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發布時間: 2023-02-27 03:08:34

Ⅰ 介紹雪國列車中英文影評翻譯

《雪國列車》(朝鮮語:설국열차,英語:Snowpiercer)是一部2013年上映的韓國科幻電影,韓國導演奉俊昊的首部英語電影,並由朴贊郁監制,根據法國雅克·勒布(Jacques Lob)的科幻漫畫《Le Transperceneige》改編,聚集美、英、韓三國多名影星演出。因為全球暖化,人類打造出一台名為CW7機器來調節氣溫,但是最後失敗導致全球氣溫驟降。僅存的人類都乘坐在諾亞方舟般的列車里,這台自給自足,能永恆不滅地運轉下去的列車卻存在兩種截然不同的生活,前區的人奢華度日,後區的人被壓榨,只能勞苦工作。末節車廂的人們不堪忍受如戰俘收容所般的惡劣環境,決定起來反抗。叛軍領袖寇帝斯(Curtis)策劃利用一場暴動來奪取神秘殘暴獨裁者威佛(Wilford)所掌控火車命脈的引擎區,首先他要解救被囚禁起來的掌鑰人,也就是設計這輛列車的南宮民秀,不過暴動計劃也因為橫生枝節的意外變得更加險峻。本片在媒體試映後得到了大部分媒體的積極肯定,其中歐美媒體對影片的特效與獨到風格予以盛贊,韓國媒體則認為影片價值觀和故事性仍帶有鮮明的奉俊昊烙印。《綜藝》雜志稱它是「一部野心勃勃、視效極佳、內涵豐富、非常令人滿意的未來史詩」,並盛贊導演為「來自韓國的天才導演」。Twitchfilm網站認為「西方主流觀眾是否能接受這種黑暗殘忍的類型還未可知,不過奉俊昊已經以自己的方式擊敗了好萊塢。《雪國列車》講述了一個絕佳的末日科幻故事,是一次非常獨特和令人激動的觀影體驗。」

Snowpiercer (Korean: 설국열차; hanja: 雪國列車; RR: Seolgungnyeolcha) is a 2013 South Korean science fiction action film based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand and Jean-Marc Rochette.[3] The film is directed by Bong Joon-ho,[4][5] and written by Bong and Kelly Masterson. The film marks Bong's English-language debut; approximately 80% of the film was shot in English.The film stars Chris Evans, Song Kang-ho, Tilda Swinton, Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, John Hurt, and Ed Harris.
In 2014, an experiment to counteract global warming causes an ice age that kills nearly all life on Earth. The only survivors are the inhabitants of the Snowpiercer, a massive train powered by aperpetual-motion engine that travels on a globe-spanning track. A class system is installed, with the elites inhabiting the front of the train and the poor inhabiting the tail.
In 2031, the tail inhabitants prepare for the latest in a series of rebellions. Guards arrive periodically to deliver protein blocks for food, and take some of the children. During the guards』 next visit, Curtis Everett (Evans) leads the tail inhabitants in revolt, forcing their way through several train cars to the prison section. There, they release prisoner Namgoong Minsu (Song), the man who built the security system that controls the doors dividing each car, and his clairvoyant daughter Yona. They offer him uncut Kronole, a drug that both he and his daughter are addicted to, as payment for unlocking each of the remaining doors.
One of the cars is filled with armed men. Under the orders of Minister Mason (Swinton), the men battle Curtis' forces. Curtis' side prevails, and he captures Mason, but he is forced to sacrifice his second-in-command, Edgar, to do so. Mason agrees to lead the group through the high-class cars in exchange for her life. In the school car, the teacher points out seven frozen rebels through the window. She and a henchman then draw machine guns, slaughtering many of Curtis' followers, and executing his mentor Gilliam. Curtis then kills Mason.
Curtis, his few remaining followers, and Namgoong and Yona continue through the train, discovering the extravagance in which the elites have been living while the poor wallowed in squalor. One of Mason's henchmen, Franco the Elder, kills the rest of Curtis' followers, before the henchman is himself seemingly killed. Curtis resolves to complete his mission, accompanied by Namgoong and Yona. The trio moves through the remaining cars where the elite inlge in food, partying and Kronole; Namgoong steals much of this Kronole from the inebriated revelers. As they arrive at the Engine door, Namgoong suggests they use the collected Kronole, made from explosive chemical waste, to blow open the side of the train, and escape into the outside. Namgoong explains that every year, the train has passed a crashed plane buried in snow, which has become less buried with each passing year, suggesting that Earth is warming, and that survival outside is now possible.
Curtis explains why he must confront Wilford, creator of the train and its hierarchy. When the tail dwellers first boarded the train, they were deprived of food, water, and supplies, and in crowded conditions, forcing them to turn to cannibalism. Before the introction of the protein blocks, Curtis had kidnapped an infant Edgar to eat him, and killed his mother, before Gilliam cut his own arm off and offered it in Edgar's place. Namgoong resolves to use the explosive, but the engine door opens, and Namgoong is shot and wounded by Wilford's assistant Claude, who forces Curtis inside. Curtis confronts Wilford, who explains that the revolution was orchestrated between himself and Gilliam as a means of population control, necessary to maintaining balance aboard the train for supplies, but Curtis was too successful and Wilford's own losses too great, so he executed Gilliam as punishment. The aging Wilford says that he wants Curtis to replace him as the train's overseer, while in the tail, Wilford's henchmen execute 74% of the inhabitants.
Meanwhile, Yona and the recovered Namgoong fight off the irate partiers and Franco (who survived the previous fight). Yona knocks Claude unconscious, gets inside the engine room and pulls up the floor to reveal that Wilford is using the tail children as slave labor, to replace the train's failing components. Outraged, Curtis sacrifices his arm to block the train gears, freeing one of the children, Timmy. Yona recovers the explosive from Claude and ignites it, before retreating into the engine with Namgoong. The damaged engine door fails to close, and Namgoong and Curtis sacrifice themselves to shield Yona and Timmy from the resulting explosive fire. The explosion sound wave causes an avalanche in the surrounding mountains that strikes and derails the train, destroying many of the cars. In the aftermath, Yona and Timmy step outside into the snow. In the distance Yona spots a polar bear, revealing that life exists outside the train.
Since its South Korean opening, the film has earned US$86.7 million worldwide.[169] As of April 2014, it is the tenth highest-grossing domestic film in South Korea with 9,350,141 admissions.[170] The film holds the domestic record for the fastest movie (domestic and foreign) to reach four million admissions, which it achieved in its fifth day after premiere, and another record for the highest weekend figure (from Friday to Sunday) for a Korean film, with 2.26 million viewers.[171] The film took in a total of $171,187 on its US opening weekend, averaging $21,398 per theater.[172] The film grossed US$59,802,711 in South Korea and its largest international market was China, with $11,100,000
James Rocchi of Film.com wrote that, "If the film has one element that never flags or falters, it's Evans." [184]
Scott Foundas of Variety wrote, "An enormously ambitious, visually stunning and richly satisfying futuristic epic from the gifted Korean genre director Bong Joon-ho." Foundas added that Beltrami』s original score was "among the generally impeccable craft contributions [to the film]."

Ⅱ 《雪國列車》深層解析是什麼



降溫之後,世界進入了冰河期,生物消失殆盡。這段只是用字幕帶過,畫面里,被凍住的汽車里,一個吊墜的特寫鏡頭,吊墜上寫:「save the plant」。然後是另一段文字的背景介紹——最後的倖存者在列車里。







Ⅲ 《雪國列車》這部電影講的是什麼,有什麼深意




Ⅳ 《雪國列車》 深層解析是什麼






鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1NjF1rR5YNpEY6wf9ZgMUAA


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Ⅳ 末日來臨,冰天雪地之中只有一列永不停止的列車,雪國列車好看嗎



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