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發布時間: 2023-01-27 03:46:27

㈠ 當前有很多文學作品被改編成電影、用英語怎麼說》求大神幫助

At present there are many literary works have been adapted into a movie

㈡ 『改編』的英文翻譯

Many of Dickens' books have been adapted as films.
to adapt a book for television
The movie was adapted from a novel.
the film was adapted from a Turgenev short story.
請及時採納,不懂繼續問( 天天在線 )

㈢ 哈利·波特系列銷量過四億,被改編成電影的英語翻譯,急!

The Harry potter series are sold more than four billion around the world, and being transformed in to movies.

㈣ 當前不少文學作品被改編成電影用英文怎麼說

there are a lot of literature have been revised into movies in today's world.

㈤ 「把小說改編成電影」怎麼翻譯成英語

Adapt the story for the film

㈥ 「把小說改編成電影」怎麼翻譯成英語

Adapt the story for the film

㈦ 文學改編電影英語作文

Film or book which do you prefer?
Nowadays,many films are adapted from literatures.Directors rearrange the the famous stories into popular movies to attrack audiences.
Watching movies are much more convenience than reading books.Movies can save a lot of time,and they are more vivid.Which are easier for us to understand.
When reading original stories we can get more details,and the words in the books are more beautiful.
In my opinion,I think it's better to watch movies first.Some times the books are too thick that cannot draw our attention.After wathing movies,we may be attracted by the exciting or moving stories,that will make us eager to know more.So that we can learn both about the story and the perfect expressions in the book.

㈧ 改編的英文片語

改編法律adaptation of laws
改編人adapter;Chris Botti & Lucia Micarelli
改編研究adaptation studies
改編作Bran Nue Dae
電影改編cinematographic adaptation;Movie-Tie-In;film adaption;ModdedMovie
文件改編file reorganization

㈨ 最近有人把它改編成了電影 用英語怎麼說

recently, it has been adapted for films

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