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發布時間: 2022-01-20 07:00:37

① 證人完整版電影


② 求一部美國電影《證人》,同時要求要導演名字,演員們的名字。

導演: 彼得·威爾 美國電影《證人(Witness)》(1985)
編劇: Earl W. Wallace / 威廉·凱利 主演: 哈里森·福特 / 凱莉·麥吉利斯 / Josef Sommer / 盧卡斯·哈斯 / 丹尼·格洛弗 / 維果·莫特森 類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 驚悚 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 / 德語 片長: 112 分鍾 上映日期: 1985-02-08 又名: 目擊者 / 滅口大追殺/滅口大追殺目擊者

③ 用英語寫一篇電影《我是證人》的觀後感

Today, a friend invited to see the "I am a witness", I also wonder what the story, after the Internet Bai, to know that the Chinese version of the "blind". I have seen this movie from South Korea on the computer, when it was not too shocked to see the story, the plot also remember one or two. So this is the "I am a witness" whether the "blind" on the basis of change? Can the director of "blind" be able to make the story of China's localization? How Luhan this little meat performance? With all these questions, I went into the cinema.
First cast conclusion: overall or is recommended.
First of all, compared to the "blind", "I am the witness" in the film's narrative is more straightforward. Some truth simply by the mouth of the direct expression of the. Such as "some of the human eye is not blind, and some people are not blind."......" (the specific words are not clear). These lines are very worth pondering, but in the film the plot in the slightly awkward. The director seems to want to let the audience into the state, so the idea was too straightforward.
However, the "I" is China witness or have something in place. Luhan played slippery teenager can be described as is pocketed the eye of the audience, dissolute unruly, chasing liberty, heart pure good image is Luhan interpretation of vivid. Watched him speaking in a slightly in a Beijing dialect Mandarin, occasionally a whirlwind two dirty word, I think he also in-depth experience with this role. In addition, the whole movie is like to the deer Hanliang tailored to the general, we in which will see him show skating, singing and dancing show, but also slightly a show a glimmer of sell sprout funny, omnipotent. Just saw Luhan affectionate towards you, will be able to estimate a restless heart to her daughters powder, worth the price. Only Luhan own image is too sweet, can let a person feel the role of lack of a little ruffian gas.

④ 電影《證人》裡面的英文插曲叫什麼名字


ma ma do you remember,媽媽你可曾記得
the old straw hat you gave to me,你送給我那草帽
i lost that hat long ago,很久以前失落了
flew to the foggy canyon.它飄向濃霧的山嶴
yeh ma ma i wonder 耶哎媽媽那頂草帽
what happened to that old straw hat,它在何方你可知道
falling down the mountain side 掉落在那山坳
out of my reach like your heart.就像你的心兒我再也得不到

suddenly that wind came up,忽然間狂風呼嘯
stealing my hat from me yeh.奪去我的草帽耶哎
swirling whirling gust of wind,高高捲走了草帽啊
blowing it higher away.飄向那天外雲霄

ma ma that old straw hat 媽媽只有那草帽
was the only one i really loved,是我珍愛的無價之寶
but we lost it.但我們已經失去
no one could bring it back,沒有人再能找到
like the life you gave me.就像是你給我的生命

⑤ 在哪裡能看到美國電影《證人》


⑥ 求類似於《我是證人》的英文電影,在線等,急~~


⑦ 用英文介紹我是證人這部電影,不要太難。100字左右

Lu Han on a film is a remake, handsome appearance, lively personality on the combination of the already famous former members of the performance full of wing, the film is still remakes. Are different from \"back to 20\", \"I am the witness\" and \"blind card\" is directed by the director, with is great (no), \"to return to the 20\" and \"strange,\" she is a Chinese director leste Chen is a south Korean dire ctor Huang Donghe. Two up movie starring Lu Han, 1, for entering the film he is a bit difficult, l, because be remake, so not to be compared, but at the same time, it can be for reference. The partnership with Yang mi's novel, how seemingly bious cases were detected, and roles of the variations between feelings line is also a major bright spot. Sometimes a lie need n more lies to circle, but appear cracks. While his momentary mistake need self redemption to find solace, film compact plot affects the heart and the uncertain eyes case, opaque, how to find the murderer make people full of expectation.

⑧ 一部歐美的電影,好像叫《證人》,是一個警察保護一個小孩和他媽媽 誰又詳細資料謝謝!

美國電影《證人》 上映日期: 1985-02-08 又名: 目擊者 / 滅口大追殺/滅口大追殺目擊者 劇情介紹 美國賓州婦女麗狄因喪夫而帶著八歲的兒子山姆(又譯:塞繆爾)投奔親友,但是在車站的洗手間內,山姆偶然目睹了一場謀殺。警長約翰?布克趕到現場,他希望山姆能作為證人指證兇手,不料最終山姆暗地裡指認的竟是警探麥克菲。布克將情況告訴了上司保羅,希望得到政府的協助,可是在回家的路上,布克受到了麥克菲的襲擊,並中彈負傷。原來保羅與麥克菲是一夥的,他們侵吞公款,倒賣毒品,並要殺了布克滅口。布克勉強將麗狄母子二人送回她的父親家阿門部落,自己卻因傷勢過重而昏迷。在麗狄的精心照料下,布克身體恢復的很快,與阿門部落日益融洽,跟麗狄互相也萌生了愛意。不久保羅一夥終於找到了他的下落,並趕來要將他殺死,布克利用熟悉的地形幹掉了保羅的手下和麥克菲,保羅卻挾持麗狄作人質而抓住了布克,這時周圍的村民趕到,保羅終於放下了槍。警察到來之後終於真相大白,可是布克必須離去了,因為他有自己的生活方式,畢竟他不是屬於這里的人,他和麗狄只能依依惜別。

⑨ 誰有美國老電影《證人》高清版






⑩ 美國電影 證人


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