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發布時間: 2023-02-02 12:00:30

⑴ 關於亞瑟王的傳奇,誰能寫一個大約一百詞左右的英文簡介

King Arthur was a fabled British leader and a prominent figure in Britain's legendary history. A real indivial may have been the inspiration of the legend, but any core of history is deeply submerged in the later fictional narratives of Arthur. In these he appears as the ideal of kingship both in war and peace; even in modern times he has been ranked as one of the 100 Greatest Britons of all time. Over time, the stories of King Arthur have captured such widespread interest that he is no longer identified as the legendary hero of a single nation. Countless new legends, stories, revisions, books, and films have been proced in Europe and the United States that unabashedly enlarge on and expand the fictional accounts of King Arthur.


⑵ 請問有關亞瑟王的英文評論嗎

King Arthur is an important figure in the mythology of Great Britain, where he appears as the ideal of kingship both in war and peace. Legends portray him as the greatest king Britain, or the world, would ever have--the "Once and Future King"--and even today he was ranked as one of the 100 Greatest Britons of all times. He is the central character in the cycle of legends known as the Matter of Britain, which portrays him as a leader of the Sub-Roman Britons ring the Saxon invasions of the 5th and 6th centuries. Originally celebrated as a culture hero by the Brythonic peoples, by the 12th century his fame had spread to the Briton's relatives in Brittany, and from there to France, Anglo-Norman England, and the rest of Europe. King Arthur remains a household name throughout the Western World today.

There is disagreement about whether he, or a model for him, ever actually existed, or whether he is a mythic figure who has been given a historicised setting.[1] His title of 'King' is disputed: in the earliest mentions and in Welsh texts, he is never given the title 'King'. An early text refers to him as Dux Bellorum ('Duke of Battles'),[2] and medieval Welsh texts often call him ameraur ("emperor" in the pre-Medieval sense of the Latin imperator, i.e. "commander").


⑶ 電影【亞瑟王】觀後感~


⑷ 求電影亞瑟王的英文影評800到1000字

I have always been and always will be a die-hard fan of the King Arthur stories. My family is from that area of that area of the world, so there is some deep-seated calling to it.

However, I tire greatly over the focus of the Arthur-Guenivere-Lancelot plot being the entire focus or one of the main focuses of the movie. I especially enjoyed that those character relations were subtle undertones. In that way for Aurthur-lovers you can see, "Ohh... I know what's going on there!" My favorite part, as with the Mists of Avalon, was how they meshed the Christian faith of Rome with the pagan beliefs of the knights and the people in the country. This is a remarkable depiction of how it would have been like for Christian Rome to be attempting to convert the pagan--and the relations there were remarkable, I thought.

The translation of the aloof romantic story we all know to a more down-to-earth version was amazing. In every other version we see, it's all about what's going on within the personal lives of the characters, but one of the reasons Arthur and his knights are still in our minds is because they did great things for the world, and I thought it a crime to not focus on that.

Clive Owen and Kiera Knightly were a weird pair, I admit. One is flawlessly gorgeous and the other you have to sit and think for a second before you realize he is a hottie too. There were times when I knew what was going on, but didn't really understand the character's motivations behind it, but when you hit the final scene and realize what's been done here, you feel a smile break out on your face.

At this point, if a studio is going to do something about King Arthur, it's not really about being historically or politically correct--it's about doing something that hasn't been done before, and I think that they hit the nail on the head.

⑸ 求翻譯成英文 下面短文 關於亞瑟王電影

In 450 AD, the Roman empire graally into decline, and intended to evacuate from the UK, the whole nation blighted of Great Britain.Arthur was in conflict and family members, predicted that he would become a sacred British monarch.Arthur is not only the power of talent, and it has great ambition.When he saw the young country of this mess, he is determined to build a new home.Arthur warrior and extraordinary boldness of vision has made some very good knight to admit defeat, they all join Arthur, organized into a famous "knights of the round table".These brave soldiers led by Arthur heroic efforts, has achieved a proud record.In war, Arthur met their defiance called "the blues" a group of guerrillas, composed of the poor and homeless man among them, there was a born leader, guinevere.When they both by the ferocity of the invasion of Saxony people, to the final victory of the fighting, the two former rivals fighting alliance.The two leaders know each other in the war.Arthur finally succeeded in creating a kingdom of Great Britain, creating the history of the British, and eventually became the queen guinevere.

⑹ 電影《亞瑟王》的英文觀後感,500字左右,不要復制的,自己寫的,加分

Written by David Franzoni (Gladiator) and directed by Antoine Fuqua (Training Day), this film abandons all premonitions of what Arthur was and what he is in all our memories. They do keep some of the same, more recognizable, legends of the king. The Round Table makes an appearance but is not nearly held with as high regard as in previous legends. Also, Excalibur still sits on the hip of Arthur. But there's a different twist here. Where in other legends, Arthur was the son of a poor man who pulled the sword Excalibur from its stone, therefore establishing Divine Right for King of England; here Excalibur is his father's sword. His father is killed in battle and the young Arthur pulls the sword from his father's dead body and carries the sword since. Fuqua decides to use the same imagery as if Arthur was pulling the sword out of a stone but just the idea that Excalibur was pulled from his father's body and he has carried it ever since, establishes a little more depth to the story. And that's where most of the similarities stop. This story is based on historical finds that have been discovered recently that have not been established in other Arthurian literature or film works. Arthur is a Roman that has to serve out his ty to the Roman Empire until he realizes he is fighting for a Rome that is too idealistic to exist. Lancelot is an amazingly gifted warrior who was recruited from a young age to join the conquering Roman army to serve for 15 years. He has more of a friendship with Arthur than a king/knight relationship. Guinevere is not a princess from the neighboring France but an English born slave who is discovered and rescued by Arthur's knights. And Merlin normally considered the lovable magician is more of a rebel ghost who leads a rag tag group of English fighting the Roman Empire. So no, this is not your typical 'Arthur' movie.

But what truly surprised me were not the entirely new interpretations but how well every aspect of the film was done. The cinematography was unbelievable. Most of the shots look like they could have been taken start from artist renderings of Arthurian literature. Breathtaking establishing shots of the snowy English landscape transport you back into 400 AD where nature was virtually untouched and made you wish you could visit this country on holiday. The script for the film was done very well also. There weren't those blockbuster, crappy lines that one would expect from a Bruckheimer film. There wasn't even the one liner, 'Braveheart-like' war anthem when going into battle but a very stirring speech from Clive Owen (Arthur) that made you think 'They better kick some Saxon ass.' And it was funny. Not in the modern way either but they took humor and situations from that era and made it funny to today's audience, a true accomplishment.

But there are two things that make a blockbuster, period piece like this work…the battle scenes and the acting. First off, the acting was very impressive. Fuqua casted relatively unknown actors, besides Owen and Keira Knightly, to play the other pivotal parts in the film. None of the performances seemed forced and all appear to become their characters which was probably easier because they did not have to play the well known characters. These were all new interpretations of Arthur and his knights, allowing them to play the characters as they see fit. Who was impressive though was Knightly. Although I am a fan, I was even more impressed with the way she handled the role of Guinevere. Guinevere is no longer a princess who watches from the background but a warrior of Merlin who contributes greatly to the battles. Not many young, very young (19), actress today can pull off a role where you have to be a gorgeous potential Queen one minute and then a brutal warrior the next. And it was these battle scenes that made the film stand out just that much more. You have to appreciate it when directors and writers try to find new and innovative ways to have a battle scene that isn't two giant armies running at one another, swinging large weapons. 'Arthur' is one of those movies that made you believe these were how battles of that time should have been fought. And they were fun to watch.

All in all, 'King Arthur' amazed me. Very rarely to I walk into a film with such high expectations that they would never be filled. Yea, 'Arthur' surpassed everything I ever imagined.

⑺ 亞瑟王傳奇讀後感 普通一點 最好英文

The most famous works of life for the epic legend of "The Death of King Arthur," a comprehensive book contains the legendary King Arthur's round table knights search for the Holy Grail story and the heroic feat. Thirteen years in the Ming Hidemune formal closure of Korinomiyatsuko Knight (now Council).

It is now generally agreed that he and historical airborne Warwick County, lord of the same name are the same person, who is also a glimpse of tomorrow Yingzong thirteen years as a Warwick County members, if the two really the same person, then this were later charged with rape, robbery and attempted murder. In other words he was twenty years out of the prison to complete the process of compilation, "The Death of King Arthur," this feature-length masterpiece of.

"The Death of King Arthur," modeled on the French classics, plus the author's fictional creation of a lot of content and hybridity of some other material for the future generally agree that the book is the most complete description of the literary works of Arthurian legend . At the same time, he, too, the development of English prose narrative epic has made immortal contributions.



⑻ 如何評價電影《亞瑟王:圓桌騎士》



曾經統治英國的凱爾特民族在西元一世紀的時候被羅馬帝國所統治,歷經六世紀以後,日耳曼民族相繼入侵,其勢力漸趨衰微,終於被迫讓出英國王位。傳說中,亞瑟就是在日耳曼民族入侵的這段時期裡面,以凱爾特人的英雄身份登場。他率領各部落在名為巴頓山之役的交戰中一舉擊潰屬於日耳曼民族一支的薩克森人,被視為中世紀英國著名的傳奇人物。 但是,亞瑟的形象卻隨著傳說故事的演進而不斷地變化,最後演變成為統治不列顛之王,成為將蘭斯洛特、崔斯坦等傳說中的騎士收於麾下的「圓桌騎士團」的首領,擁有至高榮譽的英雄。
王者之劍(Excalibur)與石中劍(The Sword in the Stone)是亞瑟王至尊的王權象徵,佩帶著這把具有精靈魔力的王者之劍,令眾騎士俯首稱臣,不僅確立他自己的王位,也在眾多的戰役之中凱旋。

石中劍(The Sword in the Stone),亞瑟拔出的選王之劍。一說其為Excalibur的原型Caliburn。《不列顛諸王史》關於Caliburn的記載有亞瑟王用此劍一戰殺掉攻擊他的470名薩克遜士兵。
在亞瑟王傳說中,拔出石中劍、登基為王的亞瑟在與King Pellinore交鋒時折斷了石中劍,此役起因是亞瑟在一座城堡拜訪時,城堡主人Annoure看到向城堡走來的Sir Pellinore,請求亞瑟王給予保護。實際上Sir Pellinore也是受到Annoure戲弄,前來與亞瑟王交鋒。這次戰斗被認為是違反騎士道的,成為石中劍斷裂的原因。後來他在梅林的指引下,從湖中女士的手中得到了王者之劍。王者之劍在精靈國度阿瓦隆所打造,劍鍔由黃金所鑄、劍柄上鑲有寶石,並因其鋒刃削鐵如泥,故湖中女士以Excalibur(即古塞爾特語中「斷鋼」之意)命名之。梅林此時則告誡亞瑟:「王者之劍雖強大,但其劍鞘卻較其劍更為貴重。配戴王者之劍的劍鞘者將永不流血,你決不可遺失了它。」 但後來亞瑟王還是遺失了劍鞘,也因此他雖擁有削鐵如泥的寶劍,最後仍為叛徒騎士Mordred所殺。而王者之劍最後則在亞瑟王的囑咐下,由Sir Bedivere投回湖中,與亞瑟王一齊回到精靈國度阿瓦隆去。


從古至今,不同版本的故事描述了不同數量的圓桌騎士,從12到150不等。最早寫到溫切斯特圓桌的是維斯(Wace),他在不列顛傳說(Roman de Brut,1270) 列出了25位騎士的名字。
蘭斯洛特 Sir Lancelot 圓桌武士中無可爭議的第一勇者,因傳說其是被湖中仙女養大,被稱為「湖上騎士」。他溫文爾雅,樂於助人,卻又英勇善戰,大公無私。
高紋 Sir Gawain 實力堪於蘭斯洛匹敵的騎士。他不僅武藝高超,戰功顯赫,而且身材高大,外形俊朗。傳說他就是「白馬王子」一詞的來源。
凱 Sir Kay 亞瑟王從小被寄養的地方的主愛克伯公爵的兒子,被亞瑟王稱為「哥哥」。是一位勇敢的熱血少年。
巴林 Sir Balin 當時罕見的雙手持劍騎士,頭腦冷靜,是一位智勇雙全的統帥型人物。
帕西法爾 Sir Parcivale 亞瑟王的貼身騎士,後來聖杯騎士團的創始人。

當時圓桌武士中也存在類似於軍規的約定,英國學者托馬斯·馬洛禮(Sir Thomas Malory,1405-1471)經過考證,將其歸結為以下6條:
To never do outrage nor murder.
Always to flee treason.
To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy.
To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor.
To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows.
Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels.

⑼ 亞瑟王 英語影評

Rule your fate.

It』s 300 A.D. and the Sarmatians to the east of Britain are all that』s left of a warring cavalry. So impressed with their agility and prowess at battle, the Romans decide to spare them their lives in return for just one little favor. All their young sons and their son』s sons are taken from their families and forced to serve as knights for Rome for 15 years each. Of course, they may return at the end of their service to Rome, unless they happen to die in battle, which will most likely be the horrible outcome.

It is into this dreary and sad history we are introced as Lancelot (Loan Gruffudd) is shipped off from his village as a pre-teen boy knowing full well he will never see his family again. It is a rough life. A life or death struggle just to make it through each 24 hour period.

As the dawn of his 15 year servitude crests, we are forced to engage with Lancelot in his final bloody battle before his freedom papers are given him, and he may return home a free man. Miraculously, Lancelot and his forged family of knights have survived this tour of ty to Rome! They have lived and died along side one another in these years under Roman Christian rule. There are but these brave left: Galahad (Hugh Dancy), Dagonet (Ray Stevenson), hawk-loving Tristan (Mads Mikkelsen) — and Arthur (Clive Owen), to whom they have all have pledged their iron-clad allegiance.

It is with high hopes they travel to meet with the Pope』s advocate to accept their papers to travel through Roman Britain unharmed under the protection of His Grace. Unfortunately for them, the home office in Italy has one more campaign for them to run, and if they are successful (which means if they don』t die while carrying it out) then, and only then, will they finally be allowed to quench their thirst for freedom.

Arthur, who had a Roman father and British mother, is an idealistic Christian soldier who truly believes God has sent him into this world to protect and win in Roman battles. He finds through the course of this final campaign, that Rome is not the place of equality and freedom his most beloved father had imbibed within him. The realm he so honorably served and protected for these past grueling years in fact no longer exists. The film traces Arthur』s evolution from idealistic dreamer to practical hero.

We do get a glimpse of the famous Round Table within the walls of the British castle/fortress to which Arthur refers is round 「..for men to be men they must all be as equal」 showing no head at this table, but an equal place for all. He also prays in earnest to God to have his life the sacrificed rather than any of his men, so that they would be able to return to their homes and families.

Lancelot, his most trusted friend, overhears this plea and asks why he beseeches this 'God' and not confide in him instead. Arthur responds that it is his faith that protects him. Lancelot responds by saying he trusts no man on his knees. Arthur shows true humility and says perhaps his prayers will put an end to this war. Being the realist he is, Lancelot sadly states there will always be battles in this world.

These knights willingly go off upon this one last mission, not because of their allegiance to Rome, but because of their respect and honor to Arthur. It is here that the sacrifice of faith and friendship is demonstrated in these brave men. Into the grip of the Saxons who have pillaged, raped and murdered their way across Britain they ride to rescue a Roman royal family and bring safely back the son, Arious, to the safe haven of the Roman Pope. They are ambushed in the forest by a fierce warrior tribe of Woads led by a mystical Merlin, but much to their surprise, are spared their lives.

Arthur and his men find the servants being flogged, beaten and tortured in a ngeon at the home of the Roman official he has been charged to rescue and is appalled this is being done in the name of Christianity. It proves more than just the honorable thing to do now, but the real Christian thing to do is save his British countrymen from the very rulers they have placed their faith in to protect them. Arthur also frees and falls in love with a beautiful, confident Woad princess, Guinevere (Keira Knightley). In this telling, Arthur and Guinevere are true loves and Lancelot, though smitten with Guinevere, never makes any advance towards her.

The Saxon army is headed by the ruthless warrior king Cerdic (Stellan Skrsgard) who will stop at nothing in his rampage of killing and burning to eventually meet and defeat Arthur and his knights. The scene where the seven knights aided by Guinevere』s expert archery, face down a whole battalion of 500 Saxon』s on a frozen river bed, is well worth the price of admission.

We are shown the 'real' account of Excalibur and how this sword of renown was actually pulled from the burial mound of his father by Arthur as a young boy, to be used later in his soldiering life to avenge the death of his mother.

This is no fairy tale account of King Arthur, but an attempt at realism — probably more like the rugged lives actually lived back in this ancient time. Although the writers did take many liberties with the classic legend, who King Arthur really was is so clouded by now, who is to say this account is not more closely woven to reality.

LANGUAGE, SEX AND VIOLENCE: The battle sequences are vividly graphic and lengthy, therefore I would not suggest this film for children under 13. There was some use of medieval swearing, but it seemed appropriate for the movie』s theme of reality. The film included a scene where rape was inferred, but nothing actually seen. There is also a sex scene between Arthur and Guinevere — sadly, just an act of lust and not the true love for which the story really called.

Over the course of its blood thirsty battles and through to its conclusion, this film provides a somber look at how Christian ideals can be abused — crushing and breaking innocent lives in the process. As history has often proved, it takes but one brave and committed human being to change the course of the times and bring relief to those who are harshly oppressed.

In the end, Arthur acknowledges that his best friend Lancelot gave his life for the freedom of others. He decrees that 「deeds in themselves are for nothing except they be lead by a higher power.」 Many have given their lives throughout human history for a better existence for all. As Christians we are finely tuned to the sacrificial death of our Savior, Jesus, for the sins of all mankind. How relevant the truth that there is no greater love than a man who gives his life freely for the sake of his friend』s. Through to the end Arthur never gave up his belief in God, even when other』s questioned, Arthur』s faith remained strong and true. I found this the best, most profound example over all.

⑽ 求一篇有關亞瑟王傳說的英文演講稿,3-5鍾左右,要英漢對照的


A Legendary King

The story of King Arthur is one that has been told for hundreds of years. There have been poems, books and even films made of his life, all of them telling the story a little differently.

The basic story is this. There was a sword stuck in a stone. The legend said that whoever could remove the sword would become King of England and save the country. Many brave knights tried to pull the sword out, but they all failed. One day, a young boy called Arthur was walking past the stone. He didn't know it, but he was in fact the son of an old king. He pulled the sword out of the stone and became the new King of England.

The stories of Arthur as King are tales of bravery and nobility. His closest advisor was Merlin, a powerful wizard. Arthur lived in a castle called Camelot with his beautiful wife, Guinevere. In the castle he had a round table, where he sat with his knights. It was round so that there was no one at the head of the table (which is where the most important person would usually sit) and Arthur and his knights were all equal.

Arthur, with his famous magical sword Excalibur, and his closest knights Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad, fought against the forces of evil in England. These were led by Arthur's half-sister, Morgan, who was a witch. After many battles, there was only one left to fight. Arthur and his knights finally won the battle against Morgan's army, and England was safe! However, Arthur had been hurt, and was dying. He threw his sword into a lake, where the magical Lady of the Lake could look after it, and then he died. He was buried in Avalon, in the south-west of England. According to the legend, Arthur will rise again to save England if it is ever in danger in the future.

But did Arthur really exist? Some say he was a Roman, others say a Briton fighting the invading Saxons, but there is no proof of his existence. But perhaps this doesn't matter. The story of a great, noble and brave king, who died to save his country, is one that people of all generations find fascinating, even today.








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