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發布時間: 2023-02-05 06:46:29

Ⅰ 大恆影評第12期: 你認識「吸血鬼獵人林肯」嗎

















Ⅱ 林肯語錄英文帶翻譯的



A good scholar will be a winner.


I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.


Power can conquer all, but it is short.


The best way to predict the future is to create it.

事實上 教育 便是一種早期的習慣。

In fact, ecation is an early habit.


Success is frustrating, and enthusiastic.


I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.


How happy a man is to be happy.


I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.


A person is mature, it should be responsible for his face more.
預測未來最好的 方法 就是去創造未來。

The best way to predict the future is to create the future.


There is no humble occupation, only humble people.


Will come from the two factors of moral feeling and self interest.


A good goal will never come to nothing because of the slow.


Law is to reveal the moral, moral is the hidden law.


Only if you do not talk about others, others will not talk about you.


The best thing in life is the friendship between him and others.


Whatever you want to be, keep your good.


The most important is that at the critical moment to adhere to the principle of.


A person in charge should be responsible for his own face.


I don't care if you fall, I only care about whether you will rise.


If you don't have a choice, be brave enough to face it.


Life is a game, I am willing to death, the action is slow, or retreat.


Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than anything else.


Humor is a moisturizer, which prevents me from a lot of friction and pain.


Abolition of slavery, although it is not so easy, but the pursuit of love is more difficult!

平時的學習和 經驗 ,是我們在危急關頭最有力的支持。

The usual learning and experience, is our most powerful support in critical moment.


If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I will take six hours to grind the axe.


The bond of friendship, or will be emotional and tense, but never break.

Freedom to others and the maintenance of their own freedom, both of the same noble cause.


My life experience has convinced me that people who have no faults are less often.


What we care about is not whether you fail or not, but if you have no blame for the failure.


You don't have to blame them, and that's what we're going to do.


Always bear in mind that your determination to succeed is more important than any one thing.


For most people, how happy they are, how happy they are.


People who are willing to wait will have good luck, but they will be left behind by others.


We want to conserve fair character, good habits should form a "casual".


My main concern is not whether you fail, but you are not willing to fail.


Gold is indeed valuable, but full of vitality and brave patriots are more valuable than gold.


Great genius disdain to walk a path of others. He seeks regions hitherto.


You can fool all of the people all of the, also can be in a long time fool some of the people, but not in the long time fool all the people some of the.


Those who do not give others freedom, they should not be free. They are also not able to maintain the freedom in the long run.


Character is like a tree, fame is like a tree. We often consider the shade of the trees, but not the trees.


Would rather be silent, like a fool, but also do not want to easily to say the words, and lost the possibility of doubt.


If you want to persuade a person to trust and obey your position, first of all, let him believe that you are his faithful friend.


Quality is like a big tree, and fame is like a tree. The shade is what we want, and the tree is real.


If a purpose is lawful and necessary, the necessary means to achieve it are also lawful and must be taken.


You can fool some people for a long time, or fool all the people all the time, but you can not fool all the people for a long time.


The height of the fountain does not exceed its source; a man's career is also in the way of his accomplishments.


I don't have to win, but I'm sure I do. I don't have to be successful, but I will hold on to it. I will hold the concept of equality and any honest people together.

林肯語錄英文帶翻譯的相關 文章 :

1. 林肯經典英語名言

2. 英語優美勵志句子帶翻譯

3. 50句唯美英文勵志語錄

4. 經典英文短句子帶翻譯

5. 經典英語名人名言附翻譯

6. 關於努力的林肯名言

7. 林肯3分鍾演講稿中英文版

8. 中英文勵志語錄

Ⅲ 林肯觀後感






Ⅳ 關於林肯的英語作文,一百詞左右,急, 就是名人傳記,一百詞左右

There are quite a few people that I admire greatly, but the one that comes first on my list is Abraham Lincoln, the great American emancipator. Although he was born poor, he worked hard and honestly, and eventually became President of the United States.
A part from the many fine qualities that Lincoln had, I admire him most because he dared to do what he thought was right at a time when his beliefs were very unpopular with many people. He also had infinite patience and tolerance for those who disagreed with him, and bore their discourtesy toward him with admirable restraint. He also had the manliness to forgive his opponents. When the Civil War ended, he treated his erstwhile enemies with great generosity. The words which are carved on the walls of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. were taken from his famous Second Inaugural Address and begin with he phrases which I shall never forget: 「With malice toward none, with charity for all…」

Ⅳ 《越獄》觀後感

























第一次聽賈國華同志(以下簡稱蛋蛋)提到《越獄》時一副陶醉的樣子,聽了一下大概內容是一個人幫他哥哥越獄,把監獄藍圖紋在了身上,而且現在與美國FOX5同步播出,還沒有完。當時我立即表態我不看,因為一是監獄風雲看得多了,二是這種擠牙膏式的播出方式是在讓我難受,急人。但唯一想不通的就是怎麼把一張監獄藍圖紋在身上進入監獄不被發現呢?於是我抱著試試看的心態買了兩盒,誰知一個療程下來……,SORRY SORRY,手誤 手誤。於是我到網吧拷了10集想看看那個紋身是什麼樣子,本人對紋身藝術有極其濃厚的興趣。

結果這一看就不能自拔,每天看到快天亮。紋身設計的的確有深度,將藍圖和所有逃跑關鍵環節全部整合成一副精彩的……怎麼說呢?歐美常見的那種幻想插畫,漂亮極了,像一件衣服一樣穿在身上。最精彩的還是Michael Scofield對越獄過程的精確計劃和諸多方案,對於每一個細節的分析,對每一個結果都有應對方案。天才,絕對的天才。但是計劃沒有變化快,在監獄這個沒有自由空間的地方很多事情不如人意,



還有和蛋蛋討論裡面最酷的要數Lincoln Burrows,簡直一個沒大腦。PI在裡面挖隧道時讓他阻攔一下獄警,他只說了兩句話「不要進取」「裡面沒什麼」沒有收效後就是很無奈的舉了一下雙手,揮拳打翻獄警,哈哈,真是簡單直接。我以為他舉完手後會變出一個出我意料的謊言呢,結果太出乎意料的一個動作,引來了小黑房。






























Ⅵ 請用英語寫一篇關於林肯的事跡外加翻譯中文 好的加分

Over the years, the Emancipation Proclamation and President Lincoln himself have been reviewed with both admiration and derision. The shifting viewpoints towards the two reflect the context of the times and that is how the Emancipation Proclamation and president Lincoln must be viewed because each were created in the context of their times
The war for the Union or the Lincoln Administration did not start out as a war to end slavery. Lincoln himself, by modern day standards, was prejudice and believed blacks would be better off leaving the country. The threat that Lincoln represented was political and economic to the South. Lincoln had no intention of interfering with slavery where it already existed but was opposed to the extension of slavery, which represented economic threat to the south as well as the loss of political power. It must be remembered, as the author points out, that there was no great demand among the majority of the people for slavery to end and Lincoln』s racial views on blacks were common. Little, if anything was said about the black man having an equal place in American society, a view shared by many in the military also.
In any event, freeing the slaves would be a radical measure in many Northerners eyes. The author analyzes how Lincoln had to tread thin line because of this... The Border States were a key strategic area and losing those states would make the war even more difficult to fight for the union. Lincoln had to consider the reaction of the army also if a proclamation feeing the slaves was announced The Union had to win the war in any event to give teeth to a proclamation.

The first plans developed by the Lincoln Administration called for compensated emancipation. The plans reflected the viewpoint of Lincoln, sometimes not shared by members of Congress and Lincoln cabinet members, that graal and compensated emancipation was the best method. Lincoln had to think about the entire Union effort and could not risk making such a radical move. The plans also promoted colonization of the blacks, which was angrily opposed by the blacks themselves.
In time, it was Lincoln came to see that the war would have to be more about just saving the union. Lincoln has had few equals in the skill of using the words of the English language. The Emancipation Proclamation is often criticized for not having the same beautiful and high idealized words of his Second Inaugural Address. The key here is that Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation in legalistic terms for a reason. First, the Emancipation Proclamation was conditional. The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in certain areas of the Confederacy and not others. Second, it was also a military measure, a aimed at undermining the economic system of the South, Third, the Emancipation Proclamation might be challenged legally and had to stand up to constitutional scrutiny by the supreme Court, if the union could win the war.
One of the criticisms of the Emancipation Proclamation was the fact that it did not set every slave free. Again, using today』s standards to judge is somewhat unfair because the union had to win the war first. Lincoln had to think about how the army and the Border States would react. Although the army did not dissolve or the Border States did not leave the union, there was not universal rejoicing at the Emancipation Proclamation. The Proclamation also strengthened the Confederate will because Lincoln had struck at the very heart of the south and the way of life the Confederacy was fighting for.
The enlistment of the African-American, both ex-slaves and freed blacks, in Union armies represented turning point because that was the evidence that the war had changed and a new era was beginning. The black man would earn respect in the service of the union but that did not equate to equal treatment. The rights earned in the crucible of warwould be frittered away in the years after the war, giving the Emancipation Proclamation hollow meaniing for many blacks.
The mixed reputation of Lincoln among African-Americans is a demonstration of dashed hopes and the failure of expectations. The failures of Reconstruction and the suppression of African-Americans lowered the stature of Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. When looked at from a genuine abolition viewpoint, Lincoln was cold and indifferent and did not move fast enough. However, when measured by the sentiments of the country, which Lincoln was bound to consult, he was swift, radical, and determined. And for that Lincoln should and does have a special place in the hearts of all Americans

Ⅶ 關於林肯的英文簡介個人資料

亞伯拉罕·林肯,共和黨人,美國政治家、思想家,黑人奴隸制的廢除者。下面是我為你整理的林肯的英文簡介,希望對你有用!林肯簡介 Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1865), Republicans, American politicians, thinkers, abolition of black slavery. 16th president of the United States, ring his presidency, the United States outbreak of civil war, known as the Civil War, Lincoln firmly opposed to the national division. He abolished the rebellion of the state slavery, promulgated the "homestead law", "the liberation of black slaves declaration." Lincoln defeated the separatist forces in the south, maintaining the rights of the United States and its territory, regardless of race, human life and equal rights. Shortly after the end of the civil war, Lincoln was assassinated, was the first assassination of the US president, is also the first Republican president, has repeatedly been rated as the greatest president. The latest version of the $ 5 notes is the picture of Abraham Lincoln. In 2006, Abraham Lincoln was rated by the American authoritative journal "Atlantic Monthly" as the first 100 characters to influence the United States. British "The Times" in 2008 organized the Committee of Experts on the 43 US presidents were different standards for the "greatest president" ranking, Abraham Lincoln as the first. 林肯人物生平 Early experience February 12, 1909, Lincoln was born in a poor family in Harding County, Kentucky, in his own words, his childhood is "a poor chronology of poverty." When he was a child, he helped the family move the firewood, raise the water, do the farm work, and so on. Parents are descendants of British immigrants who live by farming and hunting. In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to the southwest of Indiana, land reclamation for a living. 9 years old, Lincoln only 36-year-old mother died, and thus cultivate his ability to think and work independently, grew up after the height of 193cm, but always gives the most calm and depressed impression. A year later, the father married a good-hearted woman named Sally Bush. Stepmother kindly hard work, treat her husband's ex-wife's children as their own, full of love for the small Lincoln, Lincoln also respected mother, a family living in harmony and happiness. Lincoln's ecation is not high e to poor family poverty. In order to maintain the family plan, juvenile Lincoln had been on the Ohio River ferry, plantation workers and so on. At the age of 18, tall Lincoln was hired by a shipowner, with people along a flat barge boat along the Ohio River, sailing thousands of miles to New Orleans. Before the age of 25, Lincoln did not have a fixed career, four to make a living. Althood, he became a local land surveyor, e to proficient in measurement and calculation, often people to go to solve the boundary disputes. In the hard work of spare time, Lincoln is always a love of reading young people, his night lights always flash to late very late. In his youth, Lincoln read all of Shakespeare's writings, read "American history", and read many historical and literary books. He makes himself a learned and intelligent man through self-study. Beginning with politics In 1834, at a political rally Lincoln first published a political speech, because of criticism of the slave system, made some suggestions concive to public affairs, he had an impact in the public, coupled with his outstanding character, In 1834 he was elected a state legislator. In August the same year, 25-year-old Lincoln was elected as a member of Illinois as a member of the Illinois and re-elected three to 1842, while managing the country post office, and engaged in land survey. In 1836, Lincoln became a lawyer through self-study, and later opened a law firm in Springfield. And soon became the state legislator Whig party leader. After accumulating the experience of state legislators. In 1846, 37-year-old Lincoln was elected to the US House of Representatives. In 1847, Lincoln as the representative of the Whig Party, participated in the election of members of Congress, was successful, the first time to the capital of Washington. In the past, the debate on slavery has become a major event in American political life. In this argument, Lincoln became an anti-niggerist. He believes that slavery should eventually be eliminated, first of all should be in the capital Washington to abolish slavery. Manchuists who represent the interests of the slave owners in the south are frantically opposed to Lincoln's slavery. In 1850, the slave forces in the United States increased, and Lincoln withdrew from Congress and continued as a lawyer. In 1856, Lincoln withdrew from the Whig Party for his strong opposition to the expansion of slavery, took part in the newly established Republican against slavery and soon became the main leader of the party. Elected president In November 1860, Lincoln was elected president, Republican for the first time in power. Lincoln's election posed a serious threat to the interests of the southern plantation owners, the southern plantation slaves for the manufacture of divisions, launched a mutiny, the southern 11 states have quit the federal, announced the establishment of the "United States Union", and developed a new constitution, Elect the new president. In April 1861, the southern rebel forces first provoked war to the north. Lincoln called on the people to fight for the reunification of the Union, the outbreak of the Civil War. After the Civil War began, President Lincoln was decisive, not only to expand the power of the President of the war, but also ordered in some areas to abolish the personal protection of citizens privileges. However, Lincoln has been shaken and hesitated on the issue of liberation of slaves, one of the important concerns is the private property rights issues related to the constitutional process. In view of the fact that the US Constitution prohibits the government from depriving citizens of property without proper legal process, Lincoln has no intention or liberation of slaves. August 22, 1862, in a letter to the New York Tribune editor, "Lincoln wrote:" My highest goal is to save the federation, neither to preserve slavery nor to destroy slavery. A slave can save the union, I will not liberate; if the liberation of all slaves can save the federal, I will be all liberation; if the liberation of part of the slaves, not the liberation of other slaves can save the federal, I also do. "In his presidency, Lincoln tried to demand a peaceful way to abolish slavery in order to avoid state divisions and wars. But with the deepening of the war, Lincoln really realized that in order to really abolish slavery, it must be bloodshed and sacrifice, and the way of peace can not solve any problems at all. Lincoln, in the most critical juncture of the civil war, was able to comply with the demands of the broad masses of the people and destroy the slavery in a revolutionary way and to solve the people's demands on the land, thus promoting the development of American capitalism and maintaining national unity and the liberation of black slaves Made an important contribution. Civil war wins The defeat of the North on the battlefield caused strong dissatisfaction among the broad masses of the people, and many cities broke out demonstrations and asked the government to take measures to reverse the war situation. At this time Lincoln realized that in order to win the war, we must mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, the abolition of slavery, the liberation of slaves. In May 1862, Lincoln signed the "Homestead Law", which stipulated that each American citizen would pay only $ 10 in registration fees and would be able to make 160 acres of land in the west and five years after the continuous cultivation became the legitimate owner of the land. This measure fundamentally eliminates the possibility of the southern slave owners to seize the western land, but also to meet the urgent needs of the majority of farmers, greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers fighting courageously. In September 1862, Lincoln personally drafted the "liberation of black slaves declaration (draft)". January 1, 1863 formally promulgated the "liberation of black slaves declaration", announced that the abolition of the rebellion of the slavery of the state, the liberation of the slaves can be called to participate in the federal army. Announced the slaves to obtain freedom, fundamentally disintegrated the combat effectiveness of the Southern Army, but also to the North Army to get a solid source of soldiers. During the civil war, direct black warriors reached 18.6 million people, they are very brave fighting, the average of every three blacks have one for the liberation of the cause of life. 1863 proposed "people, the people, the people enjoy" the programmatic slogan, so that the war has become a mass revolutionary struggle. It is important to note that the Liberation Slave Declaration advocates that all slaves of the territory under the rebel territory of the United States should enjoy freedom, but the object of exemption also includes states that are not divorced from the federal state and the state under the control of the state. This declaration immediately liberates a small part of the slaves, but essentially strengthens the authority of the slave army after the federal army controls the territory of the Union, and paves the way for the final abolition of the national slavery. The promulgation of the two laws of the "Homestead Law" and the "Declaration of the Liberation of the Black Slaves" is a turning point in the Civil War, and the situation on the battlefield has become increasingly favorable to the North. On July 1, 1863, the two sides launched the largest battle since the Civil War in Gettysburg, north of Washington. The two sides fighting for three days and three nights, the North Army hit the Southern Army, the South Army lost 36,000 people, from the North Army began to enter the counterattack, while the South Army only defensive. On July 4, 1863, the Northern Army was victorious in Vicksburg. Vicksburg is located on the Mississippi River, is a 200 feet above the surface of the cliff, according to the cliff of the Southern Army condescending, you can use fire directly threaten the river from the ship. It is very difficult to attack this fortress from below. As early as the end of 1862, Grant led his troops in the Navy with the help of several times to attack the fortress, but did not succeed. In April 1863, Grant launched a new offensive plan, first destroyed the fortress around the various positions, and then surrounded the Vicksburg. The Navy also came to help, from the land and water at the same time attack, violent shelling fortress, deafening sound has been ringing for 47 days. July 4, trapped in the fortress of the Southern Army exhausted, forced to surrender, the Northern Army this time captive rebels 2.9 million people. Then, the northern army swept the leaves of the autumn trend, the rapid pursuit of rebels, April 3, 1865 captured the rebel capital Richmond. On 9 April, the rebel commander-in-chief Robert Lee's rate of remnants of 28,000 people surrendered to Grant in the village of Apomacomos. The four-year-long North and South war ended in the north. Shot dead Due to Abraham Lincoln's outstanding achievements in the American Civil War, he was re-elected as President of the United States on 8 November 1864. However, before Lincoln put his postwar policy into effect, the tragedy took place. At 10:15 on April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot at the Ford Theater in Washington on the fifth day after the surrender of the South Army. Sympathetic to the South actor John Booth while the president bodyguard to leave, quietly slipped into the presidential box shot hit Lincoln. On 15 April, the 16th President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, died. Booth was born in the United States after the opening of the theater, his superb acting has been the object of female fans chase. But the Boss was in the midst of the mourning of the country, and he was unequivocal in politics: a strong supporter of the Confederacy. During the civil war, Booth put together a group of people secretly activities, these people, including his childhood friends Mitchell Aoluofu Lin and Sam Arnold; Maryland, a manufacturing carriage of George Atzrode; 23 years old Of the drugstore staff David Herold; former South Federal fighter Louis Powell, and a former army has provided information for the John Salat. The organization had plotted an apartment in Washington to kidnap Lincoln to exchange plans for captive soldiers in the south, but these plans were as fruitless as many other conspiracies. Lincoln was stabbed two or three days before, Booth almost every day drunk, his former conspiracy organization fragmented, only Pein, Herod and Atzrod. April 14 at noon, he went to the Ford Theater to take the e-mail, inadvertently see the poster said Lincoln and Grant will attend the evening show, Booth burst of ecstasy, immediately called the buddies to implement their final plan: Assassinate Vice President Johnson, Pein and Herold to assassinate the increasingly recovering Secretary of State West Howard, Booth himself to shoot the president. Booth entered the president's box at 10 pm. The box is a lock, but this lock in a few days ago on the bad, and no one reported the matter. As Booth was an actor, so the guards of the President did not embarrass him. Police John Parker should have been on the way to the box in the lobby, but he was not interested in the play, so he hid to another room to drink. When Booth entered the box, he calmly aimed the gun between Lincoln's left ear and back ... ... shot a total of 8 times, Lincoln was hit 6 times, of which 5 hit the key. However, only 1675 viewers, only few people heard gunshots, and even sitting next to Mrs. Lincoln and a few accompanied by watching the people are not too shocked by the gunfire. It was hard to hear that the laughter and the gunshots of the audience were hard to hear because Booth had chosen to shoot at the climax of the play. Then the box in a chaos, Booth jumped from the box to the stage, turned to the audience shouted: "All tyrants are the end of this." This is the famous words of Virginia. After the assassination of Lincoln, Booth has been to the south to escape, but because the government launched a national search, Booth was found in a locked pigsty, and finally killed by the guns outside the staff. After the death of a few decades, there are a lot of people claim that they are real Booth, there is a person several times twice said that he is Booth, but in fact because these people want to be known through this, from these Things can reflect Lincoln's position in the eyes of the Americans is extremely high. 林肯的人物評價 亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)(1809年02月12日—1865年04月15日),是美國第16任總統,首位共和黨總統,也是首位被暗殺的美國總統。他為推動美國社會向前發展作出了巨大貢獻,受到美國人民的崇敬。是世界歷史中最偉大的人物之一,領導了拯救聯邦和結束奴隸制度的偉大斗爭。人們懷念他的正直、仁慈和堅強的個性,他一直是美國歷史上最受人景仰的總統之一。盡管他在邊疆只受過一點兒初級 教育 ,擔任公職的 經驗 也很少,然而,他那敏銳的洞察力和深厚的人道主義意識,使他成了美國歷史上最偉大的總統之一,現行的5美元紙幣上印的就是林肯的頭像,由此可見林肯在美國歷史上的地位。 共產主義革命導師馬克思十分高度地評價林肯說:“他是一個不會被困難所嚇倒、不會為成功所迷惑的人,他不屈不撓地邁向自己的偉大目標,而從不輕舉妄動,他穩步向前,而從不倒退……總之,他是一位達到了偉大境界而仍然保持自己優良品質的極其罕有的人物。” 林肯1809年02月12日出生於肯塔基州哈定縣一個普通農民家庭,青年時代先後當過售貨員、鄉郵員、測量員、 木工 等,1832年競選伊利諾伊州議員失敗,1833至1836年任伊利諾伊州新塞勒姆郵政局局長。 1834年8月,他作為輝格黨人當選為伊利諾伊州議員並連任三屆至1842年,1836年通過自學取得律師資格,後在斯普林菲爾德合夥開辦律師事務所,1847年作為該州輝格黨內唯一代表當選為國會眾議員。1856年,林肯因強烈反對擴大奴隸制而退出輝格黨,參加新成立的反對奴隸制的共和黨,並很快成為該黨主要領導人。1860年11月,林肯當選總統,共和黨首次執政。林肯的當選對南方 種植 園主的利益構成嚴重威脅。1861年,南北戰爭爆發。戰爭初期,林肯採取謀求同南方和解的方針,軍事上節節失利。在各階層的強烈要求下,一系列打擊奴隸制的法令在1862年得以通過。 1862年09月22日,林肯發表《解放黑人奴隸宣言》,宣布自1863年01月01日起廢除叛亂各州的奴隸制,奴隸將成為自由人。文件給黑奴帶來了希望和勇氣,許多黑奴脫離了南方軍隊,參加了北方軍。1864年,他提出“民有、民治、民享”的 口號 ,鼓舞士氣,於1865年04月取得內戰勝利。在1864年大選中,林肯提出了廢除奴隸制的第十三條修正案並列入共和黨競選綱領。11月08日,林肯再次當選為總統。 1865年04月14日晚,林肯在華盛頓福特劇院觀看喜劇《我們的美國親戚》時,被一個奴隸主刺殺,次日晨逝世。林肯的不幸逝世引起了國內外的巨大震動,美國人民深切哀悼他,有700多萬人停立在道路兩旁向出殯的行列致哀,有150萬人瞻仰了林肯的遺容。 猜你喜歡: 1. 對林肯英文版的評價 2. 林肯經典英語名言 3. 對林肯的評價英文 4. 林肯語錄英文帶翻譯的 5. 林肯紀念堂英語簡介

Ⅷ 林肯的英語簡介

1809.2.12, birthday

1818(9 years old), the mother die.

1831(22 years old), go into business the failure.

1832(23 years old), the election state the councilman fail to be elected.

At the same year(23 years old), the work threw.Want to study in the law school, but did not get the admission.

1833(24 years old), borrow money to go into business toward the friend.

At the end of at the same year, again bankrupt.Connect down, he spends 16 years to just repay fully the obligation.

1834(25 years old), again campaign the state councilman, won this time.
1835(26 years old), will soon get married after betroth, the fiancee died.

1836(27 years old), the complete breakup of spirit, lies sick in bed six months.

1838(29 years old), fight for become the state councilman of spokesman- have no successfully.

1840(31 years old), fight for becoming the voter- fail to be elected.

1843(34 years old), attend the national legislature election- failed to be elected again.

1846(37 years old), attend the national legislature election again- won an election this time.Go to Washington's special area, express can the turn can order.

1848(39 years old), look for the parlia****rian to serve another term, failure.

1849(40 years old), think the work that serves as the land bureau chief in oneself's state, encounter the brush-off.

1854(45 years old), campaign the American senator, fail to be elected.

1856(47 years old), fight for the nomination of the vice-president in Republican party- get 100 of the ticket shortage.

1860(51 years old), win an election the American president.Become one of the greatest presidents in American history.

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Ⅹ 介紹林肯的小短文(英語)

亞伯拉罕·林肯,Abraham Lincoln 美國第16任總統Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in 1809 near Hodgenville, Kentucky.
In 1828, at 19, he took a boat down the Ohio River to New Orleans. There Lincoln saw for the first time slaves being sold in the marketplace. At that time Lincoln made up his mind to work to end slavery for the rest of his life.
In 1836, Lincoln became a lawyer and was famous for being hard-working and honest. He believed that the US stood for freedom for all. He wanted to become a Senator . In 1858, Lincoln debated Stephen Douglas who was also a candidate for the Senate from Illinois. The two men made speeches in seven cities, debating the issue of slavery.
Because of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Lincoln became known across the country. It was Douglas who was elected to the Senate by a vote of 54 to 46. Lincoln decided to run for president in 1860. Again he ran against Stephen Douglas as well as two other candidates.
Lincoln took the oath of office to become President of the United States on March 4, 1861. It was a difficult time to be president. Many Southern states did not agree with Lincoln about abolishing slavery, or declared that they were not a part of the US. So the famous Civil War began in April, 1861.
Lincoln's Union army fought the Southern Confederate armies. Many soldiers were killed in the battles. One such battle was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In 1863, a ceremony was held to commemorate the dead on the Gettysburg battlefield. Lincoln made a famous speech that has become known as the Gettysburg address.
On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot while attending a play at Ford's Theatre and died on the morning of April 15.
Americans grieved at the loss of their President. Both Lincoln's friends and enemies praised his selflessness and kindly spirit after his death. A train carried his body across the country so that thousands of mourners could pay their respects to Abraham Lincoln one last time. Lincoln is buried in Springfield, Illinois. Americans will long remember President Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States.

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