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發布時間: 2023-02-08 00:33:42

① 一個電影,大概就是講了復活節什麼的,裡面好像有有一個人物叫睡神。求這部電影的名字。下面還有圖片。

《守護者的崛起》故事講述的是一個叫做「Pitch」的壞蛋一心一意要在各地的孩子心中引發恐懼從而接管世界,為了阻止他的邪惡計劃,聖誕老人(Santa)、牙仙(Tooth Fairy)、復活節兔(Easter Bunny)、沙人(Sandman)、傑克凍人(Jack Frost)以及一群超級英雄破天荒地首次團結在一起共同應敵。

② 關於復活節的動畫電影



③ 求6篇電影的英文簡介!


FROZEN is a 2013 3D computer animation USA film.The film by Walt Disney Animation Studios,and released by Walt Disney Studios film company.The film by Chris Barker and directed by Jennifer Lee, and by Christine Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Grove and other voice."Frozen" story of Andersen fairy tale" the snow queen "adaptation based on the film tells the story of sister Aisha, in succession to the throne, her magic out of the frozen earth. In order to break the curse Aisha frozen, optimistic fearless sister Anna step forward bravely, and adventurous mountaineer Christof and his partner team of reindeer, launched a magic journey to emerge in an endless stream, The path winds along mountain ridges story.The film in March 3, 2014 (Beijing time) won the eighty-sixth Oscar Award for Best Animated Feature Film Award and the award for best original song.


After receiving the healing powers from a magical flower, the baby Princess Rapunzel is kidnapped from the palace in the middle of the night by Mother Gothel. Mother Gothel knows that the flower's magical powers are now growing within the golden hair of Rapunzel, and to stay young, she must lock Rapunzel in her hidden tower. Rapunzel is now a teenager and her hair has grown to a length of 70-feet. The beautiful Rapunzel has been in the tower her entire life, and she is curious of the outside world. One day, the bandit Flynn Ryder scales the tower and is taken captive by Rapunzel. Rapunzel strikes a deal with the charming thief to act as her guide to travel to the place where the floating lights come from that she has seen every year on her birthday. Rapunzel is about to have the most exciting and magnificent journey of her life.


The plot synopsis: film by universal proct of 3 D animation is about: in a white fence and rose bushes around residential suburb, is located a house inanimate black house. Hidden in here a unknown big secret, the hero case lu (Gru) are planning a an unprecedented plan--he intended to put the moon to steal it. Case lu bent on all evil things. He not only equipped with Arsenal, freezing ray shrink ray, and also has used to fight of the aviation transportation, as long as anyone who have hindered his plan, he will destroy ?


The Easter Bunny is a mythical character depicted as a rabbit. In legend, the creature brings baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and toys to the homes of children on the night before Easter. The Easter Bunny will either put the baskets in a designated place or hide them somewhere in the house for the children to find when they wake up in the morning.


Remy, a provincial rat with a wonderful sense of smell, hates garbage and risks death to enter a human kitchen where he discovers real food and the cooking of five-star chef, Anton Gusteau, author of "Anyone Can Cook." On the day Remy learns his hero has died, he is evicted and ends up alone in Paris. By luck, he discovers Gasteau's restaurant, down to three stars and run by a frozen-food-hawking chef. As Remy enters, so does Linguini, a clumsy youth hired as a garbage boy. To save the soup that Linguini accidentally fouls, Remy throws in some ingredients; the soup is a success and Linguini's career as a chef is born. Can Remy find a way to maintain the fiction and use his gift? Written by {[email protected]}


glasses protagonist Mr. Peabody be equal to anything, his hand has a Harvard Ph.D., is one has won aNobel awards for scientists, is the head of state adviser. He developed the new technology in the field of nonconventional energy, he was still idle period invented thefist, bastard, backward somersault, and high streets and back lanes unknown Zumba dance. However, Peabody's ambition is not in this, his hand adhering to the "first after the family business" purposes adopted the abandonedchild Sherman (Scherman); on the other hand, the invention of the world's only a time machine, with his son Sherman through time and space around the universe intothe ultimate dream of Peabody. Time machine for humansis a double-edged sword, no one have no predecessorsafter the invention once released will attract worldwide attention. Evil people want to own it, only through his own gratification; and kind like Peabody, only to let the son Sherman to open up horizons, behind the affection between father and son sad.

④ 一個美國兔子電影


⑤ 復活節兔子的劇情介紹

《復活節兔子》(I Hop)是一部真人和電腦動畫結合的電影,E.B是一隻處在青春叛逆期的兔子,它是復活節兔子的兒子。它的老爹每天都想讓它繼承家庭事業,做一隻復活節兔子。而且E.B也有做復活節兔子的能力--它的排泄物就是復活節糖果。但是就在老爹准備把家族事業全部交給它的前夜,它卻突然失蹤了。E.B沒有被綁架或者是遭到了什麼不測,而是獨自離開了家。它不希望自己只是呆在家裡,在復活節的時候做一個所謂的「明星」。它的目標很遠大--它要去好萊塢,在那裡追夢。它夢想是,做一個鼓手。這一夜,它漫無目的地晃盪在公路上,突然就被一輛汽車給「撞」了。開車的是弗萊德·奧·哈爾,他是一個消極工作、懶倦懈怠的傢伙。E.B見狀,馬上躺在路上裝做被裝傷了。無奈之下,弗萊德只好把E.B帶回家療傷。伴隨著E.B的到來,弗萊德迎來了全世界最令人難堪和不爽的室友。不過,很快這兩個傢伙就開始共同面對生活的難題,並且一起解決困難。E.B最大的困難來自於一隻叫做卡洛斯的小雞。這只小雞野心巨大,它想從兔子的手中把復活節搶到自己的手中。它的目標是消滅復活節兔子,創造復活節小雞。當然,在E.B和弗萊德的聯手努力下,卡洛斯的陰謀沒能得逞,而且這兩個夥伴也從共同經歷的這些事里學習到了做人的真諦,他們共同成熟。

⑥ 小時候看過的外國動畫片。只記得有一大群兔子分工做復活節彩蛋。不知道有沒有人了解很想找到。萬分感謝


本片在2011.4.1日上映的,導演是Tim Hill ,主演是伊麗莎白·帕金斯/拉塞爾·布蘭德 Russell Brand/詹姆斯·麥斯登/凱莉·庫柯。






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