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發布時間: 2023-02-04 00:40:41

❶ 求宮崎駿《龍貓》英語簡介

My Neighbor Totoro is a 1988 Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and proced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan.

The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1988. The film was originally released in the U.S. on VHS and Laserdisc with the title, My Friend Totoro.




❷ 英語作文龍貓這部動畫片怎麼寫

A story about childhood innocence, friendship and the belief that magic is all around us.
Satuski and Mei have recently moved to a countryside area of Japan with their Father. Their Mother has been rehabilitating at a nearby hospital and the move was made so that they could be closer to her, as well as to provide a better environment for her once she is allowed to go home. Although Satsuki and Mei were at first frightened by their new strange house, they soon discover that there is a magical presence there. Soon, they meet their new neighbour, a tree guardian named Totoro who lives in the forest behind their house, and together a wonderful adventure begins.
Satuski和mei和她們的父親剛剛般到日本的鄉下. 她們的媽媽在附近的一家醫院養身體. 他們搬到鄉下就可以離媽媽近一點, 也給讓媽媽出院後有個更好的環境.雖然兩姐妹開始被她們的新家嚇著了, 可是後來她們發現這是個充滿魔力的房子. 很塊它們認識了新鄰居,一個叫totoro(龍貓?)的樹守衛(我靠,這我翻譯不了,tree guardian),就住在他們家後面的叢林. 奇妙的旅程開始了

❸ 龍貓的英文簡介,急需!!!

He is a lovely Japanese cat~~

剛才去找了一下,沒找到英文的,以下是中文information ,你了解一下,然後可以自己用語言組織一下寫成英文的.

《龍貓》My Neighbor Totoro

《龍貓》是宮崎駿的在STUDIO GHIBLI的第三部電影,因為這部平靜而溫馨的電影使得龍貓這個可愛的生物在全世界都家喻戶曉。《龍貓》十分適合一家老小齊齊觀看的。









「澄清的小河、森林、田地,住在其中 的人、鳥、獸、昆蟲,夏天的悶熱、大雨、突然掛起的勁風、恐怖的黑夜…… 這些東西全都顯出日本的美態。我覺得保護這些可以讓生物蓬勃地生長的自然環境很重要。



❹ 龍貓介紹英文翻譯!(是這種動物),詞彙高中水平,別太生硬,不要翻譯機!!


Lliving in the Orient,perhaps you don't yet know the chinchilla,but you could have remembered Totoro,My Neighbor Totoro,A Japanese cartoon you had watched in your childhood.In fact,Totoro is a chinchilla,which is a mammal slightly like a rabbit.
Chinchillas are native to the Andes mountains in South America, and they live in holes in rocks or cliff at high altitudes (up to 15,000 ft/4,270 m). The animals are good at jumping and can jump up to 1.8 m.In nature,they feed on plant leaves, fruits, seeds, and small insects.Their teeth grow continuously,so chinchillas often rub them.The rodent's gestation period is 111 days,and it can merely proce two pups or so every year.
Chinchillas have a large amount of pores in their skin;Furthermore,there are up to 60~80 hairs in each pore.The fur is so thick that parasites, such as fleas,cannot live in.The mammals instinctively clean their fur by taking st baths, in which they roll around in special st made of fine pumice. In the wild, the st is formed from fine, ground volcanic rocks. The st gets into their fur and absorbs oil and dirt. Chinchillas do not bathe in water because the dense fur prevents air-drying, retaining moisture close to the skin, which can cause fungus growth or fur rot.
In the Occident,chinchillas are well known just because of their ultra-soft and velvet-like fur,which can be made into noble fur clothing.For reasons of over-hunting,more predators, low reproction rate and so on,by the end of the 19th century, the chinchilla had been an endangered species,to the verge of extinction.Nowadays,wild chinchillas only exist in Chile,and most chinchillas currently used by the fur instry for clothing and other accessories are farm-raised.

❺ 龍貓的英文簡介

My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ, Tonari no Totoro?), is a 1988 Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and proced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The movie won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1988. The movie was originally released in the U.S. in VHS format with the title, My Friend Totoro.[1]

Troma Films, under their 50th St. Films banner, proced a 1993 b of the film co-proced by Jerry Beck. It was released on VHS and DVD by Fox Video. Troma's and Fox's rights to this version expired in 2004. The film was re-released by Disney on March 7, 2006.[2] It features a new b cast. This DVD release is the first version of the film in the United States to include both Japanese and English language tracks, as Fox did not have the rights to the Japanese audio track for their version.

❻ 龍貓的英文簡介,越長越好!!!!!


❼ 求英文介紹龍貓

Chinchillas typically about 15 years. But 18~20 years is not uncommon. With gentle handling from a young age most of them will become quite tame and bond closely with their owners, although sometimes they do not like to be held. They are very active and cute.they are largely nocturnal so will be most active at night.so they should be kept in a fairly quiet area ring day.chinchillas require a lot of roughage and the diet should mainly be made up ofquality grass hay along with pellets made for them. the digestive system of them is fairly sensitive so any diet changes should be graal.moreover they only take st bath and they need items for chewing to keep the incisor teeth im good condition.

❽ 寫一篇介紹電影的英語作文



"Eight hundred" is a war film proced by Huayi Brothers Film Co., Ltd. and Beijing seven impression culture media Co., Ltd.


Directed by Guan Hu, Huang Zhizhong, Ou Hao, Wang Qianyuan, Jiang Wu, Zhang Yi, Du Chun, Wei Chen, Li Chen, Yu Haoming, etc.


At the end of the battle of Songhu in 1937, the fierce war between China and Japan had lasted for three months, and Shanghai was on the verge of being occupied.


The "800 heroes" were ordered to stay in Zhabei, Shanghai, and fought hard for four days at the Sihang warehouse on the Bank of Suzhou River. They were ordered to withdraw to the British concession on October 30.


影片評價(Film evaluation)——


The film broadens the dimension of our understanding of heroes. Before they sacrifice their lives for righteousness, they also have ordinary, even inlgent cowardice and struggle.


The characterization of "eight hundred" adopts the technique of group portrait. There are more than 20 main characters alone, but this also makes it impossible to remember the main characters.

❾ 龍貓電影的英文是什麼

My Neighbour Totoro (tonari no totoro) Directed by: Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎駿
1988) Written by: Hayao Miyazaki Proced by: Studio Ghibli Executive Procer Yasuyoshi Tokuma Music by: Jo Hisaishi Voice Actors:: Original Version Satsuki Kusakabe ~ Noriko Hidaka Mei Kusakabe ~ Chika Sakamoto Tatsuo Kusakabe (Father) ~ Shigesato Itoi Yasuko Kusakabe (Mother) ~ Sumi Shimamoto Kanta ~ Toshiyuki Amagasa Granny ~ Tanie Kitabayashi Kanta's Mother ~ Yûko Maruyama Totoro ~ Hitoshi Takagi English Version released by Fox wingsee/ghibli/totoro/movieinfo Runtime: 86 minutes 人物介紹: My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ
Tonari no Totoro)
是吉卜力工作室與德間書店於1988年推出的一部動畫電影。描寫的是日本在經濟高度發展前存在的美麗自然,那個只有孩子才能看見的不可思議世界和豐富的想像,因為喚起觀眾的鄉愁而廣受大眾歡迎。1988年4月16日在日本公映,大約有80萬人入電影院觀看。同時上映的還有《螢火蟲之墓》。在作品中出現的「草壁家」,出現在2005年日本國際博覽會的瀨戶會場中。 Satsuki Kusakabe (草壁サツキ
Kusakabe Satsuki) 草壁皋月 ,(サツキ CV:日高范子):一個十一歲的女孩。 小學四年級。個性開朗、性格堅強。媽媽住院不在家的這一段期間,挑起照顧爸爸與妹妹的責任。 Mei Kusakabe (草壁メイ
Kusakabe Mei) 草壁梅 ,(メイ CV:坂本千夏):皋月四歲的妹妹。活潑,有著強烈的好奇心及冒險精神。她是第一個發現龍貓的人。 Tatsuo Kusakabe (草壁達夫
Kusakabe Tatsuo) 草壁教授 (CV:糸井重里):兩個女孩的父親。 三十五歲,大學教授。和藹可親,對於兩個女兒可真是瞭若指掌。 Yasuko Kusakabe (草壁靖子
Kusakabe Yasuko) 母親(CV:島本須美):三十歲,兩姊妹的母親,卧病在床。住進七國山醫院卧病在床。 Totoro (トトロ
Totoro) 龍貓(トトロ CV:高木均):灰色,友善的森林守護者,是最大的一隻,至少三公尺高;一般來說龍貓指的就是最大的這一隻。比人類更早住在日本的動物,以樟樹和樹籽為主食,悠遊於森林之中。沒有人看得見它們,因為它們白天睡覺,只在月亮出來的夜晚,歡歡喜喜地在樹梢上吹洋塤(ㄒㄩㄢ),最喜歡飛翔。 大龍貓 1300歲,身高約二公尺。長得像鴟鴞的大動物。吠聲聽來好像「to~to~ro~多多洛」 Chu Totoro 中龍貓 - 600歲,身高如狐狸的藍色龍貓。 Chibi Totoro 小龍貓 - 100歲,身高如小白兔,為半透明白色的龍貓,最先被小米發現。 Susa-ataris 煤炭屎鬼 黑色塵粒,出沒於無人居住的空屋。一旦人類遷入,即隨風離去。 Kanta Ōgaki (大垣寛太
Ōgaki Kanta) 大垣勘太(CV:雨笠利幸) 附近農家男孩,也是早月的同班同學。最初對早月極不友善,說她們住是「鬼屋」,後來成為好朋友。 "Granny" or "Nanny" (お祖母ちゃん
Obaachan) 勘太的祖母,「鬼屋」的管理人。對草壁一家人非常友善,經常照顧姐妹倆。 Catbus (貓バス
Nekobasu) 貓巴士
龍貓的交通工具。人類的肉眼看不見,只能感覺到它快速通過時掀起的旋風。有十二隻腳,雙眼是車前大燈。速度飛快,能在天上飛,亦能行走於水面。 2007-10-19 23:27:20 補充: 都花了點時間在不同網站綜合以上的資料給你
參考: en. *** /wiki/My_Neighbor_Totoro

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