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發布時間: 2023-01-12 06:57:18

❶ 電影極品校花中的歌曲都有哪些

主題曲 《傻樣》 趙奕歡
all i want is you papi~Jennifer Lopez

❷ 什麼電視的男主叫浩然女主叫美麗是什麼電影











❸ 求 校花駕到之極品校花 百度雲免費在線觀看資源





❹ 求極品中的極品歌

hey!hah!,la rosa - la oreja de ven gogh
northernstar,never be the same again,---mal c
hips don't lie,bamboo, the time of our lives
here with out you,let me go---3 doors down
when life--Groove Coverage
hey oh
love in december---s club 8
zoe jane, outside--staind
the hardest thing ,i do---98 degree
i'm just a kid--simple plan
dying in the sun---卡百利
unbreak my heart
夜鶯--yanni,/may it be,lothlorien,only time--enya
water runs dry---boyz II men
never had a dream come true--s club 7
shine your light--Robbie
candy shop--50 cent
mockingbird,sing for the moment,when i'm gone--eminem
perfect bliss,spin the wheel,i'll never get over you getting over me--bellefire
season in the sun,
truly ,madly ,deeply---野人花園
para siempre
to be by your side
x&y,what if --coldplay
my heart will go on
the immigrant,i miss you,molly's heart ,勇敢的心
live for love united
snow in the sahara--anggun
under a spanish moon
encore une fois--helene segara
everything-alanis morissette
escapar-enrique iglesias
tears in heaven
其實當代的歌並沒有幾首是極品的,這些歌聽幾年就過了,真正極品的應該是貝多芬,莫扎特的吧。經典的英文歌還有yesterday once more,my heart will go on ,country road take me home,tears in heaven之類的歌吧。呵呵,這些慢慢聽吧

❺ 有一首英文歌,是一男的唱的,開始非常慢的,後面是快節奏,非常好聽。是什麼歌啊,貌似是不是極品飛車里

Teenage Dream (Katy Perry Tribute) - Katy Perry
You think I'm pretty without any make-up on
You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me,
so I let my walls come down, down

Before you met me, I was alright
But things were kinda heavy, you brought me to life
Now every February you'll be my Valentine, Valentine

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I, we'll be young forever
You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep

Let's runaway and don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch, now baby I believe
This is real, so take a chance
And don't ever look back,
don't ever look back

We drove to Cali and got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece

I'm complete

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love

We can dance until we die
You and I, we'll be young forever
You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep

Let's runaway and don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch, now baby I believe
This is real, so take a chance
And don't ever look back,
don't ever look back
I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream

The way you turn me on,
I can't sleep
Let's runaway and don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch, now baby I believe
This is real, so take a chance
And don't ever look back, don't ever look back
I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

❻ 我想找一些英文快歌


(閃亮的節奏 青春樂)專輯簡介:Like A Virgin, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, Self Control, Mickey, I Should Be So Lucky, Tarzan Boy及「閃舞」「渾身勁」「神通情人夢」等經典電影主題曲
翻出你的高中制服,找回你的青春樂;專輯內附英文歌詞及五年級的青春日記 閃亮的節奏 證明我們曾經精采活過
相信嗎?幾乎整條林森北路都被我們跳過!……台北之音「娃娃 SPECIAL」節目主持人 金智娟
Disk 1
01 Like A Virgin - Madonna
時尚女王「瑪丹娜」出道首支排行冠軍曲,1984 年全美 6 周冠軍曲,挑戰處女禁忌話題的性感熱歌
02 Wake Me Up Before You Go Go - Wham!
喬治麥可與安德魯瑞德利所組成的 80 年代英倫泡泡糖音樂代表樂團「轟」,1984 年蟬連英、美排行冠軍成名作
03 Self Control - Laura Branigan
80 年代最熟悉的流行經典,紐約性感女聲「蘿拉布蘭妮根」 1984 年全美第 4 名超 Hot 勁奏經典副歌至今魅力不減
04 Flashdance What A Feeling - Irene Cara
跨越舞台劇/電影/唱片的實力女聲「艾琳卡拉」1983 年全美連霸 6 周冠軍勁歌,80 年代青春勵志經典電影「閃舞」主題曲
05 I Beg Your Pardon - Kon Kan
加拿大雙人組合「康肯合唱團」取樣迪斯可名曲,橫掃英國金榜第 5 名,80 年代風靡全台舞場派對必備熱歌
06 Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
永遠前衛的英倫搖滾隊伍「Yes」1983 年蟬連全美排行雙周冠軍力作
07 Love In The First Degree - Bananarama
80 年代連創 26 首英國金榜進榜單曲,女孩樂團第一名組合「芭娜娜拉瑪」1987 年站上英國金榜季軍的清涼派對佳作
08 Shake Your Love - Debbie Gibson
80 年代引領全球青春少女偶像瘋的「黛比吉布森」1987 年全美舞曲榜冠軍,流行榜第 4 名的活力舞曲
09 One Night In Bangkok - Murray Head
音樂劇「萬世巨星」主唱歌手「莫瑞海德」1984 年與阿巴合唱團大將所合作的音樂劇「棋賽」插曲,搶攻全美排行季軍的異國流行風
10 Agadoo - Black Lace
70 年代後期與 80 年代初期勁爆歐陸舞池的雙人組合「黑色蕾絲」,1984 年竄登英國金榜亞軍,銷售沖破百萬張大關的歡樂舞曲
11 Together In Electric Dreams - Philip Oakey/Giorgio Moroder
80 年代全台熱賣「神通情人夢」電影原聲帶中的主打歌,人類聯盟樂團主唱「菲利浦歐凱」與電子玩家「喬吉歐莫洛德」1984 年勇奪英國金榜季軍曲
12 Hands Up - Ottawan
席捲全台的迪斯可國歌,來自小安地列斯群島的舞曲奇才「奧塔旺」,1980 年風靡歐陸排行的冠軍大作,歌手包偉銘曾翻唱過
13 Can』T Take My Eyes Off You - Boystown Gang
80 年代走迪斯可復古風的組合「男孩幫樂團」1982 年翻玩前四季合唱團主唱法蘭克瓦利,1967 年亞軍老歌,再登英國金榜第 4 名暢銷曲
14 I Eat Cannibals - Toto Coelo
英國女子團「扥扥克蘿」1982 年攻佔英國金榜第 8 名,洋溢歐式復古派對風的成名曲
15 Beatles Medley - Stars On 45
來自荷蘭,專門模仿披頭四四位團員歌唱方式的隊伍「流行 45 之星」,80 年代初期串聯多首披頭四暢銷曲而成的招牌作

想起那年的畢業舞會,跳完最後一支舞,懵懂中體會到曲終人散的意境。誰也無法預知未來,但我們曾有的回憶和音符是如此的確切。……中廣音樂網「WAVE 愛音樂」節目主持人 鄭開來

Disk 2
01 Footloose - Kenny Loggins
80 年代青春歌舞勵志片代表作「渾身是勁」主題曲,電影歌曲常勝軍「肯尼羅根斯」,1984 年全美排行 3 周冠軍曲
02 I Should Be So Lucky - Kylie Minogue
性感天後「凱莉米洛」1988 年出道首支征服英國金榜冠軍曲,天真無邪的泡泡糖流行樂招牌作
03 Mickey - Toni Basil
80 年代全球最瘋的啦啦隊國歌,費城活力女生「唐妮布賽兒」,1982 年全美排行冠軍一鳴驚人代表作
04 Tarzan Boy - Baltimora
來自北愛爾蘭的異類男歌手「巴特摩拉」將泰山冒險傳奇改寫成超ㄅㄤˋ舞曲,1985 年英國金榜季軍,全台最瘋的 80 舞曲
05 La Bamba - Los Lobos
融合拉丁音樂與美式傳統搖滾樂風的「灰狼一族合唱團」1987 年英國金榜冠軍,全美排行季軍成名曲
06 Lean On Me - Club Nouvean
「新潮俱樂部合唱團」因友情、同事情誼引發靈感寫下 80 年代活力新版本,1987 全美 2 周冠軍
07 Kiss - Art Of Noise/Tom Jones
傳奇歌手「湯姆瓊斯」與 80 年代英倫流行電子團隊「噪音藝術樂團」翻玩鬼才歌手 Prince 名作,1988 年英國金榜第 5 名的性感勁歌
08 Swing The Mood - Jive Bunny
80 年代後期的英國混音組合「神氣活現的兔子」1989 年席捲歐陸排行冠軍曲,串接多首老歌的復古派對風
09 Boys (Summertime Love) - Sabrina
80 年代後期竄紅的義大利性感舞曲女歌手莎賓娜充滿夏日風情,活潑可愛的舞曲,1988 年英國金榜季軍曲
10 Call Me - Spagna
嗓音沙啞狂野的義大利舞曲女神「史帕娜」1987 年震響英國金榜亞軍的歐陸舞曲代表作
11 Two Of Hearts - Stacey Q
80 年代走瑪丹娜舞曲路線的女歌手「史黛西Q」1986 年搖撼全美排行季軍,無憂無慮樂逍遙的舞曲
12 You Spin Me Round - Dead Or Alive
80 年代紅透半邊天的利物浦隊伍「生或死合唱團」1985 年空襲英國金榜冠軍的魅力舞曲
13 Big In Japan - Alphaville
團名靈感取自於名導高達的德國電子名團「阿爾發村合唱團」,1984 年揚威全歐排行冠軍大作
14 Touch In The Night - Silent Circle
德國電子舞曲三人隊伍「沉默的圈圈」1986 年的歐式舞曲勁作
15 Holiday Rap - M.C. Miker「G」/Deejay Sven

80 年代風靡全歐的英國 DJ/MC 雙人組 1986 年徹底改造瑪丹娜,1983 年出道單曲「Holiday」而成的英國金榜第 6 名歡樂派對歌

❼ 哪位大神有校花駕到之極品校花2014年上映的由趙奕歡主演的百度雲資源




校花駕到之極品校花的劇情簡介· · · · · ·


❽ 電影我的同桌是校花中35分鍾時的英文歌是什麼

歌名是《what I've been looking for》(《我一直尋找的》)

這是美國電影《歌舞青春1》中的插曲,演唱者為Ashley Tisdale 和 Lucas Grabeel,是很有名的勵志歌曲。


❾ 校花駕到之極品校花電影中,安妮一下車,放的那首電音是什麼歌好像

原來你什麽都不要 - 孫燕姿

哪個女人對愛不自私 不奢望
就算虛榮也好 貪心也好
哪個女人對愛不自私 不奢望
就算虛榮也好 貪心也好
就算虛榮也好 貪心也好

❿ 《校花股神》電影的片尾曲英文歌叫什麼!求解

Last One To Know - Joss Stone
I hold my cards close to my chest
I had my art put to the test
Na, na, na, na, na, hell, na
I don't wanna be in love
Living in the dark, confused
Because you moved a mark
I don't know how far you go
Is this the start?
Will this episode explode
To a lot of love,
I just don't know
Is this the door
that will never close?
Like it's done before,
a thousand times
I hold my cards close to my chest
I had my art put to the test
Na, na, na, na, na, hell, na
I don't wanna be in love
If you asked me
This a year ago
To lay down by your side
I'd run a mile
Being close was impossible
Had so much to lose
Just the thought of letting go,
I'll never know
But you keep pushing on,
pushing on love
I hold my cards close to my chest
I had my heart put to the test
Na, na, na, na, na, hell, na
I don't wanna be in love
Don't wanna be in love
In love, I don't wanna be in love
Don't make me, baby,
don't make me
Don't make me be in love
I think that I've just found me
the right one
I can't believe
that I'm the last one to know
I hold my cards close to my chest
I had my heart put to the test
Na, na, na, na,
hell, no, I don't wanna be
I really don't wanna be in love
Don't make me be,
take it back, baby
I don't wanna be,
I don't need to be in love
Heal me, baby,
I don't wanna be in love, no
I don't wanna, I can't,
I don't need to be
I don't wanna be in love, baby
Take it back,
take it away from me, hey
Take it away, baby
I can't handle it,
I don't wanna be caught up in
Oh, yeah, oh,
I can't believe
that I am the last one
The last one, the last one to know,
what the hell is going on
I can't believe
that I'm the last one to know
Say it ain't so, please

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