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發布時間: 2023-01-25 22:02:48

㈠ 求《辛德勒的名單》英文評價

It ("Schindler's list") has profoundly exposed the German Fascist massacre of the Jews of terrorist crimes, and has a very high artistic, the seriousness of its ideology and extraordinary artistic expression has reached almost insurmountable depth. We awarded the Oscar prize for the film, which is deserved. And Stephen Spielberg also won the Oscar Award for the first time, for his talent, this is a must for being late.
-- the sixty-sixth Oscar prize jury
"Schindler's list" has a review of the history, the development of the art of meditation, I urgently ask you to see the film.
- former U.S. President Clinton

望採納 謝謝

㈡ 求有能力的高人幫寫電影辛德勒名單的觀後感,必須是用英文寫,詞數在不低於150.謝謝。

I've heard of Schindler's List as a classic,epic movie and a big oscar winner long before,but it's only after seen it myself have I truely understood its value to a man.
Honestly, I didn't really intend to see this movie cause I thought it's good though, but not my cup of tea. I thougt it would be too serious, the topic—WW2 and Jewish Holocaust were too grave to me, but these notion just swept off my mind right after I started enjoying it.
Suprisingly, the first half was not serious at all, on the contrary, it's rather interesting, very hollywood. It tells about how Mr. schindler earned his worth and fame in that time of turbulence,and he brags about his secret—war—to his wife.
But, as the plot goes deeper, it gripped me completely. I did knew one thing or two about dark history that jewish had undergone, but never expected it would be this inhuman,this...devil. The movie didn't exaggerate, just present us the actual scene—how people were dragged out from their home; how they were stripped naked, being driven into the gas chamber; how they were executed causally...
When the only coloured figure appears—a girl in red, poor little creature, this is the moment which striked Schindler's heart strongly and so the audience, from that moment the hero of the movie turns to be a real one, and from that moment the last piece of puzzle was put on, from then on the movie was truely complete,it become a immortal masterpiece.
So now,if any one asked me how about this movie,I would say it's just perfect, how? I really can't tell you, just see it. I won't raise any example, exactly which parts are memorable and worth talking about cause there are so many.Oh it's still live in my head the moment Ben Kingsley crumpled a fake certification and used that to deceived one of his friend through the Nazi checkpoint, he pretended to blame his friend, how careless you are, you forget your paper, what a wit.
So really, I don't think I can give you any comment about this movie, I'm out of words, and I think it's a movie not to be talked but to be watched. Watch it, and you'll know even in that age of total chaos, where the whole nation goes crazy and irrational, there would still be someone keep their conscience and do what is right.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, Edmund Bruke said, these's the only words I came up with after finishing this movie, still I can't tell how come, just watch it and you'll never regret.

㈢ 如何評價電影《辛德勒的名單(Schindler』s List)》










㈣ 電影辛德勒名單的觀後感


㈤ 辛德勒的名單英語觀後感簡單的

Schindler's list, director in structural characters of the jews, schindler's main body, the same has said, if chien is a Jew, or is such a common Germanic nationality people, so that even the great redemption, but can not improve a class. This task is set to schindler's background, a nation, and the rich high social status, as is known to all, when imperial German jewish is to hold the concept 「discriminatory attitude, whether in alts or children has entrenched. While such a role, as design Germanic festival of society, the jews to the businessman, as the great redemption and rise again a class. This design is the director of the movie play for greater influence significance is more outstanding, is also the good rendering. This is a very accurate can show the director of social background, he is very important.

Entrenched ideas, must be the discrimination distorted manufacturing opinion to instill, children are a white paper, most people will attend the political empire. The true facts, and upper staff know only by the imperial German is for the public trust, the top spread, people subconsciously generated for jewish discrimination graally. When the alts proce thoughts, nature would transmit to the children, and the children's mind is not mature, to identify the ability is bad, very easily subconsciously proced this thought. This is the opinion of distortion of cadres, also as transmission in domestic propaganda fascist Japan, make public basic support of so-called 」jihad「 foreign expansion of war. The spread of the distortion of public opinion is terrible, it can completely eroded people thought that people cannot distinguish the spread of this opinion on the nose. As the nation's film sino-japanese children in the snow, take dirty stones to throw the jews, and forced out chanting go, jewish guy. If no such opinion, children's ideology of ethnic differences have no the rivalry between the two. The thought of the culprit is the person that distorted opinion.

The film redeemed reflected in his salvation in the rescue and rescue, no obvious, but he saved but is outstanding. In fact he saved is the important link of the rescue. After the war, many defeated fascism is to be handed over by the military courts as ever, schindler sanctions in close cooperation with the Nazi guard, who will save face sanctions, but here, saved the reflect the signature is saved schindler. Do one thing at a time, start may damage, and then some of his own interest income is probably not think of themselves, save others, the condition is saved himself. Absolutely everyone is mutual, nationality and race, this save in his salvation is appeared after.

In total can stimulate the slaughter of the weak, and not redeem the jews of sympathy, but the first chance to have compassion will try to salvation. When the rulers of the people, when the slaughter unilaterally people without any resistance, is strong and the weak, belong to the rivalry between the poles. In this not unfair, often can cause to the weak against outsiders proce sympathy. In such a sympathy, will be in the circumstance of thinking of redemption. Premise is that people need to have compassion. It is to cast, and slaughter victims. The killing has been endless slaughter blind, can no longer proce compassion, rooted in the thought that they have told the subconscious life as if the victim CaoGai generally. This is a period of history, can not have similar things, will power by outsiders to redeem the impotent victims. So the jews and not accidental redemption.

If a race, they face annihilation, only will capitulate blindly, not resist, waiting for their only will be destroyed. In the subconsciousness, some people have their resistance is meaningless. Because of the suffering will not stop killing, and not against the opposite effect. Always thought that the massacre is weak. In the film the jews in a narrow quarantined for the local area, they are satisfied, because no party guard, but they really dead. Very accord with the age of the jews were slaughtered. Precisely because the psychological lost souls. At the situation, without a fight against the only accept death, waiting in line, under the strong spirit, not in themselves by destroying the spirit form self-rescue consciousness, merely a mare merecfil to slaughter, with such a thought, is ultimately not perish from the reality.


㈥ 求《辛德勒的名單》的英文影評,越詳細越好,謝!

*** This comment may contain spoilers ***

The Holocaust is undoubtedly one of the most significant and horrifying events of the twentieth century. Between 1938 and 1945, the Jewish population was segregated and persecuted, culminating in the merciless slaughter of approximately six million Jews (this figure is quoted in the film, though most historical estimates vary between five and seven million). Amidst all this butchery, one man decided to make a difference, famously saving the lives of more than 1100 Jews- men, women and children who would otherwise have been killed.

Oskar Schindler (played brilliantly by Liam Neeson, "Batman Begins") was a Sudeten German instrialist, a wealthy womanizer who wasn't afraid to throw his money around. Always bearing his Nazi Party badge proudly, Schindler would often frequent nightclubs, extravagantly showering high-ranked Nazi officers and their girlfriends with champagne and caviar. With impeccable connections in the black-market, there was little that he couldn't get his hands on, and he was a good person to know. Buying friends was something that Schindler could do well, and he would often use these newfound alliances to aid his own business ventures. When thousands of the Polish Jew population was relegated to the Kraków Ghetto in 1941, Schindler saw an opportunity for further success, enlisting desperate Jewish investors and employing Jewish workers (who were substantially cheaper to employ) to open an enamelware factory. His connections in high places ensured lucrative army contracts, and Schindler need only have watched as his personal fortune grew, despite doing little to run the company beyond offering it "a certain panache."

It is clear from the beginning that Oskar Schindler does not harbour any racial prejudices. When Schindler requests the services of Itzhak Stern (a superb Ben Kingsley, "Gandhi"), a clever, humanitarian Jewish accountant, Stern declares that, "By law I have to tell you, sir, I'm a Jew." "Well, I'm a German, so there we are," replies Schindler indifferently, before getting straight to business. It is not race that he is concerned with, it is himself… and, of course, his money. Stern does not enjoy running Schindler's business, and he initially acquires little satisfaction from it. When Schindler attempts to convey his genuine gratitude for his profitable services with a glass of whiskey, Stern absentmindedly refuses to drink it, and an embittered Schindler drinks it himself before ordering Stern to leave.

With the arrival of Amon Goeth (played as the epitome of evil by Ralph Fiennes, "Red Dragon"), a Hauptsturmführer of the SS, the hopeless plight of the Jews grows darker. In a harrowing extended sequence, largely based on the testimonies of Holocaust survivors, the Jews are mercilessly "liquidated" from the Krakow Ghetto, many simply shot on the spot. "Today is history," proclaims Goeth. "Today will be remembered. Years from now the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history and you are part of it…. For six centuries there has been a Jewish Krakow. By this evening those six centuries will be a rumor. They never happened. Today is history."

This sequence also marks the celebrated appearance of the little girl in the red coat. An ingenious plot device, the character was based upon a real girl named Roma Ligocka who, unlike her film counterpart, survived the war, and wrote a memoir entitled "The Girl in the Red Coat: A Memoir". The embodiment of innocence, Schindler spots the small girl wandering amongst the black-and-white chaos of the Krakow Ghetto, and we follow her as she retreats into a building and takes shelter under a bed. When Schindler later notices her disheveled corpse carted past him to be incinerated, he is understandably horrified, unable to understand how the soldiers could possibly destroy something so innocent. This event memorably signifies the turning-point of Schindler's attitudes towards the carnage, fuelling his desire to save as many Jews as possible.

Long known as a "blockbuster" filmmaker – with such adventure classics as "Jaws," "E.T. The Extra Terrestrial" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" to his name - "Schindler's List" was - and remains - Steven Spielberg's most mature directorial effort. Working with a screenplay that Steven Zaillian adapted from Thomas Keneally's Booker Prize-winning 'Schindler's Ark,' Spielberg treats the subject matter with the respect it deserves. Wisely choosing to depict the events as realistically as possible, Spielberg allows the images to speak for themselves. Flawless acting, stunning cinematography and a haunting John Williams score excel this film above all others of the 1990s. This is the powerful story of the difference that just one man can make, and it is a story that deserves to be seen by all. We can only feel grateful that it was Steven Spielberg who chose to be at the helm.


Rather than impress you (the reader) with a grandeur review of the movie, I will sum up what the people are saying about this movie called Schindler's List.

It's brilliant, beautifully shot in black and white, but it's a Spielberg film, it did have it's share of flaws.

Despite the many rants from other users saying that "if it's Spielberg, it mustn't be that good," I still can't understand why people would rate this film with the lowest rating possible(1 out of 10, which = awful movie).

I rated this film a 10 out of 10. Why? "Now come on, Dude, it's a Hollywood Movie" I was told by a fellow student in school. Yes, but when was the last time any Hollywood made a movie like this? When was the last time you saw a Hollywood Movie that was actually worth watching for 3 whole hours? I appreciate that any kind of film that is anything as dramatic as this can actually get made in Hollywood today, let alone get made way back in 1993. I find this film great for the fact that this doesn't stick to every Hollywood stereotype, cliche, bullsh**, and lie that seems to fill most Hollywood Movies.

Flaws. Let's face it, pretty much every film has them, even a huge movie loving geek like myself knows that. Yes, the ending is a bit pretentious(but I felt that the ending for Saving Private Ryan was a bit pretentious too, though I still think that it's also an excellent film). Having seen this a few times already I can see where the arguments over the character lacking enough depth and being rather 2-dimensional have some truth in them.

Schindler's List, like any other film, has flaws. Truth is that any film, whether it be directed by Kubrick, Stone, Tarantino, Malick, or Spielberg, will most likely have flaws no matter how noticeable or unnoticeable they are.

What I feel after several viewings. Despite the films flaws, it stands out as a very moving, well-intentioned, strong, excellent, and remarkable film. See if you want to, nobody is forcing you to see this movie. I, like many others who haven't fallen into the "Everything that is Spielberg sucks" crowd, can't deny what a powerful film this is and what a great contribution to movie cinema history it is.


Many people have told me how devastated they were when they saw this movie. But I was just bored. We talked about it and, in the discussions that followed, I was accused of not caring about the victims of the Holocaust. One person even said I was denying the Holocaust happened!

And that soured me on the movie even more. The fact is, Holocaust movies have insurance against criticism: if you say the movie is a waste of time, someone might attribute your opinion to the Holocaust itself. I don't understand it, but that weird emotional blackmail made me really uncomfortable with Schindler's List.

I thought Liam Neeson was horrible. His acting is very stiff and unconvincing. The use of hand-held cameras and black-and-white cinematography *should* work, but ultimately they amounted to subtle special effects.

I thought the movie was emotionally flat, as well. I watched each character go through the motions, wondering when something unexpected would happen. The horror of the Holocaust is shown in an almost clinical way.

I don't know. I just felt that this movie would feel less like a bid for an Oscar and more like a personal film.

At the risk of being a complete jerk, I'll give Spielberg this advice: Do it again. Make another Holocaust movie. Why not? He finished Kubrick's "AI." Kubrick had another movie in the planning stages, a Holocaust film called "Aryan Papers" (aka "Wartime Lies"). I hope he'll finish *that* Kubrick movie, too, and create a better Holocaust film, something I can sink into and be surprised by, something that feels much more personal.


I mean, has enough time passed? Or has the release of *Schindler's List* on DVD fueled a new hushed awe towards the picture?

Spielberg's critic-proof Holocaust film has several problems, the biggest of which is the way it turns a horrible real-life tragedy into a three-hanky melodrama. I continue to maintain that the Holocaust is generally unfilmable, in terms of what we might call a standard movie. Generally unfilmable, but not inevitably unfilmable. Off the top of my head, I can recommend two recent films on this subject: Francesco Rosi's *The Truce*, and Costa-Gavras' *Amen". Both films approach this material with far more nuance than Spielberg's film, which, I repeat, is weepy melodrama. (And as such, treads a fine line between reverence and tastelessness.) For that matter, Polanski's *The Pianist* gives us a more unique approach than what we get here, which is a movie that features a hero whom your average American multiplex popcorn-tub-muncher can easily identify with: a gregarious capitalist named Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) who, despite all the war-profiteering (read: "initiative"), turns out to have a heart of gold. Or marshmallow mush. Please don't bother pointing out that this is a "true story": those who've read the actual book by Thomas Kenneally on which the movie is based will be rather shocked by the movie's willingness to sacrifice verisimilitude for "dramatic license". The biggest example of this is the "villain" of the piece, SS-Kommandant Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes in a career-making performance). The screenplay ladles all sorts of Freudian syrup over this character, meaning: he's crazy as a loon. So much for the "banality of evil": instead, we get, via Fiennes' Method-y performance, a study in mere neurosis instead of a rigorous examination of the murderous pathology that's inherent in humanity. Spielberg can't resist having Herr Goeth develop a crush on one of his Jewish housemaids, and we get the requisite "Hath not a Jew eyes" speech, delivered with what is supposed to be irony by Fiennes. Then he beats the crap out of her. Change the plot particulars, and you've got your standard "Lifetime Channel" movie about an abusive husband.

Don't get me wrong, the film is not a total waste of time: even melodrama has cumulative virtues, and many of the scenes in *Schindler's List* are quite affecting, particularly the very last sequence in which the surviving "Schindler Jews" appear (in color), accompanied by the actors who portrayed them. They pay tribute to Schindler by laying stones on his grave. Moving stuff. Ben Kingsley, who portrays the worry-wart Itzhak Stern, must also receive special mention. And Spielberg's technical mastery is never open to question: this is one beautifully mounted film, impeccably photographed. The set-design, which is called upon to perform the daunting task of replicating Nazi labor camps and so forth, is beyond reproach. Proving that he's still the same guy who directed *Jaws*, Spielberg is able to send chills up our spines when a train full of Jewish women & girls is accidentally routed to Auschwitz: it's a night-scene, replete with a light-tower that approximates a beacon from Hell.

But, all-in-all, the movie remains an elementary approach to the Holocaust genre. It's tailor-made for desultory viewings by 12th-graders: "Hey mom, we learned about the Holocaust in class today." Nothing wrong with that, but aren't the kids better served by a FACTUAL documentary about this subject, rather than an Oscar-ted exercise in self-importance? You decide.



㈦ 看《辛德勒的名單》觀後感5篇影評



































































幾年在北京前買了這個電影的dvd, it男看過之後推崇備至,而我卻一直都沒有完全看過,僅僅看過其中的一些片斷。










而辛德勒的名單,對於那一千多個「schindler‘s jews」來說,卻是那無盡黑暗中觸手可及的一絲微光。




影片的末尾,那些獲救的「schindler‘s jews」手挽手站在地平線上,畫面漸漸由黑白轉為彩色,那個時刻,彷彿冰封大地瞬時充滿了陽光,讓我的喜悅眼淚溢滿了眼眶。









㈧ 急需一篇看二戰電影的英文觀後感














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