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❶ 急求電影《料理鼠王》的英文台詞!!!


[from trailer]
[narrating a freeze-frame of himself being chased in a gourmet Parisian resturant]
Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. I can't help myself. I... I like good food, ok? And... good food is... hard for a rat to find!
Django: It wouldn't be so hard to find if you weren't so picky!
Remy: I don't wanna eat garbage, dad!
[from trailer]
Remy: [observing what Emile is eating] What is that?
Emile: [pause] I don't really know.
Remy: You nno... and you're eating it?
Emile: You know, once you muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of possibilities open up.
Remy: This is what I'm talking about.
Linguini: You're the one who was getting fancy with the spices! What did you throw in there? Oregano? No? What, r - uh, rosemary? That's a spice, isn't it? Rosemary?
Colette: Horst has done time.
Linguini: For what?
Colette: We don't know. He changes the story every time you ask.
Horst: I defrauded a large corporation.
Horst: I robbed the second-largest bank in France using only a ball-point pen.
Horst: I created a hole in the ozone layer over Avignon.
Horst: I killed a man... with this thumb.
Linguini: I can't cook, can I?
[Remy shakes his head]
Linguini: But you - he, he - you can, right?
[Remy shrugs]
Linguini: Come on, don't be so modest. You're a rat, for Pete's sake.
Skinner: [notices that Linguini is holding a ladle] Move it, garbage boy! You are COOKING? HOW DARE YOU COOK in my kitchen! Where do you get the gall to even attempt something so monumentally idiotic? I should have you drawn and quartered! I'll do it! I think the law is on my side! Larousse, draw and quarter this man - after you put him in the ck press to squeeze the fat out of his head!
Skinner: Welcome to Hell.
Mustafa: Someone is asking what is new!
Horst: New?
Mustafa: Yes! What do I tell them?
Horst: What did you tell them?
Mustafa: I told them I would ask!
Skinner: What are you blathering about?
Horst: Customers are asking for what is new!
Mustafa: What should I tell them?
Skinner: What did you tell them?
Skinner: This is simple. Just pull out an old Gusteau recipe, something we haven't made in a while...
Mustafa: They know about the old stuff. They like Linguini's soup.
Skinner: They are asking for food from LINGUINI?
Colette: You waste energy and time! You think cooking is a cute job, eh? Like mommy in the kitchen? Well, mommy never had to face the dinner rush while orders come flooding in, and every dish is different and not that simple, it has a different cooking time, and must arrive at the customer's table at the same time. Every second counts and you CANNOT be MOMMIED!
Colette: [Linguini is making a mess at the kitchen] What is this? Keep... your... station clear! If meal orders come in, what will happen? Messy stations slow things down, food doesn't go, orders pile up, disaster! I will make this easier to remember: keep you station clean... or I WILL KILL YOU!
Remy: We're thieves, and what we're stealing is, let's be honest, garbage.
Django: It's not stealing if no one wants it.
Remy: If no one want's it, then why are we stealing it?
Linguini: [in dream sequence] Do you know what you would like this evening, sir?
Anton Ego: Yes, I'd like your heart roasted on a spit. Heh heh heh heh. Ha ha ha!
Mustafa: [taking Ego's order] Do you know what you'd like this evening, sir?
Anton Ego: Yes, I think I do. After reading a lot of overheated puffery about your new cook, you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?
Mustafa: With what, sir?
Anton Ego: Perspective. Fresh out, I take it?
Mustafa: I am, uh...
Anton Ego: Very well. Since you're all out of perspective and no one else seems to have it in this BLOODY TOWN, I'll make you a deal. You provide the food, I'll provide the perspective, which would go nicely with a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947.
Mustafa: Uhm... Your meal, sir?
[Stands up angrily in Mustafa's face]
Anton Ego: Tell your chef Linguini to cook ANYTHING he dares to serve me. Tell him to hit me, with his best shot.
Remy: This is terrible! He's ruining the soup! And no one's noticing? It's *your* restaurant, do something!
Gusteau: What can *I* do? I am a figment of your imagination.
Remy: But he's *ruining* the *soup*!
Remy: Hey, I brought you something to...
[sees Emile eating garbage]
[Emile obeys]
Remy: I have got to teach you about food. Close your eyes.
[Emile obeys; Remy hands out piece of cheese]
Remy: Now take a bite of this...
[Emile snarfs the cheese]
Remy: No, no, no! Don't just hork it down!
Emile: Too late.
Linguini: Can I interest you in a dessert this evening?
Anton Ego: Don't you always?
Linguini: Which one would you like?
Anton Ego: Suprise me!
Linguini: Thank you, by the way, for all the advice about cooking.
Colette: Thank you, too.
Linguini: For - for what?
Colette: For taking it!
Linguini: What should I do now?
Skinner: Kill it!
Linguini: Now?
Skinner: No, not in the kitchen! Are you mad?
[Skinner has gotten Linguini drunk in the hopes of getting him to admit that he has a rat under his hat]
Linguini: Hey... Why do they call it that?
Skinner: What?
Linguini: Ratatouille. It's like a stew, right? Why do they call it that? If you're gonna name a food, you should give it a name that sounds delicious. Ratatouille doesn't sound delicious. It sounds like "rat" and "patootie." Rat-patootie, which does not sound delicious.
Linguini: Hey, they like the soup!
[knocks Remy in river]
Linguini: AH!
[rescues Remy, returns soaking wet]
Linguini: They like the soup.
Linguini: How could you? I thought you were my friend! I trusted you! Get out, and don't come back, or I'll treat you the way restaurants are supposed to treat pests!
Skinner: Toasting your success, eh, Linguini? Good for you.
Linguini: Oh, I just took it to be polite. I don't really drink, you know.
Skinner: Of course you don't. I wouldn't either if I was drinking that. But you would have to be an idiot of elephantine proportions not to appreciate this '61 Ch鈚eau Latour, and you, Monsieur Linguini, are no idiot. Let us toast your non-idiocy!
Anton Ego: You're a bit slow for someone in the fast lane.
Linguini: And... you're thin for someone who likes food!
[Crowd gasps]
Anton Ego: I don't LIKE food, I LOVE it. If I don't LOVE it, I don't SWALLOW.
Linguini: Listen, I just want you to know how honored I am to be studying under such a -...
Colette: [pins Linguini's sleeve with a knife] No, you listen! I just want you to know exactly who you are dealing with! How many women do you see in this kitchen?
Linguini: Well, I uh -...
Colette: [pins Linguini's sleeve with another knife] Only me. Why do you think that is? Because high cuisine is an antiquated hierarchy built upon rules by stupid, old men. Rules designed to make it impossible for women to enter this world, but still I'm here. How did this happen?
Linguini: Well because you, because you -...
Colette: [pins Linguini's sleeve with a third knife] Because I am the toughest cook in this kitchen! I have worked too hard for too long to get here, and I am not going to jeopardize it for some garbage boy who got lucky! Got it?
Linguini: When I added that extra ingredient instead of following the recipe like you said, that wasn't me... either.
Colette: What do you mean?
Linguini: I mean, I wouldn't have done that. I would've followed the recipe, I would've followed your advice. I would've followed your advice 'til the ends of the Earth because I love youuuuuur advice. But...
Remy: [whispering, referring to Linguini] Don't do it...
Linguini: [hesitantly] I have a secret. It's sort of disturbing. I have a ra... I have a raaaaa...
Colette: You have a rash?
Linguini: No no no. I have this-this tiny, uh, little... little...
Linguini: a tiny chef who tells me what to do.
Larousse: Oh, look who it is! Alfredo Linguini! His mother's an old flame of Gusteau's.
Skinner: Ah, yes. How is Renata?
Linguini: She's good... well, not good, she's been better. She's, uh... she's -...
Horst: She died.
Skinner: [carelessly] Oh, I'm sorry
Linguini: Oh, no, don't be. She believed in Heaven, so she's covered... after-life speaking.
[gives Skinner letter]
Skinner: What is this?
Linguini: It's from my mother. She thought it would help... me get a job... here.
[Skinner has made Linguini drunk]
Skinner: So this is your first time cooking?
Linguini: My fifth time, actually. I think... Monday was my first time
Anton Ego: In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I realize that only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.
Linguini: So this is it. It's not much but it's, y'know... not much.
[referring to his home]
Gusteau: Food always comes to those who love to cook.
Linguini: Bonjour, ma ch閞ie. Join us. We were just talking about my inspiration.
Colette: Yes, he calls it his tiny chef.
Linguini: Not that, dearest, I meant you.
Django: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage.
[from trailer]
Gusteau: You know what I say. Anyone can cook.
Remy: Yeah, anyone can cook. That doesn't mean anyone should.
Remy: [cooking a mushroom over the chimney] The key is to keep turning it to get the smoky flavor niiice and even.


❷ <變形金剛2><料理鼠王><冰河世紀><哈利波特>的共20句經典台詞 要英文的

變形金剛:1. My name is the Optimus Prime

2. Autobots, Transform and Roll Out
3. One shall stand and one shall fall

4. More than meets the eye
5. A driver don't pick the car. The car'll pick the driver.

6. Do not test me
7.Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at you life,
don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?
8. Okay, I wanna tell you about a dream. A boy's dream. And a man's promise to that boy. He looked at me in the eye. He said, "Son, I'm gonna buy you a car."But I want you to bring me $2,000 and three As." Okay? I got the 2,000 and I got two As.Okay? Here's the dream. Your B-. Dream gone. Kaput. Sir, just ask yourself, what would Jesus do?
我要告訴你一個夢想,一個男孩的夢想 一個男人答應那個男孩 他看著我的眼睛說:"兒子,我會給你買一輛車" "但是你需要給我 2000 美元和 3 個 A " 我已經有了 2000 美元和 2 個 A ,這是我的夢想,如果你給 B-,夢想破滅了.
9. Beginning:
Before time began, there was the Cube, we know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil, and so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called earth.
10. Ending:
With the All spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And fate has yielded its reward: a new world to call home. We live among its people now in plain sight, but watching over them in secret, waiting, protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage, and though we are worlds apart, like us, there's more to them than meets the eye. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars: we are here, we are waiting.
"To refer to things in their own name, the name of the fear of deepening the fear of its own" - Albus Dumbledore �6�1"真相是一種美麗又可怕的東西,需要格外謹慎地對待." ——阿不思�6�1鄧布利多 "Truth is a beautiful and terrible things, the need for extra caution." - Albus Dumbledore �6�1 "反抗你的敵人需要過人的勇氣,而在朋友面前堅持自己的立場,需要更大的勇氣." ——阿不思�6�1鄧布利 "Against the enemies you need extraordinary courage, and friends insist on its position before the need for greater courage." - Albus Dumbledore �6�1
"與史上最邪惡的魔頭作對有什麼好處?就是為了拯救無辜的生命!死了總比背叛朋友強!" ——小天狼星�6�1布萊克 "And the history of the most evil against What are the advantages? Is to save innocent lives! Die than betray friends strong!" - Small sirius �6�1 Black
"如果你想殺掉哈利,你就必須把我們三人都殺死!" ——羅恩�6�1韋斯萊 "If you want to kill Harry, you have to kill all three of us!" - Ron Weasley �6�1 "為了我們,送她下地獄吧,皮皮鬼." ——韋斯萊雙胞胎 "To us, it sent her to hell, Pipi ghosts." - Weasley twins
"如果有什麼辦法讓所有人都讀到這本書,最好的辦法就是禁止它!" ——赫敏�6�1格蘭傑 "If there is any way to allow everyone to read this book, the best way is to ban it!" - Hermione Granger �6�1
"如果你沒有看清它的腦子藏在什麼地方,就永遠不要相信自己會思考的東西." ——亞瑟�6�1韋斯萊 "If you do not see it hidden in the brain where you are, would never believe that they will not think about things." - Arthur Weasley �6�1 "我絕不會去投靠黑暗勢力!" ——哈利�6�1波特"I will not go to join the forces of darkness!" - Harry Potter �6�1 "我不過是用功和一點小聰明——但還有更重要的——友誼和勇氣." ——赫敏�6�1格蘭傑 "I was a little hard and smart - but there are even more important - friendship and courage." - Hermione Granger �6�1

❸ 《料理鼠王》的英文介紹


❹ 料理鼠王英文簡介

1、I love the mouse very much,because it can cook food and it often help others.

2、The movie let me know nothing is impossible.

3、I hope you can watch this movie, it is wonderful.

4、The mouse is really cute,it has small pink nose and big mouth.

5、The mouse is happy every day,and it can do a lot, I want to make friend with it!







❺ 關於《料理鼠王》中的一個對話...

是這句「nobody nobody know」,「nopety」只是網上流傳的字幕,是錯的,字典里根本沒這個詞,也不是「nopoty」,字典里也沒這個詞。他發的確實是「b」音,只不過聽起來像「p」,我聽了好幾十遍聽得耳朵都要聾了

❻ 最近看料理鼠王,有句話沒搞懂,哪位英語好的能給我翻譯下謝謝


❼ 《料理鼠王》的經典台詞

Remy: I've always believed with hard work and a little bit of luck, it's only a matter of time before I'm discovered!
[Narrating a freeze-frame of himself being chased in a gourmet Parisien resturant]
Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. I can't help myself. I... I like good food, ok? And... good food is... hard for a rat to find!
Django: It wouldn't be so hard to find, if you weren't so picky!
Remy: I don't wanna eat garbage dad!
Remy: [observing what Emile is eating] What is that?
Emile: I don't really know.
Remy: You nno... and you're eating it?
Emile: You know, once you muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of possibilities open up.
Remy: This is what I'm talking about.
Linguini: You were the one getting fancy with the spices!
Skinner: Welcome to hell!
Gusteau: Food always comes to those who love to cook.
Colette: He calls it his "Little Chef".
Django: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage.
Gusteau: You know what I say. Anyone can cook.
Remy: Yeah, anyone can cook. That doesn't mean anyone should.
Anton Ego 最後那一段評論:
In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment.
We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read.
But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.
But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.
Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source.
To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core.
In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau s famous motto: Anyone can cook.
But I realize that only now do I truly understand what he meant.
Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.
It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteaus, who is, in this critics opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France.
I will be returning to Gusteau s soon, hungry for more.

❽ 飛屋環游記,料理鼠王,機器人歷險記的英語精彩對白

Carl Fredricksen: [Carl, with his house high in the air, opens his door to see who knocked on it. Looking around, he spots Russell and yells... ] Whaa!
Russell: Hi, Mr. Fredricksen! It's me, Russell!
Carl Fredricksen: What are you doing out here, kid?
Russell: I found a snipe, and I followed it under your porch, but this snipe had a long tail, and looked more like a large mouse.
[His flag then blows away in the wind, and he gasps]
Russell: [Turns to Mr. Fredricksen] Please let me in.
Carl Fredricksen: [pause] No.
[He slams the door shut]
Carl Fredricksen: [Russell waits uncertainly for a few seconds. The door opens again] Oh, all right...
[Russell runs inside]


Carl Fredricksen: [seeing all the animal eyes from the shadows] You got a "run away in terror" badge?
Russell: No.
Carl Fredricksen: [grabing his hand to run] Time to earn it!

Russell: Good afternoon. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?
Carl Fredricksen: No.
Russell: I could help you cross the street.
Carl Fredricksen: No.
Russell: I could help you cross your yard?
Carl Fredricksen: No.
Russell: I could help you cross...
Carl Fredricksen: No!
[closes the door on Russell's foot]
Russell: Ow.


1.Although each of the world's countries
would like to dispute this fact,
we French know the truth:
The best food in the world
is made in France.
2.Gusteau's restaurant is the toast of Paris,
3.booked five months in advance.
4.And his dazzling ascent to the top of fine French cuisine
has made his competitors envious.
5.He is the youngest chef ever to achieve a five-star rating.
6.I think it's apparent I need to rethink my life a little bit.
7.First of all, I'm a rat.
Which means life is hard.
8.And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell.
Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean...
Oh! Small twist of lemon.
This is Emile, my brother.
9.He's easily impressed.
10.So you can smell ingredients?
So what?
This is my dad. He's never impressed.
11.Close to godliness.
Which means clean.
12.Noble? We're thieves, Dad.
偉大? 我們是小偷耶! 爸!
13.Good food is like music you can taste,
color you can smell.
14.There is excellence all around you.
15.You need only be aware to stop and savor it.
16.This rosemary! This rosemary
哦! 這迷迭香
這迷迭香嗯 加上嗯 也許 也許
with maybe with a few drops from this sweet grass.
17.The key is to keep turning it.
Get the smoky flavor nice and even.
18.That storm's getting closer.
It's not really a smoky taste.
20.- What would you call that flavor?
- Lightning-y?
- 這種味道該怎麼說?
- 劈里啪啦 .
21.-Don't like it. She's gonna wake up.
-I've been down here a million times.
-She turns on the cooking channel, boom, she never wakes up.
22.Great cooking is not for the faint of heart.
23.You must try things that may not work.
24.And you must not let anyone define your limits
25.because of where you come from.
Your only limit is your soul.
What I say is true. Anyone can cook.
But only the fearless can be great.
我說的是真話 任何人都會烹飪
26.Pure poetry.
27.But it was not to last.
28.Emile, swing to me.
- 大米,盪過來啊!
29.Come on. You can make it.
You can make it.
30.If you focus on what you've left behind,
you'll never be able to see what lies ahead.
31.- You don't have the guts.
- 你沒這個膽量 .
32.One order of steamed pike up.
Coming up.
33.I need more soup bowls, please.
鮭魚好了,上菜 .
34.Open down low.
- 別急,我還沒好 .
35.You remember Renata, Gusteau's old flame?
36.It's like you're involving me in crime, and I let you.
37.What's taking those kids so long?
without my...
38.We needed a garbage boy.

機器人歷險記Horton: If you were way out in space, and you looked down at where we live, we would look like a speck.

The Mayor of Who-ville: Hey, hon, did you ever get the feeling that you were being watched, and that maybe that thing watching you is... ehhh, a giant elephant
Sally O'Malley: Um, you know, I'm going to have to say, "No". Do you know that feeling
The Mayor of Who-ville: [laughs nervously] No!
薩莉 歐 麥麗:你知道,嗯,我不得不說,我沒有這種感覺。難道你有?

Horton: Just me and the speck, shootin' the breeze. We're a club. We're a group. We can be a secret society. And no one else can join, unless they wear funny hats.

Horton: There are people on this speck. They have a mayor who has 96 daughters and one son named Jojo, who all share a bathroom! Whatever that is...

Horton: Even though you can't see them at all / A person's a person, no matter how small.

Horton: I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.
Morton: [sighs] An elephant's an elephant one hundred percent.
Horton: That's my code, my motto.

❾ 急求電影《料理鼠王》的英文台詞及相應視頻!

[from trailer]
[narrating a freeze-frame of himself being chased in a gourmet Parisian resturant]
Remy: This is me. I think it's apparent that I need to rethink my life a little bit. I can't help myself. I... I like good food, ok? And... good food is... hard for a rat to find!
Django: It wouldn't be so hard to find if you weren't so picky!
Remy: I don't wanna eat garbage, dad!
[from trailer]
Remy: [observing what Emile is eating] What is that?
Emile: [pause] I don't really know.
Remy: You nno... and you're eating it?
Emile: You know, once you muscle your way past the gag reflex, all kinds of possibilities open up.
Remy: This is what I'm talking about.
Linguini: You're the one who was getting fancy with the spices! What did you throw in there? Oregano? No? What, r - uh, rosemary? That's a spice, isn't it? Rosemary?
Colette: Horst has done time.
Linguini: For what?
Colette: We don't know. He changes the story every time you ask.
Horst: I defrauded a large corporation.
Horst: I robbed the second-largest bank in France using only a ball-point pen.
Horst: I created a hole in the ozone layer over Avignon.
Horst: I killed a man... with this thumb.
Linguini: I can't cook, can I?
[Remy shakes his head]
Linguini: But you - he, he - you can, right?
[Remy shrugs]
Linguini: Come on, don't be so modest. You're a rat, for Pete's sake.
Skinner: [notices that Linguini is holding a ladle] Move it, garbage boy! You are COOKING? HOW DARE YOU COOK in my kitchen! Where do you get the gall to even attempt something so monumentally idiotic? I should have you drawn and quartered! I'll do it! I think the law is on my side! Larousse, draw and quarter this man - after you put him in the ck press to squeeze the fat out of his head!
Skinner: Welcome to Hell.
Mustafa: Someone is asking what is new!
Horst: New?
Mustafa: Yes! What do I tell them?
Horst: What did you tell them?
Mustafa: I told them I would ask!
Skinner: What are you blathering about?
Horst: Customers are asking for what is new!
Mustafa: What should I tell them?
Skinner: What did you tell them?
Skinner: This is simple. Just pull out an old Gusteau recipe, something we haven't made in a while...
Mustafa: They know about the old stuff. They like Linguini's soup.
Skinner: They are asking for food from LINGUINI?
Colette: You waste energy and time! You think cooking is a cute job, eh? Like mommy in the kitchen? Well, mommy never had to face the dinner rush while orders come flooding in, and every dish is different and not that simple, it has a different cooking time, and must arrive at the customer's table at the same time. Every second counts and you CANNOT be MOMMIED!
Colette: [Linguini is making a mess at the kitchen] What is this? Keep... your... station clear! If meal orders come in, what will happen? Messy stations slow things down, food doesn't go, orders pile up, disaster! I will make this easier to remember: keep you station clean... or I WILL KILL YOU!
Remy: We're thieves, and what we're stealing is, let's be honest, garbage.
Django: It's not stealing if no one wants it.
Remy: If no one want's it, then why are we stealing it?
Linguini: [in dream sequence] Do you know what you would like this evening, sir?
Anton Ego: Yes, I'd like your heart roasted on a spit. Heh heh heh heh. Ha ha ha!
Mustafa: [taking Ego's order] Do you know what you'd like this evening, sir?
Anton Ego: Yes, I think I do. After reading a lot of overheated puffery about your new cook, you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?
Mustafa: With what, sir?
Anton Ego: Perspective. Fresh out, I take it?
Mustafa: I am, uh...
Anton Ego: Very well. Since you're all out of perspective and no one else seems to have it in this BLOODY TOWN, I'll make you a deal. You provide the food, I'll provide the perspective, which would go nicely with a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947.
Mustafa: Uhm... Your meal, sir?
[Stands up angrily in Mustafa's face]
Anton Ego: Tell your chef Linguini to cook ANYTHING he dares to serve me. Tell him to hit me, with his best shot.
Remy: This is terrible! He's ruining the soup! And no one's noticing? It's *your* restaurant, do something!
Gusteau: What can *I* do? I am a figment of your imagination.
Remy: But he's *ruining* the *soup*!
Remy: Hey, I brought you something to...
[sees Emile eating garbage]
[Emile obeys]
Remy: I have got to teach you about food. Close your eyes.
[Emile obeys; Remy hands out piece of cheese]
Remy: Now take a bite of this...
[Emile snarfs the cheese]
Remy: No, no, no! Don't just hork it down!
Emile: Too late.
Linguini: Can I interest you in a dessert this evening?
Anton Ego: Don't you always?
Linguini: Which one would you like?
Anton Ego: Suprise me!
Linguini: Thank you, by the way, for all the advice about cooking.
Colette: Thank you, too.
Linguini: For - for what?
Colette: For taking it!
Linguini: What should I do now?
Skinner: Kill it!
Linguini: Now?
Skinner: No, not in the kitchen! Are you mad?
[Skinner has gotten Linguini drunk in the hopes of getting him to admit that he has a rat under his hat]
Linguini: Hey... Why do they call it that?
Skinner: What?
Linguini: Ratatouille. It's like a stew, right? Why do they call it that? If you're gonna name a food, you should give it a name that sounds delicious. Ratatouille doesn't sound delicious. It sounds like "rat" and "patootie." Rat-patootie, which does not sound delicious.
Linguini: Hey, they like the soup!
[knocks Remy in river]
Linguini: AH!
[rescues Remy, returns soaking wet]
Linguini: They like the soup.
Linguini: How could you? I thought you were my friend! I trusted you! Get out, and don't come back, or I'll treat you the way restaurants are supposed to treat pests!
Skinner: Toasting your success, eh, Linguini? Good for you.
Linguini: Oh, I just took it to be polite. I don't really drink, you know.
Skinner: Of course you don't. I wouldn't either if I was drinking that. But you would have to be an idiot of elephantine proportions not to appreciate this '61 Ch鈚eau Latour, and you, Monsieur Linguini, are no idiot. Let us toast your non-idiocy!
Anton Ego: You're a bit slow for someone in the fast lane.
Linguini: And... you're thin for someone who likes food!
[Crowd gasps]
Anton Ego: I don't LIKE food, I LOVE it. If I don't LOVE it, I don't SWALLOW.
Linguini: Listen, I just want you to know how honored I am to be studying under such a -...
Colette: [pins Linguini's sleeve with a knife] No, you listen! I just want you to know exactly who you are dealing with! How many women do you see in this kitchen?
Linguini: Well, I uh -...
Colette: [pins Linguini's sleeve with another knife] Only me. Why do you think that is? Because high cuisine is an antiquated hierarchy built upon rules by stupid, old men. Rules designed to make it impossible for women to enter this world, but still I'm here. How did this happen?
Linguini: Well because you, because you -...
Colette: [pins Linguini's sleeve with a third knife] Because I am the toughest cook in this kitchen! I have worked too hard for too long to get here, and I am not going to jeopardize it for some garbage boy who got lucky! Got it?
Linguini: When I added that extra ingredient instead of following the recipe like you said, that wasn't me... either.
Colette: What do you mean?
Linguini: I mean, I wouldn't have done that. I would've followed the recipe, I would've followed your advice. I would've followed your advice 'til the ends of the Earth because I love youuuuuur advice. But...
Remy: [whispering, referring to Linguini] Don't do it...
Linguini: [hesitantly] I have a secret. It's sort of disturbing. I have a ra... I have a raaaaa...
Colette: You have a rash?
Linguini: No no no. I have this-this tiny, uh, little... little...
Linguini: a tiny chef who tells me what to do.
Larousse: Oh, look who it is! Alfredo Linguini! His mother's an old flame of Gusteau's.
Skinner: Ah, yes. How is Renata?
Linguini: She's good... well, not good, she's been better. She's, uh... she's -...
Horst: She died.
Skinner: [carelessly] Oh, I'm sorry
Linguini: Oh, no, don't be. She believed in Heaven, so she's covered... after-life speaking.
[gives Skinner letter]
Skinner: What is this?
Linguini: It's from my mother. She thought it would help... me get a job... here.
[Skinner has made Linguini drunk]
Skinner: So this is your first time cooking?
Linguini: My fifth time, actually. I think... Monday was my first time
Anton Ego: In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I realize that only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.
Linguini: So this is it. It's not much but it's, y'know... not much.
[referring to his home]
Gusteau: Food always comes to those who love to cook.
Linguini: Bonjour, ma ch閞ie. Join us. We were just talking about my inspiration.
Colette: Yes, he calls it his tiny chef.
Linguini: Not that, dearest, I meant you.
Django: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage.
[from trailer]
Gusteau: You know what I say. Anyone can cook.
Remy: Yeah, anyone can cook. That doesn't mean anyone should.
Remy: [cooking a mushroom over the chimney] The key is to keep turning it to get the smoky flavor niiice and even.

❿ 料理鼠王英語對白的翻譯,急哈~

Gusteau: 如果你餓了,就上樓去看看吧。小米,為什麼一個人在這里悶悶不樂的等著呢?
Remy: 當然,我剛剛與我的家人和我所有的朋友失去了聯系,可能永遠也不會聯繫上他們了.
Gusteau: 你怎麼知道呢?
Remy: 你只是一個幻像。為什麼我會和你說話?
Gusteau: 你剛剛失去了你的家人與朋友,你很孤單.
Remy: 是的,當然,你已經死了.
Gusteau: 哦,是的。但是它並不影響你的空想.如果你對於已經過去的事很重視的話,你將不會看到眼前將會發生的事.現在上樓去看看吧.你在做什麼?
Gusteau: 小米,你最好還是不要那樣.你是一個廚師. 廚師做食物,竊賊偷食物. 你不是一個賊.
Remy: 但是我現在很餓.
Gusteau: 食物會來的,小米. 食物總是會為那些愛烹飪的人而來.
Unidentified male: 當然! 你沒有那個膽量.
Remy: 巴黎? 我一直都在巴黎的下面? 哇,巴黎太美了.
Gusteau: 最美麗的.
Remy: Gusteau餐廳? 你的餐廳? 你把我帶到了你的餐廳.
Gusteau: 那看起來我確實是這樣做了. 是的,就在這里! 我把你帶到了這里!
Remy: 我看到了.
Voiceover1: 把這個給七桌的客人.
Collette Tatou: 快點.
Voiceover2: 有一桌客人點了steamed pike up.
Voiceover3: 快點上.
Voiceover4: 我需要更多的湯料,快點.
Collette Tatou:我需要兩擱板的羊肉. 我需要更多的韭菜.
Unidentified male1: 我需要兩個三文魚, 三份沙拉, 和三個裡脊。
Voiceover5: 三號桌點的沙拉正在做.
Unidentified male2:貳號桌的客人在催, 烤鰻魚.
Collette Tatou: 三個裡脊正在做.我需要盤子.
Voiceover6: 七號桌在催. -三份沙拉快點.
Voiceover7: 我正在烤.

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