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❶ 求大話西遊英文影評

I remembered watching this movie many years ago and knew that it would be an instant classic. It wasn't so much of the slapstick humor that made Stephen Chow famous but the depth of the story line that rarely exists in HK proctions.

Using an important part of the classic story, "Journey to the West", the director attempted to retell the story of how the Monkey god (Sun Wu Kong) was tamed and willingly escorted the Longevity Monk on a journey to India (West) to receive the sacred buddhist scriptures. In the original text, Monkey was captured by the great lord Buddha and entraped under the "5 Fingers Mountain" (Hand of Buddha) for 500 years where he was tamed and then saved by the Longevity Monk.

In the movie adaption, he was appointed the protector of the Longevity Monk but strayed from the path of holiness when he fell in love with a demoness and tried to sell out his master (the demons believed by eating his flesh, they would gain immortality). Monkey was eventually captured and was to be destroyed when his master intervened, begging for his disciple's mercy and sacrificing himself to save his disciple. The Goddess of Mercy then decided to send the Monkey 500 years forward in time to live a life of sufferings as a mortal before passing judgement.

The story comes in 2 parts and has to be watched together to be fully understood (the 1st part had quite a cliffhanger going on). While great performances were to be expected from every cast involved, Stephen Chow stood out as the Monkey God. As a mortal he attempted to resist his fate and change his future, as an immortal he tried to forget his mortal longings and focus on his mission. Stephen Chow's portrayal of the struggle and growth of the character was simply excellent.

❷ 急求一份英語話劇劇本《大話西遊》

Big words of western tour (大話西遊)

Chapter 1

Site:The wedding
Characters:牛魔王(以下簡稱「牛」) 、至尊寶(以下簡稱「至」) 、紫霞(以下簡稱「紫」) 、小妖 (以下簡稱「妖」)
Aside: The story begins with a wedding.
The Bull King is going to have a concubine.
牛:Today is my wedding.
I am going to have a concubine. Ha ha ha …….
Dose your wife agree to it?
牛:Oh! She is not lovely anymore.
She』s right now at the Flame Mountain.
She can do nothing about it!
牛:Let me introce my brother to you!
My bro!
Come here!
This is my brother.
牛:Zixia, listen to me.
I think I 『ve fallen in love with you once I know you.
I want to show my sincerity.
So I request you to marry me in front of my bros.
This Pandora』s Box is my gift to you.
I hope you would say yes.
妖:I object!
妖:Zixia has a means to test her lover.
If you can pass it, I will shout up!
至:What』s this? Really?
妖:This test is that she would marry the guy who can make her Magic Sword go out of the scabbard.
妖:Magic Sword?
牛:Let me do this!
紫:It』s not true!
It』s just a joke.
It is still meaningless even if you can put it out!
妖:King, Iron Fan Princess has come.
Aside: The monkey king leaves the front hall, running to back garden……


Chapter 2

Site: Bull King』s back garden
Characters: 至尊寶、紫霞
至:Why are you hiding here?
至:At this time, the blade is really close to me, 0.01cm I think.
But after a short period of time, 0.01 second I think, the owner of the sword will fall for me whole-heartedly.
Because I』ve decided to tell lies, I』ve told many lies in my life, but I think it is the most wonderful lie!
紫:I』ll kill you if you come closer!
至:You should kill me! Kill me!
I』d found my best love, but I didn』t treasure her.
I left regretful after that.
It』s the ultimate pain in the world.
Just cut my throat, please don』t hesitate!
If God can give me a chance, I will tell her there words.
「I love you」.
If God wants to give a time limit, I』ll say this love will last 10 thousand years!
紫:What can you tell your wife?
至:I have to tell her the truth.
So I must get the Pandora』s Box back.
Then go back with you and explain everything.
But I hate myself that I can』t get the box back. I ……
紫:I help you!
至:No, it』s dangerous!
紫:You don』t want to?
至:I do! But ……
紫:I trust you! I』ll get the Pandora』s Box back tonight.
Wait for me here at midnight.
至:Let me do something to my boss first.
See you tonight.
Aside: The night ……

Chapter 3
Site: Dungeon
Characters: 至尊寶(以下簡稱「至」) 、豬八戒(以下簡稱「豬」) 、沙僧(以下簡稱「沙」) 、唐僧(以下簡稱「唐」)
豬和沙:Master, master
豬:We come to save you.
沙:We come to bring you out.
唐:I won』t go.
豬和沙:Stay here? Why?
唐:There』re full of obstacles in the way of getting scriptures.
This is because we』re not united enough.
So we let the devils do bad to us.
That』s fine.
This prison has no difference with the outside world, to me; the outside world is just a bigger prison.
You go out first. I have something to tell him.
唐:You come in and have a sit!
至:To be honest, I』m not your disciple.
I don』t want to be your disciple.
Master I know you』re a good guy.
Please let me go!
唐:Do you know 「dong , dong, dong ……」?
至:What is 「dong, dong, dong」?
唐:「dong, dong, dong ……」 is ……
(唐唱Only you)
至:Stop. Stop.
I can』t take this anymore, please stop ……
唐:Ohoh ……
至:Damn you, you … I』ve said I can』t take this anymore.
Don』t disturb or I』ll kill you.
唐: Monkey King, you can kill me.
Life and death are very minor.
When you know why you should make sacrifices, you will come back and sing this song with me.
Namonitabhaya …
Aside: The Monkey King succeeds in escaping form the Bull King,and he reaches the Spiders』Cave with the Grapes.
Unfortunately, the Monkey King and his friends meet the Queen of Spider.
The Monkey have heard that if the blade slashed fast and accurately, the guy who』s cut open won』t die at once.He can still see.
So he asks the Queen of the Spider to kill him as fast as she could and to tear his heart out and let him have a look.

Chapter 4

Site: The Hole of Waterfall
Characters: 至尊寶(以下簡稱「至」) 、觀音(以下簡稱「觀」)
至:Goddess. I』m about to understand your words.
I used my eyes to see in the past.
What I was dying.
I started using my heart to see this world.
Then I could see all things clearly.
That girl …has left a drop of tear in my heart.
I felt her sorrow.
觀:Have you given up all things in human world?
至:Yes! Life and death is just minor! ……
But I don』t understand why can human』s hatred last 10 years, 50 years, and even 500 years. What hatred is it?
觀:So that Tang Monk went to the west and got scriptures, which clean out hearts.
至:OK, I want to stay here, there are many things waiting for me to do.
觀:I want to warn you again.
After wearing the gold ring, you』re no longer a normal human.
You can』t have human desires anymore.
If you do so, the gold ring will get smaller and smaller.
It』s very uncomfortable.
觀:Before wearing the ring, what do you want to say?
至:I had had found my best love, but I didn』t treasure her.
When I lost her, I regret.
It』s the most pain in the world.
If God can give me another chance, I will say there words to her 「I love you」!
If there is a time limit, I hope, it is 10

❸ 《大話西遊》這個電影名翻譯成英語是什麼呀

官方英文名:A Chinese Odyssey

❹ 《大話西遊》片段翻譯英語


至尊寶:Ah, why do you hide in here? (突然紫霞拔出寶劍抵在至尊寶的咽喉上。)
畫外音:At that time,the sword was 0.01 centimetres away from my throat.But the host of the sword
will fall in love with me completely,because of I decide to say a lie.
Although I had said uncounted lies in my life , I belive this one is the most consummate, ...
紫霞:I will kill you if you go forward for half steps.
至尊寶:You ought to do this ,I ought to dead.Once I had a sincere love,but I do not cherish it ,
The most pained thing in th world is that I am too late for repentance just now.
Cut my Throat with your sword without hesitation!If God is able to give me one chance again ,
I will say three characters to that girl, "I love you!"If I must Add a time limit in this love , I hope it is, ... 10000 years!

❺ 周星馳大話西遊經典台詞英語版

1. 你想要啊?你想要就說吧,你不說我怎麼知道你想要呢?

You want? Speak up if you want! Why doyou keep silent?

2. 你又在嚇我

You scare me again.

3. 莫非是一家黑店?

Is this a slaughter house?

4. 長夜漫漫,無心睡眠

It's a long night, no mood to sleep.

5. 如果不能跟我喜歡的人在一起,就算讓我做玉皇大帝我也不會開心

If I can't be with the one who I love,I won't be happy even if I were Heaven Emperor.

6. 要不要我把心掏出來給你看看啊?

Should I show you my heart?

7. 可惜快樂永遠都是短暫的,換來的只是無窮無盡的痛苦和長嘆

But happiness is always a flash oftime. We only have endless pain.

8. 有一天當你發覺你愛上一個讓你討厭的人,這段感情才是最要命的

When you discover that you've fallen inlove with a man you hate, this affair is really hurting you.

9. 可我怎會愛上一個我討厭的人呢?請你給我一個理由好不好?拜託!

But how can I fall in love with aperson I hate? Please give me a reason, please!

10. 愛一個人需要理由嗎?不需要嗎?需要嗎?

We don't need any reason to love aperson. Don't we? Do we?

11. 你有多少兄弟姐妹?你父母尚在嗎?你說句話啊!我只是想在臨死之前多交一個朋友而已。

How many brothers and sisters do youhave? Are your parents alive? Speak up! I just want to make a new friend whenI'm going to die.

12. 所以說做妖就像做人一樣,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖。

Being a devil is the same as being ahuman. We should be kind. If we are kind, we are not a devil, we are a hybrid.

13. 愛一個人是痛苦的

Love means pain.

14. 這樣的話只是得到我的肉體,並不能得到我的靈魂

You can just get my body instead of myspirit.

15. 曾經有一段真摯的愛情擺在我的面前,我卻沒有珍惜,直到失去才追悔莫及。人世間最大的痛苦莫過於此。如果上天再給我一次機會的話,我一定會對那女孩說三個字:我愛你。如果非要在這段愛情前加個期限的話,我希望是一萬年。

I have had my best love before, but Ididn't treasure her. When I lost her, I fell regretful. It is the most painfulmatter in this world. If God can give me another chance, I will say 3 words toher --- I love you. If you have to give a time limit to this love, I hope it is10 thousand years.

❻ 大話西遊用英語怎麼說

哎。。個個都是用軟體翻譯。~英文名是:da hua xi you ^_^
這首only you .

❼ 「我的意中人是個蓋世英雄。有一天他會踩著七色的雲彩來娶我。我猜中了前頭。可是我猜不著這結局」譯英

譯文:" my lover is a gestalt hero. One day he will step on the clouds of seven colors to marry me. I guessed ahead. But I can't guess the end .「

❽ 怎樣用英文介紹《大話西遊》

1.Once there was a true love at my hand ,but I didn't cherish it .I didn't realize it until it was gone.There is nothing more miserable than it .If God can give me a chance to restart ,I'll tell the girl I Love You.If I have to add a deadline to the love I hope it will be ten thousand years.
Monkey King, you bastard. You』ve promised Buddha to help the Longevity Monk to get scriptures in the west. But the King Bull and you decided to eat your master. Do you know you』ve made a real big mistake?
Bitch! You』ve followed me for 3 days. I didn』t beat you up because you』re a woman. Don』t think that I』m afraid of you.
Monkey King, be polite to Goddess!
Shut up.
You scare me again.
(缺字幕) and stole her Pandora』s Box. You just wanna escape.
Now, I can』t escape, I will fight with you.
What』s up?
Don』t be angry. You may violate the rule. Monkey King, you』re so naughty! I』ve told you not to throw things! This is wrong to throw things. You』ve thrown away the stick. Pandora』s Box is a treasure. You』ll pollute the environment. You』ll hurt kids. If there are no kids, it is bad to hurt plants.
What』s up?
Let go!
You want? Speak up if you want! Why do you keep silent? Why are you looking at me? Although your eyes are full of sincerity, I』m very glad, you still have to speak up. Take it! Do you really like? Really?
Monkey King……

See, this guy keeps talking all the time, we don』t know what he』s talking about. He』s just like a fly hanging around. Sorry, not a fly. It』s a swarm of flies flying near your ears……Flying into your brain. Help. Help!
So I catch that fly. Open its belly. Take out its intestine. Put its intestine around its own neck. Then I pull the intestine tightly. Everybody, the tongue comes out. I use a blade and cut! Wow! All the people keep silent. Now you know why……Why I need to kill.
Monkey King, you have so many excuses. You don』t want to get scriptures in the west.
Shut up please! Beat! I』ve got a super body. You can』t hurt me. I don』t scare of any god.
I』m gonna punish you.
If a disciple has made a mistake, his master needs to take the responsibility. Goddess, please pardon him!
I have to do so, I need to report to Heaven Emperor.
Goddess, please tell Heaven Emperor, I can sacrifice my life for him.
24.觀音:Longevity Monk.
唐僧:喃嘸阿彌陀佛!(法杖將唐僧砸死。) Namonitabhaya…

❾ 急求這段文章的翻譯!。。。急!。拜託了

From Stephen Chow childhood perspective, it is difficult to imagine this kid will become a movie in Hong Kong play an important role in the history of the star. He is not performing family of origin. Film shot at him before selling off electrical appliances, in a hotel over the plate side. But worship him crazy Bruce Lee Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee). This is him in 1993 at a peerless masterpiece "Qiu-xiang Tang Bohu point" (Flirting Scholar) the story is to say, Qiu-xiang Tang Bohu likes, he went home to do mobiledog servant, after many hardships, and finally Tang Bohu mobiledog beloved married church. The film is both excited and stunned. This is a work of his called 【Title】King of Destruction Ho gold and silver (Stephen Chow), an ordinary young people in particular see, at a cafe for a long-term career in delivery day, silver met the hearts of the Arab-Israeli goddess Laguna (鍾麗緹), the end of the same courage, but all of them exposed themselves Date weaknesses, then, silver 遂立 vow to become stronger, he finally defeated the rival big brother, and Ali together.
Then the Department called the "Westward Journey" I believe everyone has read, one of the most classic one is as follows: once there is a sincere love before me, I do not cherish, such as when I lost my only regret and, most painful thing on earth than this. If God can give me an opportunity again, I would have said the girl three words: I love you. If you must add at this Fall in love with a deadline, I hope yes ... ... ... ... Ten thousand years!
This movie is "King of Comedy" King of Comedy. King of Comedy Stephen Chow are their own artistic career is really a portrayal of a life never flinched.
Stephen Chow Kung Fu in my opinion are the most successful movie, first of all, this is his self-directed and performed movie, this Hong Kong films released in the Asian countries when they break the local box office records. Stephen Chow is Asia's comedy kings, but also one of the most popular artists. However, over the past few years make him less of a lot of movies, hoping that he can before his retirement at make a classic movie beyond.

❿ 經典英語電影對白。

Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get."
Mother: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could.
Jenny: Are you stupid or something?
Forrest: Momma says that stupid is as stupid does.

Frankly,my dear,I don』t give a damn.


After all,tomorrow is another day!


As God is my witness,I』ll never be hungry again.


Mr.O』Hara: What difference does it make whom you marry So long as he』s a Southerner and thinks like you. And when I』m gone I leave Tara to you.

Scarlett: I don』t want Tare plantations don』t mean anything when.
Mr.O』Hara: Do you mean to tell me Katie Scarlett O』hara that Tara.that land doesn』t mean anything to you Why land』s the only thing in he world worth working for worth fighting for worth dying for because it』s the only thing that lasts.
Scalett: Oh Pa. You talk like an Irishman.
Mr.O』Hara: It』s proud I am that I』m Irish and don』t you be forgetting Missy that you』re half-Irish too. And to anyone with a of Irish blood in them.why the land they live on is like their mother. Oh but there there. Now you』re just a child. It』ll come to you this love of the land. There』s no getting away from it if you』re Irish.



Myra,what do you think
we're going to do today?


Oh,you won't have time for that!

For what?

For hesitating.
No more hesitating for you.



Well,what am I going to do instead?

You're going to get married.

Oh,Roy,you must be mad!

I know it!Marvelous sensation!

Oh,Roy,do be sensible.

Not me!

But you don't know me!

Then I'll discover you.
Spend the rest of my life doing it.

Oh,Roy,this is wartime.
It's...it's because you're leaving so soon,
because you feel that
you must spend the whole of your life
in forty-eight hours.

We're going to be married.
It's you.
It'll never be anyone else.

But how can yu tell that?

Now listen,darling.
None of your quibbling!
None of your questioning!
None of your doubts!
This is positive,you see?
This is affirmative,you see?
This is final,yu see?
You're going to marry me,you see?

I see.
'I loved you. I never shall. That's the truth, Roy. I never shall.'






ROSE:I love you Jack.
JACK:No... don't say your good-byes, Rose. Don't you give up. Don't do it.
ROSE:I'm so cold.
JACK:You're going to get out of this... you're going to go on and you're going to make babies and watch them grow and you're going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Do you understand me?
ROSE :I can't feel my body.
JACK: Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me.
JACK: It brought me to you. And I'm thankful, Rose.I'm thankful.
JACK: You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.他艱難地停了一下,又鼓起勁兒說下去,「……我還有……還有一個心願……你必須答應,要活下去……不……不能絕望,……無論……發生什麼,無論……多麼……艱難,……快答應我,露絲,……答應我,一定做到,……」
ROSE:I promise.
JACK:Never let go.
ROSE:I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.






第一、不要叫她溫柔。第二、不要讓她喝三杯以上,否則她會逢人就打; 第三、在咖啡館一定要喝咖啡、不要喝可樂或橙汁; 第四、如果她打你,一定要裝得很痛,如果真的很痛,那要裝得沒事;第五、在你們認識的第一百天,一定要去她班上送一支玫瑰,她會非常喜歡; 第六、你一定要學會擊劍,打壁球;第七、要隨時做好蹲監獄的思想准備;第八、如果她說她會殺了你,那不要當真,這樣你會好受些;第九、如果她的鞋穿著不舒服,一定要和她換鞋穿;第十、她喜歡寫東西,要好好地鼓勵她。——《我的野蠻女友》

畫外音:當時那把劍離我的喉嚨只有0.01公分,但是四分之一炷香之後,那把劍的女主人將會徹底地愛上我,因為我決定說一個謊話。雖然本人生平說過無數的謊話,但是這一個我認為是最完美的...... 紫霞:你再往前半步我就把你給殺了!至尊寶:你應該這么做,我也應該死。曾經有一份真誠的愛情放在我面前,我沒有珍惜,等我失去的時候我才後悔莫及,人世間最痛苦的事莫過於此。你的劍在我的咽喉上割下去吧!不用再猶豫了!如果上天能夠給我一個再來一次的機會,我會對那個女孩子說三個字:我愛你。如果非要在這份愛上加上一個期限,我希望是......一萬年!——《大話西遊》


如果我有一千萬,我就可以買一層樓。我有一千萬嗎? 沒有,所以我仍然買不起樓。如果我有翅膀,我就可以飛。我有翅膀嗎? 沒有,所以我亦都沒辦法飛! 如果將整個太平洋的水倒出來,都淋不熄我對你的愛。整個太平洋的水全部倒得出嗎? 不能,所以我並不愛你!


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