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『壹』 《活著》電影觀後感範文

《活著》這部電影是根據余華的同名小說改編的。它講述了主人公福貴和春生及其家人自二十世紀四十年代中國內戰時期起,兩代人的艱難生活狀況。下面就是我給大家帶來的《活著》電影 觀後感 範文 ,希望大家喜歡!

更多「活著」的相關 文章 推薦【↓ ↓ ↓ 】










第三,在看了一些作品後,我深深的感覺到中國作家的「慢半拍」。作家應該是在第一時間揭露社會黑暗現實的。但是中國的作家在第一時間卻是一片歌功頌德,等到人們都受傷得差不多了或是結束一段黑暗的時候,才慢慢講述那個時期的 故事 。不禁讓我心一陣涼,看看現在的書,不都是贊美之詞,看來真正的作家還沒有誕生在中國。


這部電影是根據余華的同名小說改編的。富貴本是富家之弟,因為賭博,把家產輸得精光,之後不得不靠唱皮影戲謀生。就在其生活逐漸走上正軌時,卻被國民黨的 軍隊拉去當了壯丁。在一個老兵的照顧下,僥幸活了下來。終於回到家裡時,老娘已經過逝,女兒鳳霞則成了啞巴。但他的苦難遠遠沒有結束。幾年後,聰明懂事的 兒子有慶在一次意外中喪生。中年喪子,這樣的不幸不論發生在誰身上都是一次巨大的打擊。從這次打擊中挺過來之後,夫妻倆含辛茹苦地把啞巴女兒拉扯大,並給 她找了個了個老實本分的丈夫。就在以為這一家子終於能夠過上好日子了,命運卻把他們拋向了更深的深淵。那時,中國正經歷,醫生們都被當作反動權 威,關進了牛棚。女兒臨產時,發生大出血,夫妻倆只好眼睜睜地看著她死去……在影片的最後,導演還是給了觀眾一絲期望:以後的生活會越來越 好。

顯然,整部影片不乏黑色幽默。印象最深的是這么幾段:1、富貴游手好閑,因賭博輸光房產,解放後被定為城市貧民。龍二贏了富貴的房產,解放後卻被定為地 主。後又因放火燒自家房子,被當作反革命給斃了。2、區長要來學校檢查煉鋼,富貴不得不把還在睡覺的兒子送到學校,結果兒子在學校死於車禍。而肇事者卻是 曾經與富貴一塊唱皮影戲的春生。「雞養大了變成鵝,鵝養大了變成羊,羊養大了牛,牛養大了我們就進入共產主義。」聽來更是莫大的諷刺。3、醫生們被革命小 將當作反動權威關進了牛棚。可鳳霞生孩子後大出血時,革命小將們又馬上想到了醫生,轉而向他們求助。

總而言之,這部電影確實值得一看。 當然,與小說相比還是遜色不少。


















當福貴再次回到家的時候,他遇見了鳳霞。風霞光沖著他笑,不說話。最後福貴一問家珍才知道 ,一場延續了七天的高燒奪去了鳳霞的聲音。看到這里,我心裡暗暗的流眼淚,這么痛苦地事情,誰受得了啊!可是福貴堅持著。




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『貳』 《活著》英語讀後感

《活著》講述了一個人和他命運之間的友情,這是最為感人的友情,他們互相感激,同時也互相仇恨,他們誰也無法拋棄對方,同時誰也沒有理由抱怨對方, 大家不妨來看看我推送的《活著》英語讀後感,希望給大家帶來幫助!

《活著》英語讀後感 篇1

Man must be on the road to death, so death is a matter of no hurry, and death is a sure coming festival. -.

By chance, I read Yu Hua's "alive", the book tells the story of a fukki rich young master, first put into a family gambled all the poor father died and he resented; unfortunately caught by the Kuomintang when young men died after those in the world, but the mother he died of illness; then there is blood to dry the Qing son died, her daughter Feng Xia's wife died of postpartum septicemia, Zhende rickets eventually died; and two injured died like son-in-law, grandson of bitter root by eating beans by death; finally, only the old Fu and a cow story. The story spans China from the Kuomintang to Mao. Tells the broad and rich tears. After reading this ordinary story, I am meaningful, but also I understand the despair of despair.

So Yu Hua wrote in the preface, "alive" in our China language is full of strength, its strength does not come from shouting, not from attack, but to enre, to enre life gives us the responsibility to bear the reality to give us happiness and suffering, boring and mediocre.

I like talking to old people because talking with them always makes me think a little more about life. They have been to old age, not pain with the world and say goodbye, fear of death is coming, nor in the life left in the sad face, complaining about the injustice of yesterday. I see is the temper of time to allow the soul to Xijinqianhua in the st, pure white. Visited thousands of the world, experience the life of the torrential rain, condensed water is life, to add a soft Youth passes as a fleeting wave. let life, enjoy the quiet beauty in the leaves. Quiet time, they no longer ask how many flowers, only asked whether smile enron.

There is a good saying in living, "man lives for himself, not for anything else."". There is only one life, and when it is lost, it is really gone. It is priceless and can not be bought with money. The impermanence of life, come and go. In each of the parting of the intersection, we can only see a figure, the overlapping lingering endless blessing about full load. In the life and soul of the moment, the cohesion is a good and happy, this moment of burst out of the brilliance, worth our lifetime waiting for, forever treasure.

The heart of an old man is like a pebble flowing through the water. Young, how can we absorb all the light? Just because of all mortal beings, can not help but touch a little human fireworks, not through the vicissitudes of current events, and how can we get the real practice, let indifferent interpretation of life? However, this indifferent attitude toward life, but more or less gave me a calm forward. As a philosopher said, in fact, life in the end is but a false alarm. When you find that so many of the past have gone with the wind into the years lost aloes, growing pains in the wind seems to be the memory of understatement. I began to learn the youth behind the reversal raving quiet, gently tapping the years wrinkles, only hope that life in the light, I can still choose to do the positive and optimistic, let the heart as a mirror, leisurely path.

Life is a beautiful scene in the one-way trip, its charm is in its way, it is never to return. Not only that, we will watch God clear, dress costumes take this way of life happiness tour, luxury life. In the ruins of the years of life movement in the United States spectrum.

The road to life is long and long, and life has to sing all the way. To live is more important than anything. Lucky to be alive.

《活著》英語讀後感 篇2

People are dying in this story called "living".

A chance at high school, the Chinese teacher gave us a share in Yu Hua's Novels "alive" by the movie, this is my first time to contact the "live" this works, then determined the Internet to buy a book and began to carefully taste the real flavor between the lines.

"Alive" actually tells the story of a person's life story, the book tells the story of a fukki rich young master, first put into a family gambled all the poor father died and he resented; unfortunately caught by the Kuomintang when young men died after those in the world, but the mother is sick then the son has died; Qing was blood to die, her daughter Feng Xia died e to postpartum septicemia, wife Zhende rickets eventually died; and two injured died like son-in-law, grandson of bitter root by eating beans by death; finally, only the old Fu and a cow story.

This is an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes and tribulations of the world. The author's brushwork is very quiet, not deliberately to foil a kind of ups and downs of the atmosphere, with the author's plain narrative, experienced the hero's life, sad and happy. After reading Yanjuan meditation, the heart is heavy, feeling indescribably sad, it seems that life can experience misfortune befell the hero. Thinking about the protagonist's experiences, I began to think: what is the meaning of life?

I think the value of living is growing.

Something from a completely spoiled and unruly wealthy young master to a prop up the ordinary peasant family, no regrets, this period is not something hated complained, but more is to allow yourself to accept the reality, continue to be strong, this is growing fukki, this is the purpose of his life.

From the outset we cannot decide the birth, or rich or poor or healthy or sick, some people do not feel happy, that will start to ask why people alive? However, when we are from the past that even the 99 multiplication tables are difficult to calculate now back pupil function, learn mathematics; from the past under the guidance of the teacher will appreciate an article now will own appreciation of his creation of an article; from the past to now unsuspectingly naive mature mind and mentality across from the past; capricious temper now for the sake of their parents. We've been growing up this way, and that's what we're living for.

I think the meaning of human life is -- because responsibility is better and better.

When something was caught when young men on the battlefield, the battlefield after death, as captured in the face of the PLA are choosing to stay or get the money for the journey home, he did not hesitate to choose the home; when the fukki because the implementation of people's Commune and the home field only in front of a small block when he was not discouraged, but remember that his father taught him "through their own efforts to make our Home Xu from the chicken into goose from the goose into sheep, from sheep into cattle, slowly re issued" he tried to let the family live better, these are your family of responsible performance. Your responsibility to live better because of this, he is the meaning of life.

Students in all walks of life we all have their own responsibility, breakfast every morning to make cakes for Wang Shushu; white-collar Miss Lin every day sitting in front of the computer seriously under report; courier brother Zhou to you to express every day in all weathers. They all live better because of their responsibilities, and that's what we live for.

I think the meaning of living is to give love continuously.

When your tired one day later, he is still willing to bend down to your feet now; when life is not comfortable, he is still willing to give money to save the Long Feng Xia Na a new dress; know when Fugui was the first school in the Qing run when his eyes full of are proud. These are your love for them, they also love your. Your constant love, this is the purpose of his life.

If the world were a cabin, love would be a window in the hut; if the world were a ship, then love would be a beacon in the boundless sea. To be loved is a wonderful enjoyment, and to love others is a noble and good character. As long as you observe carefully, you will find that there are many people around you who need you to continue to give love, and that is what we live for.

What is it to live for? Your life tells us: to live, not only for themselves, those who you love and who love you is worth you to live for them.

《活著》英語讀後感 篇3

When I read the book To Live, I know I have own a lot of happiness in this period. To Live allowed me to see the people』s suffering and hardship in old China. But the most important is the spirit that age gives to them.

To Live described Fugui』s life who lives in The Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward. Fugui borns in a host family, when he was young, he often went outside gambling. So that in the end he spent all the property under the trap which others had designed. At that time, he had got married with his wife Jiazhen. One day, when he went out to borrow money for looking doctors for his parents, he was caught to join the army. Almost all the soldiers had died, but he struggled to live and luckly got together with his family, when his mother had gone and his daughter Fengxia had been a mb because of illness. His family were very happy because of his coming back. For he had not been assigned to the landlord constituents, they lived a poor and happy life. Of the past with each passing day, his little son was going to middle school, but his disaster began again. His son lost his life for saving his classmate whose father is the mayor of the town. Backlog of the pain and frustration, he and his wife as if had lost a lot and they nearly lost confidence of living. Fortunately, they have a sensible daughter, although she couldn』t talk, but she helped her parents go through the pains. Later Fengxia married to Erxi who is an honest man, but fate still made fun of this hard-working and simple girl, she died from giving birth. And then later, in the heavy blows, Fugui』s wife left him forever.

Life had lost all his family, leaving him, last remaining alive. I don』t know how I can experience his life in that age, his disease that he had to face, but I know Fugui had learnt to respect for life, be properly alive.

《活著》英語讀後感 篇4

The worst part of dying is not the one who leaves, but the one who is forced to accept it. Not only do they have more responsibility on their shoulders, but they also have fewer people to share with them.

Fukki is such a sad living, his life is actually the epitome of hundreds of millions of people, all the suffering Chinese experienced nearly a hundred years in him clearly projected, he has a legendary life, but you won't have that legend.

Fukki was a two generation, daily spend their savings at home, I do not know where the good fortune for a virtuous wife, is the daughter of mihang Chihepiao fukki, can still, not only lost property, but also the death of father, wife together with the belly of the child is also home to pick up only. The rest of his old mother, the young daughter of Feng Xia dependency, the fukki realized for the first time the hardships of life, fortunately, now after the birth of the second child with his son fukki Qing has returned to him. However, Felicity never turns out in pairs., Disasters pile up on one another. Fukki by the Kuomintang arrested young men on the way for a sick mother, was captured by the PLA, he returned home to find his mother has died, his wife Jean with a pair of children bear bitter hardships, but unfortunately the deaf daughter, son is clever and lively, later because the county long Lady unexpectedly died of blood transfusion.

After the cultural revolution, the great leap forward, representing the experience of natural disasters, Feng Xia and her husband died, a son of Feng Xia birth of the bitter root has not escaped the fate of the claws, finally only fukki a person, and a head of cattle and his namesake company, which is quite alone with a pregnant meaning, bleak. The sunset, already chuimu old man drove cattle further away, hoarse voice in the land at the end of the slowly rising juvenile to wander, middle-aged to dig hidden, old monk."

Close this heavy blue book, the tears have wet eyes, let me not only filled with a thousand regrets variety of tragic hero experience, but because he has experienced so much, but still humble to live, he shall have been far beyond the scope of ordinary people can imagine.

The worst part of dying is not the one who leaves, but the one who is forced to accept it. Not only do they have more responsibility on their shoulders, but they also have fewer people to share with them. But it is because of this that the living have to live more firmly, that is because they are carrying more than their own tomorrow.

I enjoy living, living so good, living so happy. I have read "life" written by Yu Hua's writer, telling the protagonist Xu Fugui's life, experiencing changes in Chinese history, social unrest, three years of natural disasters, the cultural revolution and so on. And your old age to life calm and natural attitude. Tell us that we live to live, not live to live for anything.

When you are out of trouble, you feel alive, happy, alive, then you will feel frustrated, not terrible.

When you help others, you feel the good life and the happy life, then you will feel how happy it is to help others.

When you are successful, you feel what is good and happy in life, and then you will feel how proud you are to succeed.

Hocking is an unfortunate and fortunate man, his love life, love life, so that when he was young he suffering from an incurable disease, break through all the difficulties, to become a great physicist, is the world's praise. What made him so successful? He was optimistic about life and experience life.

When a little tender tooth comes out of its branches, when a newborn child makes a loud cry. When the patient has recovered. When the fish play happily in the water, when the birds are in the branches, the hair sounds melodious. It feels good to live, happy to live. It all depends on the beauty of life, and the good life is always with us.

Guo Moruo once said: "life and death is a thing on the line.". Life is struggle, death is rest. Life is active, death is sleep." Let us live happily, live happily.

《活著》英語讀後感 篇5

"Alive" is an old man named Fugui one day of his life miserable narration. In the past forty years, he experienced many sufferings in the world, faced with a four generation of person's death, he was supposed to die, but he is alive, or even just to live and live. As the author Yu Hua himself said

To live is to live, and to live, not to live for anything. Your death, people are very confused, but he was alive, with the value of their own existence, have their own meaning of life, have their own immortality.

The author only uses common narrative methods, but has a special rendering effect. The more I read, the heavier I feel. The heaviness is not the result of the plot itself. But the writer uses the most common and even cold tone to describe unusual things. And the feeling that it was so heavy it just slipped into my heart. Therefore some people describe Yu Hua said he was a skilled surgeon in a leisurely manner the cruel nature of life from the false tao Ren stripped out.

At first, he attracted me is your experience, namely the plot of the novel. Then the author's writing style and features. Until I saw the last, I read a book, then looked back at the author's introction and other people's comments. I've got a new feeling.

Back to the essence, I've been thinking about what's the purpose of living. Just for writing a novel?. All kinds of people have different kinds of people. Some people say he's just trying to impress people on this book. Because reading is a psychological experience of fear. In fact, this implies another fact of Chinese Literature: realism, which uses realism as its slogan, is the last to dare to face reality. For example, essentially, human beings are alive without any meaning other than being alive. Then, if we must give meaning, then the only thing that counts, I am afraid that only the living itself. The great sense of living may have just come from here.

Precisely because of this, "living" on a clear content, living in general understanding is a process, but, in fact, life is essentially a static state.

Yu Hua wanted to tell the reader, "there is no happiness or misfortune in life. Life is just a matter of living, living quietly, and having a solitary sense.".

《活著》英語讀後感 篇6

This month, I have finished book live which describes how a man lives strongly after experiencing his whole family members dead. This story is a tragedy but the major character insists on living instead of committing suicide. The main role』s name is Fu Gui whose family is very rich. He is a gambler and loses all his family property earned by his grandfather. He is caught by the army and used as labor on his way to find a doctor for his mother. After a few years, he comes back to home and is reunited with his family. After a while, his son dies because of blood donation. In his whole life, his daughter, his wife, his son-in-law and his grandson die one after another. Finally, he is the only one who survives with an almost dying cow.

After so many horrible things, Fu chooses to live and does not cry the following of his life. Maybe he has already given up any hope to live happily but he needs to live.. The truth that no one but him is in his family has not knocked him down. However, I think that the thing which is alive is his body not his heart. In the end of the story, he and his cow walk in the field and he talks to the cow and calls out all his family』s name. Eventually, he lives with his family which is in his memory.

Life will never go smoothly. People will face a lot of difficulties and setbacks in their journey. As a pessimist, life is a tragedy for me. We have to work hard and compete with others to survive without any rest. After more than ten year』s study, I finally go to college but I have to forget everything I have learned before and learn a different way to survive in the society. I feel so tired but I cannot give up because my family needs me. We are the least important things for the whole world but we are the most significant gifts for our family.We are human not animal, which dooms us to struggle for our life. We have no choice but to fight. No matter what happens, the only thing we need to remember: as long as we live, we will have hope in the future.

『叄』 《尋夢環游記》觀後感英文帶翻譯是什麼


The hero of this film is a little boy MiG who wants to be a musician, and hopes that he can create touching music like his idol Drakus, but his family has always forbidden people to touch music.


MiG is obsessed with music, eager to prove his musical ability, but because he touched a guitar, he set foot on the land of the dead, and came to the colorful and strange mysterious world. There, MiG met the charming and lonely musician Ekto, and together they embarked on a wonderful journey to explore the unknown past of MiG family.


MiG is a strong, brave and persistent boy in the film. Although his family forbade him to touch music, he still secretly practiced playing the guitar. Every time I hear the beautiful music he plays, I can't help but revel in it. But the reality is so cruel, MiG's guitar was smashed by his grandmother in order to participate in the talent contest of the Day of the Dead, and no one was willing to lend it to him.


I thought he would be discouraged, but I didn't expect him to steal the guitar for his dream. But for me, I wanted to be a painter since I was a child. However, because of laziness, I sometimes don't want to learn fine arts. Compared with him, I am really ashamed. MiG realized his dream with his own efforts. I admire him very much, and I want to stick to my dream like him.


The film "Journey to the Dream" tells me such a truth: if you have a dream, you must pursue it and make unremitting efforts for it, and you can't give up easily.


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