當前位置:首頁 » 英文電影 » 這部電影有成龍主演英文


發布時間: 2023-02-10 16:51:47

1. 成龍拍攝的所有電影及其英文名

曾經作為: 演員 編劇 導演
1.Kung Fu Panda AS …… Master Monkey (voice) (2008)
2.《尖峰時刻3》Rush Hour 3 AS …… Chief Inspector Lee (2006)
3.90 Mins (2006)
4.《神話》The Myth AS …… 傑克/蒙毅將軍 (2006)
5.2006 Asian Excellence Awards AS …… Presenter (2006)
6.《寶貝計劃》Rob-B-Hood AS …… Fong Ka Ho (2006)
7.《中國電影華表獎》China Movie Awards AS …… Himself (2005)
8.《拳霸2》Tom yum goong AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2005)
9.TV total Episode dated 10 October 2005 AS …… Himself (2005)
10.《新警察故事》San ging chaat goo si AS …… Insp. Wing (2004)
11.《千機變II花都大戰》Fa dou daai jin AS …… Lord of Armour (2004)
12.《環游世界八十天》Around the World in 80 Days AS …… Passepartout/Lau Xing (2004)
13.《電影香江三部曲/電影香江:功夫世家/電影香江:刀光劍影/電影香江:儷影傾情》Chop Socky: Cinema Hong Kong AS …… Himself (2004)
14.《大佬愛美麗》Daai lo oi mei lai AS …… Cameo (2004)
15.Jackie Chan: The Inside Story AS …… Himself (also archive footage) (2004)
16.Joe's Last Chance AS …… Friendly (2004)
17.《龍的深處:失落的拼圖》Traces of a Dragon: Jackie Chan & His Lost Family AS …… Himself (2003)
18.《千機變》Chin gei bin AS …… Jackie (2003)
19.《上海武士》Shanghai Knights AS …… Chon Wang (2003)
20.《飛龍再生》The Medallion AS …… Eddie Yang (2003)
21.《世界小姐2003》Miss World 2003 AS …… Judging Panelist (2003)
22.《功夫片歲月》The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture AS …… Himself - Interviewee (2003)
23.The 100 Greatest Movie Stars AS …… Himself (2003)
24.Brit Awards 2003 AS …… Presenter (2003)
25.《燕尾服》The Tuxedo AS …… Jimmy Tong (2002)
26.《金瓶雙艷》Jin ping shuang yan (2002)
27.《蛇形刁手》She xing diao shou AS …… Chien Fu (2002)
28.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2002)
29.《電影終結之戰》Ultimate Fights from the Movies AS …… Wong Fei-Hung (archive footage) (2002)
30.Heroes of Black Comedy AS …… (archive footage) (2002)
31.Mad TV Episode #8.3 AS …… Himself (2002)
32.《特務迷城》Dak miu mai shing AS …… Buck Yuen (2001)
33.《尖峰時刻2》Rush Hour 2 AS …… Chief Inspector Lee (2001)
34.Making Magic Out of Mire AS …… Himself (2001)
35.2001 MTV Movie Awards AS …… Himself - Presenter (2001)
36.Hong Kong Superstars AS …… Himself (2001)
37.《藝術人生》Yi shu ren sheng AS …… Himself (2001)
38.The Big Breakfast Episode dated 2 August 2001 AS …… Himself (2001)
39.2001 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2001)
40.《成龍動畫歷險記》"Jackie Chan Adventures" AS …… Himself (live-action epilogue) (2000)
41.《李小龍:勇士的旅程》Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey AS …… (archive footage) (2000)
42.《上海正午》Shanghai Noon AS …… Chon Wang (2000)
43.《2000年MTV電影頒獎典禮》2000 MTV Movie Awards AS …… Himself (2000)
44.International Indian Film Awards AS …… Himself (2000)
45.2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards AS …… Himself (2000)
46.《特警新人類》Tejing xinrenlei AS …… Poor Fisherman (1999)
47.《喜劇之王》Hei kek ji wong AS …… Famous Movie Star (1999)
48.A Piece of the Action: Behind the Scenes of 'Rush Hour' AS …… Himself (1999)
49.《尖峰時刻》Rush Hour AS …… Chief Inspector Lee (1998)
50.The Art of Influence AS …… Himself (1998)
51.Masters of the Martial Arts Presented by Wesley Snipes AS …… Himself (1998)
52.The Path of the Dragon AS …… Himself (1998)
53.《一個好人》Yatgo ho yan AS …… Jackie (1997)
54.《雙龍會》Shuang long hui AS …… Ma Yau/Die Hard (John Ma/Boomer in US version) (1997)
55.《雙龍一虎闖天關》An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn AS …… Himself (1997)
56.The Making of Jackie Chan's 'Mr. Nice Guy' AS …… Himself (1997)
57.《超級計劃》Chao ji ji hua AS …… Inspector Chan (1996)
58.《警察故事IV:簡單任務》Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu AS …… Chan Ka Kui (1996)
59.《金裝武術電影大全》The Best of the Martial Arts Films (1996)
60.The 68th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Short Subjects Awards (1996)
61.Top Fighter 2 AS …… (archive footage) (1996)
62.Biography Jackie Chan: From Stuntman to Superstar AS …… Himself (1996)
63.《紅番區》Hong faan kui AS …… Keung (1995)
64.《顛峰鬥士》Top Fighter (1995)
65.Eastern Heroes: The Video Magazine (1995)
66.《警察故事III超級警察》Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha AS …… Chan Ka Kui (1994)
67.Cinema of Vengeance (1994)
68.《城市獵人》Cheng shi lie ren AS …… Ry? Saeba (1993)
69.The Life of Bruce Lee AS …… Himself (1993)
70.《西藏小子》Xi Zang xiao zi AS …… Cameo appearance (1992)
71.Bruce Lee and Kung Fu Mania AS …… (archive footage) (1992)
72.《初到貴境》Chu gui jing AS …… Inspector (uncredited) (1990)
73.《火燒島》Huo shao AS …… Lung/Steve (1990)
74."The Probe Team" AS …… Himself (1989)
75.《今夜不設防》"Jin ye bu she fang" AS …… Guest (1989)
76.《飛龍猛將》Fei lung maang jeung AS …… Jackie Lung (1988)
77.《火龍》Foh lung AS …… Footage from 'Mai nei dak gung i' (1984) (archive footage) (1986)
78.Ninja the Protector (1986)
79.《扭計雜牌軍》Nui ji za pai jun AS …… Prisoner (1986)
80.《龍的心》Long de xin AS …… Ted/Tat Fung (1985)
81.《忍者神偷》Ninja Thunderbolt (1985)
82.《炮彈飛車2》Cannonball Run II AS …… Jackie Chan, Mitsubishi Engineer (1984)
83.Two in a Black Belt (1984)
84.《快餐車》Kwai tsan tseh AS …… Thomas (1984)
85.《迷你特攻隊》Mai nei dak gung i AS …… Sammy (1984)
86.《神勇雙響炮》Shen yong shuang xiang pao AS …… Motorcycle Cop #2 (1984)
87.《奇謀妙計五福星》Wu fu xing AS …… CID 07 (1983)
88.Iga ninpoucho (1982)
89.《炮彈飛車》The Cannonball Run AS …… Jackie Chan, Mitsubishi Driver (1981)
90.《殺手壕》The Big Brawl AS …… Jerry Kwan (1980)
91.《笑拳怪招》Fearless Master AS …… Jackie (1980)
92.《龍拳》Long quan AS …… Tang How-Yuen (1979)
93.《拳精》Quan jing AS …… Yi-Lang (1978)
94.《醉拳》Jui kuen AS …… Wong Fei-Hung (as Jacky Chan) (1978)
95.《飛渡卷雲山》Fei juan yun shan AS …… Lord Ting Chung (1978)
96.《蛇鶴八步》She hao ba bu AS …… Hsu Yin-Fung (1978)
97.《劍花煙雨江南》Jian hua yan yu jiang nan AS …… Cao Lei (as Chen Lung) (1977)
98.《李小龍傳奇》Bruce Lee, the Legend AS …… Himself (re-release only) (1977)
99.《少林門》Shao Lin men AS …… Tan Feng (as Chan Yuan Lung) (1976)
100.《少林木人巷》Shao Lin mu ren xiang (1976)
101.《新精武門》Xin ching-wu men AS …… A Lung (as Chen Lung) (1976)
102.《風雨雙流星》Feng yu shuang liu xing AS …… Wa Wu-Bin/Tiger (1976)
103.Mi zong sheng shou (1975)
104.《花飛滿城春》Hua fei man cheng chun (1975)
105.Pai an jing ji (1975)
106.《鐵娃》Tie wa (1974)
107.《四王一後》Crash che botte! AS …… Stuntman (1974)
108.Blood Fingers (1974)
109.《香港過客》Guang dong xiao lao hu AS …… Jackie Chan (as Chan Yuan Lung) (1974)
110.《女警察》Police Woman (1974)
111.《龍爭虎鬥》Enter the Dragon AS …… Uncredited Extra (uncredited) (1973)
112. Hapkido (1973)
113.《小老虎》Xiao lao hu AS …… Himself (1973)
114.《頂天立地》Ding tian li di AS …… Si To (1973)
115.Fists of the Double K (1973)
116.《北地胭脂》Bei di yan AS …… Bit Part (uncredited) (1973)
117.《精武門》Jing wu men AS …… Extra/Jing Wu student (uncredited) (1972)
118.Qi lin zhang AS …… (uncredited) (1972)
119.《秦香蓮》Qin Xiang Lian (1964)
120.Qin Xiang Lian (1964)
121.《大小黃天霸》Big and Little Wong Tin Bar AS …… Kid (1962)
122.Culture Clash: West Meets East (2001) AS …… Himself
123.Jackie Chan Adventures (2001) AS …… Himself
124.Jackie Chan's Hong Kong Tour (2001) AS …… Narrator (voice)
125.Language Barrier (2001) AS …… Himself
126.Kung Fu Choreography (2001) AS …… Himself
127.Attaining International Stardom (2001) AS …… Himself
128.Jackie Chan: Fast, Funny and Furious (2002) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
129.Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (2000) AS …… Himself (voice)
130.Tigres et dragons, les arts martiaux au cinéma AS …… Himself
1.《寶貝計劃》Rob-B-Hood (2006)
2.《玻璃樽》Bor lei jun AS …… written by (1999)
3.《點只功夫咁簡單》Dian gong fu gan chian chan AS …… uncredited (1980)
1.《龍騰虎躍》Long teng hu yue (2002)
2.《醉拳2》Jui kuen II (2000)
3.《成龍:我的特技》Jackie Chan: My Stunts (1999)
4.《我是誰》Ngo si sui (1998)
5.《成龍的傳奇》Jackie Chan: My Story (1998)
6.《飛鷹計劃》Fei ying gai wak (1991)
7.《奇跡》Qiji (1989)
8.《神勇飛虎霸王花》Shen yong fei hu ba wang hua (1989)
9.《A計劃續集》'A' gai waak juk jaap (1988)
10.《警察故事續集》Ging chaat goo si juk jaap (1988)
11.《霸王花》Ba wong fa (1988)
12.The Brothers (1987)
13.《警察故事》Ging chaat goo si (1986)
14.《威龍猛探》The Protector (1985)
15.《A計劃》'A' gai waak (1983)
16.《師弟出馬》Shi di chu ma (1980)
17.《笑拳怪招》Hsiao chuan yi chao (1979)
18.《三十六迷形拳》San shi liu mi xing quan (1977)

2. 成龍所有電影英文名稱


3. 英語表達:成龍在這部電影里飾演一個重要角色

Jackie Chan was the lead actor in the movie.
Jackie Chan played a key role in the movie.

4. 最近我看了一部由成龍主演的喜劇電影怎麼翻譯


5. 這部電影的主角是成龍和張一山 的英語怎麼寫

The movie casts Jackie Chan and YiShan Zhang.

6. 成龍主演電影英語有哪些

1980 殺手壕
1982 炮彈飛車 客串
1983 炮彈飛車2 客串
1985 威龍猛探 票房不佳,成龍甚至想放棄電影生涯
1986 龍兄虎弟 不錯
1991 飛鷹計劃 不錯
1992 城市獵人 部分英語
1994 醉拳二 部分英語
1995 霹靂火 大部分英語
1995 紅番區 不錯
1996 警察故事4 大部分英語
1997 一個好人
1998 火拚時速
1999 我是誰
2000 上海正午
2001 火拚時速2
2001 特務迷城 部分英語
2002 燕尾服
2003 飛龍再生
2003 上海正午2
2004 80天環游世界
2007 火拚時速3
2008 功夫之王 大部分英語
2010 鄰家特工
2010 功夫夢

7. 用英語介紹成龍主演電影

rush hour 《尖峰時刻》
police story 《警察故事》
drunken master 《醉拳》
who im i 《我是誰》
the protector 《威龍猛探》
heart of dragon 《龍的心》
thunderbolt 《霹靂火》
around the world in 80 days 《80天環游世界》
city hunter 《城市獵人》
project a 《a計劃》
operation codor 《飛鷹計劃》
new police story 《新警察故事》
rob b hood 《寶貝計劃》

8. 主演是成龍的英文翻譯

Starring Jackie Chan

9. 成龍主演電影 要英文名

到目前為止,JACKIE CHAN(成龍)參與的電影:
《功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda 》 (2008) ...Master Monkey (voice)
《功夫之王/雙J計劃 The Forbidden Kingdom 》 (2008) ...Lu Yan
《 Joe's Last Chance 》 (2008) ...Friendly
《 The Wind 》 (2007) ...co-procer
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...action director
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...executive procer
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...Fong Ka Ho
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...stunt coordinator
《 2006 Asian Excellence Awards 》 (2006) ...Presenter
《 90 Mins 》 (2006) ...
《尖峰時刻3 Rush Hour 3 》 (2005) ...Chief Inspector Lee
《神話 San wa 》 (2005) ...Jack/General Meng-yi
《神話 San wa 》 (2005) ...executive procer
《神話 San wa 》 (2005) ...stunt director
《精武家庭 Jing mo gaa ting 》 (2005) ...executive procer
《長恨歌 Changhen ge 》 (2005) ...chief procer
《 The 11th China Movie Awards 》 (2005) ...Himself
《海南雞飯 Hainan ji fan 》 (2004) ...executive procer
《新警察故事 San ging chaat goo si 》 (2004) ...Senior Insp. Chan Kwok-Wing
《新警察故事 San ging chaat goo si 》 (2004) ...stunt director
《新警察故事 San ging chaat goo si 》 (2004) ...executive procer
《千機變2/千機變II/千機變II花都大戰 Fa dou daai jin 》 (2004) ...Lord of Armour
《環游地球80天/80日環游世界 Around the World in 80 Days 》 (2004) ...executive procer
《環游地球80天/80日環游世界 Around the World in 80 Days 》 (2004) ...stunt choreography (uncredited)
《環游地球80天/80日環游世界 Around the World in 80 Days 》 (2004) ...fight choreographer
《環游地球80天/80日環游世界 Around the World in 80 Days 》 (2004) ...Passepartout/Lau Xing
《大佬愛美麗 Daai lo oi mei lai 》 (2004) ...Client of Julie (Cameo)
《大佬愛美麗 Daai lo oi mei lai 》 (2004) ...executive procer
《 Jackie Chan: The Inside Story 》 (2004) ...Himself (also archive footage)
《電影香江三部曲/電影香江:功夫世家/電影香江:刀光劍影/電影香江:儷影傾情 Cinema Hong Kong: Kung Fu 》 (2003) ...Himself
《飛龍再生 The Medallion 》 (2003) ...executive procer
《飛龍再生 The Medallion 》 (2003) ...Eddie Yang
《千機變 Chin gei bin 》 (2003) ...Jackie
《上海騎士/上海正午2/贖金風暴2/上海武士/龍旋風2 Shanghai Knights 》 (2003) ...action choreographer
《上海騎士/上海正午2/贖金風暴2/上海武士/龍旋風2 Shanghai Knights 》 (2003) ...Chon Wang
《上海騎士/上海正午2/贖金風暴2/上海武士/龍旋風2 Shanghai Knights 》 (2003) ...executive procer
《龍的深處:失落的拼圖 Traces of a Dragon: Jackie Chan & His Lost Family 》 (2003) ...Himself
《 Miss World 2003 》 (2003) ...Judging Panelist
《100位最偉大的電影明星 The 100 Greatest Movie Stars 》 (2003) ...Himself
《 Brit Awards 2003 》 (2003) ...Presenter
《燕尾服 The Tuxedo 》 (2002) ...Jimmy Tong
《電影終結之戰 Ultimate Fights from the Movies 》 (2002) ...Wong Fei-Hung (archive footage)
《 "Heroes of Black Comedy" 》 (2002) ...(archive footage)
《 2002 ABC World Stunt Awards 》 (2002) ...Himself
《功夫片歲月 The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture 》 (2002) ...Himself - Interviewee
《尖峰時刻2 Rush Hour 2 》 (2001) ...Chief Inspector Lee
《特務迷城 Dak miu mai shing 》 (2001) ...procer
《特務迷城 Dak miu mai shing 》 (2001) ...stunt coordinator
《特務迷城 Dak miu mai shing 》 (2001) ...Buck Yuen
《 2001 MTV Movie Awards 》 (2001) ...Himself - Presenter
《 Making Magic Out of Mire 》 (2001) ...special thanks
《 Language Barrier 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Jackie Chan Adventures 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Culture Clash: West Meets East 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Kung Fu Choreography 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Making Magic Out of Mire 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Jackie Chan's Hong Kong Tour 》 (2001) ...Narrator (voice)
《 Hong Kong Superstars 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Attaining International Stardom 》 (2001) ...Himself
《李小龍:勇士的旅程/死亡游戲之旅 Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey 》 (2000) ...(archive footage)
《上海正午/贖金之王/龍旋風 Shanghai Noon 》 (2000) ...stunts (uncredited)
《上海正午/贖金之王/龍旋風 Shanghai Noon 》 (2000) ...Chon Wang
《上海正午/贖金之王/龍旋風 Shanghai Noon 》 (2000) ...executive procer
《特警新人類2:機動任務 Tejing xinrenlei 2 》 (2000) ...presenter
《2000年MTV電影頒獎典禮 2000 MTV Movie Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself
《 International Indian Film Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself
《 Jackie Chan Stuntmaster 》 (2000) ...stunts
《龍火 Lung feng 》 (2000) ...Himself (uncredited)
《 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself
《 "Jackie Chan Adventures" 》 (2000) ...Himself (66 episodes, 2000-2005)
《 Jackie Chan Stuntmaster 》 (2000) ...Himself (voice)
《成龍:我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts 》 (1999) ...Himself
《成龍:我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts 》 (1999) ...procer
《成龍:我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts 》 (1999) ...
《特警新人類 Tejing xinrenlei 》 (1999) ...presenter
《特警新人類 Tejing xinrenlei 》 (1999) ...Poor Fisherman
《特警新人類 Tejing xinrenlei 》 (1999) ...executive procer
《喜劇之王 Hei kek ji wong 》 (1999) ...Famous Movie Star
《玻璃樽 Bor lei jun 》 (1999) ...written by
《玻璃樽 Bor lei jun 》 (1999) ...procer
《玻璃樽 Bor lei jun 》 (1999) ...C.N. Chan
《玻璃樽 Bor lei jun 》 (1999) ...action choreographer
《 A Piece of the Action: Behind the Scenes of 'Rush Hour' 》 (1999) ...Himself
《尖峰時刻 Rush Hour 》 (1998) ...stunt coordinator
《尖峰時刻 Rush Hour 》 (1998) ...Chief Inspector Lee
《幻影特攻 Waan ying dak gung 》 (1998) ...procer
《我是誰 Ngo si sui 》 (1998) ...Whoami
《成龍的傳奇 Jackie Chan: My Story 》 (1998) ...Himself
《我是誰 Ngo si sui 》 (1998) ...stunt coordinator
《成龍的傳奇 Jackie Chan: My Story 》 (1998) ...procer
《我是誰 Ngo si sui 》 (1998) ...
《成龍的傳奇 Jackie Chan: My Story 》 (1998) ...
《一個好人 Yatgo ho yan 》 (1997) ...Jackie
《雙龍一虎闖天關/星光龍門陣 Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn, An 》 (1997) ...Himself
《警察故事 IV:簡單任務 Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu 》 (1996) ...Jackie Chan Ka Kui
《警察故事 IV:簡單任務 Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu 》 (1996) ...stunts (uncredited)
《霹靂火 Pi li huo 》 (1995) ...Chan Foh To
《霹靂火 Pi li huo 》 (1995) ...executive procer
《霹靂火 Pi li huo 》 (1995) ...stunt coordinator
《紅番區 Hong faan kui 》 (1995) ...stunt director
《紅番區 Hong faan kui 》 (1995) ...martial arts director
《紅番區 Hong faan kui 》 (1995) ...Ah Keung
《醉拳2 Jui kuen II 》 (1994) ...Wong Fei-hung
《醉拳2 Jui kuen II 》 (1994) ...martial arts choreographer
《醉拳2 Jui kuen II 》 (1994) ...(uncredited)
《重案組 Zhong an zu 》 (1993) ...Inspector Eddie Chan
《重案組 Zhong an zu 》 (1993) ...(uncredited)
《超級計劃 Chao ji ji hua 》 (1993) ...Inspector Chan
《城市獵人 Cheng shi lie ren 》 (1993) ...Ryô Saeba
《黃飛鴻之二男兒當自強 Wong Fei-hung ji yi: Naam yi dong ji keung 》 (1992) ...singer: closing theme
《警察故事 III:超級警察 Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha 》 (1992) ...Kevin Chan Ka Kui
《警察故事 III:超級警察 Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha 》 (1992) ...executive procer
《雙龍會 Shuang long hui 》 (1992) ...stunt choreographer
《雙龍會 Shuang long hui 》 (1992) ...Ma Yau/Die Hard (John Ma/Boomer in US version)
《西藏小子 Xi Zang xiao zi 》 (1992) ...Cameo appearance
《阮玲玉 Yuen Ling-yuk 》 (1992) ...procer
《危險情人 Wei xian qing ren 》 (1992) ...procer
《火爆浪子 Huo bao lang zi 》 (1991) ...procer
《飛鷹計劃 Fei ying gai wak 》 (1991) ...
《飛鷹計劃 Fei ying gai wak 》 (1991) ...Jackie Condor (Jackie Chan)
《金裝武術電影大全 Best of the Martial Arts Films, The 》 (1990) ...
《 Wu tai jie mei 》 (1990) ...procer
《初到貴境 Chu gui jing 》 (1990) ...Inspector (uncredited)
《火燒島 Huo shao 》 (1990) ...Lung/Steve
《奇跡 Qiji 》 (1989) ...'Charlie' Cheng Wah Kuo
《神勇飛虎霸王花 Shen yong fei hu ba wang hua 》 (1989) ...
《奇跡 Qiji 》 (1989) ...
《神勇飛虎霸王花 Shen yong fei hu ba wang hua 》 (1989) ...procer
《飛龍猛將 Fei lung maang jeung 》 (1988) ...proction supervisor
《飛龍猛將 Fei lung maang jeung 》 (1988) ...Jackie Lung
《霸王花 Ba wong fa 》 (1988) ...
《警察故事 II Ging chaat goo si juk jaap 》 (1988) ...Kevin Jackie Chan Ka Kui (Jackie Chan)
《霸王花 Ba wong fa 》 (1988) ...procer
《警察故事 II Ging chaat goo si juk jaap 》 (1988) ...
《A計劃續集 'A' gai waak juk jaap 》 (1987) ...stunt coordinator
《A計劃續集 'A' gai waak juk jaap 》 (1987) ...
《A計劃續集 'A' gai waak juk jaap 》 (1987) ...Dragon Mao
《胭脂扣 Yin ji kau 》 (1987) ...procer
《飛鷹計劃 2:龍兄虎弟 Longxiong hudi 》 (1987) ...Jackie
《飛鷹計劃 2:龍兄虎弟 Longxiong hudi 》 (1987) ...
《 Brothers, The 》 (1987) ...
《扭計雜牌軍 Nui ji za pai jun 》 (1986) ...procer
《扭計雜牌軍 Nui ji za pai jun 》 (1986) ...Prisoner
《警察故事 Ging chaat goo si 》 (1985) ...Kevin (Jackie) Chan Ka Kui
《警察故事 Ging chaat goo si 》 (1985) ...stunt coordinator
《警察故事 Ging chaat goo si 》 (1985) ...
《警察故事 Ging chaat goo si 》 (1985) ...fight choreographer
《威龍猛探 Protector, The 》 (1985) ...
《威龍猛探 Protector, The 》 (1985) ...Billy Wong


10. 這句話的語法結構是什麼 It stars Jackie Chan 這句話的翻譯是有成龍主演

It stars Jackie Chan. 這里star是及物動詞,意思是[由。。。擔當主演]

[TRANSITIVE] if a film, play, television programme etc starssomeone, they are the main actor or performer in it



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