❶ 哈嘍英文怎麼寫
hello 英 [həˈləʊ] 美 [həˈloʊ]
復數: hellos
也可用:hi 英 [haɪ] 美 [haɪ]
例句:Hi,Mom,I'mhome! 嘿,媽媽,我回家了!
Hello you all你們好
Hello To All大家好
Hello to all parents各位家長您好
Hello Dear All Programmers您好親愛所有程序員
在英式英語中, hello還可用來表示對驚訝之事的呼聲,意為「喲」。
❷ 作為電影欄目的主持人應怎樣的開場白(要英文的)
Hello everone,I'm very glad to be the host of this program.I think we all like watching movies,foe example comedies,tragedies,feature films and so on,movies make our life more interesting,and though the movies we can know many things.Today all of us can share our experiences of watching movies.
Do you know the movieXXX(電影的名字)?I think it's really a nice movies,it has very splendid plot(精彩的情節) and I like the people in this movis very much,after watching this movie I learned toXXX(例如愛love,勇敢be brave...).If you'd like to watch this movie,to be sure, you will like it.
❸ 英語電影里,一見面打招呼「哇撒」 是什麼意思啊
what's up
❹ 在電影院遇見老師的英文對話
你——HELLO,Mr,or Miss, 王,李。。NICE TO meeting u .(打招呼)
老師——NICE TO meeting u too (回答後就OK了)
如果在門口,老師答後你就接著說: Do you see the film?(你是來看電影
你——YES 。Mr,or Miss, 王,李。。do u have time now ,we can go to see the movie together.(老師有時間嗎,我們可以一起看這電影)
老師——sure ,I very happy to see with u .(當然,我非常樂意與你去看)
你——so glade ,so we are comeing now (太高興了,那我們走吧。)
老師——oh,I am sorry, I have something I have to go.(我還有事, 我得走了)
你——Really, really sorry, then the next bar, good-bye(是嗎,真遺
❺ 英語問候語
1. Wake me up at five thirty.請在五點半叫醒我。
2. We are all busy with work.我們都忙於工作。
3. Where do you want to meet?你想在哪兒見面?
4. You can get what you want.你能得到你想要的。
5. A barking dog doesn't bite!吠犬不咬人。
6. Are you free this Saturday?你這個星期六有空嗎?
7. Be careful not to fall ill.注意不要生病了。
8. Being a mother is not easy.做一個母親是不容易的。
9. Brevity is the soul of wit.簡潔是智慧的精華。
10. Cancer is a deadly disease.癌症是一種致命的疾病。
11. Did you fight with others?你又和別人打架了嗎?
12. Don't dream away your time.不要虛度光陰。
13. Don't keep me waiting long.不要讓我等得太久。
14. He has a remarkable memory.他有驚人的記憶力。
15. He has completed the task.他完成了這個任務。
16. He has quite a few friends.他有不少的朋友。
17. He is capable of any crime.他什麼樣的壞事都能幹得出來。
18. He walks with a quick pace.他快步走路。
19. He was not a little tired.他很累。
20. His looks are always funny.他的樣子總是滑稽可笑。
1. Keep it up! 堅持下去!
2. Let me see.讓我想想。
3. Never mind.不要緊。
4. No problem! 沒問題!
5. That's all! 就這樣!
6. Time is up. 時間快到了。
7. What's new? 有什麼新鮮事嗎?
8. Count me on 算上我。
9. Don't worry. 別擔心。
10. Feel better? 好點了嗎?
11. I love you! 我愛你!
12. I'm his fan。 我是他的影迷。
13. Is it yours? 這是你的嗎?
14. That's neat. 這很好。
15. Are you sure? 你肯定嗎?
16. Do l have to 非做不可嗎?
17. He is my age. 他和我同歲。
18. Here you are. 給你。
19. No one knows . 沒有人知道。
20. Take it easy. 別緊張。
1. 常見問候
Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening.
Hello. / Hi. / Hey.
How do you do? 你好。(初次見面。)
Nice / Good / Glad to see you. 見到你很高興。
- How are you? 你好。
- Fine. Thank you.
How are you getting along (with…)? 最近(…)怎麼樣?
How are you doing (with…)? 最近(…)怎麼樣?
- How is everything? 一切都好嗎?
- Can't complain. / Everything goes well. 沒什麼可抱怨的。/ 一切都很好。
How about your vacation / holiday / weekend / …?
2. 流行問候
- What's up? 近況如何?
- Nothing much. 沒什麼。
What's new? 有什麼新鮮事啊?
Anything new? 有什麼新鮮事啊?
1. It's time you went to bed.你早就該睡覺了。
2. No spitting on the street.禁止在大街上吐痰。
3. She was totally exhausted.她累垮了。
4. Show your tickets,please.請出示你的票。
5. Thank you for your advice.謝謝你的建議。
6. That's the latest fashion.這是最流行的款式。
7. The train arrived on time.火車准時到達。
8. There go the house lights.劇院的燈光滅了。
9. They are paid by the hour.他們按時取酬。
10. Things are getting better.情況正在好轉。
1. Hello.
2. Good morning!
3. I』m John Smith.
4.Are you Bill Jones?
你是Bill Jones嗎?
5. Yes, I am.
6. How are you?
7. Fine, thanks.
8. How is Helen?
9. She』s very well, thank you.
10. Good afternoon, Mr. Green.
午安,Mr. Green。
11. Good evening, Mrs. Brown.
晚上好,Mrs. Brown。
12. How are you this evening?
13. Good night, John.
14. Good-bye, Bill.
15. See you tomorrow.
1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好!
2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好!
3. How old are you? I am (four). 你幾歲了?我(四)歲。
4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字?我叫(蘭蘭)。
5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天見?明天見。
6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你還好嗎? 我挺好的。
7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好嗎?我很好,謝謝。
8. Excuse me! 打擾一下!
9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再見媽媽 / 爸爸。
10. Good-bye 再見。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打擾一下,你叫什麽名字?
12. See you next week. 下周見。
1. How about going to a movie?去看場電影怎麼樣?
2. I think I've caught a cold.我想我得了感冒。
3. I was taking care of Sally.我在照顧薩莉。
4. I wish I lived in NEWYORK.我希望住在紐約。
5. I'm very glad to hear that.很高興聽你這樣說。
6. I'm your lucky fellow then.我就是你的.幸運舞伴啦!
7. It's none of your business!這不關你的事兒!
8. No littering on the campus.在校園內不準亂丟廢物。
9. She is a good-looking girl.她是一個漂亮女孩。
10. She mended the broken doll.她修補了破了的洋娃娃。
11. So I just take what I want.那麼我只拿我所需要的東西。
12. Spring is a pretty season,春天是一個好季節。
13. The figure seems all Right.數目看起來是對的。
14. The stars are too far away.星星太遙遠了。
15. The whole world knows that.全世界都知道。
16. Tomorrow will be a holiday.明天放假。
17. We walk on the garden path.我們走在花園小徑上。
18. What you need is just rest.你需要的就是休息。
19. What's your favorite steps?你最喜歡跳什麼舞?
20. You'd better let her alone.你們最好是讓她一個人呆會兒。
1. Mr. Smith sends you his respects.史密斯先生問候您。
2. Please favor us with your reply as early as possible. 請給我們你的答復盡快。
3. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,謝謝,你呢?
4. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好!
5. Have an apple. 有一個蘋果。
6. Hello!/ Hi!你好!
7. How are you? 你好嗎?
8. How old are you? I am (four). 你幾歲了?我(四)歲。
9. I am full. 我吃飽了。
10. I am hungry. 我餓了。
1. How are you doing?—你好嗎?
除了被人說爛了的 "How are you?" 之外,美國人見面時候最常用的打招呼方式就是:
"Hey! How are you doing?"
"How's going?" 也很常見。
2. What's up?—什麼事?
"What's up?" 也是很常用的一種打招呼方式。
比方說Sherlock在路上看到我跟我說 "Hey! XXX"
那我通常就會答說 "Hi! Sherlock. What's up?"
通常如果沒什麼事人家就會說 "Not much."
不過還有一種情況也很常見,你先跟人家說 "Hey! What's up?" 那別人也不說 "Not much",反而反問一句 "What's up?" 所以 "What's up?" 已經變成有點 "Hello"的味道在裡面了。
"What's up?" 也常被用來問人家有什麼事?
例如有人登門拜訪, 你就會說 "What's up?" (有何貴干? )
在南非的打招呼方式是 "How zit?" 這是從 "How's it?" 衍生變化而來。
3. Could you do me a favor?—幫個忙
"Could you do me a favor?"或是"Could you give me a hand?" 算是比較正式而禮貌的講法。有時候要請別人幫忙還不太好意思說,可以說 Could you do me a little favor?( 能不能幫我一個小忙?)
其實也許是幫大忙但也要假裝客氣一下,講成小忙,先讓對方點頭才是。(注意一下:這里用could you會比can you來的客氣一點。)
另外 "Can you help me?" 也很常見,通常比如說我們去買東西,可是店員自己在聊天,我就會說 "Can you help me?" (其實正常來說,應該是他們主動會問 "Can I help you?" 或是"May I help you?" 才對,但有時實在等不及了,就直接先問出口 "Can you help me?"
4. What are you studying?—你主修啥
其實這樣的問法就是問你 "What's your major?" 但老外比較喜歡說 "What are you studying?"
如果說你遇見一個人,你也不確定他是不是學生,我們通常會問 "What do you do for living?" 你是作什麼工作的? 或是簡單地問 "What do you do?" 一般不會說成 "What's your job?"
5. Where are you going?—你要去哪?
通常走在路上遇到好朋友,除了打招呼之外,我都還會問 "Where are you going?"
另外老美也很喜歡用heading這個詞來代替going。所以你也可以問 "Where are you heading?" 同樣都是你上哪去的意思。
1、來是come ; 去是go ;come, come ;go, go.
2、點頭yes; 搖頭no;yes,yes;no,no.
3、見面問好說 Hello! Hello! Hello!
4、客人來了快請坐 Sit down, please. Sit down, please.
5、客人來了請喝茶Have some tea ,please. Have some tea,please.
6、臨睡之前道晚安 Good night .Good night .Good night.
7、臨走分手說Bye-bye! Bye-bye! Bye-bye!
8、你好嗎? How are you? How are you? How are you?
9、熟人見面說聲 Hi! Hi! Hi!
10、晚上好 Good evening. Good evening. Good evening.
11、我是I, 你是you,I,I;you,you.
12、謝謝你 Thank you . Thank you.Thank you.
13、早上好Good morning . Good morning. Good morning.
Good morning [afternoon ,evening ],John .
Hi, John.
Hi, Mark .how are you doing?
Fine. And you?
Hello,Jane. How are you?
Pretty good. Thanks. And you?
What』s upheld? Nothing much.
What』s happening?
Nothing much .I』m just taking one day at a time.
How are you feeling today?
Just so so.
How is it going?
How』s everything with you?
Hi! Are you having fun?
How have you been (feeling)?
So far so good.
1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!
2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!
3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凱西·金。
4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯嗎?
5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。
6. How are you? 你好嗎?
7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,謝謝,你呢?
8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。
9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 愛米好嗎?/你妻子好嗎?/你丈夫好嗎?
10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,謝謝。
11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,簡。
12. Good-bye, Mike. 再見,邁克。
13. See you tomorrow. 明天見。
14. See you later. 待會兒見。
15. I have to go now. 我必須走了。
1. Hello! / Hi!
1. 你好!
2. Good morning / afternoon / evening!
3. I'm Kathy King.
3. 我是凱西?金。
4. Are you Peter Smith?
4. 你是彼得?史密斯嗎?
5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
5. 不,我不是
6. How are you?
6. 你好嗎?
7. Fine, How are you? / So so. / Couldn』t be better.
7. 很好,你好嗎?/一般般/ 好得不能再好了。
8. I'm fine, too.
8. 我也很好。
9. See you tomorrow/ later.
9. 明天見/待會兒見。
10.I have to go now.
10. 我必須走了。
1. Hello.你好!
2. Good morning.早晨好!
3. I』m John Smith.我是約翰、史密斯。
4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比爾、瓊斯嗎?
5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。
6. How are you?你好嗎?
7. Fine,thanks.很好,謝謝。
8. How is Helen?海倫好嗎?
9. She』s very well,thank you. 她很好,謝謝您。
10. Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。
11. Good evening,Mrs. Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。
12. How are you this evening?今晚上您好嗎?
13. Good night,John.晚安,約翰。
14. Good-bye,Bill.再見,比爾。
15. See you tomorrow.明天見。
1. Good job! 做得好!
2. Have fun! 玩得開心!
3. How much? 多少錢?
4. I'm full. 我飽了。
5. I'm home. 我回來了。
6. I'm lost. 我迷路了。
7. My treat. 我請客。
8. So do I. 我也一樣。
9. This way。 這邊請。
10. After you. 您先。
❻ 初次見面英語打招呼對話10句
1、How are you doing?——你好嗎?
2、How's life treating you?——日子過得還算愜意嗎?
3、What's up?——有什麼新鮮事兒?
4、How's everything?——一切都好?
5、Nice to meet you.——很高興見到你。
❼ 找一篇關於電影的英語對話
以經典影片�0�0簡.愛�0�3(Jane Eyre)為例。不管是看過小說還是看過電影的人,都會對Jane和Rochester初次見面的場景印象深刻,難以忘懷。在這一段對白中,Jane和Rochester在客廳里的對話最為精彩。雙方雖然正式介紹前發生了不愉快,但對話是圍繞Rochester問Jane的基本情況而展開的。Jane出身貧苦低微的家庭,沒有社會地位,但在與Rochester的見面過程中,她說話用詞彬彬有禮。例如: JANE: Can I do anything?1 ROCHESTER: Stand out of the way!2 JANE: I』m sorry3I frighten your horse. ROCHESTER: Apologies won』t heal my ankle. Down, Pilot! Well, what are you waiting for? JANE: I can』t leave until I see you』re fit to ride. ROCHESTER: Hmmm, a will of your own. Where are you from?4 JANE: From Mr. Rochester』s house, just below. ROCHESTER: You know Mr. Rochester? JANE: No, I』ve never seen him. ROCHESTER: You』re not the servant of the hall… JANE: I』m the new governess ROCHESTER: Oh, You』re the new governess. Now, just hand me my whip. Thank you. Now kindly get out of the way. (Later, back in the restroom, Jane is introces to Mr. Rochester.) JANE: Here is Miss Eyre, sir.5 ROCHESTER: Well, Miss Eyre, have you no tongue?6 JANE: I was waiting, sir, until I was spoke to.7 ROCHESTER: Very proper. Next time you see a man on horse, don』t run out into the middle of the road, please pass. JANE: I assure you, sir, it was not deliberate. ROCHESTER: It may not have been deliberate.8 It is none the less painful. Sit down, Miss Eyre. Where do you come from?9 1. 這是Jane見到Rochester時所用的非常正式的打招呼用語,隱含著很抱歉的意思。注意這里不能理解為商店裡店員詢問的習慣用語。 2. Rochester的憤怒和粗魯在這句話里表現得比較明顯。 3. Jane比較正式的道歉。固定句型是「I』m sorry that…」或「I』m sorry for…」。 4. 此句話標志著雙方開始進入寒暄,找話題以繼續談話,也就是說不願意中斷交談。暗示Rochester 接受了Jane的道歉,也是打破僵局的重要一句。 5. 正式場合談話中介紹者將一方正式介紹給另一方時所用的固定句型是「Here is …」或「This is…」。注意句中稱呼未婚小姐為Miss,稱呼主人為Sir。介紹人們相認識時所用的語言,以簡潔、清楚、有禮貌為好。 6. 這句話的言外之意是「你不會自己說嗎?」把一個粗魯和專制的暴君形象刻畫得淋漓盡致。 7. Jane的彬彬有禮和Rochester的粗魯形成鮮明對照。 8. 虛擬句,注意情態動詞may的另一主要用法,表示對過去發生事情的可能判斷。May have done something意思是「可能作了某事」。 9. 打完招呼後,Rochester以詢問「你從哪兒來」開始,再次引導雙方進入閑聊。因此,從以上例子可以看出,初認識英美人的英語表達主要涉及稱呼(addressing)、介紹(introction)、打招呼(greeting)、寒暄(small talk)等四個方面的內容。 一、稱呼英語國家的人們在交往中,一般隊男子稱先生(Mr.),對已婚女子稱夫人(Mrs.),未婚女子統稱小姐(Miss)。若不了解對方的婚姻狀況可用Ms, 這是英美女權運動的產物。有些稱呼可以冠以職稱、銜稱等。如「議員先生(Mr. Senator)」、「市長先生(Mr. Mayor)」等。但如果這樣說是不符合英美人的習慣的「Good morning, teacher」,應該說,「Good morning, sir.」。除了某些特定的工作頭銜外,一般是直呼其名倒是覺得親切自然地多。二、介紹介紹人們相識時所用的語言,以簡潔、清楚、有禮貌為好。例如:在自我介紹時,比較有禮貌的措辭是May I introce myself? My name is…;在會場上介紹一位來訪嘉賓或重要人物時主持人應該這樣說:「It is with great pleasure/honor that I introce to you Professor Wang, President of Communication Company.」 三、打招呼一個簡單的見面問候,也因不同的情景而異。例如:「Nice to meet you; Great to meet you; Your reputation proceeds you!」或者非正式的表達「Hey, what』s going on?; Hey, what』s up buddy?」。四、寒暄在英語里初次見面的握手寒暄稱之為「small talk」,目的就是為了打破僵局(break the ice),讓雙方增進了解,尋找共同話題。但是和其他國家的人一樣,除了友好的,英美人也有許多不想多談的話題,比如說婚戀、年齡、宗教信仰、經濟狀況等,因此最好避免。
❽ 有關英文電影中初次見面的對白
外國人見面時通常只是說 Hello 或 Hi 或 How are you doing ? 或 How are you doing this morning ? How are things with you ?
如果過了一段時間再見面,還可以說 How is life treating you ?
若遇上熟人的話,甚至可以說(pigeon English 混雜英語) Long time no see(you) 用上。
初次見面時聽到對方說 How do you do ? 時,
唯一正確的反應也是 How do you do ?
而我們不少人喜歡說 I'm fine, thank you, 這不符合習慣。
而初次見面分手時,我們有人常說 Good-bye; 但你如果仔細注意的話,
native speakers 說 Nice meeting you 或 Nice to have met you.
最適宜的做法是設法把眼睛朝窗外瞧,假裝沒有看見。 說了 Good morning 反而令對方窘迫,這時你不打招呼絕非失禮。
1、What』s up?
2、What』s happening?
3、What』s going on?
4、How』s it going?
5、How』s everything?
6、How』s everything going with you?
見面打招呼,要會說What』s up? What』s happening? 等,而且, 一口氣要說三句以上,才算是英文高手。