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發布時間: 2023-01-12 06:16:09

㈠ 配音用英語怎麼說


讀音:英 [dʌb] 美 [dʌb]




第三人稱單數: bs

現在分詞: bbing

過去式: bbed

過去分詞: bbed


1、Dub in strings behind the vocal.


2、This article explains one by one my opinions on the law of b in narration, music and sound effect.


3、Use some pictures of the beauty spots in Weihai to help the students b.




讀音:英 [ˈvɔɪsˌəʊvə] 美 [ˈvɔɪsˌovɚ]


復數: voice-overs


1、89% of advertisements had a male voice-over.


2、Voice-over's going to kill you.


3、All we get is an enigmatic voice-over exhortation at the movie's end.


㈡ 「我們將為這部電影配音」翻譯成英文怎麼說

We will do the bbing for this movie.

We will provide the film bbing

㈢ 這部電影的配音有可能是中文的 翻譯為英語是什麼

This film may be bbed in Chinese

㈣ 怎麼把電影里的英文配音翻譯成中文配音

把英文字母記下來 然後谷歌翻譯一下 就好了 (*^__^*)

㈤ 英語翻譯(電影專業術語)


Film instry 電影工業

cinematograph 電影攝影機, 電影放映機

cinema, pictures 電影院 (美作:movie theater)

first-run cinema 首輪影院

second-run cinema 二輪影院

art theatre 藝術影院

continuous performance cinema 循環場電影院

film society 電影協會,電影俱樂部 (美作:film club)

film library 電影資料館

premiere 首映式

film festival 電影節

distributor 發行人

Board of Censors 審查署

shooting schele 攝制計劃

censor』s certificate 審查級別

release 准予上映

banned film 禁映影片

A-certificate A級(兒童不宜)

U-certificate U級

X-certificate X級(成人級)

direction 導演

proction 製片

adaptation 改編

scenario, screenplay, script 編劇

scene 場景

exterior 外景

lighting 燈光

shooting 攝制

to shoot 拍攝

dissolve 漸隱,化入,化出

fade-out 淡出

fade-in 淡入

special effects 特技

slow motion 慢鏡頭

editing, cutting 剪接

montage 剪輯

recording, sound recording 錄音

sound effects 音響效果

mix, mixing 混錄

bbing 配音

postsynchronization 後期錄音合成

studio 製片廠,攝影棚

(motion)film studio 電影製片廠

set, stage, floor 場地

dolly 移動式攝影小車

spotlight 聚光燈

clapper boards 拍板

microphone 麥克風,話筒

scenery 布景

電影攝制filming shooting

camera 攝影機

shooting angle 拍攝角度

high angle shot 俯拍

long shot 遠景

full shot 全景

close-up, close shot 特寫,近景

medium shot 中景

background 背景

three-quarter shot 雙人近景
pan 搖鏡頭

frame, picture 鏡頭

still 靜止

double exposure 兩次曝光

superimposition 疊印

exposure meter 曝光表

printing 洗印

影片類型films types

film, motion picture 影片,電影 (美作:movie)

newsreel 新聞片,紀錄片

documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片

filmdom 電影界

literary film 文藝片

musicals 音樂片

comedy 喜劇片

tragedy 悲劇片

dracula movie 恐怖片

sowordsmen film 武俠片

detective film 偵探片

ethical film 倫理片

affectional film 愛情片

erotic film 黃色片

western movies 西部片

film d』avant-garde 前衛片

serial 系列片

trailer 預告片

cartoon (film) 卡通片,動畫片

footage 影片長度

full-length film, feature film 長片

short(film) 短片

colour film 彩色片 (美作:color film)

silent film 默片,無聲片

bbed film 配音復制的影片,譯製片

silent cinema, silent films 無聲電影

sound motion picture, talkie 有聲電影

cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅瑪斯科普型立體聲寬銀幕電影,變形鏡頭式寬銀幕電影

cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉瑪型立體聲寬銀幕電影,全景電影

title 片名

original version 原著

dialogue 對白

subtitles, subtitling 字幕

credits, credit titles 對原作者及其他有貢獻者的謝啟和姓名

telefilm 電視片


cast 陣容

film star, movie star 電影明星

star, lead 主角

double, stand-in 替身演員

stunt man 特技替身演員

extra, walker-on 臨時演員

character actor 性格演員

regular player 基本演員

extra 特別客串

film star 電影明星

film actor 男電影明星

film actress 女電影明星

support 配角

util 跑龍套


adapter 改編

scenarist, scriptwriter 腳本作者

dialogue writer 對白作者

proction manager 製片人

procer 製片主任

film director 導演

assistant director 副導演,助理導演

cameraman, set photographer 攝影師

assistant cameraman 攝影助理

property manager, propsman 道具員

art director 布景師 (美作:set decorator)

stagehand 化裝師

lighting engineer 燈光師

film cutter 剪輯師

sound engineer, recording director 錄音師

script girl, continuity girl 場記員

scenario writer, scenarist 劇作家


reel, spool (影片的)卷,本

sound track 音帶,聲帶

showing, screening, projection放映

projector 放映機

projection booth, projection room 放映室

panoramic screen 寬銀幕

阿富汗富家少爺阿米爾(Zekeria Ebrahim飾演)與僕人哈桑(Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada飾演)情同手足。在阿米爾受別人欺負的時候總是哈桑站出來保護他,盡管哈桑比他還要瘦弱。




阿米爾意識到過去的從來都未曾過去。他始終無法擺脫對哈桑的歉疚。為了贖罪,為了哈桑,他再次踏上睽違二十多年的故 土。希望能為不幸的好友盡最後一點心力。然而此行卻讓他發現了一個驚天的謊言......

㈥ 怎麼才可以把電影播放的英語 語音 翻譯成中國語音 我說的是語音不是語言

你所說的翻譯 是什麼?
有兩種情況1文件本身帶左右聲道 1個是英語 一個是中文 原來的VCD 的光碟 一般都是可以這樣的。
2 你說的翻譯 是不是 聽著英語然後同聲翻譯呀? 然後再進行配音。這種就比較專業化了

㈦ 配音英語怎麼說

問題一:「配音」用英文怎麼說? 配音:
1. b
2. bbing voice
3. bbing
4. to b
She lip-synched the songs for the movie.
A background acpaniment, as for a performer.
The film is bbed into six languages.
Is the film bbed or does it have subtitles?
American entertainer who starred in The Jazz Singer(1927), the first major film with synchronized sound.

問題二:英語配音用英語怎麼說 配音的英語是
b (動詞)
bbing (名詞)
bbed in English (動詞)攻English bbing (名詞)
The movie was bbed over by a woman to give it a child's voice.
The lack of English bbing in this epic Chinese movie is very disappointing.

問題三:電影配音用英文怎麼說? movie(film) bbing

問題四:「一段電影配音」用英語怎麼說 除了「bbing」之外的說法 樓上有點小錯,
A movie`s soundtrack
A film`s soundtrack

問題五:為卡通片配音的英語怎麼說 配音演員:bber
為卡通配音:b for a Cartoon
to b a Cartoon

問題六:「配音演員」的英文怎麼說? 配音男演員 bbing actor
配音女演員 bbing actress

問題七:為某人配音的英文是什麼 do the voice of *** 或do one's voice
例:l do the voice of her./l do her voice.

問題八:mkv格式電影打開以後,不僅有中文配音,同時也有英文配音的聲音在響,請問怎麼把英文配音去掉?? 當然是播放器的問題,這種mkv文件裡面封裝了多個音軌,你用的耽放器不能識別多音軌,就把兩個音軌混在一起播放出來了。你可以用完美解碼,或者單獨的KMPlayer來播放,就可以在音頻菜單下選擇某個配音來播放了。

㈧ 配音用英語怎麼說




b in

配音的相關 短語

對白配音 DUBBING ; dialogue synchronization

配音棚 bbing studio

最佳配音 Best Voice ; Best Voice Acting

配音機 bbing machine

國語配音 Garrison's Gorillas

配音工作 Voice-over work

影片配音 film bbing

配音表演 Dubbing performance


1. Is the movie bbed or does it have subtitles?


2. The film is bbed.


3. The movie was poorly bbed.


4. Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, and Denis Leary are the voices of the three heroes.


5. He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney's cartoon films for children.

他有一副非同尋常的聲音,而且希望在迪斯尼 兒童 動畫片中擔任配音.

6. Which of these american idol finalists from birmingham, alabama was bbed the velvet teddy bear?


7. Enables an author to create pages with background sounds or soundtracks.


8. I'd rather watch a film with subtitles than one bbed into Chinese.


9. Record your own voiceover or insert audio file as background music.


10. In the movie Stealth, Wentworth was the voice of EDI.

在電影《絕密飛行》中, went是EDI的 配音.

11. Burl lves provided the voice of some of the animals and people.


12. I yell in the piece also am the later period b.


13. This is final GF & DM, voive language has changed, all japanese speaking!

這是最終的GF 和 DM, 配音語言已改變, 全部說日語!

14. Don't spoil the movie by adding your own soundtrack.


15. Chaplin's earliest films were silent, because the equipment for adding.

卓別林最早期的電影都是無聲電影, 因為給影片配音的.


Though you’ve never met Susan Bennett, you are probably more familiar with her than you think. You may have asked her for directions, what the weather is like, the score to baseball games and even to remind you to pick up dog food.

也許你和蘇珊·班尼特素未謀面,但你很可能對她比你想像中要熟悉。你可能曾經向她詢問駕駛方向,詢問天氣狀況, 棒球 賽比分乃至需要她提醒你該買狗糧了。

Bennett has revealed herself the voice of Apple’s original Siri, and in a recent interview with CNN, she dished on, among other things, how she came to be the one to give life to your favorite snarky personal assistant.


Bennett has done voice work for automated systems since the 1970s. Her first job in the biz was as the voice of Tilly the all-time teller, the first ATM machine. She’s also lent her vocals to GPS devices, automated telephone systems and even Delta airlines terminals.

自上世紀70年代起,班尼特就開始從事自動系統聲音錄制方面的工作。她的第一份工作是為第一代自動取款機——“全天候櫃員蒂莉” 配音。她也曾為全球定位導航GPS系統、自動電話系統,以及三角洲航空公司終端系統獻聲。

“The Siri voices were recorded in 2005, in the month of July, four hours a day for the whole month,” Bennett told CNN. “When I recorded those voices, I had absolutely no idea where they would end up.”

“蘋果語音助理是我在2005年7月錄制的,每天工作4個小時,幹了整整一個月,” 班尼特告訴CNN的記者說,“當我錄制那些聲音的時候,我完全不知道它們是干什麼用的。”

Though Bennett’s thought was that those speech samples would be used in company telephone systems, according to CNN, she first heard her voice as Siri the same time many of us did - after the launch of Apple’s iPhone 4s in 2011.

根據CNN 相關報道 ,當時班尼特以為她錄制的聲音樣本是被用在公司電話系統上的,結果在2011年蘋果公司推出iPhone 4s 時,她和其他人一樣第一次聽到了自己當時錄制的聲音。

“The first time I actually heard my voice as Siri was when my friend emailed me and said, ‘Isn’t this you?’ Bennett said. “And because I didn’t have the newest version of the iPhone, I went to the Apple site and that’s where I heard the voice, and I just went, ‘Ohh, hmm. That is me.’”


Apple has yet to confirm that the Susan Bennett recordings were what was used to create the original Siri voice, but legal representation for Bennett has vouched for her and audio-forensics have told CNN that Bennett and the Siri voice are a “100%” match.


...for now, at least: With iOS 7, Apple has given users two options for Siri voices, a male and female now. And though Apple will neither confirm or deny, it sounds as though Bennett’s female voice has been replaced.

至少目前為止是。隨著蘋果iOS 7問世,蘋果公司已經為用戶提供了男聲和女聲兩種語音助理以供選擇。盡管蘋果公司尚未承認或否認此事,但聽起來似乎班尼特錄制的女聲助理已經被另外的聲音取代了。

As for the sometimes “snippy” tone of our beloved original Siri, there may be an explanation for that.


"There are some people that just can read hour upon hour upon hour, and it's not a problem,” Bennett explained to CNN. “For me, I get extremely bored ... So I just take breaks. That's one of the reasons why Siri might sometimes sound like she has a bit of an attitude. "



1. dota2英文配音經典台詞

2. dota2怎麼將中文配音設置成英文

3. 中文字幕的英文是什麼

4. 演員用英語怎麼說

5. 12的英文怎麼讀語音

㈨ 英語配音用英語怎麼說

b (動詞)
bbing (名詞)
bbed in English (動詞)
English bbing (名詞)

The movie was bbed over by a woman to give it a child's voice.
The lack of English bbing in this epic Chinese movie is very disappointing.

㈩ 電影電視劇中的配音是什麼意思


配音 (英語:Dubbing),廣義指影片加入聲音的過程,狹義指配音員替角色配製聲音、為影視作品或電視動畫等加入負責內容說明的旁白。另外,戲劇演員的話音或歌聲轉由別人配製的替代、現場收音出現錯漏或者難以進行,由原演員重新為片段補回對白的過程,還有演員配上不需要露面的對白或者所演角色表達的自身想法,皆屬於此類,即時外語傳譯則除外。






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