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1. 演員、電影、角色用英語怎麼寫



2. 急!~用英語講一個電影角色

這個是電影becomes jane的一個人物 Jane Austen的介紹和描述 你可以截取一部分 但是還是都用上好 比較連貫
Jane is engaged to a wealthy gentleman Wisley, who she don』t love. Her feelings in her essaies. She stands there, reading her essaies. Eyes on her, people around the room is smiling. The scene is so warm and impressive. Talented as she is, she is very attractive. Tom is listening, and then falls asleep.

The two falls in love with each other, in spite of their great differences.

However, Jane』s family don』t agree their marriage, for Tom is not a wealthy gentleman that they want. Now they are facing choice. For love, Jane rejected the marriage with Wisley, and went to Tom』s home to get his uncle』s areement towards their marriage, but failed.They decide to run away, to follow their own dreams and their own happiness. But this time, Jane gives up. She knows that Tom』s family do need him and his incomes. She leaves, without a word.

Which moved me the most is their love, and Jane』s golden heart, and the choices she made.

She chose to be Jane.

We are facing choices alltime, and we must make decisions.

Chose to live a life without regrets.

3. 影視劇中的各種角色用英語怎麼說

1.cross-gender acting

你猜對了,意思是「反串」。舉個栗子哈,新白娘子傳奇里的許仙扮演者是葉童,地地道道的美女子一名,在劇中演許官人,她的表演便是cross-gender acting啦!


Shakespare plays were well known for cross-gender acting.


2.lead 主演

男主角leading actor, 女主角leading actress,或者直接說lead一是是主演。

He is the lead.他是主角。

3. supporting actor/ actress 配角

4.bit part/extra

大家猜猜是啥演員?bit是一點點的意思,bit part一小小小小部分,extra意思是額外的,附加的,哈哈,對,這倆單詞表示龍套演員,臨時演員。

Extras aren't always professional actors.They usually get no lines(線,行,這里指台詞)at all.

5. guest stars/cameo


A cameo appearance is a short appearance(出現) in a TV show or movie by someone famous.

6. stuntman 特技演員

   stunt double 特技替身

Stuntmen or stunt doubles usually appear in action movies(動作片).


4. 跪求一段英文對話,15句左右,主題是我最喜愛的電影角色

A: Hi, come on! 嗨,快過來!
B:what? 什麼事?
A: Listen to this music.聽聽這首歌
B: Wow!
A: How do you like the rock concert?你認為這次的搖滾音樂會如何?
B: I thought it was great! Madonn is my favorite rock star. 我認為棒極了!麥當娜是我最喜歡的 明星。
A: Oh, yes, her costumes are so unique and she performs with so much energy. 她的服裝真獨 特,而且表演充滿活力。
B: What about her songs? They're so upbeat and easy to dance to.她的歌呢?她唱的歌很輕快 而且容易合著節拍跳。
A: But I can't understand a single word she sings. 但是我一個字也聽不清她在唱什麼。
B: That's funny. Neither can I.真好笑。我也是。

SHARON: Did you see the new Nicolas Cage movie?DEREK: Which one?SHARON: "Snake Eyes". I just saw it last night with my friend Sarah.DEREK: No, I haven't seen it yet. But I saw "Con Air". I thought that was good.SHARON: I think Nicolas Cage is great.DEREK: Really? Why? He isn't very handsome.SHARON: No, but he's got character. He can act with a lot of depth.DEREK: It's interesting you like him so much. Usually I think women don't like him. They like more handsome actors.SHARON: That's not always true. But I like some very handsome actors. Like Alec Baldwin. But I don't like an actor just because he is handsome.DEREK: Do you like Keanu Reeves?SHARON: No, not at all.DEREK: Why not?SHARON: I just think he is a bad person. He seems very arrogant.DEREK: Maybe it's the characters he plays. Maybe in real life he's a good guy.SHARON: No, I think an actor often plays characters that match his real personality. They are naturally better at such characters. And I can sense something about Keanu Reeves. I don't like it. He seems like a jerk.DEREK: Hmm. Maybe. So who is your favorite then?SHARON: Nicolas Cage.DEREK: I used to like Nicolas Cage more than I do now. He used to play more interesting roles.SHARON: What do you mean? What movies?DEREK: Oh, my favorite Nicolas Cage movie was Wild at Heart. He was perfect for that role.SHARON: I saw "Wild at Heart". It was disgusting. I almost couldn't watch it. DEREK: It was a kind of movie that they call black humor. SHARON: Yes, I know. Black humor is humor with a lot of violence or horrible things in it. I don't like black humor.DEREK: What about "Raising Arizona"? Did you see that?SHARON: No.DEREK: You must see it. To me, that is the classic Nicolas Cage movie. He is perfect for it.SHARON: I like his new movies.DEREK: Well, I know he is more popular since he started doing action movies. But I always think he should be a comic actor. That is what he does best.

雪倫:你看過尼可拉斯·凱吉的新電影嗎?狄瑞克:哪一部?雪倫:《蛇眼》。昨晚我和我的朋友莎拉去看了。狄瑞克:我還沒去看,不過我看過《空中監獄》,覺得不錯。雪倫:我覺得尼可拉斯·凱吉很棒。狄瑞克:真的啊?為什麼?他又不是很帥。雪倫:不過他很有個性,演得很有深度。狄瑞克:你這么喜歡他,實在是太有趣了。 我覺得通常女生不喜歡他,他們喜歡帥的男演員。雪倫:不全是如此。雪倫:不全是如此。我也喜歡一些非常帥的演員,像是亞歷·鮑德溫。 不過我不會只是因為一個男演員帥就喜歡他。狄瑞克:你喜歡基努·李維斯嗎?雪倫:一點都不喜歡。狄瑞克:為什麼?雪倫:我覺得他是個壞人,他看上去很自大。狄瑞克:那也許是戲中人物的個性吧,現實生活中的他可能是個好人。雪倫:不,我認為演員演的角色常常和他本人的個性應該差不多。 這樣演起來比較像。 從基努·李維斯飾演的角色里我能感覺到一些我不喜歡的東西,他看起來像痞子。狄瑞克:唔,也許吧。那麼你最喜歡的演員是誰?雪倫:尼可拉斯·凱吉。狄瑞克:我以前比現在更喜歡尼可拉斯·凱吉。他以前演的角色都比較有趣。雪倫:怎麼說呢?哪部電影?狄瑞克:噢,我最喜歡的尼可拉斯·凱吉的電影,就是那部《我心狂野》。他演得太棒了。雪倫:我看過《我心狂野》,好惡心喔,我幾乎看不下去。狄瑞克:那是他們所說的黑色幽默。雪倫:是的,我知道。黑色幽默就是充滿暴力與恐怖。我不喜歡黑色幽默。狄瑞克:那麼《撫養亞歷桑納》呢?你看過嗎?雪倫:沒有。狄瑞克:你一定要看。我覺得那是尼可拉斯·凱吉的經典之作,他演得很棒。雪倫:我喜歡他的新電影。狄瑞克:唔,我知道自從他開始拍動作片後就更受歡迎了。但我總認為他應該演喜劇片,那是他最擅長的角色。

5. 「角色」用英文怎麼說




n. 性格,品質;特性;角色;[計] 字元

vt. 印,刻;使具有特徵

n. (Character)人名;(英)克拉克特


chinese character漢字

moral character品德

main character主要人物;主要角色

indivial character個性;單字

character recognition[計]字元識別


The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself.




n. 角色;任務

n. (Role)人名;(意、塞、赤幾)羅萊


role playing角色扮演 ; 角色扮演法 ; 職能演習 ; 角色表演

role model行為榜樣 ;[社科]角色模型 ; 榜樣 ; 模範

role stereotype角色模型 ; 性角色刻板印象

role set[社科]角色叢 ; 角色定向 ; 角色集 ; 角色組

Influential role重要作用


She has just landed the lead role in their latest proction.






n. 鑄造;鑄件;角色分配

v. 鑄造;投擲;選派演員;扔掉(cast的ing形式)


casting stress鑄造應力 ; 鑄件應力 ; 鍛造應力 ;[機]澆鑄應力

casting paper澆鑄紙 ; 塑料薄膜用澆鑄紙 ; 鋁襯紙

aluminum casting鋁鑄件 ; 鑄鋁 ; 鋁合金錶面氧化 ; 鋁模鑄造

casting vote決定票 ; 主席決定性一票 ; 決定性一票 ; 決定性的一票

casting time澆鑄時間 ; 施法時間 ; 澆注時間 ; 翻譯


What ifcinematicclassicslikeThe Godfather werecastingright now, forthe firsttime–in2010?


6. 英語作文寫一篇十次左右的文章成三個方面描寫你喜歡的電影和電視角色

Movies can satisfy most people's creation need and serve as meanful approach for learning more about the society.For instance,they can introce other culture by bringing movies into one country.Nowadays,movies play an important role in transmitting culture.The influnce of Hollywood is widespread all over the world.
Movies are usually proced by professional company and actors or actresses.Most of movies reflect certain culture or try to introce certain idea.

7. 你最喜歡這部電影里的哪個角色翻譯成英文

Which role do you like best in this film?
/Which role is your favourite in this film?

8. 請用英語描述你喜歡的電影或電視劇明星。(不要太長)

There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life .
Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot.
He lost the touch with his family since then.His two pals helped him to lead a new life .
His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him by accident .She persuadee him to come back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advisebut then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkey
He returned and he got to know it's his uncle who ended his father'life .He fought against him and he won at last .
He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is lion of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!

English Name : Audrey Hepburn
Born : March 4, 1929
Died : January 24, 1993, died of colon cancer in Switzerland
Place of birth : Brussels, Belgium.
British family : her father was a wealthy banker and his mother was a Dutch Baroness
Standing : Over seven inches (174 centimeters)
Weight : 110 pounds (50 kg)
Hair color : brown

Hobbies : Ballet
Favorite colors : white
Switzerland's most memorable scenes : Snow
The most unforgettable thing : Oscar Award
參考資料:《世紀之美——AUDREY HEPBURN》一書

Tom Hanks Tom Hank July 1956 9 sunrise in California, by the end of September was launched rescue Rennes common soldiers 』and many officials for a classic such as : the Seattle Yeweimian』, the weaker 』:, which are starring Tom Hank. A sense of a happy face with vivid imagery technique, a born comic Tom Hank cell in his high school student in California Auckland Sky-line elected as a high grade on the boys Ban'm king 』. So Tom Hank mostly in the early comedy direction, when parents divorce five years, he ran around as cooks father, he began to show enchanted University, then dropped out of school in the performing arts circle. 1984 Mermaid -- he is a fore, four years after he had to fly into the future as a result of his live-in the night of the boys grow up, Oscar nominated for the first time. In addition to comedy, he also tried to maturity serious role in the Little League of the Seattle Yeweimian -- are many gains. 1993 -- Philadelphia -- Chinese homosexual corner, more so that he was Oscar Best Actor Award. 1994 -- China is playing an IQ seems only to the legendary figures of 75, is another excellent performance, but will push the film's hot unprecedented record, and only recently launched a rescue Rennes common soldiers -- more than his previous performance style. Tom Hankesi childhood was spent in the "mobile" to pass, in his parents divorced when five, young cooks Hankesi With so much father everywhere, constantly changing location is not the most let him headaches matter, the more trouble from time to efforts to adapt to a new school, religious or stepmother. Fortunately, this stray career ultimate Auckland City in California ended. Hankesi performing career from high school drama performances, the University after graation he began performing input all body and mind cause. 1978, in New York have a Hankesi work, and serving as procer and actress Samantha Lewes marriage, but that marriage did not last long. 1979, Hankesi first time in a low-cost film "He knows you lonely," role-playing, the film screened in 1980, the generation Oscar winning career has taken a step forward. Soon, Hankesi moved to Los starring TV series and the "little red uniforms." He also participated in several other television drama performances, such as "Taxi" and "Family Ties" and the more famous one is the "lost and monsters." 1984 Hankesi perform in the proct proced by the Disney company "Mermaid" success, he embarked on the road of fame, but then the situation is not so optimistic. A series of failures did not make him retreat, 1988, Hankesi Lingxianzhuyan great success "into the future", including Oscar was one fell swoop, Goal, colleges, the New York film critics, the Best Actor Award nominated four awards. He then in 1990, 1992 and 1993 respectively starring the film "illusory bonfire", "years" and "Seattle Yeweimian blazing sun," has given rise to a series of sensational. 1993, another film "The Philadelphia Story" to the career Hankesi onto the first peak, and this year was the 66-second Oscar for Best Actor Award. Display the Hankesi in 1994 ushered in an unprecedented honor, because in the movie "Forrest" successful dection, Hankesi again won the Best Actor Oscar Awards Block, and become the first ever two consecutive actor was Oscar Best Actor Award. Winning the prize has thus established a firm basis on his head. 1996, Hankesi began to get involved in new areas, this year he self generated, since the introction, the film since his "can not stop the miracle" fully demonstrated his versatile side. 1999, the famous film director Sipierboge directed by the "Save the common soldiers sincerely" to Hankesi brought new glory -- 71-second Oscar nominated Best Actor Award, allows people to see a range of increasingly mature actor image. 1989, Hankesi cooperation with the film "volunteers" of a married actress Rita Wilson. So far, he has had four sons, of whom Boss Colin Hanks has grown, quite means glamour image, family life very happy

簡 介
Tom Hanks 湯姆漢克 1956年7月9日出生於美國加州,九月底才推出的『搶救雷恩大兵』及許多紅極一時的經典之作如:『西雅圖夜未眠』、『阿甘正傳』…等,均為湯姆漢克所主演。
一張具喜感的臉加上逗趣生動的演技,湯姆漢克具天生的喜劇細胞,在他就讀加州奧克蘭的Sky-line高中的高年級時就當選過『男生班搞怪大王』。所以早期湯姆漢克也多朝喜劇方向發展,5歲時父母離異,他隨著廚師父親各處跑, 念大學時開始對演戲入迷, 繼而輟學投入演藝圈。
1984年他以【美人魚】一片嶄露頭角, 四年後他因演活了【飛進未來】中一夜長大的男孩, 首度入圍奧斯卡.除喜劇外, 他亦嘗試成熟嚴肅角色, 【紅粉聯盟】□【西雅圖夜未眠 】都多有斬獲.1993年【費城】中同性戀一角, 更使他獲得奧斯卡最佳 男主角獎.1994年【阿甘正傳】中飾演一位智商只有75的傳奇人物, 又是另一出色表現, 更將該片賣座推向空前的記錄,而日前才推出的【搶救雷恩大兵】,更有別於他以往的演出風格。


漢克斯的表演生涯是從高中的戲劇表演開始,大學結業後他開始全身心的投入表演事業。1978年,漢克斯在紐約得到一份工作,並和女演員兼製片人Samantha Lewes結婚,但這段婚姻沒有維持很久。


不久,漢克斯搬到洛衫磯並主演電視連續劇《紅妝小子》。他還參加其他一些電視劇的演出,比如「Taxi」、「Family Ties」,比較有名的一部是《迷宮與怪獸》。




1989年,漢克斯與在電影《志願者》合作過的女演員Rita Wilson 結婚。到目前為止,他已經擁有了四個兒子,其中老大Colin Hanks已長大成人,形象頗有乃父風采,一家人生活非常幸福。


Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. Her father was an entertainer and although not one of the big names, he was doing very well. Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice. While they were by no means[1] rich, the music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortabl
e living.

Unfortunately happy life didn't last long. Father's alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally it ended in divorce, but Hannah was indomitable[2]. Without her, Charlie Chaplin would have become just one more child lost in the poverty of Victorian London. Somehow she not only managed to keep Charlie and his brother Syney clean and warm, clothed and fed but she conjured[3] little treats for them. She would sit at the window watching the passersby and guess at their characters from the way they looked and behaved, spinning tales to delight Charlie and Syney. Charlie took in her skills and went on using them all his life.

Charlie had always believed, even in the worst times, that had something special locked away inside him. He took his courage and went to see one of the top theatrical agents. With no experience at all, he was being offered the plum part[4] of Billy-- the pageboy in a new proction of "Sherlock Holmes". "Sherlock Holmes" opened on July 27, 1903 at the enormous "Pavilion Theatre" Charlie seemed to change overnight. It was as if he had found the thing he was meant to do.

It was, by now, 1908, Charlie was nineteen and he fell in love. Hetty Kelly was only fifteen. But her parents quashed[5] the the romance before it really begun-- but the memory of pretty Hetty stayed with Charlie all his life.

In 1910, when Karno set off on his yearly American tour, "One of the best pantomime[6] artists ever seen here." They had reached Philadelphia when a telegram arrived and he was being offered the chance to replace a star in the Keystone film company.

Cinema was born in the same year as Charlie thought people still believed it was a passing fad, and would never replace live shows. He was kept hanging about[7] for several weeks and he used the time to watch and to learn. He was determined to master this new medium. It offered him the chance of money and success -- and it would set him free from the unpredictability of live audience.

Charlie's first film, released in February 1914, was called "Making a living". Though it didn't satisfy Charlie, the public liked it. After that he had made ten films and he had learned a lot. The public loved him and distributors were demanding more and more Chaplin films. In an incredibly short time, Charlie had become a very important man in motion picture...








1914年2月,查理主演的處女片上映,影片取名《謀生》 盡管此片由於導演的無能而令查理大失所望,但觀眾還是喜愛這部片子的。之後他又拍了幾部片,增長了不少學識。公眾喜愛他,並且電影銷售商索要越來越多的卓別林的片子,在極短的時間內,他成了電影界的重要人物

9. 影片中角色英語怎麼說

影片音質畫面效果 , Graphics & Sound effect
影片中角色: character
影片中的情節曲折度 : plot twists

10. 英語作文:描述小說或電影中你最喜歡的一個人物並談談你對該人物的看法通過相

a few years ago, my family had only one small room. it was very hard for three people to live in the same room. now we have moved into a new flat with one living room and two bedrooms. i'm very happy. i can do my homework quietly in my own room when my parents do the housework or other things. i like my family.

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