⑴ 指環王英文台詞
F:I wish the ring had never came to me.
I wish none of this had happened.
G:so do all who live to see such times. But that not for them to decide.All we have to decied is what to do with the time that is given to us.
There're other force at work in this world, Frodo, beside the will of evil.
Bilbo was mean to find the ring , in which case, you also were meant to have it,and that is a encouraging thought.
甘道夫:每個人遇到難關都會這么想,但是我們無法決定自己的命運。我們要決 定的是在一定時間內怎麼去做。佛羅多,世界上除了邪惡還有其他力量 。
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring》
Prologue by Galadriel:
I amar prestar aen...
The world is changed.
ihan mathon ne nen...
I feel it in the water.
han mathon ne chae...
I feel it in the Earth.
a han noston ned gwilith.
I smell it in the air.
Much that once was is lost. For none now live who remember it.
(A fire is seen, in which melted metal is being taken out by prongs. It is poured into a mold for casting. The three Elf rings are seen on their ownders hands; Narya, Nenya and Vilya. They look at them, admiring their beauty. Seven rings are spread in a circle on a table. Seven Dwarf Lords pick them up and raise them above their heads. Nine Kings of men lower their rings, holding them in front of themselves.)
It began with the forging of the great rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else, desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made.
(Mount Doom spouts off lava and fire, the land surrounding it is dark and gloomy. Sauron stands inside Mount Doom creating his ring.)
In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master ring, to control all others. And into this Ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.
(Sauron shows the Ring on his forefinger, the Elvish inscription carving itself into the Ring.)
"One Ring to rule them all."
(Wild men attack villages, houses errupt in flames, the townspeople run away screaming in fear.)
One by one, the free lands of Middle-Earth fell to the power of the Ring. But there were some who resisted. (An army of Elves and Men are seen on the field of Dagorlad) A last alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the slopes of Mount Doom they fought for the freedom of Middle-Earth.
(Orcs are seen grunting and ready for battle. Elves and Men let loose arrows into the hordes of Orcs. Armies of Orcs attack the Elves and Men, who fight back bravely. Lord Elrond is seen shouting out commands at the army.)
Victory was near. But the power of the Ring could not be undone.
(Sauron steps onto the battlefield, carrying a mace and the Ring of Power on his finger. Everyone turns and looks at him with fear in their eyes. He swings his mace, sending a group of Elves flying through the air. Elendil raises his sword to strike, but Sauron flings him against a rock, crushing him to death. Shocked, Isir runs over to his fallen father. Suddenly, he is aware of someone behind him, he roles over, seeing Sauron towering above him)
It was in this moment when all hope had faded, that Isilr, son of the King, took up his father's sword.
(Isilr grabs the hilt of Narsil, but Sauron stomps on it, shattering the blade. Sauron reaches down towards Isilr with the hand carrying the Ring. With a desperate attempt, Isilr let's out a cry and strikes Sauron's hand with the shards of Narsil, slicing off the finger bearing the One Ring. Sauron let's out a cry. He implodes, sending a shockwave throughout the battlefield, knocking the warriors off their feet. His armour falls to the ground, his body gone. Smoke emerges from within the armour)
Sauron, the enemy of the free-peoples of Middle-Earth was defeated.
(Isilr slowly reaches for the remains of Sauron's finger bearing the Ring. The finger turns to ash in his hands, but the Ring shimmers faintly)
The Ring passed to Isilr, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever. But the hearts of men are easily corrupted. And the Ring of Power has a will of its own.
(Isilr is riding trough the forest with a group of warriors. The Ring is on a chain around Isilr's neck. They are ambushed by a group of Orcs. Isilr is knocked off of his horse by an Orc and they tumble to the ground. His men fight bravely against the Orcs, but it doesn't look hopeful. Isilr looks around desperatly and sees the Ring around his neck. He jerks the chain off and puts the Ring on and disappears from sight. Bushes spread as he runs through them, yet nothing is seen of him actually being there. He splashes into the lake and is swimming away under water when the Ring leaves his finger. He reaches for it vainly and Orcs on the surface spot his body and kill him.)
It betrayed Isilr to his death.
(Isilr floats down Anin face down in the water, dead, with three arrows in his back. The Ring sinks into the depths of the river)
And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.
History became legend, legend became myth and for two and a half thousand years, the Ring passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared a new bearer.
(The Ring is half covered in dirt and a hand reaches down and picks it up out of the water. It glistens in that hand covered in mud.)
Gollum:(v.o.) My Precioussssssss
The Ring came to the creature Gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains. And there, it consumed him.
(The Misty Mountains are shown, Gollum sits on a stone above a little pool inside the mountains)
Gollum: It came to me. My own. My love. My own. My prrrecioussssss! *gollum*
The Ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life. For five hundred years it poisoned his mind. And in the gloom of Gollum's cave, it waited. Darkness crept back into the forest of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the east, whispers of a nameless fear, and the Ring of Power perceived its time had now come. It abandoned Gollum.
(The Ring falls down, bouncing off of the rocks, landing in a pile of dirt.)
But something happened then the Ring did not intend. It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable.
(A young Bilbo appears. He is on the ground, his hand groping through the dirt until it stumbles upon the Ring. He picks it up looking at it.)
Bilbo: What's this?
A Hobbit. Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.
Bilbo: A ring.
Gollum: (from far away) Lossssst! My precious is lost!
(Bilbo, alarmed, puts the Ring in his pocket)
For the time will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all.
(The scene cuts to a map of Middle-earth as it pans around it and finally zooms out to reveal that it is inside Bag End. The room is cluttered with books and papers strewn everywhere. Quill scratching can be heard in the distancs and turning the corner, Bilbo is seen hunched over his desk, writing his book.)
Bilbo:(v.o.)(clearing his voice) The 22nd day of September in the year 1400 by Shire-reckoning. Bag End, Bagshot Row, Hobbiton, Westfarthing, the Shire, Middle-earth. The third age of this world. There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale. By Bilbo Baggins.
(He is seen writing the title page and he then puts the quill down and picks up his pipe in thought, leaning back into the seat of his chair.)
Bilbo: Now where to begin? Ah, yes (he dips his quill into the ink and starts to write again) "Concerning Hobbits."
(A farmer and his son is seen working the field and leading their cows that are pulling the plow. Another Hobbit tugs on the end of a rope tied to a hog. The village square is seen a bustling full of Hobbits at work. They look quite cheerful and happy. The scene than cuts back to the fields and meadows, showing other Hobbits hard at work milking cows and tending to their houses, such as gardening and raking. They look very peaceful and content, some of them even sleeping on the job.)
Bilbo:(v.o.) Hobbits have been living and farming in the four farthings of the Shire for many hundreds of years. Quite content to ignore and be ignored by the world of the Big Folk. Middle-earth being, after all, full of strange creatures beyond count Hobbits must seem of little importance being neither renowned as great warriors nor counted among the very wise.
(Bilbo leans back in his chair chuckling at that thought. Knocking is heard at his door and he suddenly stops his laughing.)
Bilbo:(yelling over his shouldar) Frodo! Someone at the door.
(He turns back to his book and starts writing again, forgetting about the door.)
Bilbo:(v.o.) In fact, it has been remarked by some that Hobbit's only real passion is for food.
(A Hobbit gives the girl he likes flowers and she leans in for a kiss when he spots some rolls being carried by and grabs one and stuffs it in his mouth. More Hobbits are seen carrying barrels from the orchards. Another Hobbit is carrying one on his shouldar with mug in hand, drinking as much ale as possible. A group of pipe-smokers are seen sitting around and enjoying each other's company. More Hobbits are gardening and playing games.)
A rather unfair observation as we have also developed a keen in the brewing of ales and the smoking of pipe-weed. But where our hearts truly lie is in peace and quiet and good, tilled earth. For all Hobbits share a love of things that grow.
(Sam is planting flowers outside of his home, taking pleasure in that hobby and the beautiful flowers. The Hobbits are also setting up for Bilbo's big party, putting up banners and ribbons and tents.)
And, yes, no doubt to others, our ways seem quaint. But today of all days, it is brought home to me: It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.
(A big banner wishing Bilbo a Happy Birthday is set up.)
(There is another knock at the door and Bilbo sags in his chair, slightly annoyed.)
Bilbo: Frodo, the door! (Bilbo listens a moment and there is no noise, then there is more knocking at the door again) Sticklebacks. Where is that boy? (v.o.) Frodo!
Frodo sits beneath a tree, reading a book. Suddenly, he hears someone singing and looks up. He smiles as he understands who it is. Gandalf drives his carriage through the fields while he sings.)
Gandalf: (humming and singing)(v.o.)
Down from the door where it began
And I must follow if I can
The road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began
Now far ahead the road has gone
And I must follow if I can
(Frodo runs towards the grassy rode and comes to a halt, crossing his arms.)
Frodo: You're late.
(Gandalf stops the carriage. His face can barely be seen under his big, pointed floppy hat. He slowly turns to look at Frodo.)
Gandalf: A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
(He looks at Frodo with a strict look that softens until they both laugh. Frodo jumps onto the carriage and into Gandalf's arms)
Frodo: It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf!
Gandalf: You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday?
(Frodo sits besides Gandalf in the carriage as they drive through Hobbiton. Gandalf starts smoking his pipe.)
Gandalf: So, how is the old rascal? I hear its going to be a party of special magnificence.
Frodo: You know Bilbo. He's got the whole place in an uproar.
Gandalf:(chuckling) Well, that should please him.
Frodo: Half the Shire's been invited. And the rest of them are turning up anyway.
(They both laugh at this as they pass the Hobbits hard at work in the fields. They cross over a small stone bridge over a stream and into the little town square, making their way towards Bag End. They pass through the little town of Hobbiton and observe the other Hobbits while doing so.)
Bilbo:(v.o.) And so life in the Shire goes on very as it has this past Age full of its own comings and goings, with change coming slowly. If it comes at all. For things are made to enre in the Shire passing from one generation to the next. There's always been a Baggins living here under the Hill in Bag End. (Bilbo pauses momentarily looking up and mutters to himself) And there always will be.
Frodo: To tell you the truth, Bilbo's been a bit odd lately. I mean, more than usual. (Gandalf listens intentively, his face looking concerned and full of thought) He's taken to locking himself in his study.
(Bilbo is seen holding up the map of Middle-earth.)
Frodo:(v.o.) He spends hours and hours pouring over old maps when he thinks I'm not looking.
(Bilbo sets the map down and sighs. He tenses all of the sudden and starts to check his pockets looking for something. His breathing starts to get shallow as he turns out empty pockets. His eyes search the room frantically.)
Bilbo: Where's it gone?
(He starts to search everything in the room in a panic frenzy, picking things up to just through them down when he finds they are not holding what he is seeking. He starts to get angrier and angrier when his hand brushes his vest pocket. He feels them and places his hand in it and pulls something out. Sighing deeply, he opens his hand slightly and reveals that he is holding the Ring in his hand. He closes his eyes in relief and has a silent moment.)
Frodo: He's up to something.
(Gandalf grunts and give Frodo a sideways glance. Frodo looks back at him, waiting for him to answer. Gandalf just looks away looking as if he didn't know anything.)
Frodo: All right, then. Keep your secrets.
Gandalf: What?
Frodo: But I know you have something to do with it.
Gandalf:(assuming a look of innoncence) Good gracious me.
Frodo: Before you came along, we Bagginses were very well thought of.
Gandalf: Indeed.
Frodo: Never had any adventures or did anything unexpected.
Gandalf: If you're referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved. All I did was give your uncle a little nudge out of the door.
Frodo: Whatever you did, you've been officially labeled a disturber of the peace.
Gandalf: Oh, really?
(They drive past a hobbit hole with a grumpy hobbit working in the garden. He looks at Gandalf, turning even more grumpy. Hobbit children run after the carriage as soon as they spot it.)
Hobbit children: Gandalf! Gandalf!
(Some hobbit children run down the grassy hills towards the carriage)
Hobbit children: Fireworks, Gandalf! Gandalf! Fireworks, Gandalf!
(They look at him in disappointment as he drives along, pretending not to notice them.)
Hobbit children: Awwwww.
(Suddenly, a blast of fireworks goes off from the carriage. The hobbit children clap their hands and cheer. The grumpy hobbit man laughs, a grumpy hobbit woman comes out and gives him a disapproving look and he gets the sour look on his face again. Gandalf chuckles)
Frodo: Gandalf? I'm glad you're back.
Gandalf: So am I, dear boy! (thoughtfully to himself) So am I.
(Frodo jumps of the carriage and waves at Gandalf. Gandalf drives up to Bag End and stops in front of the gate which has a sign that says 'No Admittance. Exception Party Business'. He walks up to the door and knocks it with his staff. A voice is heard from inside)
Bilbo:(v.o.) No thank you! We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers or distant relations!
Gandalf: And what about very old friends?
(The door opens and Bilbo stares at Gandalf in disbelief)
Bilbo: Gandalf?
Gandalf: Bilbo Baggins!
Bilbo: My dear Gandalf!
(They give each other a big hug)
Gandalf: Good to see you. One hundred and eleven years old! Who would believe it? (Gandalf takes a closer look at Bilbo) You haven't aged a day.
(Bilbo runs inside, beckoning Gandalf in and holding the door open for him.)
Bilbo: Come on, come in! Welcome, welcome! Oh, here we are.
(He closes the door behind Gandalf and takes his hat and staff.)
Bilbo: Tea? Or maybe something a little stronger? I've got a few bottles of the Old Winyard left. 1296. Very good year. Almost as old as I am! Hahaha! It was laid down by my father. What say we open one, eh?
Gandalf: Just tea, thank you.
(Bilbo runs around the hobbit hole, Gandalf backs into a the chandelier, then turns and bumps his head onto the beam. He rubs his forehead and walks into Bilbo's study. He looks at the papers on the desk, a map of The Lonely Mountain among them. Bilbo continues to talk to him about what there is to eat.)
⑵ 求指環王中的經典台詞(英語版的)
Boromir: They took the little ones.他們把小個子們抓走了Aragorn: Hold still. 躺著別動Boromir: Frodo. Where is Frodo? 佛羅多,佛羅多在哪兒? Aragorn: I let Frodo go. 我讓佛羅多走了Boromir: Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him. 那麼你做了我沒做到的事,我企圖從他那搶走魔戒 Aragorn: The Ring is beyond our reach now. 魔戒現在已經離開我們范圍了Boromir: Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all. 原諒我,我沒有料到,我辜負了你們所有人Aragorn: No, Boromir. You fought bravely. You have kept your honor. 不,博羅米爾,你英勇作戰,你捍衛了你的榮譽Boromir: Leave it! It is over. The world of Men will fall. And all will come to darkness, and my city to ruin. 別管它了! 結束了。人類世界將要陷落,一切都將陷入黑暗。我的城市也會淪亡Aragorn: I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail.我不知道我的血液中蘊藏了何種力量,但我向你發誓,我絕不會讓白城淪陷,也不會讓我們的人民落敗Boromir: Our people? Our people. 我們的人民? 我們的人民Boromir: I would have followed you, my brother. My captain. My king.我本該一直追隨著你,我的兄弟,我的領袖,我的國王—————————————————————————————Théoden: Yes. Yes. The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the Deep on last time.好,好!錘手王海爾姆的號角,將在深谷中最後一次吹響! Théoden: Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. 讓我們拔劍並肩抗敵吧 Théoden: Fell deeds, awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red dawn. Forth Eorlingas! 魔怪已蘇醒。為了憤怒,為了毀滅和紅色的黎明!向前沖啊,伊歐的子孫們! 又不夠字數了,直接貼我在別的網站的回答吧山姆的話 http://..com/question/50324267.html?si=1塞奧頓王的動員令 http://..com/question/37975657.html?si=1阿拉貢的動員令 http://..com/question/77303187.html?si=4
⑶ 指環王里 咕嚕 說的 這是我的寶貝翻譯成英文是什麼
My precious! 我的寶貝!
《指環王》中的咕嚕說的原句:The ring is mine,they take it from us,it's my precious. the theives,the theives. (戒指是我的,是我的寶貝,他們偷走了它,這些小偷。)
precious 英 [ˈpreʃəs]、美 [ˈpreʃəs]
adj. 珍奇的、珍稀的、寶貴的、珍貴的、受珍愛的、被珍惜的。
adv. 強調極少或太少。
例句:,whichthemasterlovedverymuch. 他師父有個茶壺是很寶貝的古董,他一直非常喜愛它。
1、precious adj. 貴重的
例句:There is a crown set with precious jewels in his safe. 他保險箱里有一個嵌滿貴重寶石的王冠。
2、costly adj. 昂貴的
例句:He wanted to know how to avoid costly legal proceedings.他想知道如何避開昂貴的法律訴訟。
3、dear adj. [英]昂貴的
例句:Cars are dearer in Britain than in Europe.汽車在英國比在歐洲要貴。
Everything is so dear now.現在什麼東西都這么貴。
4、expensive adj. 昂貴的
例句:This apartment is too expensive for me to buy.這套公寓太貴了,我買不起。
5、valuable adj. 貴重的
例句:His wife was wondering where he put their most valuable belongings.他的妻子很想知道他把他們最值錢的財物放在哪裡。
⑷ 英文電影里的情話告白
「 言簡意賅型 」 You had me at Hello. — Jerry Maguire 第一次見面時,我就被你征服了。——《甜心先生》 You make me want to be a better man. — As Good As It Gets 你讓我想成為更好的人。——《盡善盡美》 I like you very much. Just as you are. — Bridget Jones Diary 我很喜歡你,就是現在的你。——《BJ 單身日記》 「 情真意切型 」 I love you very much, probably more than anybody could love another person. — 50 First Dates 我非常愛你,也許比任何人的愛情都要強烈。——《初戀50次》 You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die. — Shakespeare in Love 你在我心中永不衰老,永不凋謝,永不消逝。——《莎翁情史》 Without you, todays emotions would be the scurf of yesterdays. — Amelie 要是沒有你,今天的心情將會像昨日的頭皮屑一樣瑣碎。——《天使愛美麗》 「 滔滔不絕型 」 I came here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is and always will be yours. — Sense and Sensibility 我來這里並沒有抱任何期望,只是為了表明我的心意。現在我有完全的'自由來告訴你,我的心已經並將永遠屬於你。——《理智與情感》 I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. — The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring 我寧願和你共度一生,也不願意麵對永生不死的孤寂。——《指環王1: 魔戒再現》 You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on. — Pride and Prejudice 你已經給我施了魔法,從身體到靈魂。我愛你、愛你、愛你。從今天開始,我再也不想與你分離。——《傲慢與偏見》 英文電影里的情話告白2 1、I love you not because who you are,but because who I am when I am with you我愛你不是因為你是誰,而是我在你面前是誰。 2、No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,wont make you cry沒有男人或女人值得你流淚,值得的那位不會讓你哭泣。 3、Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart一個真正的朋友是向你伸出手,觸動你心靈的人。 4、The worst way to miss some one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you cant have him想念一個人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能擁有他。 5、Never frown,even when you are sad,because youn ever know who is falling in love with your smile就算你不快樂也不要皺眉,因為你永遠不知道誰會愛上你的笑容。 6、To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world在世界上你可能只是某人,但對於某人你可能是世界。 7、Dont cry because it is over,smile because it happened不要因為完結而哭泣,要為曾經發生而微笑。 8、Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you在你嘗試了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你變成一個更好的人和了解自己的人。 9、Dont try so hard,the best things come when you lease expect them to不要太努力去找,最好的事情是在最預計不到的時候出現的。 10、Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us生命是一束純凈的火焰,我們依靠自己內心看不見的太陽而存在。 表白情話英語句子怎麼說 英文帶翻譯 1、Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.道么,有個人時時想念著惦記你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光閃閃,綴在我的心幕上夜亮晶晶。 2、Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.你知道思念一個人的滋味嗎,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然後用很長很長的時間流成熱淚。 3、First impression of you is most lasting.對你最初的印象,久久難以忘懷。 4、I didnt stop thinking about you all day. 我整天都在想你。 5、I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. 見到你的那一瞬間,我就愛上你了。 英文電影里的情話告白3 一、英文表白情話 1、你一笑,我整顆心都融化了。 When you smile, my whole heart melts. 2我想每天睜開眼都看到你。 I want to see you every day with my eyes open. 3、有你在的地方,我就覺得那是家。 Where you are, I think that is home. 4、喜歡你是一件很幸福的事,我也希望被你喜歡。 It is a very happy thing to like you, and I hope to be liked by you. 5、每天醒來,看到你和陽光都在,就是我設想的未來。 Wake up every day, seeing you and the sun are the future that I envision. 6、我希望,我們不再互道早安,而是睡在彼此身旁。 I hope that we will not talk to each other well, but sleep next to each other. 7、就算你容易遲暮,白發蒼蒼,我還是為牽著你的手,給你我的溫柔。 Even if you are too late, white hair, I am still holding your hand, giving you my gentleness. 8、陪著你瘋,陪著你笑,陪著你哭。這一輩子我都會陪著你,直到老去。 Stay with you crazy, accompany you laughing, crying with you. I will stay with you in this life until I am old. 二、史上最美十句英文情話 1、You mean the world to me.你對我來說,就是全世界。 2、The soul cannot live without love.靈魂不能沒有愛而存在。 3、The man I loved has all the warmth。我喜歡的人啊,他有一身的溫暖。 4、Want to say too much to say to him.想說的話太多 一輩子慢慢給他說。 5、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.執子之手,與子偕老。 6、Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream.但願會在夢中再見到我心愛的女孩! 7、Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning. 和你在一起就像在一個清爽的早晨漫步。 8、I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet!盡管還不曾離開,我已對你朝思暮想! 9、Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes.你有地圖么?因為我剛在你的眼神中迷失了。 10、You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.你在時你是一切,你不在時一切是你!
⑸ 指環王中英佳句
Frodo: I can't do this, Sam.
Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights, we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?
But in the end, it's only a passing thing this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now.
Sam: Fold in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding on to Sam?
Sam: There is some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for.
O! Wanderers in the shadowed land
despair not! For though dark they stand
all woods there be must end at last,
and see the open sun go past
the setting sun, the rising sun,
the day's end, or the day begun.
For east or west all woods must fail。 喔!漫步在黑暗之地的旅行者,
I can't carry it for you , but I can carry you .
The dwarf breathes so loud,we could have shot him in the dark!
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
One honest voice can be louder than a crowd.
Some people live a lifetime in a minute.
Keep your friends close,but your enemies closer.
Happy families are all alike;every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
.Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.
This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime.
.Love means never having to say you're sorry.
Don't be deceived by appearances,for beauty is founded within.
(Arwen and Aragorn are standing atop of a bridge in the Garden of Twilight)
Arwen: Renech i lu i erui govannen? *Do you remember when we first met?*
Aragorn: Nauthannem i ned ol reniannen. *I thought I had strayed into a dream.*
Arwen: (tenderly touches Aragorn's cheek) Gwenwin in enninath。U-arnech in naeth i si celich. Renech i beth i pennen? *Long years have passed…You did not have the cares you carry now. Do you remember what I told you?*
Aragorn: (his fingers run across the Evenstar pendant) You said you'd bind yourself to me. Forsaking the immortal life of your people.
Arwen: And to that I hold. I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.
(she gives him the Evenstar)
Arwen: I choose a mortal life.
Aragorn: You cannot give me this!
Arwen: It is mine to give to whom I will。 like my heart.
it`s all wrong.這不公平
by rights,we shouldn`t even be here.我們本就不該來
but we are.可是我們卻在這里了
it`s like in the great stories,mr.frodo.這就象我們聽過的偉大故事,佛羅多先生.
the ones that really mattered.歌頌偉大的事跡
full of darkness and danger they were.充滿了黑暗和危險
and sometimes you didn`t want to know the end有時候你不想知道結局
because how could the end be happy?因為怎可能有快樂結局?
how could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?發生了這么多可怕的事情,這個世界怎可能回到從前
but in the end,it`s only a passing thing this shadow-even darkness must pass.但是最後可怕的陰影終究會消失,就連黑暗也會消失
a new day will come.嶄新的一天將會來臨
and when the sun shines,it will shine out the clearer.太陽也會散發更明亮的光芒
those were the stories that stayed with you that meant something.這些才是讓人永生難忘意義非凡的感人故事
even if you were too small to understand why.即使你太年輕不明白為什麼
but i think, mr.frodo,i do understand.i know now.但是我想我明白了,佛羅多先生,我現在知道了
folk in these stories had lots of chances of turning back,only they didn`t.故事裡的主角有很多的半途而廢的機會但是他們並沒有
they kept going because they were holding on to something. what are we holding on to,sam?他們勇往直前因為他們抱著一種信念。我們抱著什麼信念,山姆?
that there`s some good in this world,mr.frodo.and it`s worth fighting for.在這個世界上一定存在著善良值得我們奮戰到底!
1)描寫人物外貌的詞語 虎頭虎腦 眉清目秀 面紅耳赤 白凈柔嫩 滿面紅光 滿頭銀發 目光炯炯 雙目如潭 火眼金睛 濃眉大眼 慈眉善目 氣宇軒昂 高大魁梧 英姿颯爽 衣著得體 (2)描寫人物表情的詞語 眉開眼笑 破涕為笑 捧腹大笑 笑逐顏開 滿面春風 洋洋得意 和顏悅色 悠然自得 容光煥發 神采飛揚 氣勢洶洶 神情沮喪 愁眉苦臉 沒精打采 淚流滿面 (3)描寫人物心情的詞語 心花怒放 滿心歡喜 歸心似箭 心曠神怡 心潮起伏 心悅誠服 心事重重 憂心忡忡 心如刀絞 悲痛欲絕 怒火中燒 心驚膽戰 心慌意亂 心急如焚 心灰意冷 我們在河邊急三火四地脫光衣服,撲進小河裡,立刻開始打水戰,追逐嬉戲了。
河面上的歡歌笑語,在和兩岸遠遠的盪開了。 我們這些小淘氣會不顧家長的再三忠告,三五成群來到小石灣,脫下褲頭,赤條條地鑽進水裡。
原著詩歌The Old Walking Song (From chapter 1: A Long Expected Party )The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager/weary feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. The Road goes ever on and on Out from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, Let others follw it who can! Let them a journey new begin, But I at last with weary feet Will turn towards the lighted inn, My evening-rest and sleep to meet. Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate; And though I oft have passed them by, A day will come at last when I Shall take the hidden paths that run West of the Moon, East of the Sun. Bilbo's Song(From chapter 3: The Ring Goes South )I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies in summers that have been; Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door. 電影台詞Frodo: "I can't do this, Sam."Sam: "I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are."Sam: "It's like in the great stories, Mister Frodo. The ones that really mattered."Sam: "Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened."Sam: "But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer."Sam: "Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mister Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. Because they were holding on to something."Frodo: "What are we holding on to, Sam?"Sam: "That there's some good in this world, Mister Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."Théoden: "Arise! Arise! Riders of Théoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword-day! A red day, ere the sun rises!"Théoden: "Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!"Théoden: "Death!Death!Death!"Théoden: "Forð Eorlingas!"Aragorn: "Hold your ground! Hold your ground."Aragorn: "Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me."Aragorn: "A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day."Aragorn: "An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight!"Aragorn: "By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!" Sam: "Do you remember the Shire, Mister Frodo? It'll be spring soon, and the Orchards will be in blossom."Sam: "And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket and they'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields."Sam: "And eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?"Frodo: "No, Sam, I can't recall the taste of food."Frodo: "Nor the sound of water. Or the touch of grass. I'm naked in the dark. There's nothing… no veil… between me and the wheel of fire! I can see him with my waking eyes!"Sam: "Then let us be rid of it, once and for all! Come on, Mister Frodo. I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you! Come on!"。
法拉墨: 敵人?他也一樣把你視為敵人。
是什麼謊言欺騙他,使他遠離家園前來作戰? 也許他寧願留在家鄉,過著和平的日子。 戰爭之中無人能倖免於難. 佛羅多:我辦不到。
山姆: 我知道。 這不公平。
這就像我們聽過的精彩故事,歌頌偉大的事跡,充滿了黑暗和危險。 有時你不想知道結局。
因為怎麼可能有快樂結局? 發生這么多可怕的事情,這世界怎麼可能回到從前? 但是最後可怕的陰影,終究會消失。就連黑暗也會消失。
這才是讓人永生難忘,意義非凡的感人故事。 縱使你太年輕不明白為什麼,但是我想我明白了。
他們決定勇往直前,因為他們抱著一種信念。 佛羅多:我們抱著什麼信念? 山姆:這世上一定存在著善良,值得我們奮戰到底。
阿拉貢: 岡多,羅翰的子民們,我的兄弟們! 我從你們眼裡看到, 你們跟我一樣都恐懼得心驚膽戰。 或許有一天,人類變得萎縮懦弱,舍棄朋友,斷絕友誼, 但今天決不會這樣。
或許有一天,豺狼攻破人類城池,人類因此被滅絕, 但今天決不會這樣! 今天我們誓死奮戰! 我以你們所珍視得一切的名義,命令你們抗敵,西方的勇士們! 山姆: 還記得夏爾的情況嗎?佛羅多先生? 那裡春天將至, 滿樹果花綻放,群鳥在灌木里築巢,並將夏麥播到低地,啄食初長流汁草莓, 還記得草莓的味道嗎? 佛羅多: 記不起了,我記不起食物的味道,記不起流水的聲音,也記不起青草觸碰的感覺。 現在我的感覺,是在黑暗中赤著身,我與火輪般的戒指纏在一起。
我睜開眼也看到那火輪。 山姆: 那我們把戒指毀了吧,永遠地毀掉它。
走! Sam: Do you remember the Shire, Mr Frodo? It''ll be spring soon. And the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And they''ll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields, and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries? Mr. Frodo: No, Sam I can''t recall the taste of food, nor the sound of water, nor the touch of grass… I''m naked in the dark. There''s, There''s nothing… No veil between me and the wheel of fire. I can see them… with my waking eyes Sam: Then let us be rid of it。once and for all. Come on, Mr Frodo. I can''t carry it for you… but I can carry you. Come on! 佛羅多: 我望見夏爾… 白蘭地酒河,袋底洞,甘道夫放的焰火,聚宴之樹周圍的燈光… 山姆: 露絲,卡彤在跳舞。
她的頭發綁著絲帶。如果我要娶妻,一定非她莫屬… 非她莫屬。
F:I wish the ring had never came to me. I wish none of this had happened. G:so do all who live to see such times. But that not for them to decide.All we have to decied is what to do with the time that is given to us. There're other force at work in this world, Frodo, beside the will of evil. Bilbo was mean to find the ring , in which case, you also were meant to have it,and that is a encouraging thought. 佛羅多:我真希望魔戒沒在我手中。
我真希望這一切沒有發生。 甘道夫:每個人遇到難關都會這么想,但是我們無法決定自己的命運。
我們要決 定的是在一定時間內怎麼去做。佛羅多,世界上除了邪惡還有其他力量 。
比爾博註定要找到魔戒,你也註定要得到它,能這么想就好了 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring》 Prologue by Galadriel: I amar prestar aen。 The world is changed. ihan mathon ne nen。
I feel it in the water. han mathon ne chae。 I feel it in the Earth. a han noston ned gwilith. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost. For none now live who remember it. TEXT: THE LORD OF THE RINGS (A fire is seen, in which melted metal is being taken out by prongs. It is poured into a mold for casting. The three Elf rings are seen on their ownders hands; Narya, Nenya and Vilya. They look at them, admiring their beauty. Seven rings are spread in a circle on a table. Seven Dwarf Lords pick them up and raise them above their heads. Nine Kings of men lower their rings, holding them in front of themselves.) It began with the forging of the great rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else, desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. (Mount Doom spouts off lava and fire, the land surrounding it is dark and gloomy. Sauron stands inside Mount Doom creating his ring.) In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master ring, to control all others. And into this Ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. (Sauron shows the Ring on his forefinger, the Elvish inscription carving itself into the Ring.) "One Ring to rule them all." (Wild men attack villages, houses errupt in flames, the townspeople run away screaming in fear.) One by one, the free lands of Middle-Earth fell to the power of the Ring. But there were some who resisted. (An army of Elves and Men are seen on the field of Dagorlad) A last alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the slopes of Mount Doom they fought for the freedom of Middle-Earth. (Orcs are seen grunting and ready for battle. Elves and Men let loose arrows into the hordes of Orcs. Armies of Orcs attack the Elves and Men, who fight back bravely. Lord Elrond is seen shouting out commands at the army.) Victory was near. But the power of the Ring could not be undone. (Sauron steps onto the battlefield, carrying a mace and the Ring of Power on his finger. Everyone turns and looks at him with fear in their eyes. He swings his mace, sending a group of Elves flying through the air. Elendil raises his sword to strike, but Sauron flings him against a rock, crushing him to death. Shocked, Isir runs over to his fallen father. Suddenly, he is aware of someone behind him, he roles over, seeing Sauron towering above him) It was in this moment when all hope had faded, that Isilr, son of the King, took up his father's sword. (Isilr grabs the hilt of Narsil, but Sauron stomps on it, shattering the blade. Sauron reaches down towards Isilr with the hand carrying the Ring. With a desperate attempt, Isilr let's out a cry and strikes Sauron's hand with the shards of Narsil, slicing off the finger bearing the One Ring. Sauron let's out a cry. He implodes, sending a shockwave throughout the battlefield, knocking the warriors off their feet. His armour falls to the ground, his body gone. Smoke emerges from within the armour) Sauron, the enemy of the free-peoples of Middle-Earth was defeated. (Isilr slowly reaches for the remains of Sauron's finger bearing the Ring. The finger turns to ash in his hands, but the Ring shimmers faintly) The Ring passed to Isilr, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever. But the hearts of men are easily corrupted. And the Ring of Power has a will of its own. (Isilr is riding trough the forest with a group of warriors. The Ring is on a chain around Isilr's neck. They are ambushed by a group of Orcs. Isilr is knocked off of his horse by an Orc and they 。
⑹ 指環王的經典台詞(最好是抒情的、激勵人心的)中英文都要有
Frodo: I can』t do this, Sam.
Sam: I know. It』s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn』t even be here. But we are. It』s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn』t want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?
But in the end, it』s only a passing thing this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now.
Sam: Fold in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn』t. They kept going because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding on to Sam?
Sam: There is some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it』s worth fighting for.
美好存在於這個世界,佛羅多先生,它值得我們為之奮戰 _____________________________________________ �0�7omer, take your éored down the left flank.
Gamling, follow the King's banner down the center.
Grimbold, take your company right after you pass the wall. Forth, and fear no darkness!
Arise, Arise, Riders of Théoden!
Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin, and the world's ending!
Forth Eorlingas!!
Hold your ground! Hold your ground.
Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down. But it is not this day. This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!
⑺ my precious是什麼梗
my precious這個梗出現在《十萬個冷笑話2》,原句是出自電影《指環王》中咕嚕的經拿唯典台詞,意思是我的寶貝,因為咕嚕對魔戒有著很強烈的渴望,每當他想要魔戒的時候,都會說這句話,因此my precious也表示對某些事物極度的渴求,極度的希望得到。
而如今被大家用來和喜歡的人說的情話,意思類似於我的甜心。my precious也可以說成是my precious baby,就是我的心肝寶貝的意思。
⑻ 指環王 對白