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發布時間: 2022-01-20 02:20:22

1. 急! 求英語牛人幫忙翻譯幾段話 關於電影《刮痧》

上述語句可以翻譯:Based on the misunderstanding of Guasha therapy in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) , Guasha tells the story of Chinese people who are in a lot of difficulties because of the conflict between Eastern and Western cultures.

2. 電影刮痧英文觀後感


The difference between Chinese Culture and Western Culture

3. 求一篇電影《刮痧》的英文觀後感









而在租住的小屋,分居的簡寧和大同醉酒,罵自己是MOTHERFUCKER 這場戲,更是赤裸裸地揭露了他們內心的痛苦,而這種痛苦,僅僅是因為刮痧這一在中國極為普遍的中醫療法,在美國,卻導致了一個家庭的分崩離析。

我們不難感受到融於片中的濃濃親情,然而,大同的錯誤卻是虐待兒子。這個罪名簡直匪夷所思,它反映出美國不以事實說話的法律空擋。而那控方僱傭的美國律師在法庭上這樣描述《西遊記》中的孫悟空:「別人種了九千年的桃子,他不跟主人打一聲招呼摘來便吃,當人家制止時,他不但不聽勸阻,而且還大打出手毀了人家的桃園。別人辛辛苦苦煉好的丹丸,他拿來就吃,還把主人打得頭破血流,臨走還毀了人家的製作車間——象這樣一個野蠻頑劣的猴子,竟然被許大同在電子游戲中描繪成英雄 ......」,用以證明移民美國的許大同有暴力傾向。他的「敬業」使人們質疑:他的目的究竟是保護孩子,還是拆散別人家庭。






4. 電影 刮痧(2001年) 雙語或 英語字幕




5. 求 電影 刮痧 的英文觀後感 20分

初看名字,以為是倫理片,刮痧,中國一門醫學上傳統的手藝,在兩千多年的歷史長河裡,一直穩穩健健地在中國大地上繁衍生息,然而有一天,它出現在自由民主的美國社會中,便被人誤解,以至於上演了一場家庭的悲歡離合,可喜的是梁家輝將父親角色演繹的動人心弦,蔣雯麗也以一貫的熒幕形象幾乎是本色出演,很准確的把握了作為妻子的恨、愛、心碎與心疼,只是在母親的角色上稍稍淡化了些。當不得不以分居為條件來換回孩子時,妻子毅然「惡狠狠」地轉身「I agree!」當事情逼迫地不得不真的要丈夫離開時,妻子心疼地抱著丈夫不忍心丈夫一個人生活。從丈夫在法庭上被敵人激怒地掉進了別人的圈套開始,妻子的氣憤到後來的瘋狂最後的心灰,像是個妻子對丈夫地無奈~因為她知道,丈夫的任何錶現都會讓孩子離自己越來越遠。

At first sight name, thought it was ethical film, Gua Sha, Chinese traditional medicine a craft, in the long river of 2000 years of history, has remained robust health in China's vast territory to survive, but one day, it appears in a free and democratic American society, they have been misunderstood, so staged a family joys and sorrows, good news is that Tony Leung will perform the role of the father moving chord, Jiang Wenli also consistent screen image of the character is almost starred in, it is an accurate grasp of as his wife's hate, love, heart-broken and distressed, but the roles of mother to play down a little a bit. When forced to separation as the conditions in exchange for a child, his wife resolutely, "fiercely" to turn "I agree!" When things forced to have to really want to leave her husband, the wife painfully holding her husband could not bear her husband a life . From her husband in court infuriated the enemy fall into the trap of others start to his wife's anger was crazy the last disheartened, like a wife to her husband in frustration ~ because she knew her husband would let children of any performance from their own farther and farther.
Tony Leung Ka Fai is on the inside can be cut off from their return to their side as long as the child's father, but played down the role of her husband, with things progressing with the film step by step to a climax, the court was 'the enemy' forced control do not live mood, for others accused him of being an irresponsible father angry, for others the desecration of China's traditional culture indignation! Matter to the negative direction, he blame his friends, hate the United States, is not compatible! Living in the U.S. eight years, has encountered many difficulties and hardships, the number of difficult and setbacks he enred, and upheld, but this time he could no longer compromise, he could stand up and resist! Stand up and fight! Because they take away is that their children, their own flesh and blood! So he's irrational behavior we are all understandable.
Film has a few bright spots, one of which is the father carrying a child on the road and the police chase, chasing so much as it is for our children, the children do not understand anything, he felt fun, so the father can not care about anything, forgetting all the way to meet the children's joy! Only a car will eventually be stopped, their families have to face the nightmare still exist. Separated spouses, the child has finally returned home, but his father left, Father and Son can not meet, the wife went to see the decadent husband, along with drinking alcohol, so alcohol tingling throat anesthesia body. They want to cry want to resist, but can not, and only if all of the grievances of all the anger inside the pharynx to the stomach.
Originally his father and grandfather would like to take the kids went back to China together, but the grandfather firmly said: can not be done! Life is this way, anything can happen, you hide are not immune to the.
Anything can happen, laying bare the untold stories behind this event! Can not escape can not hide, we are the love of his family, acceptance of all the misfortunes of our courage.
Because of love, the father dressed as Santa Claus, from the sewer climbed back to his own home. Fortunately, the story has a happy ending. He did not disappoint and regret.
The film is in the context of Western cultural differences, in addition to the performance of his son can not be split between husband and wife's love, he also seen the Chinese people's moral integrity, but also a success.

6. 求一篇400字左右的電影《刮痧》英文觀後感,體現中西方文化差異,語法不用太准確,高中生水平即可



7. 電影刮痧英語讀後感100字數




8. 誰有電影《刮痧》的英文影評啊!急

Masterpiece on Cultural misunderstandings
Author: zzmale

Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient's acupuncture/acupressure/massage points. It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture/acupressure/massage. This method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin, and the story begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work.

Sadly, in US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants lives and all of these are e to simple misunderstanding between cultures.


9. 電影《刮痧》觀後感——英文版

Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment) on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences. But the most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives. I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed.

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