Ⅰ 佛蘭肯斯坦的英文概要
Victor Frankenstein: The Swiss chemist who creates the monster.
Rescued by the sea captain, Frankenstein relays events that begin as he pieces together a man using old body parts. Once he manages to create the horrible life, however, Frankenstein regrets his action immediately and flees his home.
When he returns, he finds the monster is gone. Shortly after, Frankenstein hears that his brother has been murdered. A series of tragic events follow, as the monster searches for love and Frankenstein suffers the consequences of his immoral act.
Ⅱ 科學怪人觀後感
弗蘭肯斯坦是一位結出的生物學家 ,他出身高貴,家境良好,他從小在一個和睦的家庭裡面長大。
但是孫頃弗蘭肯斯坦擔心將來兩個怪物,會不停的危害人類。所以在即將成功的時候毀滅了女怪物 ,因而遭到的怪物瘋狂報復。
Ⅲ 瘋狂實驗室地下室的科學怪人讀後感
Ⅳ Frankenstein英文讀後感 100字
Frankenstein (the full name is Frankenstein - the story of Modern Prometheus, other translated names are Frankenstein, the story of man-made man, etc.) is a novel written by British writer Mary Shelley in 1818.
Frankenstein, the protagonist of the novel, is a biologist who is keen on the origin of life. He haunts the corpse room frequently with criminal psychology and tries to piece together a huge human body with various parts of different corpses.
When the monster finally got life and opened his eyes, Frankenstein was frightened by his ferocious face and ran away from him, but he pursued Frankenstein and asked for female companionship, warmth and friendship; Followed by a series of strange suspense and homicides.
It is considered to be the first true science fiction in the world.
Ⅳ Frankenstein英文版讀後感
Frankenstein is enormously important as a prototype for science fiction and as an early feminist work.
Background of Frankenstein
Mary Shelley was born in 18th-century London to two influential writers. Her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was a radical feminist who died after giving birth to Mary, and her father, William Godwin, raised her alone.
Mary left home at 16, married Percy Shelley after his first wife's suicide, and wrote Frankenstein in a writer's challenge from Lord Byron in 1816-1817. The story, based on a horrendous vision, was composed ring sweeping life changes. Frankenstein was published anonymously in 1818. However, the story is enring in its psychological drama, questions asked, and memorable characterizations. The story has adapted to many forms, with each adaptation telling a very different version of Shelley's original tale.
Frankenstein is an advisory notice done up in gothic costume, warning post-instrial society about the explosion of scientific knowledge and its potential misapplication and the subsequent dehumanization of mankind. Much as the silent sci-fi film Metropolis warned of the need for labor unions, Frankenstein warned of the need for considered action in the use of knowledge, and the alienation in store for driven knowledge seekers. In Frankenstein, Shelley asks who exactly the real monster is.
About the Novel: Frankenstein
In the beginning, Dr. Frankenstein is rescued from an ice flow in the sea near the North Pole. Chased through the Arctic by his Creature, Victor Frankenstein is saved by Captain Walton, who listens to the tale of the quest for knowledge--all gone wrong. Victor describes his childhood as a paradise, where his mother and father inlged him. But, his parents also failed to teach him reality, cause-and-effect, or the principles of respect. With these deficiencies, he considered his adopted sister Elizabeth a possession that he married to own.
Elizabeth could not help Victor overcome his addiction to creating a superhuman species. Victor achieved the goal of his addiction and was subsequently repulsed by it. Elizabeth was quite literally killed by his addiction as Victor's Creature destroyed everything that was dear to him. His parents had abandoned his soul in their enabling, and he abandoned his own creation without a name and without a thought.
Frankenstein reveals three generations of monsters--personified in Victor's mother, Victor, and the Creature. In addition, Elizabeth was reced to monster status in her treatment as an object, and Mary Shelley herself was a monster (an ecated feminist) who could not put her name to her own work.
Victor, the Creature, and Mary Shelley were all different from the mainstream society that rejected them as monstrous: a radical scientist, an inhuman creation, and a feminist without a mother. Victor lost everyone of value, Shelley lost her mother at birth, and the Creature could not fit in anywhere. The Creature's abandonment by parent and society is similar to that of the feminist for over two centuries. Feminists were scorned and abandoned as they obtained knowledge and subsequent power to participate more fully in societies. As portrayed in Katja von Garnier's 2004 film Iron Jawed Angels, feminists were attacked, beaten, and shunned, just as was the Creature in Frankenstein. Shelley must have felt such abandonment and rejection, considering that her father ecated her extensively, but she could not sign her own book.
Ⅵ 求英語書蟲系列的英語讀後感,兩篇500字左右
In this summer holidays, I read a book called < Great Expectations>, it was written by Charles Dickens, one of the most famous English writers. He wrote lots of wonderful novels. This book is one of his compositions.
People always like to compare with their friends. It is a big foible of all the people. If other people have a lot of money, we also want to be rich. If all the people around us are poor , we never mind that we are very poor, too. we will not ashamed because of our folly. This is a social problem.
If we never possess anything, we will not mind we lost some thing. Since we don』t want to be very rich ,we will not feel despond because poor.
The protagonist of this novel is Pip (Handel). His parents died when he was a baby. His sister had brought him up 『by hand』. His sister married to Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith. They didn』t have much money, and Pip never went to school to study. But he was often very happy .Because all of his friends are like him. It isn』t very unfortunate to them, this is their lives. But by a chance, Pip helped a convict; he gave much food to him. Then he met Miss Havisham, a very strange old woman and she was very rich.
Four years later, Miss Havisham wants Pip to be removed from his home and ecated as a gentleman who expects inherit a fortune when he grow up.
After hearing that . Pip started to despise his poor friends. He even feel ashamed because he live with the poor man . Pip』s 『great expectations』 destroyed his life.
This novel told us that we cannot compare with others .Don』t feel envy at the others money. And if one day you be very rich , please don』t despise your poor friends.
Ⅶ 求《邦蒂號暴動》和《誰謀殺了總統》的英文讀後感
「書蟲」叢書「書蟲」是外語教學與研究出版社和牛津大學出版社共同奉獻給廣大英語學習者的一大精品。如今這只「書蟲」漂洋過海,輕盈地落在了中國英語學習者的掌中。「書蟲」首先將給你自信,即使你目前只有幾百的詞彙量,也可以不太費勁地閱覽世界名作了。書蟲還會用它細細的鳴叫聲不停地提醒你:要堅持不懈地讀下去,要廣泛而豐富地讀下去。待到讀完叢書系列中的最後一本,你也許會突然發現:你已經如蛹畫碟,振翅欲翔了! 「書蟲」系列叢書主要用於英語閱讀的啟蒙和提高。 中英雙語對照閱讀,提高閱讀量,擴增單詞量。建議初學者能熟練的掌握3-5本,通讀100本左右。對英語的提高很有好處。 第一級:300生詞量,適合初一、初二學生,分上、下兩冊,共20本 上冊: 1、《愛情與金錢》 2、《蘇格蘭瑪麗女王》 3、《在月亮下面》 4、《潘德爾的巫師》 5、《歌劇院的幽靈》 6、《猴爪》 7、《象人》 8、《世界上最冷的地方》 9、《阿拉丁和神燈》 10、《別了,好萊塢先生》 下冊 1、《小公主》 2、《邦蒂號暴動》 3、《奧米茄文件》 4、《誰謀殺了總統》 5、《福爾摩斯和公爵的兒子》 6、《白色死亡》 7、《綠野仙蹤》 8、《難忘米蘭達》 9、《福爾摩斯與賽馬》 10、《湯姆·索亞歷險記》 第二級:600生詞量,適合初二、初三學生,8本 1、《威廉·莎士比亞》 2、《一個國王的愛情故事》 3、《亡靈島》 4、《哈克貝利·費恩歷險記》 5、《魯賓孫漂流記》 6、《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》 7、《格林·蓋布爾斯來的安妮》 8、《五個孩子和沙精》 第三級:1000生詞量,適合初三、高一學生,分上冊7本,下冊8本 上冊 1、《弗蘭肯斯坦》 2、《野性的呼喚》 3、《秘密花園》 4、《曾達的囚徒》 5、《愛麗絲鏡中世界奇遇記》 6、《風語河岸柳》 7、《神秘幻想故事集》 下冊: 1、《聖誕歡歌》 2、《多里安·格雷的畫像》 3、《勃朗特一家的故事》 4、《牙齒和爪子》 5、《星際動物園》 6、《誘拐》 7、《公正》 8、《化學秘密》 第四級:1500生詞量,適合高一、鍵鉛高二學生,分上冊5本,下冊6本 上冊: 1、《巴斯克維爾獵犬》 2、《不平靜的墳墓》 3、《三怪客泛舟記》 4、《三十九級台階》 5、《小婦人》 下冊: 1、《黑駿馬》 2、《織工馬南》 3、《雙城記》 4、《格列佛游記》 5、《金銀島》 6、《化身博士》 第五級:2000生詞量,適合高二、高三學生,共4本。 1、《遠大前程》 2、《大衛·科波菲爾》 3、《呼嘯山莊》 4、《遠離塵囂》 5、《理智與情感》 6、《園會》 第六級:2300生詞量,適合高三、大學低年級學生,共4本 1、《簡·愛》 2、《霧都孤兒》 3、《傲慢與偏見》 4、《苔絲》 5、《白衣女人》 入門級:適合小學高年級,初一共十本 1 《生存游戲》 2《俠盜羅賓漢 》 3《白色巨石》 4《紅酋長的贖金》 5《吸血鬼獵手 》 6《逆戟鯨》 7《霧都疑案》 8《亞瑟王傳奇》 9《亞瑟王朝里的美國人》 10《把錢拿出來》建議你根據自稿纖好己的年級選擇一本閱讀,裡面是中英對照的,不是很難,如果需要幫忙,可以聯豎銷系我,給我留言就可以了。
Ⅷ 《弗蘭肯斯坦》的讀後感
《弗蘭肯斯坦》是英國詩人雪萊的妻子瑪麗•雪萊在1818年創作的小說,被認為是世界上第一部真正意義上的科幻小說。190多年來,這部由僅19歲的少女創作的恐怖小說,被多次改編成電影和戲劇,並被譯成百餘種文字廣為流傳。小說揭示了作者的哲學觀點。她認為人具有雙重性格——善與惡。長期受人嫌惡、岐視和迫害會使人變得前岩茄邪惡而干出種種壞事,甚至發展到不可收拾的地步。它還為英語添加了一個新的單詞Frankerstein,一個最終毀了它的創造者的東西。瑞士貴族弗蘭肯斯坦,曾留學德國,研究電化學和生命,發現了死亡的秘密,於是決定著手製造生命。他先從屍體中尋找材料,然後進行組裝,最後藉助電化學方法予以激活。但是,本來全都是由好材料製造的、高達8 英尺的怪物在被賦予了生命之後,卻變得奇醜無比,弗蘭肯斯坦被嚇得昏了過去,醒來之後發現怪物已經失蹤。