A. 一部外國電影講的是一皮黑色的馬
Black Beauty 黑駿馬
導演: 卡羅琳 湯普森 (Caroline Thompson (I) )
主演: Sean Bean , David Thewlis , Peter Davison , Alan Cumming , Jim Carter , Alun Armstrong , John McEnery , Eleanor Bron , Peter Cook , Adrian Ross Magenty
分類: 冒險 / 家庭 / 劇情
語言: 英語
製片國家或地區: 美國 英國
B. 求一部電影,很老的片子。
這部影片100%是《黑駿馬》(黑美人)英文名《Black Beauty》,央視以前播過族慧,那匹馬的額頭上有一塊白斑,也正是因為這塊白斑,長大後的農場小悄穗搭孩才認出了它,那段情節很感人。另外,那匹馬並不會與人說話,只是用旁白的形勢來陳述它內心的話語。
C. 求安娜.塞維爾的《黑駿馬》故事的詳細簡介
安娜.塞維爾於1820年出生於諾福克,於1878年去世 。出於對人類虐待動物的強烈不滿,他寫下了《黑駿馬》,以說服人們對馬仁慈一些。這是她身患重病的時候花了6年的時間寫的,也是她寫的唯一一本書。書出版後不久她就去世了,從那時以來這本書銷售了3,000多萬本。她似乎天生就對馬有一種親切感,《黑駿馬》中涉及的大量的馬術知識,顯然出自作者一生的體驗。安娜十四歲時落下了殘疾,從此拐杖就成了她行走時離不開的工具,但她仍然堅持自己駕馭由一匹矮種馬拉的馬車到處活動。她創作《黑駿馬》的最大願望就是引發人們的善心、同情心,使他們懂得該怎樣對待動物。從
《《黑駿馬》是一部十九世紀下半葉轟動歐洲文壇的經典兒童小說.從故事中可以看出,作者不僅關心馬,同樣也關心人,對處境悲慘的人充滿了同情和關愛。 《黑駿馬》內容介紹:小說主人公「黑駿馬」是一匹漂亮的優種黑馬,從小生活在貴族人家,受過良好的訓練,性格溫順、善良,而且聰明、機智,主人非常喜歡他。但是好景不長,主人家裡有了變故,黑駿馬不得不被賣掉。他一連被賣過多次,接觸過各種人:有喝多了酒就拿馬撒氣的醉漢,有動輒抽鞭子的出租馬車車夫,有不把動物當回事的野蠻人,也有把動物當成朋友的好人家,嘗盡了人間的甜酸苦辣。黑駿馬通過自己的眼睛,用惟妙惟肖的語言,講述了一個個娓娓動聽的故事,讓我們每個讀故事的人都感到:動物通人性,我們怎樣對待動物,動物就會怎樣對待我們……
D. 找一個外國電影講的是關於馬的
E. 黑駿馬英文讀後感
《黑駿馬》是由譯林臘脊彎出版社出版的野御,作者是安娜·塞維爾(Anna Sewell)。該本書是一部十九世紀下半葉轟動歐洲文壇的經典兒童小說。下面是我整理的黑駿馬英文讀後感,希望對你有幫助。
When I have a sketchy look at other farm animals the writer depicts, it is simple to find more examples of cruel things humans do to animals out of ignorance. This part of the novel expanded people』s scope from only horses to all the animals and deepened the plea for animal rights and that made the novel more successful.
Sir Oliver, the old horse, had a 20-centimeter-long tail. His beautiful long tail was cut off just because the owners thought it was fashionable. Humans never understood how pained a horse is when he can』t brush flies off his sides and back legs.
輪悶Sky, the terrier, had had a part of her ears sheared off. Her owners wanted to make her look cute and ignored that parts of her ears were intended to protect the delicate parts from injury. 「Why don』t people cut their own children 『s ears to make them look lovely?」 Asked the poor dog angrily. Yes, why can』t we think from the animals』 perspective?
「Black Beauty is a heartbreaking story,」 I thought when my mother read it to me when I was a child. As a child I was haunted by the described cruelty to those horses. Now I deeply hope, in the future, we will be able to tell our children that because of the book, and others like it, such mistreatment of animals no longer exists. And they just need to enjoy the novel as a beautiful historical documentary recording the progress of upholding animal rights. At that time, the dream of the author will have come true and her hard work will have been rewarded.
Black Beauty was the only book written by Anna Sewell, although its continued popularity among children, particularly girls, has justified that effort. Sewell was, remarkably, paid only twenty pounds for the book and it was published three months before her death, in 1877. However, its immediate success gave her great pleasure and she died in the knowledge that the book had indeed encouraged people to treat animals less cruelly.
It is the autobiography of a horse, the black Beauty of the title, who narrates it. Through various owners who ask different tasks of Black Beauty, he grows and has numerous adventures. He goes from being a riding and carriage horse through being a mistreated town cab horse to eventual happiness in a secure home. Notably, the animal keeps strength and good temper throughout his suffering and the story was extremely influential as pro-animal propaganda but it is also an extremely exciting and moving children's story.
F. 黑駿馬的劇情介紹
G. 一部美國片,講的是兩個牛仔一個僱工還有一個小男孩養馬的故事,誰看過知道片名的
卡羅琳·湯普森 Caroline Thompson
H. 求黑駿馬英文簡介~!
Black Beauty—beginning with his carefree days as a foal on an English farm, to his difficult life pulling cabs in London, to his happy retirement in the country.
Along the way, he meets with many hardships and recounts many tales of cruelty and kindness. Each short chapter recounts an incident in Black Beauty's life containing a lesson or moral typically related to the kindness, sympathy, and understanding treatment of horses.
I. 一部外國電影,一個小孩子在一個小島上面發現了一匹黑馬~後來參加賽馬比賽拿了第一名~馬的名字叫黑駿馬
《黑神駒前傳》,是《大漠神駒》的前傳。 《黑神駒前傳》海報 《大漠神駒》海報
J. 企鵝英語上二 《黑駿馬》英文梗概大意
Aus der Sicht von Black Junma beschrieb er viele Male in seinem Leben, dass er das Eigentum verändert hatte, Freude und Unglück, Not und Wohlstand erlebt hatte.
Er verbrachte eine glückliche Kindheit auf dem Land, erlebte dann eine große Krankheit und ein schreckliches Feuer, dann wurde es weiterverkauft, und der neue Besitzer betrachtete es als ein rentables, anerkanntes und winkendes Pferd.
Bevor sie sich endlich zurückzog, arbeitete es jeden Tag in London hart, um eine Kutsche zu ziehen.