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發布時間: 2023-03-08 18:40:36

1. 誰有超人特工隊的英文介紹和主人公英文介紹


It's a real shame that most people probably don't know Brad Bird. If they did, they would know about the "Iron Giant," a completely ignored animated movie from 1999 that never got the credit it deserved. Now he's all over the place for "The Incredibles," another ride into the Pixar way of filmmaking.

Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) was in his prime, saving people from certain doom... until the lawsuits hit. One by one, people began suing superheroes for a variety of reasons and the government stepped in to relocate them all, including his family. Now known as Bob Parr and given a day job at an insurance company, his life is miserable, until he receives a secret message that can get him back to his real job. What he discovers is a world take over plot, and he needs his entire family to pull him out.

The first half hour or so of "The Incredibles" is nothing short of brilliant. It maintains that charm, all-ages humor, and rapid fire pacing audiences have come to expect from this animation studio. The simple idea of a super hero being taken out of his or her element is genius and it's a wonder why no one thought of that before.

Then it nosedives. Quickly. The comedy is gone and all we're left with a simple action movie with a few nice homage's to some classic films. It's very generic, simple, and flat out uninteresting. Oh sure, for a kid, this is probably a great movie along with plenty of merchandising opportunity. It completely loses that alt audience that was so fixated on the magic of something like "Toy Story" or "A Bugs Life."

All it really becomes is a generic parody of comic book and movie super heroes. They even touch on another way to handle this one, the husbands sneaking out late at night to perform heroic deeds, only to come home and be yelled at by their wives. That's funny, not to mention hugely entertaining. Where is there need to become some all out action epic? That's really not what was advertised and it puts people into the wrong mindset going in.

Then you have a decent set of characters, including some that are entirely wasted. Frozone is voiced by Samuel L. Jackson and gets plenty of screen time in the early going (a great "Die Hard 3" parody included). Where is he for the rest of the movie? Oh, quietly sitting on the sidelines until the final battle so parents are forced to run out and buy more merchandise since he'll be fresh on kid's minds.

For Brad Bird fans, things here are going to seem awfully familiar. The final segment is another robot-on-the-loose tip-of-the-hat to 1950s sci-fi, just like "The Iron Giant." However, none of the magic that was contained in that film is retained here. Everything thrown on screen is there to look good and impress fans of this style.

Then again, the only thing saving this film from a complete pitfall is the animation. So much has been done and there's so much more power available, that something you wouldn't even think was important (like hair), is just stunning here. The water effects are some of the best you'll ever see come out of computer. However, all of the computing power in the world doesn't make a great movie and that little dash of originality in the opening is nowhere near enough to make up for the rest of it. (** out of *****)

With no film to degrade, there's little that can go wrong with a Pixar DVD transfer. With this oddly ratioed 2.39:1 picture, there is. The bright red suits of the title heroes are just too much for the format to handle. Compression is heavy, even if the rest of the film looks stunning. Bleeding can be prevalent at times, hindering a transfer that is just one notch short of absolute perfection. There's no way around it. If the other Pixar discs didn't exist, this would be the best you could buy. Unfortunately, they do, and "The Incredibles" just doesn't stack up, at least comparatively. (****)

Presented in 5.1 EX, the disc makes up for those minor visual shortcomings with this audio mix. Bass should never be this strong without a little DTS logo somewhere on the packaging. Movement (check out Dash running around the dining room) is captured flawlessly. The use of the surround channels never seems forced or overdone. Dialogue is perfectly blended, even ring the most intense action sequences. You can't get much more than this. (*****)

The same goes for the always-exhaustive feature set. Disc one of course contains the film and two commentary tracks. Brad Bird commands the first along with his procer, John Walker. A ton of the animation crew then handles the second. Enthusiasm is infectious ring both and they're well worth a listen either way.

Disc two contains the type of feature set that gives a reviewer wrist cramps. Bird starts things off with a basic introction that overviews everything. "Jack-Jack Attack" is heavily promoted (on both the front and back of the case), a short four-minute look at how hard it is to baby-sit an eye-laser shooting toddler. It offers more laughs than a good hour of the actual film.

There are an insane amount of deleted scenes, totaling over 34 minutes. The longest is an alternate introction. Everything is done with storyboards and Mark Andrews and Bird introce each scene.

Behind the scenes is split into a few different sections. The biggest areas here are two separate making-of documentaries. One comes in at 27-minutes, the other running a crazy 40-minutes. One thing that makes something like this interesting compared to another special effects, CGI laden documentary is the footage of the studios. These guys have fun when they need to wind down and it's always entertaining to watch.

"Incredi-Blunders" is a short reel of mistakes made by the animators, not outtakes that were so hilarious in other films. The section is rounded off with trailers, a photo gallery, and "interviews" with the Incredibles. That's a short feature worth watching.

"Top Secret" goes deeper into the mythology of the film. There's a cartoon called "Mr. Incredible" that manages to be a perfect parody of some early super-hero cartoon shows. For maximum laughter, listen to the commentary from both Flozone and Mr. Incredible himself. It's one of the most entertaining features on this disc. The "NSA (National Super Agency) File" is a text feature that gives an overview of all of extra characters in the film.

"Boundin'" is the final section of the disc, a short feature that played before the film in theaters. You can watch it with or without commentary. This is a wildly different piece from the company, directed by a long-standing animator Bud Luckey. If you're not sure who he is, you can watch a three-minute featurette on who he is and his inspiration for this short. (*****)

Coming in just under two hours, this is the not just the longest Pixar film ever made, it's the longest CG animated movie. It feels like it. Oh, and to all those reviewers out there who thought it was funny to call "The Incredibles" incredible, please stop. That's not a funny play on words; it's stupid. Thank you for your consideration.

2. 有沒有什麼電影是教育孩子的

《小孩不笨2》是由梁智強執導,梁智強、洪賜健等主演的劇情片。該片利用小孩和成人之間發生的事件,探討家庭關系、小孩子自殺、教育制度以及父母與子女溝通的問題。《 小孩不笨2》以新加坡競爭激烈的教育文化為背景,真實反映青少年在學校及家庭里所面對的壓力。惟本片深入探討父母與子女之間因彼此缺乏溝通而產生的代溝、反映家長管教子女時所面對的困難的主題,永不落伍,放諸四海皆準。本片讓父母反思「天底下沒有教不會的小孩,只有不會教的父母」這句話。 《 小孩不笨2》受到香港教育界的極大關注,並得到香港教育城大力支持,推薦為父母與子女必看電影之一。

3. 有關巨人的電影

獨眼巨人 哆啦A夢.大雄與綠巨人傳 鐵巨人 面對巨人 小巨人--韓國08最新奇幻愛情

4. 關於巨人的電影

綠巨人浩克 Hulk (2003)
導演:李安 Ang Lee
編劇:James Schamus ..... (story)
James Schamus ..... (screenplay)
Jack Kirby ..... (Marvel comic book character)
斯坦·李 Stan Lee ..... (Marvel comic book character) and
Michael France ..... (screenplay) and
John Turman ..... (screenplay) and
主演:艾瑞克·巴納 Eric Bana
詹妮弗·康納利 Jennifer Connelly
影片類型:動作 / 科幻
更多中文片名:變型俠醫 / 綠巨人
更多外文片名:The Hulk
片長:138 min
對白語言:英語 / 西班牙語
製作成本:$120,000,000 (estimated)
版權所有:&; 2003 Universal Studios
拍攝日期:2002年3月18日 - 2002年8月

鋼鐵巨人 The Iron Giant (1999)
導演:布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird
編劇:布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird ..... (screen story)
Tim McCanlies ..... (screenplay)
Ted Hughes ..... (book The Iron Man)
主演:詹妮弗·安妮斯頓 Jennifer Aniston
Harry Connick Jr.
片長:86 min
混音:杜比數碼環繞聲 / /
評級:Rated PG for fantasy action and mild language.
製作成本:$48,000,000 (estimated)


歐佳被嚇壞了,但看見這個月鐵打造的機器人被高壓電纜線纏住,無法脫身,在害怕的同時,他仍伸出正義之手解救他。從此,他每日進入森林中,探望鐵巨人,發現這個高大機器人其實有顆溫柔善良的心,於是教了他這個星球的語言及事物,兩人成了好朋友,此時小鎮中謠言滿天飛,大家都以為俄國人派外星怪物要打過來了。歐佳為了保護好朋友,不敢告訴別人鐵巨人確實存在,甚至連他親愛的媽媽安妮都被蒙在鼓中,而只有他的痞子朋友狄恩知道這個秘密。因為,鐵巨人以鐵為食,每天要吃掉大量的鐵器,當他快要絕糧時,歐佳只好帶他去吃狄恩舊車廠中的廢棄車輛。 政府派來調查的特務肯特,死命追查鐵巨人的下落,並唯恐天下不亂的散播謠言,恐嚇居民。歐佳把鐵巨人藏在狄恩廢棄的車廠中,但終究還是被肯特發現,派出大量的軍隊來摧毀他,完全不顧小鎮居民的安危。此時這個從天而來的機器人開始反擊,歐佳這才發現,原來鐵巨人不但能變身、擁有各種奇特的武器,而且還能飛,比他擁有的所有機器人玩具還要棒。


《破浪巨人》(Riding Giants)
英文名稱:Riding Giants
電影導演:斯泰西·佩拉塔 Stacy Peralta
Kelly Slater 德里克·多納爾 Darrick Doerner 拉爾德·約翰·漢密爾頓 Laird John Hamilton Brian L. Keaulana Buzzy Kerbox Titus Kinimaka Mickey Munoz Greg Noll

導 演: 斯泰西·佩拉塔 Stacy Peralta
主 演: Kelly Slater 德里克·多納爾 Darrick Doerner 拉爾德·約翰·漢密爾頓 Laird John Hamilton Brian L. Keaulana Buzzy Kerbox Titus Kinimaka Mickey Munoz Greg Noll
上 映: 2004年06月11日 ( 美國 )
地 區: 美國 法國
對 白: 英語
評 分: 7.3/10( 94票 )
顏 色: 彩色
聲 音: Dolby Digital
時 長: 105 分鍾
類 型: 紀錄片
分 級: 美國:PG-13 英國:12A
字 幕: 暫無匹配中文字幕,勿求!


《小巨人》(Little Big Man)
英文名稱:Little Big Man
電影導演:Arthur Penn
電影演員:達斯丁·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman
馬丁·鮑爾薩姆 Martin Balsam
費伊·達納韋 Faye Dunaway
艾米特·沃爾什 M. Emmet Walsh
Jesse Vint
James Anderson
Carole Androsky
Jack Bannon

◆片 名:Little Big Man
◆譯 名:小巨人
◆類 型:劇情/喜劇/冒險/戰爭/西部
◆導 演:Arthur Penn
◆劇 本:Thomas Berger (novel),Calder Willingham
◆上 映:1970年12月14日
◆地 區:美國
◆語 言:英語
◆字 幕:外掛英文
◆色 彩:彩色
◆聲 音:70 mm 6-Track (Spanish release) / Mono
◆片 長:145min
◆級 別:英國:15 /澳大利亞:M /芬蘭:K-16 /挪威:16 /美國: PG-13 /美國:GP
◆宣傳標語:Little Big Man Was Either The Most Neglected Hero In History Or A Liar Of Insane Proportion!
◆IMDB評分: 7.7/10 (6,594 votes)



5. 適合小學五年級看的英語電影

  1. 《馴龍高手》How to Train Your Dragon (2010)


6. 小學生看什麼動畫片適合學英語

第一部,BBC動畫片《Alphablocks》,中文名稱《積木英語》;第二部:《 Leap Frog Phonics Farm》,中文名稱《跳跳蛙(Leap Frog)系列》;第三部:《Word Wolrd 》,中文名稱《單詞世界》;第四部:《peppa pig》,中文名稱《小豬佩奇(英文版)》;第五部:《Meg and Mog》,中文名稱《女巫麥格和小貓莫格》






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