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發布時間: 2023-02-28 18:35:25

❶ 誰知道中英文字幕的電影——用來學英語的

1.《搏擊會》 (1999)
2.《黑客帝國》 (1999)
3.《低俗小說》 (1994)
4.《非常嫌疑犯》 (1995)
6.《四海好傢伙》 (1990)
7.《記憶碎片》 (2000)
8.《冰血暴》 (1996)
9.《靈異第六感》 (1999)
10.《洛城機密》 (1997)
12.《穆赫蘭道》 (2001)
13.《上帝之城》 (2002)
14.《千與千尋》 (2001)
15.《美國麗人》 (1999)
1. Citizen Kane·1941 大國民;公民凱恩
2. Casanblanca·1943 北非諜影
3. The Godfather·1972 教父第一集
4. Gone with the Wind·1939 亂世佳人;飄
5. Lawrence of Arabia·1962 阿拉伯的勞倫斯;沙漠梟雄
6. The wizard of Oz·1939 綠野仙蹤
7. The Graate·1967 畢業生
8. On the waterfront·1954 岸上風雲;碼頭風雲
9. Schindler's List·1993 辛德勒的名單;辛德勒名單
10. Singing in the Rain·1952 萬花嬉春;雨中曲
11. It's a wonderful life·1946 風雲人物
12. Sunset Bouevard·1950 日落大道
13. The Bridge on the river Kwai·1957 桂河大橋;桂河橋
14. Some Like It Hot·1959 熱情如火
15. Star Wars·1977 星際大戰;星球大戰
16. All About Eve·1950 彗星美人
17. The African Queen·1951 非洲皇後
18. Psycho·1960 驚魂記
19. Chinatown·1974 唐人街; 中國城
20. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest·1975 飛躍杜鵑窩;飛越瘋人院
21. The Grapes of Wrath·1940 怒火之花
22. 2001: A Space Odyssay·1968 2001太空漫遊
23. The Maltese Falcon·1941 梟巢喋血戰
24. Raging Bull·1980 蠻牛
25. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial·1982 外星人
26. Dr. Strangelove·1964 奇愛博士
27. Bonne and Clyde·1967 我倆沒有明天;雌雄大盜
28. Apocalypse Now·1979 現代啟示錄
29. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington·1939 史密斯先生上美京
30. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre·1948 碧血金沙
31. Annie Hall·1977 安尼·霍爾;安尼荷爾
32. The Godfather Part II·1974 教父第二集
33. High Noon·1952 日正當中;龍城殲霸戰
34. To Kill a Mockingbird·1962 梅崗城故事
35. It happened One Night·1934 一夜風流
36. Midnight Cowboy·1969 午夜牛郎
37. The Best Years of Our Lives·1946 黃金時代
38. Double Indemnity·1944 雙重保險
39. Doctor Zhivago·1965 日瓦格醫生
40. North by Northwest·1959 北西北
41. West Side Story·1961 西城故事;西區故事;夢斷城西
42. Rear Window·1954 後窗
43. King Kong·1933 大金剛
44. the Birth of a Nation·1915 國家的誕生
45. A Streetcar Named Desire·1951 慾望街車;慾望號街車
46. A Clockwork Orange·1971 發條橘子
47. Taxi Driver·1976 計程車司機;的士司機
48. Jaws·1975 大白鯊
49. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs·1937 白雪公主
50. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid·1969 虎豹小霸王
51. The Philadelphia Story·1940 費城故事
52. From Here to Eternity·1953 紅粉忠魂未了情
53. Amadeus·1984 阿瑪迪斯; 莫扎特
54. All Quiet on the Westernfront·1930 西線無戰事
55. The Sound of Music·1965 真善美; 音樂之聲; 仙樂飄飄處處聞
56. M*A*S*H·1970 外科醫生;風流醫生俏護士
57. The Third Man·1949 黑獄亡魂;第三者
58. Fantasia·1940 幻想曲
59. Rebel Without a Cause·1955 善子不教誰之過;阿飛正傳
60. Raiders of the Lost Ark·1981 法櫃奇兵
61. Vertigo·1958 迷魂記
62. Tootsie·1982 窈窕淑男(寶貝)
63. Stagecoach·1939 驛馬車
64. Close Encounters of the Third Kind·1977 第三類接觸
65. The Silence of the Lambs·1991 沉默的羔羊
66. Network·1976 熒光屏後
67. The Manchurian Candidate·1962 諜網迷魂
68. An American in Paris·1951 花都舞影(一個美國人在巴黎)
69. Shane·1953 原野奇俠
70. The French Connection·1971 霹靂神探(法國販毒網)
71. Forrest Gump·1994 阿甘正傳
72. Ben-Hur·1959 賓漢(賓虛)
73. Wuthering Heights·1939 咆哮山莊;呼嘯山莊
74. the gold rush·1925 淘金記
75. Dances with wolves·1990 與狼共舞
76. City Lights·1931 城市之光
77. American Graffiti·1973 美國風情畫(美國往事)
78. Rocky·1976 洛基第一集
79. The Deer Hunter·1978 越戰獵鹿人
80. The wild Bunch·1969 日落黃沙
81. Modern Times·1936 摩登時代
82. Giant·1956 巨人
83. Platoon·1986 前進高棉;野戰排
84. Fargo·1996 冰血暴風;雪花高城
85. Duck soup·1933 鴨羹
86. Mutiny on the Bounty·1935 叛艦喋血記
87. Frankenstein·1931 科學怪人
88. Easy Rider·1969 逍遙騎士;迷幻車手
89. Patton·1970 巴頓將軍
90. The Jazz singer·1927 爵士歌手
91. My Fair Lady·1964 窈窕淑女
92. A Place in the sun·1951 郎心如鐵
93. the Apartment·1960 公寓春光;桃色公寓
94. good fellas·1990 四海好傢伙
95. Pulp Fiction·994 黑色追緝令(庸俗小說)
96. the Searchers·1956 搜索者
97. Bringing up Baby·1938 育嬰奇譚
98. Unforgiven·1992 殺無赦
99. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner·1967 誰來晚餐;誰來付宴君且猜
100. Yankee doodle Dandy·1942 勝利之歌

巴頓將軍 Patton 1970

法國販毒網 The French Connection 1971

教父 Godfather 1972

騙中騙 The Sting 1973

教父續集 The Godfather Part II 1974

飛躍瘋人院 One Flew Over The Cuckoo』s Nest 1975

洛奇 Rocky 1976

安妮·霍爾 Annie Hall 1977

獵鹿人 The Deer Hunter 1978

克萊默夫婦 Kramer vs Kramer 1979

普通人 Ordinary People 1980

火戰車 Chariots Of Fire 1981

甘地傳 Gandhi 1982

母女情深 Terms Of Endearment 1983

莫扎特傳 Amadeus 1984

走出非洲 Out Of Africa 1985

野戰排 Platnoon 1986

末代皇帝 The Last Emperor 1987

雨人 RainMan 1988

為戴茜小姐開車 Driving Miss Daisy 1989

與狼共舞 Dance With Wolves 1990

沉默的羔羊 The Slience Of The Lambs 1991

不可饒恕 Unforgiven 1992

辛德勒的名單 Schindler』s List 1993

阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump 1994

勇敢的心 Brave Heart 1995

英國病人 The English Patient 1996

泰坦尼克號 Titanic 1997

莎翁情史 Shakespeare In Love 1998

美國麗人 American Beauty 1999

角鬥士 Gladiator 2000

美麗心靈 A Beautiful Mind 2001

芝加哥 Chicago 2002

指環王3:王者歸來 The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King 2003

百萬寶貝 Million Dollar Baby 2004

撞車 Crash 2005

無間行者 The Departed 2006

老無所依 2007

16條街區 最後的武士 U形轉彎 愛情的盡頭 安東尼費舍 安娜-卡列妮娜 傲慢與偏見
保鏢 杯酒人生 變臉 蟲蟲危機 丑聞 大買賣 大買賣 大衛戈爾的一生 大魚 單刀直入
盜亦有道 第五元素 碟海計中計 動機殺人 翻譯風波 飛行家 風雲變色 鍋蓋頭 海底總動員
浩劫重生 皇帝的新裝 機械公敵 箭魚行動 教父 1. 戀愛中的寶貝
亂世佳人 馬達加斯加. 七宗罪

❷ 急急急,想請大家幫我找一部感人微電影《leave me(讓我留下)》的英文字幕(台詞),真的急用,

Father:So what're you gonna do with the camera?
Son :What camera?
Father:Jack,you're holding it in your hand.
Son:It broke ring the wreck.
Father:I always told Amy she should've done this for a living
Son:All she ever did was take picture of trees,water and sunrises.
Father: Appears to be working fine now.
Son:Dad ,please don't .Don't
Father: jack
Son:This is six months ago.
Guy: Guys.Oh!Hey.
Guy:Hey ,jack ,
Son:what's going on ?
Guy:photography.Your wife won't stop talking pictures.
Son: what? No.
Guy:That's nice jacket.
Son:I know this one.I'm....I'm in her camera.
Son:Amy is ....Amy is in the bridge.Dad,scroll right,scroll to the end.Amy is in the bridge picture.
Father:Ok, I am going.Low battery.
Amy:Hurry up,honey!The sun is rising.(end)

❸ 微電影中英文字幕怎麼做 軟體是Premiere

給視頻加字幕,建議用 愛剪輯,簡單易上手


點擊 字幕特效 ,雙擊視頻預覽畫面,即可添加字幕。軟體自帶了 水墨、風沙、雷擊爆破、火焰特效、繽紛秋葉等大片級好萊塢字幕特效,和逐字呈現、翻滾、放大等酷炫字幕特效,一鍵即可渲染





❹ 急急急,麻煩大家幫我找一下一部感人微電影《leave me》(讓我留下)的英文電影字幕(台詞),急用

手寫的!!《Leave me》
Dad:So what're you gonna do with the camera?
Jack:What camera?
Dad:Jack, you're holding it in your hand.
Jack:It broke ring the wreck.
Dad:I always told Amy she shouldn't have done this for a living.
Jack:All she ever did was take pictures of trees, water and sunrises.
Dad:Appears to be working fine now.
Jack:Dad, please...
Jack:This was six months ago.
Oh, what?
- Oh! Hey. - Guys. - Hey, Jack. - What's going on?
Photography. Your wife won't stop taking pictures.
Jack:What? No.
A nice jacket.
Jack:I know this one.
Jack:I'm...I'm in the camera.
Wnn, What?
Jack:Amy is... Amy is in the bridge.
Jack:Dad, scroll right, scroll...scroll to the end.
Jack:Amy is in the bridge picture.
Dad:Low battery.
Jack:scroll right,scroll...
Dad:Ok, I'm going ..
Amy:Honey, hurry up!Bring the camera.
Amy:The sun is suddenly coming out
Amy:Oh, what?
Leave Me

❺ 英語微電影劇本

The Merchant of Venice (II)


The Merchant of Venice(II)
D: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Do not be so bitter.
S: I've promised to take my pound of flesh. If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more. The greatness of Venice will soon be lost. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him.
B: Do all men kill the things they do not love?



A: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. Don't wait any longer. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.
B: I'll pay you six thousand cats for the three thousand cats that Antonio borrowed.
S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. Give me my pound of flesh!
D: Let us be calm, gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?
S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement. I desire my pound of flesh.
As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk, arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited. While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio.
Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear. "I am very ill. When your letter reached me, I had with me a .learned young doctor from Rome. I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio. We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say. I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head."
After the letter has been read out to the court, Portia, in lawyer's clothes, enters the room and takes her seat as judge.


D: Greetings, learned judge! I do not envy you your job. This is a most troublesome case.
P: Greetings! Please be seated. Are you Antonio, and is this your agreement with Shylock?
A: It is.
P: Then Shylock must be merciful. He must have mercy on Antonio.
S: Why must I have mercy on him? Tell me that!
P: Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It blesses those who give it, and those who receive it. We should learn to show mercy to others. Do you still ask for this pound of flesh? S: I ask for what is mine by law!
B: I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Please change the law a little so that we may save Antonio.
P: Use your head a little, sir! We cannot change a law. If one law is changed, then people will later want to change other laws.
S: Oh, wise young judge!
P: Let me see this agreement, this promise of Antonio to you.
S: Here it is.
P: I see. According to the law, Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off by him nearest to Antonio's heart. Be merciful! Let me destroy this paper.--No? Then, Antonio, be ready. And Shylock, take your knife and prepare to do the deed.


S: Oh, learned judge! Oh, wise young man!
P: Have you brought anything to weigh the flesh?
S: Yes. I have everything ready here.
P: Do you have a doctor, Shylock, to stop Antonio's blood?
B: That fox!
P: Do you wish to say anything, Antonio?
A: Only a little. Goodbye Bassanio. Don't be sad for me. Tell your wife about me and how much I loved you. If Shylock cuts deep enough, I'll pay him back with all my heart.
B: Let me take you in my arms and say goodbye. I love you more than my own life, more than my wife, and more than all the world. (He cries.)
P: Your wife would not be pleased to hear you say that.
S: We are wasting time.
P: Take your pound of flesh! I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.

Shylock advances towards Antonio and prepares to use his knife.
P: Wait! There is something else. Antonio has promised to give you a pound of his flesh. But he has not promised to give you any of his blood. If you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose all your land and all your money.
S: Is that the law?
P: That is the law. You wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted. : I will take the money. Give me three more than Antonio borrowed from me.

夏洛克:是的。我把一切都准備好了。 鮑西婭:夏洛克,你是否請了醫生來給安東尼奧止血呢?


B: Here it is. (He cries out, full of joy.)
P: Wait! Shylock would not take the money earlier. All he wanted was right to be done. That is all he can have now. you must cut off one pound of flesh, no more, no less. And not one drop of blood must fall.
Shylock turns and starts to leave the court.
P: Wait, Shylock. The law of Venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice, everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. One half of his money and his goods shall be given to the city of Venice and the other half shall be given to the person he has tried to kill. His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke. therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.
S: Good sir. I beg for mercy and beg your pardon..
D: I shall not have you killed. But as your punishment, half of your money is now Antonio's. You must give the other half to the city of Venice.
S: Take my life too! My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself. They are my only comfort. When you take those away from me, you also take my life.
A: I shall be happy to give up my part of Shylock's money. Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.
S: I promise. Let me go home now. I am not well.

相關鏈接: The Merchant of Venice(I)


❻ 求英文版或英文字幕的中國美食紀錄片

BBC紀錄片《中國美食之旅》(MP3+中英字幕) 第12期:新疆篇(2)

❼ 有什麼好看的英文電影並且有中英文字幕的



❽ 有英文字母的國產電影或者電視劇或者微電影,質量好一點的供外國學生看的

去找馮小剛的電影 多拍商業片 貌似 他每一部電影都是中英雙語字幕的~
《溫故1942》 (2011)
馮小剛 作品(18張)
《永失我愛》Farewell My Love (1994)(成為導演處女作)

❾ 誰能給我一些有中英文字幕對照的適合於英語學習的電影

新東方推薦--25部學英語的好電影2008/02/28 19:301. 阿甘正傳 「FORREST GUMP」
主演:Tom Hanks 湯姆 漢克斯
2. 電子情書 「YOU』VE GOT MAIL」
主演:Tom Hanks 湯姆 漢克斯 Meg Ryan 梅格 瑞安
主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯 凱奇 Tea Leoni 蒂 里奧尼
主演:Julie Andrews 朱麗 安德魯斯 Anne Hatthaway 安妮 哈德威
主演:Juliet Roberts 朱麗葉 羅伯斯 Richard Gere 理查 基爾
主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫 馬丁 Diane Keaton 戴安 基頓
主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼 奇維格 Hugh Grant 休 格蘭特
8.奔騰年代 「SEA BISCUIT」
主演:Toby McQuaire 托比 邁奎爾
9.蒙娜麗莎的微笑 「Mona Lisa』s Smile」
主演:Julia Roberts朱麗葉 羅伯斯 Julia Stiles 朱麗亞 斯蒂爾斯
Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕 等斯特
10.甜心先生 「Jerry Maguaire」
主演:Tom Cruise 湯姆 克魯斯 Renee Zelleweger 雷尼 奇維格
11.熱血強人 「Remember the Titans」
主演:Danzel Washington 丹澤爾 華盛頓
12.鐵血教練 「Coach Carter」
主演: Samuel Jackson薩姆爾 傑克遜
13.重建人生 「Life As a House」
主演:Kevin Cline 凱文 克萊恩 Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁 斯科特 托馬斯
Hayden Christensen 海登 克里斯滕森
14.海上鋼琴師 「The Legend of 1900」
主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆 羅斯
15.大話王 「Liar Liar」
主演:Jim Carrie 金 凱利
16. 單身插班生 「About a Boy」
主演:Hugn Grant 修 格蘭特
17. 風流奇男子 「Alfie」
主演: Jude Law 裘德 洛
18. 妙手情真 「Patch Adams」
主演: Robin Williams 羅賓 威廉斯
19.變人 「Bicentennial Man」
主演: Robin Williams 羅賓 威廉斯
20. 貓屎先生 「As good as it gets」
主演:Jack NIckelson 傑克 尼科爾森
Helen Hunt 海倫 亨特
21.完美男人 「The Perfect Man」
主演: Hilary Duff 希拉里 薘芙 Chris Noth 克里斯 諾斯
22.婚禮男友 「The Wedding Date」
主演:Debra Messing 戴博拉 梅西 Dermot Mulroney 德莫特 麥隆尼
23. 男人百分百 「What Women Want」
主演:Mel Gibson 梅爾 吉普森 Helen Hunt 海倫 亨特
24. 老爸向前沖/冒牌老爸 「Big Daddy」
主演:Adam Sandler 亞當 桑德勒
25. 大魚 「Big Fish」
主演:Evan McGregor 伊萬 麥克格

❿ 求微電影奇幻心旅英文字幕 謝謝





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