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發布時間: 2023-02-09 19:10:16

A. 1.電影2012的英語發音是two thousand twelve嗎2.科學發展觀的英文解釋是什麼謝謝~

看過電影《2012》預告片的人們會發現,片子裡面讀的是「two thousand twelve」(兩千零一拾二)。

B. 介紹電影《2012》英語文章

The film begins in year 2009, when there is a huge explosion on the surface of the sun. We then see Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), an American scientist, traveling to a copper mine in India to meet his friend, who discovered that Earth's temperature is increasing rapidly. He returns to Washington D.C. and submits a report to his supervisor, who immediately takes him to the president. In 2010, we see the President of the United States tell other heads of state the situation (the world is ending) and we also see billionaires all over the world buying plane tickets for untold sums of money. In 2011 the original of The Mona Lisa in the Louvre is replaced with a decoy, and is sealed away for unknown reasons.

The story jumps ahead to 2012. Jackson Curtis (John Cusack), a divorced father who works as a limousine driver and writer, and his ex-wife, Kate Curtis (Amanda Peet), and children, Noah (Liam James) and Lily (Morgan Lily), who live with Kate's new boyfriend, Gordon (Thomas McCarthy). Jackson takes his children on a camping trip to Yellowstone, where he meets Charlie Frost, who hosts a radio segment that addresses the Mayans' prediction. Charlie mentions a map of where special ships are, but Jackson assumes he is a rambling drunk and leaves him. Kate and Gordon and in a super market buying groceries when the floor begins to crack and the supermarket is split in half. Jackson gets a call that he has to return from camping with the kids. Jackson arrives at the house and drops the kids off, and takes his limo to a job. He goes to the house of Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson takes Yuri, his children and his girlfriend to the airport. The children make cruel comments to Jackson, and as they board the plane, they mention they have tickets to board the ships and Jackson doesn't. This leads Jackson to believe Charlie's story, and he rents a plane. Jackson hurries to Kate's house and picks up her, the kids, and Gordon as the house collapses and a massive earthquake begins. They drive through L.A while it is being destroyed and arrive just in time at the airport.

When they get to Santa Monica Airport, the pilot that Jackson hires is killed by a falling structure. Kate mentions that Gordon knows how to fly (gordon protest's, he has only had a few lessons) so they tell him to fly the plane out of L.A. From the sky, we see L.A sinking into the Pacific Ocean. Jackson announces they have to get to Yellowstone to get the map from Charlie. They fly there and Jackson goes looking for Charlie. He finds his R.V and takes it out looking for Charlie, and he finds him at the top of a hill waiting for the impact. Charlie tells Jackson where the map is and he rushes back to the R.V as a massive explosion goes off, hurtling rocks in every direction. Jackson gets to the plane and they take off for China.

The group lands in Las Vegas and they meet Yuri. Yuri's plane is damaged, but he and Sasha, Yuri's pilot, find a cargo plane that carries automobiles. Las Vegas is destroyed by earthquakes and ravaged by the impeding volcanic ash cloud of Yellowstone. Yuri has 2 children and his girlfriend with him.

While in the air, the group learns that the plane does not have enough fuel to reach China: they've passed Honolulu, Hawaii, which has been inundated in lava. As they're about to ditch the plane they discover that they are no longer above the ocean: the Earth's crust has shifted thousands of miles and they are heading towards the Himalayas. During a crash landing on a glacier they manage to escape from the plane safely by using one of the luxury vehicles in cargo as a raft. The group ditches the car and a helicopter lands, they ask for tickets and Yuri shows his three tickets. He goes on the helicopters with his 2 children and leaves his girlfriend and the group behind.

The group eventually find their way to the ships with the help of some locals and are smuggled aboard with the help of a Buddhist monk and a construction worker. Gordon dies as they board. Tsunamis begin to engulf the Indian peninsula, and a giant wave eventually reaches the ships, which turn out to be arks constructed to save the heads of state, hand-picked indivials chosen to repopulate the earth and the rich elite, who could afford to buy tickets. A massive flood is heading towards the ship, and e to a wire left by Jackson in the ships gate, the gate isnt able to close, and the engines arent able to start. Jackson manages to get the gates closed just in time, and the ships cruise off. A title appears that says Day 27 Month 01 Year 01. The group is living on the ark, and Jackson and Kate seem to have gotten back together. The captain of the ship learns that Africa was able to miss catastrophe and is safe to venture too. The ship heads for Africa, and a view from space shows all continents have moved together and are in the shape of Africa

C. 2012電影英文簡介 帶翻譯

The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Due to solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate. This results in a series of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, such as California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, shifting of the continents by crustal displacement, and Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue.

The Mayans predict the world is ending on December 21st, 2012. The government hides the end of days and once the secret is out, it』s a mad race to survival headquarters。
It』s clear, 2012 is no Independence Day or The Day After Tomorrow, two films that were directed by Roland Emmerich, who also directed this film. 2012 is another tale of global destruction that we have all witnessed before, but this time it』s padded with Sony PSP-like special effects, not-even-bad-enough-to-be-camp dialogue and a nap-incing running time of 158 minutes. 2012 is a gargantuan mess.

In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) travels to India to meet his friend Satnam, who has discovered that neutrinos from a massive solar flare have penetrated the Earth and are causing the temperature of its core to increase rapidly. Adrian returns to Washington D.C. to inform White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt) and US President Thomas Wilson (Danny Glover) that this will instigate a chain of events that will bring about the end of the world. At the 36th G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of government are made aware of the situation. They collaborate to begin a secret project intended to ensure the continuity of human life, strategically choosing 400,000 people for admission on a series of gigantic arks to be constructed in the Himalayas. To help fund the venture, additional indivials are allowed to purchase tickets for one billion euros apiece.

In 2012, Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) is a writer in Los Angeles who works part time as a limousine driver for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate (Amanda Peet) and their children Noah and Lily live with her new boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a radio show host and conspiracy theorist. Charlie supports a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge of the ark project and possesses a map of the arks' location. The family returns home as cracks begin to develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and earthquakes occur in the San Francisco Bay area. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a private plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they escape Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean.

D. 2012 三部電影英文名都是什麼都是哪年上映的




E. 2012英文怎麼寫

據報道,有人將「2010」念作「twenty-ten」(二零一零),有人則喜歡念成「two thousand and ten」(兩千零一拾),還有人會圖省事將其念成「two-o-one-o」 (二歐一歐)。
而看過電影《2012》預告片的人們會發現,片子裡面讀的是「two thousand twelve」(兩千零一拾二)。
對於大家不同的念法,英國廣播公司決定將其設為26日廣播節目的討論主題。這期節目的主持人是英國科幻劇集《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)的演員戴維.鄧南特(David Tennant)和凱瑟琳.泰特(Catherine Tate)。 鄧南特把2010年念為「twenty-ten」,並祝福聽眾「新的一年萬事順利」。泰特則打趣說「『twenty-ten』,原來如此,看來你很遵守BBC的發音守則嘛。」
鄧南特對本期節目的嘉賓克里賓斯說,「我們應該要念『twenty-ten』。」但克里賓斯認為,老一輩的英國人大多會念成「two thousand and ten」。泰特接著說,「你不能念成『two thousand and ten』…BBC發音部門的人大概要被氣死了。」

F. 電影的英文怎麼寫

問題一:電影用英語怎麼寫 film

問題二:電影英語怎麼說 電影,用英語說是,(一).cinema [5sinimE]它是個名詞
1.(=[美] movie theater) 電影院
2.電影, 影片
3.電影業; 電影製片技術
go to cinema
n.影片, 電影
[常用復][英俚、美口]電影(院); 影片
[the movies][口][總稱]電影; 製片業; 電影事業

問題三:電影英文怎麼說 movie
motion picture
電影明星movie star;film star;film star movie star;flm star, move star
電影院cinema;[電影] movie theatre;[電影] movie theater;[電影] movie theater
電影魔方MPEG Video Wizard;Womble MPEG Video Wizard;MPEG Video Wizad;Movie Cube
電影公司Film pany;Sony Pictures;Mayer;Film Service Firm
電影學Film;Film Studies;MA in Film Studies;Filmwissenschaft
黑 *** The Film Noir;Noir Film;FLIM NOIR;Films Noir
電影演員actors;Film Actors, Screen Actresses;Filmschauspieler;actors and actresses
電影業cinema;the film instry;cinema instry;silver spoon
電影: filmmotion picturemovie
Can I take the kids to a movie?
I went to cinema yesterday with Mary.
I think the film has some negative effect.

Who is she? Some new movie star?

Not me. But my daughter likes it very much.

How does the film end up?

What is driving the cinema boom?
But the most important thing missing in Chinese movies is romance!
One great way is to watch a movie C preferably something funny!

The actor won an Academy Award for his role in the film.

The cinema is the most exciting and developing art form at present.
And studios are planning to release new 3D movies in the ing month.
This maybe a sig......>>

問題四:電影「上映」用英語怎麼說 每家電影院都上映不同的電影。:
Each of the theaters has different movies.
I went to see that new film last night but it was no great shakes and I don't remend it.
We would go and they have story telling for children with children's books;And they have movies now,and what else?
When is the new Rocky movie e out?
The old film was revived.
The film has run for five days.
The movie is playing at several theaters.
There's a good picture on a功 the cinema.
The film was booked to play two theaters in New York.

問題五:這個電影講述的是………… 用英語怎麼說。謝謝。 This film is talking about

問題六:「英文電影」和「英文電視劇」用英語怎麼說? 你問的有些只不過是不同語法的表達,而其他的則是不同意思。以下是詳細的譯釋:
English films 英國電影 / 英語電影 films in English 說英語的電影
TV plays 電視話劇 (不同類的電視劇統稱)
TV series 電視劇集 (一套連續的電視劇)
TV episode 電視劇的回數 (即中文的第幾回)
soap opera 肥皂劇 (也可作連續劇)

問題七:放電影用英文怎麼說 show a film
A cinema is a 釘uilding where film is shown .
show movie
例如: 她盼望著你為她的小朋友們放電影呢!
She's counting on you to show movies to her friends.

問題八:這個電影很好看.你要看嗎?的英文怎麼寫 This film is very interesting. Do you want to see it?

問題九:電影大片用英語怎麼說? 大片就是大片了。
好萊塢大片: Hollywood blockbuster
美國大片: American blockbuster
進口大片: importe叮 blockbusters
動作片,紀錄片,言情片,恐怖片,搞笑片分別應該表述為:action movie, documentary movie, romance movie, horror movie, ic

問題十:電影用英語怎麼寫 film

G. 2012英文該怎麼講啊

外國人的口語其實黑簡單的,可以念Two thousand twelve,或者twenty twelve ,再或者two O twelve,只要你念出來別人理解就行了,咱中國人還在口語中年「2012」為:二零一二或者兩千一二,不是嗎?關鍵是別人理解明白就行。

H. 2012英文簡介

2012 is a description of how people are faced with a disaster film, is an exciting movie.
Protagonist to Yellowstone National Park vacation, but found that lakes have dried up. Later, he met Charlie, Charlie told him that e to the destruction of mankind, the earth will soon collapse. Main character thought he was crazy, laugh over.
End up. Earthquakes and other natural disasters destroy people's homes. Protagonists were forced to flee embarked on the road. At this time, the ark is complete, however, the ark could not placement supports so many people, people caught in a dilemma. Later, the leaders made an order: "All are equal!''Finally, it has spent the disaster.

I. 電影的英語單詞怎麼寫


讀音:英 [ˈmu:vi] 美 [ˈmuvi]


復數: movies

例句:I apologise if your enjoyment of the movie was spoiled.



讀音:英 [fɪlm] 美 [fɪlm]


vt.& vi.(把…)拍攝(成)電影[電視等];上鏡頭


第三人稱單數: films

復數: films

現在分詞: filming

過去式: filmed

例句:The film explores the relationship between artist and instrument.



讀音:英 [ˈsɪnəmə] 美 [ˈsɪnəmə]


復數: cinemas

例句:I can't remember the last time we went to the cinema


四、motion picture

讀音:英 [ˈməuʃən ˈpiktʃə] 美 [ˈmoʃən ˈpɪktʃɚ]


復數: motion pictures

例句:The motion picture and the press have a tremendous bearing on ecation.




movie fan n.影迷

movie screen 銀幕

movie goer n. 常看電影的人

movie instry phr. 電影產業

silent movie phr. 無聲電影;默片

alt movie n. 成人電影

Movie player 實用的媒體播放程序,可全屏幕播放,或在程序式框架中播放,雖然界面不漂亮但它可調整播放的速度,對精彩鏡頭可慢慢欣賞。

movie tape 【化】 電影磁帶

disaster movie =disaster film

splatter movie 超級血腥暴力影片


movie n. 1.電影 2.電影院

B movie n. B級電影,便宜的劣質電影

movie goer 電影觀眾

movie theater 電影院

J. 2012 英語怎麼說

2012 英語:two thousandand twelve



1644年讀作sixteen forty-four

1868年讀作 eighteen sixty-eight

2、後兩位為「零」的年份則先讀出前兩位數,然後將後面的兩個「零」讀為 hundred。例如:

1900年讀作 nineteen hundred

1800年讀作 eighteen hundred


1902年讀作 nineteen Otwo


2000年讀作 two thousand

2008年讀作 two thousand and eight(或twenty O eight)

1008年讀作 one thousand and eight(或ten O eight)





3、20世紀80年代:1980 - 1989 這 10年,以此類推30年代:1930 - 1939

4、1900s 表達的是 1900-1909,極為罕見的才會表達 1900-1999 整個20世紀,要表達某個世紀,還是用序數加 century 才合適。

5、除了 in 外, ring 也適用。加不加冠詞 the 都不錯,但是一般習慣仍然是加 the

6、80s 也同樣被用來表達80年代,通常自然是上世紀(20世紀)的80年代,但並不僅限於用在20世紀,而是泛指任何世紀的80年代。在涉及特定時期的歷史文獻中必須根據語境決定,或者避免使用。

7、1980's clothing 指的是 1980年的服裝,而不是80年代的服裝(the clothing of the 80s),這種 's 表達方式過去經常被誤用,與它本身具備的所有格形式混淆,以至於引起不必要的疑義。

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