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發布時間: 2023-01-20 00:31:41

A. 七年級水平的英語作文 60詞 寫看英文電影的觀後感 !!!!

I loved watch cartoons before,but recently I saw an action movie called Transformers.It tells us the righteous will definitely beat the evil. The leading man was brave and he saved the world with his wisdom. The robots didn't disappointed me too.They were cool as much as they could be.I love each of those characters. From this movie,I learned a lot.


B. 關於看英語電影提高英語的英語作文


C. 看英文電影對學習英語的作用 英文1000字作文

Movies and Television do influence people's behavior. Violence is a special concern for both children and alts watching movies and television. But in my opinion, watching television and movies has an influence both for the better and for the worse on the people's behavior.

Movies showing violent acts make people violent too. The more we see the violence the less we become sensitive. Then the violence doesn't seem wrong and make us to commit it. We have come across several incidents of school boys carrying weapons and committing violent acts. We should realize that the consequences of the acts of killing is something permanenet. In movies, actors can be killed and still appear in other movies, which makes us bewildered in understanding the consequences and relating it to reality.

Movies and Television brings out a negative inflence on health. Watching TV is a passive avctivity. It makes us less active. If we watch too much, we become lazy both physically and mentally. Eventually, we become unhealthy. We stop using our own imagination. We would rather watch a sports event than play it. We would rather visit characters on the TV sitcoms like friends and Seinfeld than chat with our own friends. Won't it be exciting when we bring our own imagination into our lives?

Movies and Television also benefit us by providing a source of vast knowledge. Television broadens the window of the world by showing research advances in various fields of study. Watching TV shows and movies expose us to diverse cultures and races. We can overcome the inner prejudice easily. Besides, war movies like Gladiator and Pearl harbor emphasises the historical aspects of Greek and world politics. Movies like Harry potter and Lord of the rings, which were the movie makes of the books written by famous writers shows the extent of writer's imagination on supernatural powers.

The best influence of watching TV is that it relieves much of our stress. TV and movies makes us to escape from our own problems even for a little while. Sometimes they may even show a positive way to solve our problems we all face. They can help us to cope up with our problems not to hide away from our life.

It is true that Television and Movies can influence on our behaviour negatively, but they also brings positive changes in our lives. The influence on the behavior depends on how much you watch, what you watch and how you respond to what you watched.

D. 求「提高英語成績」的初中英語作文

As we all know,it is very important that learn English well.To improve English grades that we should take good methods.
Firstly,it is basis that remember the words.Secondly,we shuold learn grammar well,it can help us know the sentence structure.Third,we should do some listening practice.For examples,do some listening homework or listen some English songs.In addition,it is important too that improve our oral English ability ,reading ability and writing skill.We can practice speaking English with classmates in recess time.Of course,we also see some English movies to improve our English.
Last but not list,we need that learning English every day.Persistence is the mother of success.

E. 看英文電影對學習英語的作用 英文1000字作文

Movies and Television do influence people's behavior. Violence is a special concern for both children and alts watching movies and television. But in my opinion, watching television and movies has an influence both for the better and for the worse on the people's behavior.

Movies showing violent acts make people violent too. The more we see the violence the less we become sensitive. Then the violence doesn't seem wrong and make us to commit it. We have come across several incidents of school boys carrying weapons and committing violent acts. We should realize that the consequences of the acts of killing is something permanenet. In movies, actors can be killed and still appear in other movies, which makes us bewildered in understanding the consequences and relating it to reality.

Movies and Television brings out a negative inflence on health. Watching TV is a passive avctivity. It makes us less active. If we watch too much, we become lazy both physically and mentally. Eventually, we become unhealthy. We stop using our own imagination. We would rather watch a sports event than play it. We would rather visit characters on the TV sitcoms like friends and Seinfeld than chat with our own friends. Won't it be exciting when we bring our own imagination into our lives?

Movies and Television also benefit us by providing a source of vast knowledge. Television broadens the window of the world by showing research advances in various fields of study. Watching TV shows and movies expose us to diverse cultures and races. We can overcome the inner prejudice easily. Besides, war movies like Gladiator and Pearl harbor emphasises the historical aspects of Greek and world politics. Movies like Harry potter and Lord of the rings, which were the movie makes of the books written by famous writers shows the extent of writer's imagination on supernatural powers.

The best influence of watching TV is that it relieves much of our stress. TV and movies makes us to escape from our own problems even for a little while. Sometimes they may even show a positive way to solve our problems we all face. They can help us to cope up with our problems not to hide away from our life.

It is true that Television and Movies can influence on our behaviour negatively, but they also brings positive changes in our lives. The influence on the behavior depends on how much you watch, what you watch and how you respond to what you watched.

F. 有關看電影的英語作文60詞數帶翻譯

Movie is my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free.Since I like English very much, so the English movie is my favorite, too.Among so many films I have watched, the one I like best is High School Musical.This film tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl.Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical.In this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It』s totally a happy ending.I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which I admire so much.Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.
我喜歡電影,平時有時間的時候我一般都是看電影。我非常喜歡英語,因此英語電影也是我喜歡看的。在我所看過的電影中,我最喜歡的是《歌舞青春》。這部電影講述了兩個高中生的故事——學校籃球隊的隊長Troy Bolton和性格害羞、長相甜美、成績優異的新生Gabriella Montez。他們要一起主演學校的音樂劇。在這個過程中,發生了一系列的故事,而最終,音樂劇獲得了成功,他們之間也碰撞出了愛的火花,完美落幕。我喜歡這部電影的原因是因為電影中展現的高中生活豐富多彩、奇妙無比,讓我十分羨慕。再者,有誰不喜歡愛情故事的大圓滿結局呢。

G. 關於看英語電影提高英語的英語作文


H. 「看英文電影提高英語聽力」的論文1000字









然而,我們平常對於打招呼的話,習慣性的只有:How are you? How do you do? 兩句,到底老外在現實生活裡面是怎麼說話的呢?看看美國電視劇收視神話《老友記》,裡面6個年輕人天天和不同的人打招呼,整整10年了,都沒有什麼重復的話出現。裡面大量的時髦日常用語,是大家學習美國口語挖掘不盡的寶藏。一句How you doing?換不同的語音語調,意思也馬上隨之改頭換面。這樣學習英語的過程將不再是suffering, 而是有所收獲感到高興的過程。





1. 電影為語言的運用提供了更真實的情景,使用者更能領悟語言的意境。

近年來隨著社會的不斷發展,人們的文化生活豐富多彩。 人們對於文化的需求不斷的上升。電影事業發展迅速,成為文化陣地的領頭羊。往往一部電影的發行和放映,就引起一股社會的潮流和時尚。尤其是一些大片已經與人們的生活息息相關。一部大片的發行,人們爭先恐後的觀看。生怕走在時代的後面。中學生尤其如此。 大片無論從他的投資和製作都堪稱為典範。其中的故事性強,情節曲折,語言考究並具有時代特色。除次之外,還有經過改編的經典文學巨著的影片,其包含的文化和歷史可為文化的珠寶,永發光芒。從而使人們走進時間隧道,去遨遊的最好去處。人們可以從中不斷的汲取精神的營養。


然而,電影作為一種文化傳播工具,提供了最好的語言情景,和最實用的語言.電影的對白配合上情景和人物的表情,不像我們課本上的文字那麼枯燥,那麼難以理解.如我們在觀賞獅子王片段時,當辛巴和父親一起在晨曦中眺望自己統治的遼闊疆域時,父親講到Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom…。那種唯美的畫面和音樂不僅吸引了學生的注意力,也使學生很容易地理解了這句帶有定語從句的復合句及他們所說的每一句話,更使他們充分感悟到了生命的價值和獅子王濃濃的父愛。而如果把這一段以書本的形式一字一句的交給學生是無法讓他們體驗到尊重生命的哲理的。我們還要花更多的時間使學生理解每一句話。這種學習語言的方式是機械的.常常是背了很多到用時還不能用的地道,也不能用的符合英語國家人的習慣。

就拿我國的國產影片來講,近年來推出了不少膾炙人口,走向國際影壇的大片。電影《一個都不能少》「Not one less」 ,《神話》, 「The myth」 《英雄》 「Hero」 等電影都是用英語字幕,語言中滲透著濃厚的文化,但是從英語把他表現出來。而我們學生所運用的教材也有許多是汲取了電影的營養,使其豐滿和具有時代氣息。比如現行教材中許多材料都是圍繞電影的話題來展開的。如高中第一冊的第一單元 「GOOD FRIEND 」 中的閱讀就是電影 「Cast away」就是例子。課文中以魯賓遜的經歷來引出話題,談論如何認識到朋友的重要性及如何交朋友等。設想如果讓學生欣賞該部影片,那麼將更能吸引學生的學習興趣。學生不但可以從中加深對於課文的理解,更能觸發學生對於語言的認識和體驗。

2. 電影作為一種視頻文本所產生的吸引力是我們書本教材所無法比擬的。














3、 看英文原版電影能激活你學的單詞、句子和語法!因為孤立的背單詞和語法是沒有用的,必須把它用出去,而看英文原版電影則可以將你學的單詞全部激活,變成你的口語單詞,一個單詞一旦變成你的口語單詞以後,那這個單詞已經達到最高境界了!


5、 看英文原版電影能讓你學到最鮮活的詞彙和表達!這是非常重要的,因為我們平常背的句子其實有很多都是已經過時的或者在口語中不常用的句子,但通過看英文原版電影我們可以學到很多最時髦、最鮮活的詞彙和表達法,比如昨天我看老友記時學到了一個地道的表達法,叫Have you put your foot down?(你已經決定好了嗎?)還好很多很多好的地道表達等著你去學習和吸收!


I. 求英語作文,關於英文電影對學習英語的幫助

We can learn English by many different ways. Such as textbooks, English songs, English programs and so on. But I prefer watching English movies to learn English. I can learn perfect English by waching movies as well as the beautiful stories. I can learn slangs and idioms,too. My watched movies like 《Gone with the wind》,《 Ghost》, 《Titanic》and so on. I always moved by the beautiful stories and their oral English. So I try to recite the sentences and little by little I have made lots of progress. So I think it is good way to learn English by watching movies.


J. 求英語作文,關於英文電影對學習英語的幫助

To watch English movies will help us improve our English levels as well as know something about the cultures in the English-speaking countries. As for how they can influence our daily life or really impact our thoughts and concepts of value, different people may hold different comments. To be more detailed, there're several advantages we can take from watching English movies in different situations.

Firstly, if the English movies are subtitled in English, we can learn the oral English in a writing forml. We may notice the grammar, the slangs,which we are not familiar with when we learn English with a text book. They help us get a rough frame of the speaking habits of the foreigners and tell us what to say in an informal occasion.

Secondly, if the English movies are substitled in two languages,namely,Chinese and English, we can pay attention to the translation work, and it will be easy to learn a new word. How the English subtitle is translated into good Chinese,how the work is successfully done will keep us in touch with a higher level of studying English.

Thirdly, if the English movies aren't subtitled in either language, we may improve our listening skills. When we pay attention to the pronounciation,tone,accent of the foreigners, we can speak their lines after them. In this case, our spoken English will be more native and authentic.

All in all, English movies help us a lot in learning English. We can entertain us,and at the meantime, we learn something. Therefore,watching English movies is indeed a good method for English learners.

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