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❶ 介紹教父電影!

片 名: The Godfather

譯 名: 教父

導 演: ( 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola )

主 演: (馬龍·白蘭度 Marlon Brando) (阿爾·帕西諾 Al Pacino) (詹姆斯·凱恩 James Caan) (理查德·卡斯特爾諾 Richard S. Castellano) (羅伯特·杜瓦爾 Robert Duvall) (斯特林·海登 Sterling Hayden)

上 映: 1972年03月15日 美國

地 區: 美國

對 白: 英語 義大利語 拉丁語

評 分: IMDb評分9.1/10 ( 231981票 )

顏 色: 彩色

聲 音: 數字化影院系統(DTS) 單聲道(Mono)

時 長: 175

類 型: 犯罪 劇情

分 級: 西班牙:13 哥倫比亞:18 加拿大:PA 加拿大:AA 澳大利亞:M 阿根廷:18 澳大利亞:R 奧地利:16 加拿大:13+ 智利:18 丹麥:15 芬蘭:K-16 芬蘭:K-18 法國:-12 香港:IIB 冰島:16 愛爾蘭:18 以色列:PG 義大利:VM14 日本:R-15 墨西哥:C 荷蘭:16 紐西蘭:R16 挪威:18 秘魯:18 葡萄牙:17 瑞士:12


1945年夏天,美國本部黑手黨科萊昂家族首領,「教父」維托·唐·科萊昂為小女兒康妮舉行了盛大的婚 禮。「教父」有三個兒子:好色的長子遜尼,懦弱的次子弗雷德和剛從二戰戰場回來的小兒子邁克。其中遜尼是「教父」的得力助手;而邁克雖然精明能幹,卻對家 族的「事業」沒什麼興趣。

「教父」是黑手黨首領,常干違法的構當。但同時他也是許多弱小平民的保護神,深得人們愛戴。他還有 一個准則就是決不販毒害人。為此他拒絕了毒梟素洛佐的要求,並因此激化了與紐約其它幾個黑手黨家族的矛盾。 聖誕前夕,素洛佐劫持了「教父」的大女婿湯姆, 並派人暗殺「教父」。

「教父」中槍入院。素洛佐要湯姆設法使遜尼同意毒品買賣,重新談判。遜尼有勇無謀,他發誓報仇,卻無計可施。 邁克去醫院探望父親,他發現保鏢已被收買,而警方亦和素洛佐串通一氣。各家族間的火並一觸即發。邁克制定了一個計策誘使素洛佐和警長前來談判。在一家 小餐館內,邁克用事先藏在廁所內的手槍擊斃了素洛佐和警長。

邁克逃到了西西里,在那裡他娶了美麗的阿波蘿妮亞為妻,過著田園詩般的生活。而此時,紐約各個黑手 黨家族間的仇殺卻越來越激烈。遜尼也被康妮的丈夫卡洛出賣,被人打得千瘡百孔。「教父」傷愈復出,安排各家族間的和解。聽到噩耗的邁克也受到了襲擊。被收 買的保鏢法布里奇奧在邁克的車上裝了炸彈。邁克雖倖免於難,卻痛失愛妻。 邁克於1951年回到了紐約,並和前女友凱結了婚。

日益衰老的「教父」將家族首領的位置傳給了邁克。在「教父」病故之後,邁克開始了醞釀已久的復仇。他派人刺殺了另兩個敵對家族的首領,並親自殺死了謀害他 前妻的法布里奇奧。同時他也命人殺死了卡洛,為遜尼報了仇。 仇敵盡數剪除。康妮因為丈夫被殺而沖進了家門,瘋狂地撕打邁克。邁克冷峻地命人把康妮送進了瘋人院。 他已經成了新一代的「教父」——唐·科萊昂。

美國國家電影保護局 / National Film Preservation Board, USA 1990 國家影片登記 / National Film Registry 獲獎
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳電影 / Best Picture 獲獎
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳男演員 / Best Actor in a Leading Role 獲獎 馬龍·白蘭度
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳男配角 / Best Actor in a Supporting Role 提名 詹姆斯·卡安
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳男配角 / Best Actor in a Supporting Role 提名 羅伯特·杜瓦爾
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳男配角 / Best Actor in a Supporting Role 提名 阿爾·帕西諾
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳導演 / Best Director 提名 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳編劇 / Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen 獲獎 馬里奧·普佐
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳編劇 / Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen 獲獎 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳服裝設計 / Best Costume Design 提名 Anna Hill Johnstone
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳剪輯 / Best Film Editing 提名 William Reynolds
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳剪輯 / Best Film Editing 提名 Peter Zinner
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳音效 / Best Sound 提名 Charles Grenzbach
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳音效 / Best Sound 提名 Richard Portman
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳音效 / Best Sound 提名 Christopher Newman
奧斯卡獎/Academy Awards, USA 1973 最佳音樂/歌曲 / Best Music, Song 提名 Nino Rota
金球獎/Golden Globes, USA 1973 最佳電影(劇情類) / Best Motion Picture - Drama 獲獎
金球獎/Golden Globes, USA 1973 最佳男配角 / Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture 提名 詹姆斯·卡安
金球獎/Golden Globes, USA 1973 最佳導演 / Best Director - Motion Picture 獲獎 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉
金球獎/Golden Globes, USA 1973 最佳編劇 / Best Screenplay - Motion Picture 獲獎 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉
金球獎/Golden Globes, USA 1973 最佳編劇 / Best Screenplay - Motion Picture 獲獎 馬里奧·普佐
金球獎/Golden Globes, USA 1973 最佳男演員(劇情類) / Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama 獲獎 馬龍·白蘭度
金球獎/Golden Globes, USA 1973 最佳男演員(劇情類) / Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama 提名 阿爾·帕西諾
金球獎/Golden Globes, USA 1973 最佳電影歌曲/音樂 / Best Motion Picture Score 獲獎 Nino Rota
英國學院獎/British Academy Awards 1973 最佳男演員 / Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role 提名 馬龍·白蘭度
英國學院獎/British Academy Awards 1973 最佳男配角 / Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role 提名 羅伯特·杜瓦爾
英國學院獎/British Academy Awards 1973 最佳服裝 / Best Costume Design 提名 Anna Hill Johnstone
英國學院獎/British Academy Awards 1973 最佳新人 / Best Newcomer 提名 阿爾·帕西諾
英國學院獎/British Academy Awards 1973 最佳音樂 / Best Music 獲獎 Nino Rota
美國影評人協會獎 / National Society of Film Critics Awards, USA 1973 最佳男演員 / Best Actor 獲獎 阿爾·帕西諾
紐約影評人協會獎 / New York Film Critics Circle Awards 1972 最佳男配角 / Best Supporting Actor 獲獎 羅伯特·杜瓦爾
國家評論協會獎(美) / National Board of Review, USA 1972 最佳男配角 / Best Supporting Actor 獲獎 阿爾·帕西諾

❷ 急求電影教父1的英語介紹。字數要盡量少。 謝謝。

The story begins as "Don" Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia "family", oversees his daughter's wedding. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father's business. Through Michael's life the nature of the family business becomes clear. The business of the family is just like the head of the family, kind and benevolent to those who give respect, but given to ruthless violence whenever anything stands against the good of the family. Don Vito lives his life in the way of the old country, but times are changing and some don't want to follow the old ways and look out for community and "family". An up and coming rival of the Corleone family wants to start selling drugs in New York, and needs the Don's influence to further his plan. The clash of the Don's fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especially from Michael, all for the sake of the family

❸ 求一篇關於電影<教父>的英語文章

樓上的人是抄wikipedia 的內容


During a backyard wedding reception for his daughter, Connie, and his new son-in-law, Carlo Rizzi, Don Vito Corleone, a Mafia boss known as the Godfather, concts business in his office. With him are his oldest son, Sonny, and his adopted son and family lawyer, Tom Hagen. Several people come to Vito's office to make requests, including Bonasera, an undertaker seeking revenge for a crime against his daughter, and Johnny Fontane, a Frank Sinatra-like singer and actor who wants Vito to help land him a part in a movie. As the wedding reception draws to a close, Vito dispatches Tom to Los Angeles to talk to Jack Woltz, the studio owner. Despite Tom's prodding, Woltz refuses to give Fontane the part, so the Corleones make Woltz 「an offer he can't refuse.」 The day after the meeting with Tom, Woltz wakes up in a blood-stained bed to discover the severed head of his prized horse under the covers at his feet.

Back in New York, a gangster named Sollozzo wants to involve the Corleone family in his narcotics smuggling operation. Two other crime families, the Barzinis and Tattaglias, are already in on the scheme, but Sollozzo wants Vito's protection and financing too. Vito arranges a meeting with Sollozzo. Sonny and Tom support the idea of expanding the family business, but Vito cannot overcome his initial skepticism about the scheme and his distaste for drug trafficking. Vito rejects the offer and orders his bodyguard, Luca Brasi, to investigate Sollozzo. Luca is murdered, and shortly afterward a hit man attempts to assassinate Vito while he shops at a fruit market. Vito survives the shooting but is badly hurt, and Sonny temporarily takes control of the family business.

Vito's youngest son, Michael, a World War II hero, is in town for his sister's wedding, accompanied by his WASP girlfriend from New England, Kay Adams. Unlike Sonny and Tom, Michael is a 「civilian」 who has vowed never to get involved in the family business. While visiting his father in the hospital, however, Michael discovers that the guards who were supposed to be protecting Vito have disappeared, leaving Vito vulnerable to another assassination attempt. Michael hides his father and pretends to be a gangster holding a gun to scare off the assassins. He grills a crooked cop named Captain McCluskey about whereabouts of the men who should be guarding Vito, and McCluskey punches him. Michael is knocked unconscious. Days later, after receiving advice and a gun from members of the family, Michael arranges to meet at a quiet Italian restaurant with Sollozzo and McCluskey to negotiate a peace. At the meeting, Michael kills both men. He then flees to Sicily, where Vito was born.

Newspaper headlines announce the slew of Mafia killings that follow. Vito Corleone returns home from the hospital and is disappointed to learn that Michael has participated in a Mafia killing. While Vito recovers from his gunshot wounds, hot-headed Sonny and cautious Tom debate whether to escalate the war with the Tattaglias, Sollozzo's sponsors.

When Sonny sees Connie with a black eye, he learns that Carlo has been beating Connie, and he attacks Carlo brutally, hitting him with a trash can. After she suffers another beating, Connie calls Sonny, crying. He loses his temper and in a fit of rage drives off to beat, if not kill, Carlo. Unaccompanied by bodyguards, Sonny is an easy target for the Corleones' enemies. When he stops his car at a tollbooth, the car in front of him stops and gunmen hiding in the tollbooth open fire. Sonny staggers out of the car, riddled with bullets, and falls dead.

Meanwhile, in picturesque Sicily, Michael falls in love at first sight with Apollonia, a young Sicilian beauty. He courts her, and they marry, but the marriage is cut short when Apollonia is killed by a car bomb intended for Michael.

Back in New York, Vito assembles a meeting of the five main Mafia families. He announces that he will forgo vengeance for Sonny's murder on the condition that Michael is allowed to return to New York unharmed.

A year after his return, Michael visits his old flame, Kay Adams, whom he hasn't seen in over two years. He tells her he works for his father now, but in the course of their discussion, he promises that the Corleone family will soon become legitimate. He proposes, and Kay agrees to marry him.

Since Sonny is dead, Michael becomes head of the family. He begins planning to move the Corleone family to Las Vegas to enter the casino business. He demotes his adopted brother Tom from the position of consigliere, the primary advisor to the don. Vito serves as Michael's advisor, but old age starts to take its toll on him and he eventually drops dead while playing with Michael's young son, Anthony, among the tomato plants in his backyard.

Connie and Carlo have asked Michael to be the godfather to their son. As the baptism is performed, the heads of the other New York Mafia families are killed by Corleone hit men on Michael's orders. When Michael exits the church, he gets word that the killings have been successful. He has become the undisputed Mafia boss of the city.

The Corleones are set to move to Las Vegas, but Michael stays behind to finish up some business. This business consists of taking revenge on two traitors to the family. First, he arranges for the killing of Tessio, his father's old associate who has been dealing in secret with the Barzini family. Second, Michael kills his brother-in-law, Carlo, who tipped off the other families, allowing them to kill Sonny.

A few days later, a hysterical Connie accuses Michael of killing her husband, a charge he denies to Kay with a forceful, if not entirely convincing, 「No.」 Then he retreats to his office, closing his door on his wife, to conct further business.

❹ 求電影教父的英文介紹~


At the wedding reception of Don Vito Corleone's daughter Connie and Carlo Rizzi in the late summer of 1945, Vito, the head of the Corleone Mafia family – who is known to his friends and associates as Godfather – and Tom Hagen, the Corleone family lawyer and consigliere (counselor), are hearing requests for favors from friends and associates, because "no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day". Meanwhile, the Don's youngest son Michael, who has returned from World War II service as a decorated war hero, tells his girlfriend Kay Adams anecdotes about his father's criminal life, reassuring her that he is not like his family.

Among the guests at the celebration is the famous singer Johnny Fontane, Corleone's godson, who has come from Hollywood to petition for help in landing a movie role that will revitalize his flagging career. Jack Woltz, the head of the studio, will not give Fontane the part, but Don Corleone explains to Johnny: "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." Hagen is dispatched to California to fix the problem, but Woltz angrily tells him that he will never cast Fontane in the role, for which he is perfect, because Fontane seced and "ruined" a starlet that Woltz favored. The next morning, Woltz wakes up to find the bloody severed head of his prize $600,000 stud horse in the bed with him. Woltz gives in.

Upon Hagen's return, the family meets with Virgil "The Turk" Sollozzo, who is being backed by the rival Tattaglia family. He asks Don Corleone for financing and political and legal protection for the importation and distribution of heroin, but despite the huge amount of money to be made, Corleone refuses, explaining that his political influence would be jeopardized by a move into the narcotics trade. The Don's oldest son, hotheaded Sonny, who had earlier expressed to the Don his support of the family entering into the narcotics trade, breaks rank ring the meeting and questions Sollozzo's assurances as to the Corleone Family's investment being guaranteed by the Tattaglia Family. His father, angry at Sonny's dissension in front of a non-family member, privately rebukes him later. Don Corleone then dispatches his top button man (hit man), Luca Brasi, to infiltrate Sollozzo's organization and report back with information.

Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone, the Godfather.Soon after his refusal to support Sollozzo, Don Corleone is shot several times in an assassination attempt, and it is not immediately known whether he has survived. Meanwhile, Sollozzo and the Tattaglias kill Luca Brasi. Sollozzo then abcts Tom Hagen and persuades him to offer Sonny the deal previously offered to his father. Enraged, Sonny refuses to consider the deal, and issues an ultimatum to the Tattaglias – turn over Sollozzo or face war. They refuse, and Sonny responds by having Bruno Tattaglia, son of Don Phillip Tattaglia, killed.

Michael, who is considered a "civilian" by the other Mafia families, not involved in mob business, visits his father in the hospital, but is shocked to find there is no one guarding him. Realizing that his father is again being set up to be killed, he calls Sonny with a report, moves his father to another room, and goes outside to watch the door. With the help of Enzo the baker, who feels indebted to the Don and has come by the hospital to pay his respects, he bluffs away Sollozzo's men. Police cars soon appear with the corrupt Captain McCluskey, who breaks Michael's jaw when he insinuates that McCluskey is being paid by Sollozzo to set up his father. Just then, Hagen arrives with "private detectives" licensed to carry guns to protect Don Corleone, and takes Michael home.

Following the attempt on the Don's life at the hospital, Sollozzo requests a meeting with the Corleones, which Captain McCluskey will attend as Sollozzo's bodyguard, and Michael volunteers to kill both men ring the meeting. This initially amuses Sonny and the other senior members of the family; however Michael convinces them that he is serious, and that killing Sollozzo and McCluskey is in the family's interest: "It's not personal. It's strictly business." Although cops are usually off limits for hits, Michael argues that since McCluskey is corrupt and has illegal dealings with Sollozzo, he is fair game.

At the meeting, after being searched by McCluskey, Michael excuses himself to go to the restroom, where he retrieves a planted revolver and assassinates Sollozzo and McCluskey. For his safety Michael is sent to Sicily, while the Corleone family prepares for all-out warfare with the rest of the Five Families, united against the Corleones, as well as a general clampdown on the mob by the police and government authorities. In Sicily, Michael lives under the protection of Don Tommasino, an old friend of the family. While there, he falls in love with and marries a local girl, Apollonia Vitelli, who is later killed by a car bomb intended to assassinate Michael.

Back in New York, Don Corleone returns home from the hospital and is distraught to learn that it was Michael who killed Sollozzo and McCluskey. Some months later, in 1948, Sonny severely beats Carlo Rizzi for brutalizing the pregnant Connie, and threatens to kill him the next time he abuses her. An angry Carlo responds by plotting with Tattaglia and Don Emilio Barzini, the Corleones' chief rivals, to have Sonny killed. Carlo beats Connie again in order to lure Sonny out. Furious, Sonny drives off alone to fulfill his threat. On the way, he is ambushed at a toll booth and machine-gunned to death in his car.

Instead of seeking revenge for Sonny's killing, Don Corleone meets with the heads of the Five Families to arrange an end to the war. Not only is it draining all of their assets and threatening their survival, but ending the conflict is the only way that Michael can return home safely. Reversing his previous decision, Vito agrees that the Corleone family will provide political protection for Tattaglia's traffic in heroin. At the meeting, Don Corleone determines that Don Barzini, not Tattaglia, was ultimately behind the mob war and Sonny's death.

With his safety guaranteed, Michael returns from Sicily. More than a year later, he reunites with his former girlfriend, Kay, telling her that he wants to marry her. With the Don semi-retired, Sonny dead and middle brother Fredo considered incapable of running the family business, Michael is now in charge, and promises Kay to make the family completely legitimate within five years.

Peter Clemenza and Salvatore Tessio, two Corleone Family caporegimes (captains) complain that they are being pushed around by the Barzini Family and ask permission to strike back, but Michael refuses. He plans to move the family operations to Nevada and after that, Clemenza and Tessio may break away to go on their own. Michael further promises that Connie's husband, Carlo, is going to be his right hand man in Nevada. Tom Hagen has been removed as consigliere and is now merely the family's lawyer, with Vito serving as consigliere. Privately, Hagen complains about his change in status, and also questions Michael about a new regime of "soldiers" secretly being built under Rocco Lampone. Don Vito explains to Hagen that Michael is acting on his advice.

Robert Duvall as Tom Hagen (left) and Al Pacino as Michael Corleone (right)In Las Vegas Michael is greeted by Fredo and Johnny Fontane in the hotel-casino partly financed by the Corleones, and run by Moe Greene. Michael explains to Johnny that the Family needs his help in persuading his friends in show business to sign long-term contracts to appear at the casino. In a meeting with Moe Greene, Michael offers to buy out Greene but is rudely rebuffed. Greene believes the Corleones are weak and that he can secure a better deal from Barzini. As Moe and Michael argue, Fredo takes sides with Moe. Afterwards, Michael firmly tells Fredo to never again take sides with anyone against the family.

Michael returns home. In a private meeting, Vito explains his expectation that the Family's enemies will attempt to kill Michael by using a trusted associate to arrange a meeting as a pretext for assassination. Shortly afterwards, Vito dies of a heart attack while playing with his young grandson Anthony in his tomato garden. At the burial, Tessio conveys a proposal for a meeting with Barzini, which identifies him as the traitor that Vito was expecting.

Michael arranges for a series of murders to occur while he is standing as godfather for Connie and Carlo's son:

Don Stracci and his bodyguards are shot by Clemenza with a shotgun as they exit an elevator;
Moe Greene, while having a massage in one of his hotels, is shot in the eye by an unknown assassin;
Don Cuneo, while leaving a hotel, is trapped in a revolving door by Willi Cicci and shot;
Don Tattaglia and a woman he is with are gunned down while in bed by Rocco Lampone and another unknown assassin;
Finally, Don Barzini is shot on the steps of a courthouse by Al Neri, who is disguised by wearing his old policeman's uniform.
After the baptism, Tessio believes he and Hagen are on their way to the meeting between Michael and Barzini that he has arranged. Instead, he is surrounded by Willi Cicci and other button men. Realizing that Michael has found out about his betrayal, Tessio tells Hagen that his betrayal was only business. Meanwhile, Michael confronts Carlo about Sonny's murder and gets him to admit his role in setting up the ambush. Michael informs Carlo that his punishment is to be excluded from the family business and hands him a plane ticket to exile in Las Vegas. Carlo gets into a car to go to the airport, where he is garroted by Clemenza.

Later, Connie confronts Michael, accusing him of Carlo's murder. Kay questions Michael about Connie's accusation, but he refuses to answer. She insists, and Michael lies, assuring his wife that he had no role in Carlo's death. Kay is relieved by his denial, believing it to be true. The film ends with Clemenza and new caporegimes Rocco Lampone and Al Neri paying their respects to Michael. Clemenza kisses Michael's hand and greets him as "Don Corleone." Kay watches with dawning comprehension--Michael is the new Godfather.

[edit] Differences from the novel
One of the primary parts of Puzo's novel which was not used for the movie was the flashback story of Don Corleone's earlier life, including the circumstances of his emigration to America, his early family life, his murder of Don Fanucci, and his rise in importance in the mafia, all of which were later used in The Godfather Part II.

Many subplots were trimmed in the transition from the printed page to the screen, including: singer Johnny Fontane's misfortunes with women and his problems with his voice; Sonny's impulsive dabbling in street crime as a teenager and his utter lack of the tact and coolheadedness possessed in such abundance by his father; Sonny's paramour Lucy Mancini's new-found love in Dr. Jules Segal (a character entirely missing from the film), who not only repairs Lucy's vaginal malformation but puts Michael in touch with the surgeon who repairs Michael's facial bones (which had been damaged by Capt. McCluskey) and also operated on Johnny Fontane's vocal cords, thus restoring his singing voice; Jack Woltz' increasing pedophilia; Kay Adams's home life; Luca Brasi's demonic past; the Corleone family's victorious rise to power in earlier New York gang wars in which Don Corleone survives a previous assassination attempt and Al Capone sends triggermen from Chicago in an unsuccessful attempt to aid a rival gang; Don Corleone's ingenious plan used to take Michael out of exile in Sicily; the detailed savage attack on the two men who assaulted Bonasera's daughter, which was led by Paulie Gatto and involved retainer thugs (which was only alluded to in the film).

Additionally, the novel makes it clear that Lucy was not pregnant by Sonny when she moved to Las Vegas, thus leaving no room for Vincent Mancini of The Godfather, Part III. Curiously, Puzo wrote the screenplays of all three movies, so the contradiction was well known to him.

Characters with smaller roles in the film than in the novel include Johnny Fontane, Lucy Mancini, Rocco Lampone, and Al Neri (the latter two are reced to non-speaking roles). Characters dropped in the film adaptation beside Dr. Segal include Genco Abbandando (only spoken of, he appears in a deleted scene featured in The Godfather Saga; he first appears on film in The Godfather II) and Dr. Taza from Sicily. Also, in the book, Michael and Kay have two sons, but in the movies they have a son and a daughter.

The novel and film also differ on the fates of Michael's bodyguards in Sicily, Fabrizio and Calo. The film has them both surviving (Calo, in fact, appears in the third installment). In the book, however, Calo dies along with Apollonia in the car explosion, and Fabrizio is shot and killed as one more victim in the famous "baptism scene" after he is tracked down running a pizza parlor in America. Fabrizio's murder was deleted from the film but publicity photos of the scene exist.[6] (He is later killed in a completely different scene in The Godfather Saga which was deleted from The Godfather: Part II).

The ending of the book differs from the end of the movie: whereas in the film Kay suddenly realizes that Michael has become "like his family", the drama is toned down in the book, where Tom Hagen lets her in on secrets for which, according to him, he would be killed should Michael find out. During the film's baptism scene, all the heads of the Five Families were killed. In the novel, only Barzini and Tattaglia, previously at war with the Corleones, are killed.

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❼ 用英語寫出電影教父的主要內容幾句話就可以

The story begins as "Don" Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia "family", oversees his daughter's wedding with his wife Carmela. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father's business. Through Michael's life the nature of the family business becomes clear. The business of the family is just like the head of the family, kind and benevolent to those who give respect, but given to ruthless violence whenever anything stands against the good of the family. Don Vito lives his life in the way of the old country, but times are changing and some don't want to follow the old ways and look out for community and "family". An up and coming rival of the Corleone family wants to start selling drugs in New York, and needs the Don's influence to further his plan. The clash of the Don's fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especially from Michael, all for the sake of the family.

❽ 《教父》英語小說簡介。



1945年夏天,美國本部黑手黨科萊昂家族首領,「教父`維托·唐·科萊昂為小女兒康妮舉行了盛大的婚 禮。「教父`有叄個兒子:好色的長子遜尼,懦弱的次子弗雷德和剛從二戰戰場回來的小兒子邁克。其中遜尼是「教父`的得力助手;而邁克雖然精明能乾,卻對家 族的「事業`沒什麼興趣。 「教父`是黑手黨首領,常乾違法的構當。但同時他也是許多弱小平民的保護神,深得人們愛戴。他還有 一個准則就是決不販毒。為此他拒絕了毒梟素洛佐的要求,並因此激化了與紐約其它幾個黑手黨家族的矛盾。 聖誕前夕,素洛佐劫持了「教父`的親信律師湯姆, 並派人暗殺「教父`。「教父`中槍入院。素洛佐要湯姆設法使遜尼同意毒品買賣,重新談判。遜尼有勇無謀,他發誓報仇,卻無計可施。 邁克去醫院探望父親,他發現保鏢已被收買,而警方亦和素洛佐串通一氣。各家族間的火並一觸即發。邁克制定了一個計策誘使素洛佐和警長前來談判。在一家 小餐館內,邁克用事先藏在廁所內的手槍擊斃了素洛佐和警長。 邁克逃到了西西里,在那裡他娶了美麗的阿波蘿妮亞為妻,過著田園詩般的生活。而此時,紐約各個黑手 黨家族間的仇殺卻越來越激烈。遜尼也被康妮的丈夫卡洛出賣,被人打得千瘡百孔。「教父`傷愈復出,安排各家族間的和解。聽到噩耗的邁克也受到了襲擊。被收 買的保鏢法布里奇奧在邁克的車上裝了炸彈。邁克雖倖免於難,卻痛失愛妻。 邁克於1951年回到了紐約,並和前女友凱結了婚。 日益衰老的「教父`將家族首領的位置傳給了邁克。在「教父`病故之後,邁克開始了醞釀已久的復仇。他派人刺殺了另兩個敵對家族的首領,並親自殺死了謀害他 前妻的法布里奇奧。同時他也命人殺死了卡洛,為遜尼報了仇。 仇敵盡數剪除,邁克也成了新一代的「教父`——唐·科萊昂。

❾ 電影《教父》主要是講述了什麼的

護神,深得人們愛戴。他還有一個准則就是決不販毒害人。為此他拒絕了毒梟索洛佐的要求,並因此激化了與紐約其它幾個黑手黨家族的矛盾。聖誕前夕,索洛佐劫持了「教父」的養子、家族參謀顧問湯姆·黑根, 並派人暗殺「教父」。 這是教父一生中遭遇的第二次襲擊.第一襲擊在電影中只用幾句話就草草帶過,而在小說中卻是這樣敘述的:一個小刺客抱著必死的決心沖進教父的房子並向教父投出了炸彈,教父因此受了傷而那刺客也被亂槍打死.

日益衰老的「教父」將家族首領的位置傳給了邁克。在「教父」病故之後,邁克開始了醞釀已久的復仇。他派人刺殺了另兩個敵對家族的首領,並殺死了謀害他前妻的法布里奇奧。同時他也命人殺死了卡洛,為桑尼報了仇。仇敵盡數剪除。康妮因為丈夫被殺而沖進了家門,瘋狂地撕打邁克。邁克冷峻地命醫生把康妮帶走,讓旁人認為她得了精神病。他已經成了新一代的「教父」——邁克·柯里昂 。

❿ 電影《教父》講的是什麼








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