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A. 用英文,描寫,美人魚的故事,至少五句話.


5,那如果一個女孩太一般般了,挑不出什麼優點,那我們就用hxdye something。
6,如果一個女孩長的很醜,我們可不能直接說她丑哦,在英語裡面有一個很婉轉的片語可以表達,那就是aesthetically challenging,這個片語翻譯過來就是「在美學上具有挑戰意義的」,是不是很有趣呢?!




《美人魚》改編自安徒生同名童話,周星馳一直很喜歡童話故事,外星人、美人魚、粵語殘片是周星馳小時候的東西,他喜歡把小時候的東西搬上電影。拍攝「美人魚」題材,周星馳是希望拍一些不一樣的東西[28] 。
該片的投資達3億元人民幣,是《西遊·降魔篇》的三倍,而編劇攝影等幕後主創人員也保留了《西遊·降魔篇》的原班人馬,該片也遵循《西遊·降魔篇》的拍攝模式[31] 。
該片是通過海選選角徵用演員,演員選拔於2014年7月31日至8月15日為海選階段,通過網路報名[31-32] 。
網路篩選後便舉行初選見面,也有進行電話訪談來挑選,到了創作團隊去挑選大約是剩下二、三百人。之後再分類選擇,把不同種類的組別人選劃分好了,讓周星馳去看相片挑選,再到了電視節目的選拔[28] 。
2014年9月15日,《美人魚》角色甄選決賽在深圳舉行,13強選手在決賽中比拼,現場評委和星爺共選出了6位選手參演《美人魚》[33] 。








我和美人魚的故事 txt全集小說附件已上傳到網路網盤,點選免費下載:

第一章 前序
第二章 我在哭泣
「雨輕風色暴,梅子青時節」。今年的梅雨毫不吝嗇,盡情暢快地揮灑它內心的 *** 。又往往是突如其來,弄得的人措不及防。新聞中不時報出這里或是那裡發生洪水泥石流災害。整個世界都讓這個季節的梅雨澆得溼漉漉的。天氣預報也一次次地失誤。後來有人出來向民眾澄清說是天空的雲層變化莫測,難以准確報告。





B. 迪士尼原版英文動畫灰姑娘經典台詞

1. Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time
【listen to your heart是很多電影的主題。】
2. "HAKUNA MATATA"...it means no worries - The Lion King
3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King
4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh
5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio
6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas
7. Nothing's impossible. - Alice In Wonderland
8. Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all over
you! - Little Mermaid
9. I'm not worthless -- and I don't have fleas. - Aladdin
10. All it takes is Faith and Trust - Peter Pan
11. Look for the bare necessities - The Jungle Book
12. Dreams can come true! - Cinderella
13. A dream is a wish your heart makes - Cinderella
14. It's kinda fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney
15. To die would be an awefully big adventure - Peter Pan
16. The world is my backyard - The Aristocats
17. Reach for the sky! - Toy Story
18. Even miracles take a little time. - The Fairy Godmother
19. Keep your chin up, someday there will be happiness again. - Robin Hood
20. What do you do when things go wrong? Oh! You sing a song! - Snow White

C. 有什麼動畫片是帶中英對照字幕的.老師要我們抄對白,一定要是英文的

1937/12/21 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs(白雪公主和七個小矮人)【CLASSICS-1】
1940/02/07 Pinocchio(木偶奇遇記)【CLASSICS-2】
1940/11/13 Fantasia(幻想曲)【CLASSICS-3】
1941/10/23 Dumbo(小飛象)【CLASSICS-4】
1942/08/13 Bambi(小鹿斑比)【CLASSICS-5】
1943/02/06 Saludos Amigos(致候吾友)【CLASSICS-6】
1945/02/03 The Three Caballeros(三騎士)【CLASSICS-7】
1946/04/20 Make Mine Music(為我譜上樂章)【CLASSICS-8】
1947/09/27 Fun and Fancy Free(米奇與魔豆)【CLASSICS-9】
1948/05/27 Melody Time(旋律時光)【CLASSIC-10】
1949/10/05 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad(伊老師與小蟾蜍大歷險)【CLASSICS-11】
1950/02/15 Cinderella(仙履奇緣)【CLASSICS-12】
1951/07/28 Alice in Wonderland(愛麗絲夢遊仙境Ⅰ)【CLASSICS-13】
1953/02/05 Peter Pan(小飛俠)【CLASSICS-14】
1955/06/16 Lady and the Tramp(小姐與流氓)【CLASSICS-15】
1959/01/29 Sleeping Beauty(睡美人) 【CLASSICS-16】
1961/01/25 101 Dalmatians(101忠狗)【CLASSICS-17】
1963/12/25 The Sword in the Stone(石中劍)【CLASSICS-18】
1967/10/18 The Jungle Book(森林王子)【CLASSICS-19】
1970/12/24 The Aristocats(貓兒歷險記)【CLASSICS-20】
1973/11/08 Robin Hood(羅賓漢) 【CLASSICS-21】
1977/03/11 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh(小熊維尼歷險記)【CLASSICS-22】
1977/06/22 The Rescuers(救難小英雄)【CLASSICS-23】
1981/07/10 The Fox and the Hound(狐狸與獵狗)【CLASSICS-24】
1985/07/24 The Black Cauldron(黑神鍋傳奇)【CLASSICS-25】
1986/07/02 The Great Mouse Detective(妙妙探)【CLASSICS-26】
1988/11/18 Oliver & Company(奧麗華歷險記)【CLASSICS-27】
1989/11/17 The Little Mermaid(小美人魚)【CLASSICS-28】
1990/11/16 The Rescuers Down Under(救難小英雄澳洲歷險記)【CLASSICS-29】
1991/11/22 Beauty and the Beast(美女與野獸)【CLASSICS-30】
1992/11/25 Aladdin(阿拉丁)【CLASSICS-31】
1994/06/15 The Lion King(獅子王)【CLASSICS-32】
1995/06/23 Pocahontas(風中奇緣)【CLASSICS-33】
1996/06/21 The Hunchback of Notre Dame(鍾樓怪人)【CLASSICS-34】
1997/06/27 Hercules(大力士)【CLASSICS-35】
1998/06/19 Mulan(花木蘭)【CLASSICS-36】
1999/06/18 Tarzan(泰山)【CLASSICS-37】
2000/01/01 Fantasia/2000(幻想曲2000)【CLASSICS-38】
2000/12/15 The Emperor's New Groove(變身國王)【CLASSICS-39】
2001/06/15 Atlantis: The Lost Empire(失落的帝國)【CLASSICS-40】
2002/06/21 Lilo & Stitch(星際寶貝)【CLASSICS-41】
2002/11/27 Treasure Planet(星銀島)【CLASSICS-42】
2003/11/01 Brother Bear(熊的傳說)【CLASSICS-43】
2004/04/02 Home on the Range(牧場是我家)【CLASSICS-44】
2005/11/04 Chicken Little(四眼天雞)【CLASSICS-45】
2007/03/30 Meet the Robinsons(未來小子)【CLASSICS-46】
2008/09/11 Tinker Bell (奇妙仙子)【CLASSICS-47】
2009/12/11 The Princess and the Frog(公主與青蛙)【CLASSICS-48】

1995/11/22 Toy Story(玩具總動員)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
1998/11/25 A Bug's Life(蟲蟲危機)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
1999/11/24 Toy Story 2(玩具總動員2)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2000/05/19 Dinosaur(恐龍)【DISNEY】
2001/11/02 Monsters, Inc.(怪獸電力公司)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2003/05/30 Finding Nemo(海底總動員)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2004/11/05 The Incredibles(超人特攻隊)【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2005/08/19 Valiant(戰鴿總動員)【DISNEY / Vanguard】
2005/04/14 The Wild(野蠻任務)【DISNEY / CORE Technologies】
2006/06/09 Cars(汽車總動員) 【DISNEY / PIXAR】
2008/06/29 Ratatouille(美食總動員)【DISNEY/PIXAR】
2008/06/27 Wall-E(機器人總動員)【DISNEY/PIXAR】
2008/11/26 Bolt(閃電狗)【DISNEY】
2009/05/29 Up(飛屋環游記)【DISNEY/PIXAR】
2009/07/24 G-Force(豚鼠特工隊)【DISNEY / Jerry Bruckheimer】
2009/09/27 Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure(小叮當與失去的寶藏)【DISNEY】
2009/11/06 A Christmas Carol(聖誕頌歌)【DISNEY / ImageMovers】

1990/08/03 Ducktales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp(唐老鴨俱樂部之失落的神燈)
1995/04/07 A Goofy Movie(高飛狗)
1999/03/26 Doug's 1st Movie(阿德日記 電影版)
2000/02/11 The Tigger Movie(跳跳虎歷險記)
2001/02/16 Recess: School's Out(下課後 電影版)
2002/02/15 Return to Never Land(夢不落帝國)
2003/02/14 The Jungle Book 2(森林王子2)
2003/03/21 Piglet's Big Movie (小豬大行動)
2004/01/16 Teacher's Pet (酷狗上學記電影版)
2005/02/11 Pooh's Heffalump Move(小熊維尼之長鼻怪大冒險)

1946/11/02 Song of the South(南方之歌)
1949/01/19 So Dear to My Heart(悠情伴我心)
1964/08/29 Mary Poppins(歡樂滿人間)
1971/10/07 Bedknobs and Broomstick(飛天萬能床)
1977/11/03 Pete's Dragon(妙妙龍)
1988/06/22 Who Framed Roger Rabbit(威探闖通關)【Touchstone Released】
2009/07/24 G-Force(豚鼠特工隊)【DISNEY / Jerry Bruckheimer】
2010/03/05 Alice In Wonderland(愛麗絲夢遊仙境Ⅱ)
1993/10/13 The Nightmare Before Christmas(聖誕夜驚魂)【Touchstone Released】
1996/05/25 James and the Giant Peach(飛天巨桃歷險記)
迪士尼影音產品 (未公映)
1994/05/20 The Return of Jafar(賈方復仇記)
1996/08/13 Aladdin and the King of Thieves(阿拉丁和大盜之王)
1997/08/04 Winnie the Pooh's Most Grand Adventure(小熊維尼尋找羅賓)
1997/11/11 Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas(美女與野獸:貝兒的心願)
1998/08/25 Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World(風中奇緣2:倫敦之旅)
1998/10/08 The Lion King Ⅱ: Simba's Pride(獅子王2:辛巴的榮耀)
1999/11/09 Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas(米老鼠溫馨聖誕)
2000/02/29 An Extremely Goofy Movie(極限高飛)
2000/09/19 The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea(小美人魚2:重返大海)
2001/02/27 Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure(小姐與流氓2:狗兒逃家記)
2002/02/26 Cinderella II: Dreams Come True(仙履奇緣2:美夢成真)
2002/03/19 The Hunchback of Notre Dame II(鍾樓怪人2:老實鍾的秘密)
2003/01/21 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure(101忠狗續集:倫敦大冒險)
2003/05/20 Atlantis: Milo's Return(失落的帝國:神秘的水晶)
2003/08/26 Stitch! The Movie(星際寶貝史迪奇)
2004/02/10 The Lion King Ⅲ: Hakuna Matata(獅子王3:沒有煩惱)
2004/03/09 Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo(小熊維尼:春天的百畝森林)
2004/08/17 The Three Musketeers(米奇、唐納德、高飛三劍客)
2004/11/09 Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas(米奇耶誕嘉年華)
2005/02/01 Mulan Ⅱ(花木蘭2)
2005/06/14 Tarzan Ⅱ(泰山2)
2005/08/30 Lilo & Stitch Ⅱ: Stitch Has a Glitch(星際寶貝2:史迪奇有問題)
2005/09/13 Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie(小熊維尼:嘟嘟的萬聖節歷險)
2005/12/13 The Emperor's New Groove Ⅱ: Kronk's New Groove(變身國王2:高剛外傳)
2006/02/07 Bambi Ⅱ(小鹿斑比2)
2006/06/27 Leroy & Stitch(星際寶貝:終極任務)
2006/08/29 Brother Bear Ⅱ(熊的傳說2)
2006/12/12 The Fox and the Hound Ⅱ(狐狸與獵狗2)
2007/12/12 Cinderella Ⅲ: A Twist in Time(仙履奇緣3:時間魔法)
2008/08/26 The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning(小美人魚:愛麗兒的起源)

D. 小美人魚 英文對白

In somebody else's lake

You dream about going up there

But that is a big mistake


Right here on the ocean floor

Such wonderful things surround you

What more is you lookin' for?

Under the sea

Under the sea

Darling it's better


Take it from me

Up on the shore they work all day

Out in the sun they slave away

While we devotin'

Full time to floatin'

Under the sea

Down here all the fish is happy

As off through the waves they roll

The fish on the land ain't happy

They sad 'cause they in their bowl


They in for a worser fate


Guess who's gon' be on the plate


The seaweed is always greener

In somebody else's lake

You dream about going up there

But that is a big mistake

Just look at the world around you

Right here on the ocean floor

Such wonderful things surround you

What more is you lookin' for?

An animated tale of a beautiful young mermaid, Ariel, who is fascinated by the human world, to the dismay of her father, King Triton. She spies Prince Eric and falls hopelessly in love. Sebastian the crab is sent by the king to keep an eye on Ariel, though he cannot stop her from rescuing the prince ring a storm. Ursula the sea witch plots to grant Ariel's wish to be human, in exchange for her beautiful voice, and as part of a larger scheme to gain control of Triton's realm. Eric finds himself falling for the now-human mermaid, but Ursula tricks him and Ariel, now mute, cannot warn him. Finally, Ariel and Eric together foil Ursula's evil plans, save the undersea kingdom, and receive Triton's blessing.

The first Disney animated feature in three decades based on a classic fairy tale (since "Sleeping Beauty"), this film turned to the famous story by Hans Christian Andersen. Disney artists had considered an animated film of "The Little Mermaid" in the late 1930s, and illustrator Kay Nielsen prepared a number of striking story sketches in pastels and watercolors. For this film, the artists received inspiration from the Nielsen story sketches that were brought out of the Archives for them to study, and they gave Kay Nielsen a "visual development" credit on the film. Actress Sherri Stoner was the live-action model for Ariel.

The film probably had more effects than any animated film since "Fantasia;" nearly 80% of the film required some kind of effects work -- storms at sea, billowing sails, schools of fish, shadows, raging fire, explosions, magic pixie st, surface reflections, underwater distortions, ripples, and bubbles. Academy Award® winner for Best Song ("Under the Sea") and Best Original Score. Released on video in 1990.

Directed by John Musker and Ron Clements. Starring: the voices of Jodi Benson (Ariel), Pat Carroll (Ursula), Christopher Daniel Barnes (Eric), Buddy Hackett (Scuttle), Kenneth Mars (Triton), Samuel E. Wright (Sebastian), Ben Wright (Grimsby), and René Auberjonois (Louis). 82 min. Songs by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken.

E. 迪斯尼小美人魚電影台詞 中英對照


F. 迪斯尼版小美人魚用英語怎麼說

小美人魚 Ariel
首次登場:小美人魚 | The Little Mermaid | 1989
小美人魚 | The Little Mermaid | 1989
小美人魚卡通系列 | 1995
小美人魚2:回到大海 | The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea | 2000
愛麗兒多大了? 16歲
愛麗兒最好的朋友是誰?(除了亞力克王子) 比目魚(Flounder)
人物配音:Jodi Benson
人物製作:Supervising Animator / Character Animator: Glen Keane
I Love him! - 我愛他!
英文名: Ariel
生日: 11月17日
頭發的顏色: 暗紅色
眼睛的顏色: 綠色
身份: 人魚王國的小公主
首次登場: 《小美人魚》
性格特點: 自信、很強的好奇心、勇
愛好: 在大海里收集各種人類的東西、唱歌
好朋友: 比目魚小胖、人魚王國的音
公主心語: 勇氣和夢想!
演藝生涯: 曾經在迪士尼發行的三部小美人卡通系列中擔任女主角,分別是1989年的《小美人魚》、1995年的小美人魚卡通系列、2000年發行的《小美人魚2: 回歸大海》 以及2008年發行的《小美人魚3:愛麗兒的起源》
小美人魚3:愛麗兒的起源 故事簡介

G. 愛麗絲夢遊仙境英文佳句


最經典的Nothing's impossible. These people always see the rainbow beyond the clouds and go after their pot of gold

Alice and many animals and birds along with a Duck, Dodo, Lory and Eaglet swam from a lake that was actually a pool of Alice"s tears. While at the shore they were discussing how to get dry. Dodo was talking in business terms about adjourning the meeting and adopting more energetic remedies. To this Eaglet called out this quoted sentence:

"Speak English! I don"t know the meaning of half those long words, and I don"t believe you do either!" -Eaglet


This takes place ring the court scene. Alice argues with the Queen of Hearts about the order of a verdict and a sentence, and then Alice realizes that she is her normal size again and does not need to care what the Queen says. This is why she yells out:

"You"re nothing but a pack of cards!" -Alice


《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》十大經典台詞中英對照How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream?No other swords can kill the Jabberwocky.I have little ones to look after!I'd know that tangled mess of hair anywhere.There has been some debate about that I never get involved in politics.You'd best be on your way.Well,as you can see,we're still having tea.And it's all because I was obliged to kill time waiting for your return.You're terribly late,you know Naughty!Well anyway,time to came quite offended has stopped all together。


How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream?

No other swords can kill the Jabberwocky.

I have little ones to look after!

I'd know that tangled mess of hair anywhere.

There has been some debate about that

I never get involved in politics.

You'd best be on your way.

Well, as you can see, we're still having tea.

And it's all because I was obliged to kill time waiting for your return.

You're terribly late, you know Naughty!

Well anyway, time to came quite offended has stopped all together.


最經典那句被你說了!!給你點其他的吧!希望有幫助! 1. Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time 跟隨你心的指引吧。

它總是低訴著前進的方向,所以請仔細聆聽。《大腳板走天涯》 【listen to your heart是很多電影的主題。】

2. "HAKUNA MATATA"。it means no worries - The Lion King 「哈庫那馬塔塔」……就是沒有煩惱的意思。

《獅子王》 【啥也不說了,經典中的經典!下面這首歌,人人都會唱上兩句的吧?】 3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King 陳年往事固然傷人,但你可以選擇從中吸取教訓,或者遠遠地逃離。《獅子王》 【很有哲理的一句話,教會所有人直面傷痛的過去。】

4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh考試大 如果你要活到一百歲,那麼我只要活到一百歲差一天,這樣我就不用度過沒有你陪伴的分分秒秒。《小熊維尼》 【很奇怪為什麼是《小熊維尼》裡面的台詞,明明是一句超甜蜜的情話啊!】 5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio 記住:要憑著你的良心做事。

《木偶奇遇記》 6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas 你自以為只有你那樣的才算是人類,必須長得像你同你一樣思維。但倘若你願跟隨用陌生人的腳步,你就會學到你從不明白的事情。

《風中奇緣》 【雖然是歌詞,但是非常有張力,唱出了人與自然以及不同人種之間的關系。再來聽聽這首經典歌曲吧!】 7. Nothing's impossible. - Alice In Wonderland 沒有什麼是不可能的。

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》 【倒過來說就更熟悉了吧?啊哈哈……】 8. Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all over you! - Little Mermaid 哼嗯!小屁孩。總是自以為是。

得寸進尺,趕明兒就游你頭上去了。《小美人魚》 【一隻螃蟹的經典台詞,日常生活中也可以開玩笑用用的。】

9. I'm not worthless -- and I don't have fleas. - Aladdin 我可不是一無是處——我身上也不帶跳蚤。《阿拉丁》 【前半句很正經,後半句很搞笑。】

10. All it takes is Faith and Trust - Peter Pan 只需要一些信仰和信念。《彼得.潘》 【總是人心中不能缺乏的兩樣東西。】

11. Look for the bare necessities - The Jungle Book 找到熊熊的生存之道。《叢林王子》 【當初學校里看這片子印象最深刻的就是這首歌了,好好玩的熊熊。】

12. Dreams can come true! - Cinderella 夢想是可以成真的。《灰姑娘》 【Well,雖然這年頭沒多少人相信這句話了……】 13. A dream is a wish your heart makes - Cinderella 夢想是你的心許下的一個願望。

《灰姑娘》 【咳,當年學校里用來做舞台劇宣傳語的台詞~~】 14. It's kinda fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney 做一些不可能的事情,其實挺好玩的。華特.迪斯尼 【迪斯尼先生絕對是一個非常聰明的人。】

15. To die would be an awefully big adventure - Peter Pan 死亡是一場華麗異常的冒險。《彼得.潘》 【其實個人覺得活著同樣是場華麗的冒險。】

16. The world is my backyard - The Aristocats 世界是我們家後院。《貓兒歷險記》 【大海是我們家前院~~~】 17. Reach for the sky! - Toy Story 朝天空發射!《玩具總動員》 【不記得這句了……】 18. Even miracles take a little time. - The Fairy Godmother 就算是奇跡也要花點時間才能發生的。

仙女教母 【看著簡單,其實蠻有哲理的一句話:你指望你的努力馬上得到回報么?即使是魔法的奇跡也要花點時間。】 19. Keep your chin up, someday there will be happiness again. - Robin Hood 抬起頭來吧,幸福快樂終有一天會重臨。

《羅賓漢》 【沒錯,人生低谷中也不能低下高貴的頭。】 20. What do you do when things go wrong? Oh! You sing a song! - Snow White 事情不順利的時候要怎麼辦呢?哦,就唱歌吧!《白雪公主與七個小矮人》 【太「迪斯尼」童話式的設定啦~~迪斯尼的第一部動畫長篇,主人公無論是歌聲還是長相都是一副30年代的樣子。】


1) Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.2) It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.3) Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.4) If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.5) Alice: How long is forever? White Rabbit:Sometimes, just one second.6) Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.7) It is better to be feared than loved.8) In a Wonderland they lie. 9) Dreaming as the days go by, dreaming as the summer die.10) If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?11) If you drink much from a bottle marked 'poison' it is certain to disagree with you sooner or later.12) Is Wonderland really a wonder。

when you have nowhere to land?。



Number 10 spot is given to Eaglet:Alice and many animals and birds along with a Duck, Dodo, Lory and Eaglet swam from a lake that was actually a pool of Alice's tears. While at the shore they were discussing how to get dry. Dodo was talking in business terms about adjourning the meeting and adopting more energetic remedies. To this Eaglet called out this quoted sentence:"Speak English! I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and I don't believe you do either!" -Eaglet 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》名言第九位:愛麗絲在法庭上和紅心女王爭論應該先裁決還是先審判的時候發覺自己恢復到了正常大小,於是就叫了起來:「你不過是一堆撲克牌而已!」 Number 9 is a quote from Alice herself。This takes place ring the court scene. Alice argues with the Queen of Hearts about the order of a verdict and a sentence, and then Alice realizes that she is her normal size again and does not need to care what the Queen says. This is why she yells out:"You're nothing but a pack of cards!" -Alice 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》名言第八位:公爵夫人在努力回憶起只想不說的寓意是什麼,愛麗絲覺著這事兒沒啥寓意,公爵夫人回答說:「凡事都有寓意,只要你肯去找。」

Number 8 is from the Duchess ring the game of croquet after she is released from prison to take part in the game. Alice is quietly thinking about how pepper and other spices affect people。The Duchess is trying to remember what kind of a moral there is in thinking and not speaking. Alice thinks that there is no moral in it. Therefore the Duchess teaches Alice that:"Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it." -The Duchess 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》名言第七位:愛麗絲同假海龜和格里芬講述她這一整天的奇怪經歷,格里芬讓她背《這是懶漢在說話》,一背出來詞兒全不對了,假海龜就說:「哦,我以前從沒聽過這首詩,但是聽上去整個一胡說八道。」

Number 7 is a quote from the Mock Turtle. He, the Gryphon and Alice are at the sea shore. Alice tells them about her adventures of the day and how she was repeating a poem to the Caterpillar and how the words came out all wrong. The Gryphon is very interested and asks Alice to repeat a poem called "'TIS THE VOICE OF THE SLUGGARD"'. Of course the words come out all different again. This is what the Mock Turtle calls it:"Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense." -The Mock Turtle 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》名言第六位:愛麗絲跟隨白兔進了兔子洞,然後發覺這是一條長長的走廊,她聽見白兔說:「我要命的耳朵跟鬍子啊,我要遲到了!」 At number 6 is a quote from the White Rabbit. Alice follows the White Rabbit into the rabbit hole and finds herself in a long corridor. She sees the White Rabbit hurrying down the passage. Alice sprints after him just in time to hear the White Rabbit say:"Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!" -White Rabbit 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》名言第五位:這句話非常著名了,來自殘暴的紅心女王,那句反反復復氣勢洶洶的:「剁掉她的腦袋!」 Number 5 place is given to a famous quote from the Queen of Hearts. She uses this expression_r_r quite often in the story. One time is when Alice meets the Queen for the first time. After Alice has introced herself, the Queen asks her about the three playing card gardeners lying on the ground. But because Alice does not know them and expresses that to the Queen quite casually, the Queen of Hearts gets furious and screams to Alice:"Off with her head!" -Queen of Hearts 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》名言第四位:紅心國王這句台詞可謂相當糾結,簡直是一句話的廢話連篇,他讓白兔讀信,白兔不知道從哪裡開始,國王就命令道:「從開頭開始接下去接著來到最後就停。」 At number 4 is a quote from the King of Hearts. This happens at the hearing in court while the King asks the White Rabbit to read a set of verses in a letter, written by the prisoner to somebody. The White Rabbit does not know where to begin。

"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop." -The King 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》名言第三位:來自瘋帽子先生和三月兔在瘋茶會上的這個謎語也稱得上是令人難忘:「為什麼烏鴉像桌子?」謎底是……他也不知道謎底是啥。On the third spot is quite an odd question by the Mad Hatter。

Alice is at the March Hare's house and the Mad Hatter is there with Dormouse as well. They are having a tea party. The March Hare and Alice get into an argument about Alice's right to join the tea party. Then the Mad Hatter 。

7.愛麗絲夢遊仙境 英文版 佳句20 有翻譯

1. Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time 跟隨你心的指引吧。

它總是低訴著前進的方向,所以請仔細聆聽。《大腳板走天涯》 【listen to your heart是很多電影的主題。】

2. "HAKUNA MATATA"。it means no worries - The Lion King 「哈庫那馬塔塔」……就是沒有煩惱的意思。

《獅子王》 【啥也不說了,經典中的經典!下面這首歌,人人都會唱上兩句的吧?】 3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King 陳年往事固然傷人,但你可以選擇從中吸取教訓,或者遠遠地逃離。《獅子王》 【很有哲理的一句話,教會所有人直面傷痛的過去。】

4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh考試大 如果你要活到一百歲,那麼我只要活到一百歲差一天,這樣我就不用度過沒有你陪伴的分分秒秒。《小熊維尼》 【很奇怪為什麼是《小熊維尼》裡面的台詞,明明是一句超甜蜜的情話啊!】 5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio 記住:要憑著你的良心做事。

《木偶奇遇記》 6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas 你自以為只有你那樣的才算是人類,必須長得像你同你一樣思維。但倘若你願跟隨用陌生人的腳步,你就會學到你從不明白的事情。

《風中奇緣》 【雖然是歌詞,但是非常有張力,唱出了人與自然以及不同人種之間的關系。再來聽聽這首經典歌曲吧!】 7. Nothing's impossible. - Alice In Wonderland 沒有什麼是不可能的。

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》 【倒過來說就更熟悉了吧?啊哈哈……】 8. Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all over you! - Little Mermaid 哼嗯!小屁孩。總是自以為是。

得寸進尺,趕明兒就游你頭上去了。《小美人魚》 【一隻螃蟹的經典台詞,日常生活中也可以開玩笑用用的。】

9. I'm not worthless -- and I don't have fleas. - Aladdin 我可不是一無是處——我身上也不帶跳蚤。《阿拉丁》 【前半句很正經,後半句很搞笑。】

10. All it takes is Faith and Trust - Peter Pan 只需要一些信仰和信念。《彼得.潘》 【總是人心中不能缺乏的兩樣東西。】

11. Look for the bare necessities - The Jungle Book 找到熊熊的生存之道。《叢林王子》 【當初學校里看這片子印象最深刻的就是這首歌了,好好玩的熊熊。】

12. Dreams can come true! - Cinderella 夢想是可以成真的。《灰姑娘》 【Well,雖然這年頭沒多少人相信這句話了……】 13. A dream is a wish your heart makes - Cinderella 夢想是你的心許下的一個願望。

《灰姑娘》 【咳,當年學校里用來做舞台劇宣傳語的台詞~~】 14. It's kinda fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney 做一些不可能的事情,其實挺好玩的。華特.迪斯尼 【迪斯尼先生絕對是一個非常聰明的人。】

15. To die would be an awefully big adventure - Peter Pan 死亡是一場華麗異常的冒險。《彼得.潘》 【其實個人覺得活著同樣是場華麗的冒險。】

16. The world is my backyard - The Aristocats 世界是我們家後院。《貓兒歷險記》 【大海是我們家前院~~~】 17. Reach for the sky! - Toy Story 朝天空發射!《玩具總動員》 【不記得這句了……】 18. Even miracles take a little time. - The Fairy Godmother 就算是奇跡也要花點時間才能發生的。

仙女教母 【看著簡單,其實蠻有哲理的一句話:你指望你的努力馬上得到回報么?即使是魔法的奇跡也要花點時間。】 19. Keep your chin up, someday there will be happiness again. - Robin Hood 抬起頭來吧,幸福快樂終有一天會重臨。

《羅賓漢》 【沒錯,人生低谷中也不能低下高貴的頭。】 20. What do you do when things go wrong? Oh! You sing a song! - Snow White 事情不順利的時候要怎麼辦呢?哦,就唱歌吧!《白雪公主與七個小矮人》 【太「迪斯尼」童話式的設定啦~~迪斯尼的第一部動畫長篇,主人公無論是歌聲還是長相都是一副30年代的樣子。】


《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》十大經典台詞中英對照How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream?

No other swords can kill the Jabberwocky.

I have little ones to look after!

I'd know that tangled mess of hair anywhere.

There has been some debate about that

I never get involved in politics.

You'd best be on your way.

Well,as you can see,we're still having tea.

And it's all because I was obliged to kill time waiting for your return.

You're terribly late,you know Naughty!

Well anyway,time to came quite offended has stopped all together.

9.愛麗絲夢遊仙境 英文版 佳句推薦

我的句子不多,希望能用到 (*^__^*) 1 One day she was sitting by the river with a book . 2 A white rabbit ran past her. 3 The queen was playing in the garden and the king was sitting on the grass 4 Alice fell down a rabbit hole and went into their strange word. 5 The rabbit took a watch out of its pocket. 6 she never thought about how she was going to get out again.。

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