Ⅰ 英文介紹電影 功夫 初二水平 六十詞左右 也要有漢語
"Kung fu" of the story takes place in the 1940 s, guangdong, China. Stephen chow plays a no medicine to save small bludger star, who can say good and play more, but falters, nothing. Means he is eager to join with relentless, notorious the hammers, and dream of becoming the jingling underworld figure.At last he exhibitioned outstanding power, against the evil forces.
Ⅱ 功夫電影的中文和英文的簡介,
Ⅲ 《功夫》簡介
哥倫比亞電影製作(亞洲)行政董事Barbara Robinson表示:《功夫》一片將延續周星馳最擅長的「小人物力爭上游」的主題。全片除了傳統的喜劇元素外,還將結合壯觀的傳統武術動作及計算機特效,務求淋漓盡致地展現周星馳的全方位才能。
哥倫比亞三星公司副總裁Gareth Wigan對與周星馳的合作感到興奮,他說:「哥倫比亞很高興能與堪稱奇才的周星馳合作,他的電影不但具有原創性,更難能可貴地同時吸引亞洲及亞洲外的全球觀眾,他正是我們夢寐以求能拓展亞洲區製作的合作對象。」周星馳則表示:「《功夫》的合作計劃早於兩年前已開始進行,非常感謝Gareth Wigan、Barbara Robinson及哥倫比亞電影製作(亞洲)全體同仁的努力,讓這一切夢想成真。對於與哥倫比亞合作再創佳績,我有絕對的信心!」
Ⅳ 周星馳的英文介紹(最好中英對照)
中文名:周星馳外文名:Stephen Chow別名:星爺、星仔、周星星、阿星國籍:中國民族:漢族出生地:中國香港出生日期:1962年6月22日祖籍:浙江寧波血型:O 型身高:174cm女友:於文鳳祖籍:浙江寧波
Ⅳ 英文介紹電影 功夫 初二水平 六十詞左右 也要有漢語
"Kung fu" of the story takes place in the 1940 s, guangdong, China. Stephen chow plays a no medicine to save small bludger star, who can say good and play more, but falters, nothing. Means he is eager to join with relentless, notorious the hammers, and dream of becoming the jingling underworld figure.At last he exhibitioned outstanding power, against the evil forces.
Ⅵ 功夫英文簡介
Kungfu is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, the embodiment of Chinese traditional culture, and the unique "martial arts" in the world.
It pays attention to both rigidity and softness, both internal and external repair, both robust and beautiful shape, more elegant and profound connotation.
It contains the wise men's understanding of life and the universe. It is a precious cultural heritage accumulated by the working people of China for a long time.
直到20世紀六十年代,隨著李小龍的功夫片播放,及由香港著名詠春拳師梁挺將《梁挺詠春》發揚遍及至全球60多個國家,Kung fu、Wing tsun等在全球傳播,「功夫」逐漸被傳播開來。
Ⅶ 功夫簡介(用英文)
Stephen Chow's (Zhou Xingchi)" Kungfu Hustle"(Gongfu)
It's a funny movie by Zhou Xingchi.
Zhou's recent movie for greeting the new year Kungfu really shows his wonderful action,just look at the people in the cinema:they all rough into laughter ring the film!
Yesterday Wira brought over Chow's new movie, kungfu hustle and if you need a definition of a black comedy, that is it. Although Stephen is the central character in this movie he doesn't get too much screen time until the 2nd half of the movie. The plot revolves around the Shanghai Axe gang back in the "shanghai grand" era (1900s I think). Apart from the usual stephen chow humour, this film is quite violent for a comedy lol. At least half a dozen people either lost their leg or arm or head. One girl was shot in the back by a shotgun and flew 10 meters. And there's this landlady who goes around smacking people. One of the villains were pretty cool, some de who plays the peipa instrument and the music flies out like swords, cutting everything in half, including a poor cat 。
Nevertheless quite a good laugh if you're in the mood for a film where you don't have to use your brain to watch 。
Ⅷ 功夫電影英語和中文簡介
At the beginning of the people, a reactionary gang runs amuck the age, can say the friendly road, do without authorization to display one's eloquence the skin the street corner slightly mixes - - the Arab League star (Zhou Xingchi to play the part of) fishes in troubled waters disguises as the reactionary gang leader to the slum area 「the pig cage Kowloon Walled City " collection protection money.Not only who would imagine 「the pig cage Kowloon Walled City " crouching tiger, hidden dragon, the Arab League star has bumped badly battered in this, but also has initiated the reactionary gang and lives in seclusion in this martial arts world master Lian Chang the war.Finally, for the just Arab League star, turns the peerless master under the lucky chance coincidence, and helps 「pig cage Kowloon Walled City " to repel the powerful enemy!
Ⅸ <功夫>的英文應該怎麼翻譯呢
英文版《功夫》全名《KungFu Hustle》
Ⅹ 用英語來描述一下電影(功夫)