some-odd pages long and had the film inlcuded every detail, it would have been one of the longest movies in history. So, if you are a fan of the books and have yet to see this movie, do your best to accept each medium as its own entity, as comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I thought that the young actors really stepped up their games in this installment and it was fun to see them dealing with all of their teen angst and such. The special effects are out of this world and, as always, the score is terrific. There are some wonderfully funny moments, as well as some truly heart-wrenching ones near the end of the film.

That said, I do think that this is a weaker film than "Prisoner of Azkaban". I think that this weakness lies at the feet of the director, Mike Newell, who seemed intent on making this movie about time spent at a British boarding school. Mr. Newell made the movie with the school being the central element and all of the magic and adventure being secondary, while it's really the other way around. Because the focus was on the social issues at school (a huge amount of time is spent on the "Yule Ball" --like a Christmas Prom--and other such issues), a lot of very important details were left out. If you haven't read the book, it's probable that you won't have any idea why anything is happening, as the film jumps all over the place. I have read the book several times and knew what was going on, so it didn't matter much to me. The director and screenwriter opted to leave out a lot of integral details, but kept many either fringe details or included something that was important to the book (like "Daily Prophet" gossip reporter Rita Skeeter), but didn't explain or devote enough time to it so as to beg the question, "What was the point of that??"

Overall, I think that this is an enjoyable movie. If Amazon would allow a review of 3.5 stars, I probably would have ranked it there, rather than give it the four stars that I did. As long as you go into watching the movie with the expectation that it is not the book come to life--just a movie, folks--then you'll enjoy it. If you are the sort who gets bent out of shape when a movie doesn't live up to its parent book, you'll probably be disappointed.

It took me a while to get into this film. Blame it on a troll with a Scottish accent, an ethnic donkey, and a a bit too much information about bodily functions. Definitely kid's unalloyed stuff. But, deep down inside, I'm a rebel and a romantic, and very graally I found myself cheering the lovelorn troll as he heads out on a quest to find someone else their one true love.

So mule and troll head of across their world to defeat a dragon and rescue the beautiful princess. Only the princess has a few surprises, Shrek's feelings get jumbled up, and nothing is quite what it should be. If you've ever thought you were the ugly ckling, if you ever felt you weren't quite good enough, this film is for you. For once, the fairy tale is turned upside down, we are reminded that beauty is what's under the skin, and yes, that trolls need love too.

This isn't a deep film, other than that it takes aim at all the phony and superficial values that people mistake for what's really important. And that it does very well despite it's declared preteen audience. Its message is universal, and it's reverse charm is infectious. For all its fairy tale mimicry this is as much a film for the disillusioned as it is for anyone else.

The animation and music are excellent. Characters are expressive and the writing takes repeated jabs at many of our fondest icons. This is a laugh and feel good film, and we don't really get enough of those.

"Shrek 2" has a tough job; after the startlingly original "Shrek", a film that turned nursery rhymes and expectations upside down, this sequel needed to find a new, also twisted angle to meet the expectations of the original's fans. Unfortunately, the plot is predictable: Shrek and Fiona, newly married, are invited to Fiona's parents' kingdom where they are met with distaste. Naturally Prince Charming feels cheated, as does his mother, Fairy Godmother, and the King especially is mortified that his daughter has brought home an ogre. Shrek and Fiona are taught what they learn in the first movie, that looks are nothing compared to inner beauty.

But don't give up on "Shrek 2." This sequel is rescued by the fabulously complex and hilarious new character Puss 'n' Boots. As Shrek says, not many cats can pull off wearing boots and Antonio Banderas's Puss does it with style. Throw in some lightning quick spoofs of "Zorro," "Beverly Hills Cop," "Mission Impossible," "Ghostbusters," "The Lord of the Rings," and many other films. Mock the cast of nursery rhyme and fairy tale characters. Sprinkle pop culture and music as a counterpoint to the traditional timelessness of fairy tales, and you've got an amusing tale that warrants a second watching just to catch all the references.

Children will love this "ogre tale" for its non-threatening suspense and the etiquette-challenged behavior of the two ogres, while alts will appreciate the pop culture references. Although not as fresh as the original, "Shrek 2" offers entertainment for all ages.

5. 馬達加斯加的企鵝電影英語簡介

Penguins of Madagascar is a us animated series directed by Gary Trousdale and Simon j. Smith, featuring the voices of Tom McGrath and others.

(《馬達加斯加的企鵝》是Gary Trousdale、西蒙·J·史密斯執導的美國動畫劇集,由湯姆·麥克格雷斯等配音。)

It tells the story of Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman as they spend their free time in Africa.


Four penguins have returned to New York's central zoo, where they are in charge.


At the same time, they have to carry out various secret missions, from time to time they have to escape from the zoo.



《馬達加斯加的企鵝》劇情介紹:為了給最疼愛的小老弟菜鳥(克里斯多夫·奈茨 Christopher Knights 配音)慶生。

老大(湯姆·麥格拉思 Tom McGrath 配音)帶領菜鳥以及好搭檔科斯基(克里斯·米勒 Chris Miller 配音)、瑞哥闖入了防守最嚴密的美國黃金儲備中心,只為找到金庫盡頭僅有的那台銷售炸薯條的自動販賣機。

誰知他們剛剛完成任務沒多久,便被長著觸角的販賣機吞了進去,隨後被運到一個神秘的所在。在全封閉的設施內,四隻企鵝見到了偽裝成基因遺傳科學家的章魚戴夫(約翰·馬爾科維奇 John Malkovich 配音)。


6. 怎麼評價動畫電影《馬達加斯加》系列



7. 馬達加斯加觀後感






















《馬達加斯加3》繼前兩部的幽默風格,河馬、長頸鹿、斑馬、獅子一路笑?喜歡希還有反面角色動物管理員的瘋狂追殺,搞笑的結尾也令人不畢彎免哈哈大笑。除搞笑之外,還有又驚險又不可思議的特技。馬戲中,老虎穿越比自己小的火圈,獅子、豹子一起演繹空中飛人,可愛的吉娃娃小狗變成了火箭人,兩只大象的鼻子里噴出火焰,黑熊帶著狐猴滿場亂轉,河馬和長頸鹿在鋼絲上跳舞,真是過癮啊?br />本來四隻動物——野橋斑馬、長頸鹿、河馬、獅子想回到舒適、安逸的動物園,可為了逃避動物管理員的追殺,誤打誤撞進入了馬戲團的火車,驚險的馬戲勾起了他們表演的慾望,融入了馬戲團才像回到了真正的家,他們創造出了許多驚險的馬戲。


































今天,我和媽媽一起去文峰「大光明」電影院看《馬達加斯加企鵝3》。那部電影可好看了,連一開始准備大睡一場的媽媽都完完整整,一字不漏地看完了 !電影講的是一隻獅子、一隻斑馬、一隻河馬、四隻企鵝和三隻黃鼠狼不小心離開了美國動物園,來到了非洲,又橫穿大西洋,到了法國,在法國,有一個恐怖的女人 ,她曾經殺死了很多動物,還從堅硬的牆壁鑽過去,能像狗一樣趴在地上聞味道,比狗的鼻子還靈敏。

她知道這些動物來了,就一路追殺,緊追不舍,它們無路可逃,就偽裝成馬戲團演員,逃進了送往羅馬的馬戲團火車 ,並當了那個馬戲團的領導,在他的領導下它們表演出了獨一無二、五顏六色、驚險連連的表演,但因為那個女人的追殺,馬戲團的動物知道他原來不是馬戲團的人 ,就把它們拋棄了,那些動物被女人帶到原來的動物園,在動物園馬戲表演時打算把它們殺死,這時,馬戲團的動物們用獅子教的空中飛人救了它們,它們又上演了一場驚險、刺激的表演。
















8. 求馬達加斯加2英文觀後感(初二水平)

Madagascar 2 This is the sequel to the Department, but even if you did not read the first one, nor does it affect your whole understanding and feeling of the film. DreamWorks proction of taste and, like Disney's not so. The latter, the main theme of some of the former allows you to thoroughly off the screen to see the director and screenwriter badly *** iles hide behind. Recently, even the titles of the films they have not miss any of LOGO, and we must also remember that Kung Fu Panda jumped into the moon in fishing master it. Madagascar in which the role of this most memorable? In addition to the four main characters is that their skills and minds rivals the penguin agents. This time, they also hard to clean up the poor of DreamWorks LOGO's angler. Then the story did not begin immediately after the first episode, but turned back to show a bit of his childhood hero Alex the lion, as well as how he came to New York and knew him a good friend of zebra Marti association, giraffes Mehlman and Miss Hippo Gloria, followed by a brief review of the first episode about the plot: In the four penguins to flee the help of the zoo, and then a row in New York, was deported back to Africa, then penguins hijack the ship was drifting (...) to Madagascar. But there is not the end of their travel. They would like to return to New York. In the penguins and the hard work of local lemurs, the repair of an aircraft crash. They took the dream and hope, but also embarked on a journey. Catapult take-off rather *** ooth. But as a plane crash, this one with the fuel is more, and forced to land in a very dangerous process. However, they are safe. Thrilling action scenes, a section of the crash, rescue paragraph section of the old lady and the Lions battle have higher standards. Emotional drama. A father Alex personally in order not to give up the throne to expel her son.Alex Marti section of the monologue. Mehlman on Gloria's talk and no other, are good.,7,求馬達加斯加2英文觀後感(初二水平)

9. 馬達加斯加2的影評 適合小學生的 越短越好 不能太少 急!!!





10. 求!!!動畫片 馬達加斯加影評!!!


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