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發布時間: 2023-02-01 12:41:34

❶ 求在電影院的英語日常對話

Anson:Hi,Ben!Where are you going now?
Ben:I am going to the cinema.
Anson:What is on today?
Ben:Cats and dogs.
Anson:I saw it yesterday. It tells a story about a fight between cats and dogs.
Ben:Sounds interesting.
Anson:Yes. In fact, it is wonderful. All the actous in the film are real dogs and cats,not cartoons or tors. By the way,what time is it?
Ben:It is 3:15.
Anson:I have got to now because I have got to visit my aunt in the hospital.
Ben:See you later.
Anson:See you.

❷ 英語情景對話關於看電影

SHARON: Did you see the new Nicolas Cage movie?
DEREK: Which one?
SHARON: "Snake Eyes". I just saw it last night with my friend Sarah.
DEREK: No, I haven't seen it yet. But I saw "Con Air". I thought that was good.
SHARON: I think Nicolas Cage is great.
DEREK: Really? Why? He isn't very handsome.
SHARON: No, but he's got character. He can act with a lot of depth.
DEREK: It's interesting you like him so much.
Usually I think women don't like him. They like more handsome actors.
SHARON: That's not always true.
But I like some very handsome actors. Like Alec Baldwin.
But I don't like an actor just because he is handsome.
DEREK: Do you like Keanu Reeves?
SHARON: No, not at all.
DEREK: Why not?
SHARON: I just think he is a bad person. He seems very arrogant.
DEREK: Maybe it's the characters he plays. Maybe in real life he's a good guy.
SHARON: No, I think an actor often plays characters that match his real personality.
They are naturally better at such characters.
And I can sense something about Keanu Reeves. I don't like it. He seems like a jerk.
DEREK: Hmm. Maybe. So who is your favorite then?
SHARON: Nicolas Cage.
DEREK: I used to like Nicolas Cage more than I do now.
He used to play more interesting roles.
SHARON: What do you mean? What movies?
DEREK: Oh, my favorite Nicolas Cage movie was Wild at Heart.
He was perfect for that role.
SHARON: I saw "Wild at Heart". It was disgusting. I almost couldn't watch it.
DEREK: It was a kind of movie that they call black humor.
SHARON: Yes, I know.
Black humor is humor with a lot of violence or horrible things in it.
I don't like black humor.
DEREK: What about "Raising Arizona"? Did you see that?
DEREK: You must see it.
To me, that is the classic Nicolas Cage movie. He is perfect for it.
SHARON: I like his new movies.
DEREK: Well, I know he is more popular since he started doing action movies.
But I always think he should be a comic actor. That is what he does best.


❸ 大一英語口語考試對話,關於看電影的

被影響看電影的人:Excuse me, would you mind keeping your voice down?
扮演講話的人: Sorry, I shut up.
被影響看電影的人: No, you don't have to do that. you can keep talking but just don't speak loudly.
扮演講話的人: Are you kidding me?
被影響看電影的人: No, I just want to be kind. By the way, I do not like joke.
扮演講話的人: But now I don't wanna talk.
被影響看電影的人: No, please keep talking! If you stop, I will feel that I look like a mean person. I do not wanna be that man.
扮演講話的人: that's nothing to do with me. Now, you're the person who need to shut up.
被影響看電影的人: I will shut up, but you need to keep talking.
扮演講話的人: What the hell do you think you are doing?
被影響看電影的人: I just want you to speak, brother.
扮演講話的人: Shut up, man!
被影響看電影的人: No, speak!
扮演講話的人: Shut up!
被影響看電影的人: Speak!
扮演講話的人: Shut up!
其他觀眾:You both shut up!
被影響看電影的人&扮演講話的人: Speak!

❹ 和同學看完電影後英語口語情景對話 有關電影或演員

A:Flasila,what do you think of this movie?
B:Oh,just so-so.I don't think the actors act very well.
A:But,I think the young girl in the movie is very good.What's her name?
B :The Africa girl?Her name is Molley Salnia.
A:I want to see her more films.
B:Let's find on the Internet.
Okay,Let's go!

❺ 三人談論電影的英語情景對話,帶翻譯,每人4句

Ann:I wonder what's your favourite movie?
Jane:Transformer.I like the splendid scene and the spirit of the transformer in the movie.
Mary:James·Bond.You see both of the actors are charming.And the romance in it is very impressive.What about you,Ann?
Ann:Well.Cinderla.Because I admire the love story of the poor girl and the princess.
J:Shall we go to see a movie in the cinema tomorrow ? There are so many intersting movies right now.
M:I can't agree more!

❻ 和同學看完電影後英語口語情景對話 有關電影或演員

A: Flasila,what do you think of this movie?


B: Oh,just so-so.I don't think the actors act very well.

A: But,I think the young girl in the movie is very good.What's her name?

B :The Africa girl? Her name is Molley Salnia.

A: I want to see her more films.
B: Let's find on the Internet.


Okay,Let's go!


❼ 電影里的英語日常生活用語

1. It's not like that. 不是那樣的。
It's not like that.這句話是用來辟謠的。當別人誤會了一件事的來龍去脈,你就可以跟他說It's not like that.「不是那樣的。」當然隨著語氣及情境的不同,It's not like that.這句話也有可能是你用來硬拗的藉口。
2. There is nothing good playing. 沒好電影可看。
這里的There's nothing good playing.是接著問句而來的,指的是「沒有好電影可看。」同樣的,若是電視上沒有好節目可看,你就可以說There's nothing good on TV.
3. I've gotten carried away. 我扯太遠了。
get carried away字面上的意思是「被帶走了」,那麼被帶走的是什麼呢?就是心思。當你或是他人說話的時候離了題,偏離主旨扯遠了。你就可以用上這個表達法I've / You've gotten carried away.
4. Good thing... 還好,幸好…
在美語當中若要表達中文裡「還好,幸好…」的語氣,你就可以用Good thing...做開頭。這個句型非常簡單又好用,你只要在Good thing後面加上完整的句子就可以。
5. I don't believe you're bringing this up. 你現在提這件事真是豈有此理。
bring something up是指「提到(某件事)」。當然情況會有正反兩面。你若沒想到對方會提起這件事討罵,你可以說I don't believe you're bringing this up.而反過來說,若你很高興對方主動提起了一件事,你也可以用這個片語自然說出I am glad you are bringing this up.
6. spy on... 跟監(某人)
spy這個字就是「間諜」。當動詞用的意思自然就是「做間諜做的事」,也就是「監視,跟蹤」之意。當你要去監視跟蹤某人,美語中就說成spy on someone。
7. There's no other way of saying it.沒有別種說法。
有時候不管你再怎麼轉、再怎麼拗,也沒有辦法更婉轉或是避開一些絕對會出現的字,這時候你就可以用上There's no other way of saying it.這句話,來表達自己避無可避的為難,因為「沒有別種說法。」
8. That will not always be the case. 情況不會永遠是這樣。
case這個字有「情況」的意思,That will be the case.就是指「情況就會是這樣了。」
但是你若覺得現在的情況只會是暫時,不會長久,你就可以反過來說That will not always be the case.「情況不會永遠是這樣。」
9. She is coming on to you. 她對你有意思。
She is coming on to you.這句話是用在兩性的關繫上,意思是「她對你投懷送抱。」也就是形容某人對某人有意思的情況,這個句型男女兩性都適用;同樣的情況,你也可以說She is making a pass at you.「她對你眉來眼去的。」這兩種說法都很生動,而且最棒的是沒有新單字,贊!
10. I was being polite.我這是在說客氣話。 polite這個字,我們在學校學的意思是「有禮貌的」。當然你若要說一個人有禮貌,你可以說He is polite.或是He has good manners.不過I was being polite.這句話是指「我這是在說客氣話。」使用的情境比較趨近於客套而不傷和氣的出發點,與「做作」artificial (a.)又不一樣了。
11. stand someone up 放(某人)鴿子
stand someone up這個片語,大家若是第一次看到,想必多半是滿頭霧水,怎麼單字全都認識,意思卻完全猜不出來。其實stand someone up的意思就是「放(某人)鴿子」,這么簡單又實用的句子,可得趕快記起來。
12. So that explains it. 原來如此。
有時候事情的來龍去脈渾沌不清,讓人摸不著頭腦,若是突然曙光一現,讓你豁然開朗,這會兒你就可以用上這句話So that explains it / everything.「這就都說得通了。」
13. I feel the same way. 我有同感。
當他人說出了你的感覺,你再同意也不過的時候,你就可以用上這句話I feel the same way.「我有同感。」這句話不但可以讓你避免把同樣的話再講一次,幫你省了不少口水,還可以讓對方覺得自己的意見被尊重呢。I feel the same way.趕快記起來。
14. Is there someone else?你是不是有了新歡?
Is there someone else?這句話字面上是指「有其它人嗎?」不過Is there someone else?這句話在使用上,問的那個「其它人」一定是感情上的「新歡,新對象」,所以若是情侶或是夫妻之間有人說了這句Is there someone else?「你是不是有了新歡?」這可就不太妙了。
15. I can't help myself. 我情不自禁。
我無法控制自己。I can't help myself.這句話可不是「我幫不了自己。」(趕快消除記憶),其實 I can't help myself. 這句話的意思是「我情不自禁。」指的是對自己的無能為力。I can't help... 這個句型很好用,若是你遇到一個情況,想要說「我不禁納悶了起來。」在美語中你就可以直接說: I can't help but wonder.
16. come hell or high water
17. have something in common
have something in common是指「彼此有著共通點」,可能是嗜好,也可能是觀念。若你和某人完全不對盤,絲毫沒有共通點,你就可以說We have nothing in common.
18. What have you got to lose?
What have you got to lose?這句話當中的lose是指「失去」的意思,當有人猶豫不決,始終做不了決定,你就可以用這句話What have you got to lose? 「你有啥好損失的?」,來增強對方破釜沈舟的決心。
19. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
這句話是用來安慰他人的,當有人對於自己太過苛責,給予自己讓人喘不過氣來的壓力,你就可以跟對方說這句話You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.「你不該這么苛責自己的。」讓對方好過一些。
20. Don't get me started on it.
這句話是指「別讓我打開話匣子」,意思是你對於某一件事或是一個主題,有很多的意見,要是讓你開了話頭,可能就要聽你連說個七天七夜,沒完沒了。Don't get me started on it.這句話是用來表達你對一件事情牢騷滿腹的心情。
21. When you get down to it
get down to...是指「追究出最根底的原因」,也就是把層層的原因攤開,在抽絲剝繭之後所得到最精確最原本的那個答案。
22. let someone off
let someone off是指「放某人一馬」,也就是let someone off the hook,就如同你在釣魚,魚兒上了「鉤」hook,而你把它放掉let it off the hook「放它一馬」。
23. I don't know what came over me.
24. I think you're thinking of someone else.
這句話的使用時機是若誰認錯人,或是記錯人的時候,你就可以跟對方說I think you're thinking of someone else.「我覺得你是想到別人去了。」
25. This is not how it looks.
這句話是用來辟謠的,當有些事情看起來讓人誤會,而實情卻不是表面那般,你就可以用上這句話This is not how it looks.「事情不是表面看來的這樣」,以說服他人不要只憑他們所看到的片面,驟下結論。
26. pass oneself off as...
pass oneself off as...的意思就是「某人矇混成……以過關」,好比小孩裝成大人去看限制級電影,這可能是服裝的不同,或是整體打扮的喬裝,甚至還包括語調口音的不同。
27. be out of someone's league
league是指「聯盟」,好比美國職棒的「大聯盟」就是Major League。A be out of B's league.這句話的意思就是A的層級、能耐或是地位……都比B高出許多,非B所能及。若是使用在男女關繫上,就是指「B配不上A」,若是使用在一般分勝負的情況,就是指「B比不上A」。
28. talk back
talk back字面的意思是「說回去」,也就是「回嘴,頂嘴」的意思。用在句子里,你可以說Don't talk back to your parents.「別跟父母頂嘴」。或是簡潔地說Don't talk back.「不許頂嘴」。
29. spare no effort
spare的意思是「省卻,省下」,effort是「努力」,spare no effort就是指「不惜血本,不計代價」,也就是你下定決心,就算用盡一切資源,也要達成某一個目標。
30. Would you cut it out, already?
cut it out是指「住嘴,住手」的意思,Would you cut it out, already?這句話當中的already,暗示著說話者的極度不耐煩,整句話的意思就猶如中文裡的「你到底是有完沒完?」

❽ 生活英語情景對話:寫作與電影



Todd: OK, Jeff, you're a writer.


Jeff: A little bit.


Todd: OK.


Jeff: Hobby!


Todd: OK. Talk about writing.


Jeff: I write, I think you, writers write about what they know. So, and I don't know much so....so it's difficult, difficult to be a writer. Now, writers write about what they know so, um, I'm writing, I have amanuscript now about, uh, um, travelling, the people, the people I've come in contact with and, uh, what I thought about then, in the situation we've been in when we've met, sort of thing. But it's difficult, it's not easy, it's not an easy thing to do. At first I did sort of thinking, mm, anyone could do it almost if you put the time into it but now I think it's very difficult, you, you have to be creative, and it's a lot harder than I think it seems, to pick up a finished proct, a book, um, a physical book, or to take a book from the library, I think it's, you underestimate the time that has gone into it. It's a long, lot of effort behind it so..it's fun, I like it, but it's very difficult. But it's good.



Todd: Alright, Tennessee, you were talking about how you like movies.


Tenn: Yes, I'm a big movie buff.


Todd: OK. What kind of movies do you like?


Tenn: I kind of like, I kind of like most genres of movies, it's just, what I look for is a good story and good characters is the main thing..so even if I like the genre, if like wether it be science fiction or historical drama, if the, if the story isn't good then, then I, I don't like it at all.


Todd: OK. Off the top of your head, what's a movie that you really liked?


Tenn: Well, the Lord Of the Rings they've been doing I really have enjoyed.


Todd: Uh-huh.


Tenn: They did a good job.


Todd: Did you read the books?


Tenn: Oh, yes! It was one of the first alt books I read when I was in elementary school.


Todd: OK, well, what is the last movie you saw?


Tenn: The last movie I saw, Pirates of the Carribean.


Todd: OK. Was it any good?


Tenn: Ah, it wasn't bad.


Todd: It wasn't bad.


Tenn: Yeah !


Todd: Alright, thanks a lot.


Tenn: I like pirates.


Todd: You like pirates. What! You like pirates!


Tenn: Oh, yeah! You know, when you're a kid, pirates is the thing to be.


Todd: Yeah!


Tenn: Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!


Todd: OK. Alright. Thanks Tennessee.


Tenn: OK.


❾ 關於電影的情景英語對話閱讀



-hi what are you doing

-I just finish a movie

-oh, what kond of movie you prefer to watch?

-Action. Like Movies starring by Jackie Chan

-Yeah they are the greatest Kungfu star not only in CHina but also in the internationnal. What makes you like action movie?

-there is a hero in every action movie, who will beat the bad guys and save the weak ones. They are not locked by rules, they do it when it is morality. I cann't do not Loving it.

-wow, what a man you are!

-I need to do more to catch up with them. What about you?

-Me? I Prefer Love stories.

-Love story?

-Of course. you see, when a lady and a man become a couple, after overcome serious of difficalt, and different test of true love. How romantic! And especially, a hero saved a girl and also save his true love. wow, so ronabtic....

-okay, okay, Do you want to see the latest movie ?

-Of course .Come on


(Jim is buying tickets for a movie.)

M: May I have two tickets for Finding Nemo?

W: Ok. What time?

M: 2:30, please.

W: It's 60 yuan, please.

M: Sorry, we have student cards[1]. We can get discounts[2] with these, can't we?

W: Sure. That'll be 40 yuan, please.

M: Here is 50 yuan.




M: 能給我兩張《海底總動員》的票嗎?

W: 好的。什麼時間的?

M: 麻煩給我兩點半的。

W: 請給我六十元。

M: 對不起,我們有學生證。可以給我們打折,是吧?

W: 當然。那請給我四十吧。

M: 給您五十。


John:The movie is about to start. Let's hurry. 電影快開始了。我們趕緊吧。

May:Wait a moment. I'm going to buy some snacks. 等一下。我去買點兒零食。

John:Then be quick. 那你快點兒。

May:What would you like to have? 你要吃什麼?

John:Popcorn and cola. 爆米花和可樂。

May:Ok, I'll be right back. 好的,馬上回來。

❿ 求幾部適合學習英語口語的電影或電視劇。

美劇對於學口語的同學來說《老友記》絕對是當仁不讓的最佳選擇,劇中偏向生活的情景以及適中的劇情推進速度對於初學者來說簡直不要太友好。另外就是個人喜歡的了,我是追《基本演繹法》、《lie to me》還有《行屍走肉》,不過說實話,《行屍走肉》實在不適合學口語,更多的是追劇的慾望大過了學口語的信念。。。英劇的話,主要是學習英音口音,從這方面來說,選擇自己感興趣的英劇來看既能保證自己學習的熱情又能有不錯的語感培養。我個人是從《神探夏洛克》還有《黑鏡》系列。

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