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⑴ 大魚海棠經典台詞英文版



1) go to Chun Jiu, childhood sweetheart.

2) I am willing to give my God, all of me, only to hope you are happy. I have no father and no mother, not afraid of heaven, afraid to let you suffer.

3) I have seen all the way you look, when you have a wayward time, when you are sad, the most embarrassing time, it is very good.

4) every big fish had met, and everyone had been reunited.

5) do you believe in miracles? Life is a journey. How many times have we waited for reincarnation to have this opportunity to enjoy this journey? We will lose it in a short life.

6) Mom, is my time borrowed?

7) as long as it is good, both the right and wrong are others.

8) we will reunite, no matter what it looks like.

9) rainy night on the windowsill deliberately falling flower trying to get your attention. Unhesitates in front of her grandmother and says he is willing to use all his life to change your life. To tell you the Kun away after take you home. Ask you the answer to the answer that is cold and cold. "Oh yes, let's sleep." Say you look good with a willful, happy look good, how to look good. At your back hand but buganshengzhang carried down finally had to recover.

10) all human beings are a huge fish in the sea.

11) the most fearful thing in the world is to make you suffer.

12) I remember him, I don't know his name.

13) Jiu Xi and Xi such as wind, rain, wind and rain may be, with you. Marsh will wait, wait for the next day changchun.

14) if you don't want to hurt her, let's go!

15) I don't understand why the most loving people can't be together.

16) I really regret that I didn't hold you tightly that night.

17) do you remember the place where we first met?

18) in this short life, we will eventually lose. You do not be afraid to be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, pursue a dream.

19) God gave us life to make us miraculous.

20) as long as your heart is good, right and wrong are other people's things.

21) I know, you are doing a very dangerous thing, maybe everyone will oppose you, but my grandmother and I will always support you.

22) Changchun to marsh, Begonia flowers.

23) I have been wondering what the sea is. Facing the sea, we first think of loneliness. The sea is longing for us. We are like a wave rising and falling. The sea is a horizon. It is soft. The sea is a huge mirror. We see our soul in it. The sea is actually the softest and hardest part of our heart.

24) I owe him a life, and I owe it to him, no matter how much it costs.

25) I tell you what the most sad thing: you met a man, made a mistake, you want to make up for want to pay off, only to find out in the end you are powerless, sins never make up. We can never make it clear.

26) some fish can never be shut, because they belong to the sky.

27) who do you think is loving you? God, he betrayed all the gods and loved you. I'm not afraid of anything, I'm afraid to make you suffer. Do you believe in the eternal love? I will be the wind and rain of the world to be with you.

28) I will be the wind and rain on the earth to accompany you.

29) many things I do not understand, many problems have no answer, but I believe, God gives us life, it must be for us to create miracles.

30) if you are not happy, what is the use of life for a long time?


1) may as well be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, pursue a dream.

2) from knowing you, to your life, I have never regretted it.

3) I like to see what you eat, and you look good on what you eat. I have seen a lot of you, a sad look, a happy look, an awkward look, and you look good.

4) everything can be exchanged in the world as long as it is paid.

5) the truth of the world is "I believe" because there is no eternal justice.

6) sorry, I don't know that he is so important to you. Will you wake up soon?

7) watch the return, love bitterness. Life cycle, this is a miracle.

8) I am a fish that belongs to the sky, because I believe there is always a man waiting in the sky.

9) not ask if you can, but ask if you want.

10) I dreamt of you, and I dreamed that you grew up.

11) every living man in the world is a big fish living in the sea, and life is the sea.

12) Changchun to marsh, Begonia flowers. If you have turned into a storm, you come here through time.

13) everyone is a fish in the sea, they cross a whole sea, in order to meet.

14) we will never pay back what we owe.

15) people will meet a person, make a mistake, and then owe something, you are not clear.

16) we are not afraid, we are bold, to love a person, to climb a peak, to pursue a dream.

17) if there is any luck, good luck and bad luck are your destiny.

18) you might as well be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, pursue a dream, yes, you might as well be bold.

19) one day, I will sing to you in the morning light of another world. In the light of the earth, in the love of mankind, I have seen you.

20) the immortals are also done by the ordinary people, but the hearts of the mortals are not hard. It's actually the softest and hardest place in our hearts.

21) you are in a dream, I don't want to wake up.

22) I regret that that night did not hold you tight, toon, promise me, do not let go of me, believe me, you will be happy.

23) true forgetting is not need to work hard, forget not forget.

24) I want you to grow up, bigger than a glass cylinder, bigger than a table, bigger than a mirror, bigger than a bed, and you can't hold you in the whole house.

25) I regret that I didn't hold you tight that night.

26) give me a pot.

27) watch the return, love bitterness. Life cycle, this is a miracle. To love a person, to climb a mountain, to pursue a dream, may as well be bold.

28) to live longer, not happy and what is the meaning of it.

29) if you go away, if you go away from me, more afraid of you stay here forever; every drop of tears, flowing to you, back to the first encounter.

30) I will be the wind and rain on the earth and be with you. Goodbye.

31) enough mana to open, because you want to let the fish go home. With the rest of my life for half of your life, you and the fish do well. They suspect you fish, and I take the fish back. You fainted. I'll take the fish back to you. You wake up.

32) what I am most afraid of in the world is to let the people I love suffer.

33) all human soul is the sea a huge fish, born from the sea shore of the road, sometimes encounter, sometimes separated, died to go to the sea shore, into a sleeping fish, starting again after years of waiting, the brigade Cheng Yongyuan will never end. Reciprocating endless life.

34) I have seen all of you, when you are the most embarrassing, the most embarrassing time, the most capricious time, the most disgusting time, I like it, so I understand that you are my patron saint.

35) north Ming fish, called kun. Kun, do not know its thousands of miles.

36) "you think you accept who you accept love? Is a god of love! He will betray all gods to love you! You enre all the pain! In order to bring you happiness!" Jiu hoarsely shouted, he stood askew on the cliff stone. A big wave roll came and rolled him into the water.

37) the soul of man comes from a perfect home, where there is no filth and ugliness, only pure and beautiful. The soul came to the world, wandering for a long time, living in a body, forgetting everything in his hometown. But whenever it see, hear or feel this world all good things, it will can't help moved, it knows that those beautiful things from its hometown, the deja vu pure and beautiful up its memory.

38) I do not know the color of the mountains and rivers, and the rivers and lakes are all over the sky. Everyone knows the meaning of Begonia, Qiushuihe Taotao Chun dim. A red fortress is the end of the sea. Celebrate Kun diving, keep to restore justice!

39) life is a journey. We went through several cycles in exchange for the journey. The journey is very short, so it may be a little bold, and may as well be daring to love a person, climb a mountain, and pursue a dream.

40) you met a man, made a mistake, you want to make up for want to pay off, only to find out in the end you are powerless, sins never make up. We can never pay back what we owe... As long as it is wrong, it is a mistake that can never be made up.

41) "if a man dies, he can't see such a beautiful sky." And looked at the stars in the sky automatic speaking.

42) all living humans, the sea is a huge fish; when they were born from the sea shore of...... Their lives are like crossing the sea, sometimes meeting, sometimes separating... When they die, they go to the shore and go to the world.

43) "I remember his appearance. I don't know his name. I remember his eyes, and the scar on his forehead." I searched for six hours for a whole night. The Toon came to a small white fish. She looked at the little fish, the little fish closed their eyes and fell asleep quietly.

44) we are neither human nor God, we are just others.

⑵ 電影大魚 經典台詞(中英對照)

1、Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring.

10、They said when you meet the love of your life,time stops.And that's true.What they don't tell you is that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.



《大魚》是一部2003年出品的美國奇幻片,故事改編自丹尼爾·華勒斯(Daniel Wallace)於1998年出版的《大魚老爸》(Big Fish)改編而成。由蒂姆·伯頓執導,由伊萬·麥克格雷格、阿爾伯特·芬尼和傑西卡·蘭格等聯袂出演。影片於2003年12月10日在美國紐約率先放映。電影以孩子的口吻來敘述其爸爸傳奇的一生。愛德華·布魯姆是個喜歡吹牛的老頭,總喜歡炫耀年輕時旅行推銷的經歷,兒子並不相信,覺得父親很虛榮浮誇,父子關系漸漸疏離。直到父親不久於人世,兒子決定回去見父親最後一面。

⑶ 電影big fish大魚中的經典台詞

《大魚》(Big Fish,又譯為《大智若魚》)之所以被眾多影迷奉為經典,不僅在於導演蒂姆波頓所營造的美輪美奐的視聽渲染,更在於其用精闢的台詞、精彩地講述了一個溫情的 故事 。現在,我們就從big fish台詞里回顧其中的一些經典段落,重溫那些富含生活哲理的思考與感動。

big fish台詞(一)

1.Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring.


2.Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish will grow double, triple or quadruple its size.


3.Did you ever think that maybe you're not too big but maybe this town is just too small? Well, it's too small for a man of my ambition.


4.The biggest fish in the river gets that way by never being caught.


5.There comes a point when a reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit that he's made a terrible mistake.Truth is , I was never a reasonable man.


6.The more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end.


7.This town is more than any man could ask for. And if I were to end up here, I would consider myself lucky.But the truth is, I'm just not ready to end up anywhere.


——Friend.What happened to your shoes?

——They kind of got ahead of me.



8.——Can I take your picture?

——Oh, you don't need a picture.Just look up the word 'handsome' in the dictionary.



9.They said when you meet the love of your life,time stops.And that's true.What they don't tell you is that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.


10.You were hot shit back in Hickville,but here in the real world, you got squat.You don't have a plan or a job.Nothing except the clothes on your back. You were a big fish in a small pond, but this here is the ocean and you're drowning....

...I don't have a job,but I would have a job if you gave me one.And I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet.



big fish台詞(二)

1.Most things you consider evil or wicked are simply lonely and lacking in social niceties.


2.Fate has a cruel way of circling around on you.There's a time when a man needs to fight and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny's lost.Now the ship has sailed,and that only a fool will continue.Truth is , I've always been a fool.


3.The thing about icebergs is you only see 10 percent while the other 90 percent is below the water where you can't see it.


4.——You don't even know me.

——I have the rest of my life to find out.



5.If there was one thing you can say about Edward Bloom is that I am a social person.


6.See, to him there's only two women:Your mother, and everyone else...I was make-believe.And his other life,you.You were real.


7.And that's the real story of how you were born.Not very exciting,is it?And I suppose if I had to choose between the true version and an elaborate one involving a fish and a wedding ring,I might choose the fancy version.But, then that's just me.


8.Have you ever heard a joke so many times you've forgotten why it's funny? And then you hear it again and suddenly it's new. You remember why you loved it in the first place.


9.A man tells stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way, he becomes immortal.


⑷ 大魚經典台詞對白愛情電影英文獨白

《大魚》是一部誕生於2003年的美國奇幻片,導演是蒂姆·伯頓,由伊萬·邁克格雷戈主演。故事改編自丹尼爾·華勒斯(Daniel Wallace)1998年的《大魚老爸》(Big Fish),以孩子的口吻來敘述其爸爸傳奇的一生。


1.Did you ever think that maybe you're not too big but maybe this town is just too small?Well, it's too small for a man of my ambition。你沒想過也許是這個鎮子對你來說太小了嗎?對我而言,這個小鎮容不下我的雄心壯志。

2.Dr. Bennett:And that's the real story of how you were born.Not very exciting,is it?And I suppose if I had to choose between the true version and an elaborate one involving a fish and a wedding ring,I might choose the fancy version.But, then that's just me.這就是你出生的真實故事。不是很有趣,對吧?如果讓我選擇是要真實版、還是那個加了條大怪魚和婚戒的誇張版,我可能會選後者。但是,這只是我的一廂情願。

3.Jennifer:See, to him there's only two women:Your mother, and everyone else...I was make-believe.And his other life,you.You were real.對他來說,世界上只有兩個女人:一是你母親,另一個是除她之外的任一女人。在他的故事中,“我”是虛構的,而他的另一半人生在於你,你才是真實的。

4.Fate has a cruel way of circling around on you.There's a time when a man needs to fight and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny's lost.Now the ship has sailed,and that only a fool will continue.Truth is , I've always been a fool. 人生有振作奮斗的時刻,也有必須接受現實的時候。現在木已成舟,只有傻子才會去鑽牛角尖。但事實上,我一直都是個傻子。

5.Have you ever heard a joke so many times you've forgotten why it's funny? And then you hear it again and suddenly it's new. You remember why you loved it in the first place.有些笑話你是否因為聽過太多遍而忘了它為什麼有趣?後來你又一次聽到它,突然間,猶如恍然一新,你就會想起為何一開始就會喜歡它了。

6.If there was one thing you can say about Edward Bloom is that I am a social person.如果說愛德華布魯姆有什麼明顯特質的話,那就是他非常善於交際。

7.A man tells stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way, he becomes immortal.一個人不停述說著自己的故事,讓他自己也成了故事本身。故事在他死後繼續流傳,那樣,他也變得永垂不朽了。

8.There comes a point when a reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit that he's made a terrible mistake.Truth is , I was never a reasonable man.懂道理的人,終會有按下自尊、坦承他犯下嚴重錯誤的時刻。事實是,我一直都是不講道理的人。

9. This town is more than any man could ask for. And if I were to end up here, I would consider myself lucky.But the truth is, I'm just not ready to end up anywhere.這個小鎮是任何人都夢寐以求的。我若落腳於此,定會倍感榮幸。但事實上,我從未准備好在任何地方落腳。

10.They said when you meet the love of your life,time stops.And that's true.What they don't tell you is that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.

11.Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring.要套住一個無法捉摸的女人,最好的辦法就是幫她套上一隻婚戒。

12.The biggest fish in the river gets that way by never being caught。河裡最大的魚永遠不會被人捉到。

13.Most things you consider evil or wicked are simply lonely and lacking in social niceties.你認為最邪惡、最壞的東西,大多隻是孤獨、缺乏融洽的個性。

14.The more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end. 事情愈艱難,最後愈能得到豐厚的果實。


16.Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish will grow double, triple or quadruple its size.金魚呆在小魚缸里永遠不會變大。若有更多空間,它們將會數倍化成長。

17. The thing about icebergs is you only see 10 percent while the other 90 percent is below the water where you can't see it.“冰山”的意思就是說,事情只有一成真相露出表面,而其餘九成都難覓蹤跡。

⑸ 電影大魚 經典台詞(中英對照)

1、Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish will grow double, triple or quadruple its size.


2、Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman is to offer her a wedding ring.


3、The biggest fish in the river gets that way by never being caught.


4、There comes a point when a reasonable man will swallow his pride and admit that he's made a terrible mistake.Truth is , I was never a reasonable man.


5、The more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end.


6、They said when you meet the love of your life,time stops.And that's true.What they don't tell you is that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.


7、Most things you consider evil or wicked are simply lonely and lacking in social niceties.


8、A man tells stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way, he becomes immortal.



《大魚》是一部2003年出品的美國奇幻片,故事改編自丹尼爾·華勒斯(Daniel Wallace)於1998年出版的《大魚老爸》(Big Fish)改編而成。由蒂姆·伯頓執導,由伊萬·麥克格雷格、阿爾伯特·芬尼和傑西卡·蘭格等聯袂出演。





這是關於愛的故事,包括彼此忠誠的愛情和最終彌平溝壑的親情。影片同時也充滿奇幻色彩,但並沒有用很多電腦特技,多數超現實場景通過割裂銀幕、縮小道具和運用燈光、角度、景深完成,並有經典的「摳像(Blue Screen)」技術。




⑹ 大魚英文歌詞

Big Fish
(Theme song of Big Fish&Begonia)
(sang by Zhou Shen)
Silently the sea wave drowns the night
Drowns every inch up to the end of the sky
Big fish swims through the gap between dreams
staring at your sound face
看海天一色 聽風起雨落
See the sea melts into the sky, listen the sound of rain and wind

Hand in hand, the vast mist is blown off
大魚的翅膀 已經太遼闊
The wing of big fish has been large enough
I loosen the rope of time

怕你飛遠去 怕你離我而去
I』m afraid you will fly away and leave me
But I』m more afraid you will stay here forever
每一滴淚水 都向你流淌去
Every tear all flow to you
flow back to the sea above the sky

Silently the sea wave drowns the night
Drowns every inch up to the end of the sky
Big fish swims through the gap between dreams
staring at your sound face

看海天一色 聽風起雨落
See the sea melts into the sky, listen the sound of rain and wind

Hand in hand, the vast mist is blown off
大魚的翅膀 已經太遼闊
The wing of big fish has been large enough
I loosen the rope of time

看你飛遠去 看你離我而去
Seeing you fly away, seeing you leaving me
It turns out to be you belong to the sky by nature
每一滴淚水 都向你流淌去
Every tear all flow to you
Flow back to the first moment we met

(Translated by Nicole for Faisal)

⑺ 電影大魚的一句台詞翻譯

Have you ever heard a joke so many times you've forgotten why it's funny?

And then you hear it again and suddenly it's new.

You remember why you loved it in the first place.


⑻ 大魚海棠經典英文台詞



Jeder Mensch auf der Welt ist ein Fisch im Meer und das Leben ist die Reise an das andere Ufer.


Manche Fische lassen sich nie einfangen, weil sie dem Himmel angehren.


Ich will zu Wind und Regen werden und immer an deiner Seite stehen.


Ich habe nie bereut, dich kennengelernt zu haben und mein Leben mit deinem zu verbinden.


Eines Tages werde ich in der Morgen-dmmerung einer anderen Welt für dich singen.


Ich bin ein Fisch vom Himmel, denn ich bin überzeugt, dort gibt es einen Men-schen, der auf mich wartet.


Ich habe alle deiner Momente gesehen, die hsslichsten, die peinlichsten und die willkürlichsten. Alle diese Momente mochte ich gern. Deshalb wirst meine Rettung sein.


Wovor ich mich auf der Welt am meisten fürchte, ist die Leute, die ich liebe, leiden zu sehen.

9:人生是一場旅程。我們經歷了幾次輪回,才換來這個旅程。而這個旅程很短,因此不妨大膽一些,不妨大膽一些去愛一個人,去攀一座山,去追一個夢……Das Leben ist eine Reise, die wir für das Erleben mehrerer Samsaras getauscht haben. Die Reise ist so kurz, dass wir uns tapferer verhalten sollten. Trau dich, einen Mensch zu lieben, einen Berg zu besteigen oder einen Traum zu verfolgen

⑼ 大魚經典台詞


1.why did it strike so quick on gold when nothing else would attract it?

為何什麼東西都吸引不了他 他卻吞了金子?

2.thers claimed he was a dinosaur left over from the "Cruaceous" Period.


3.Some said that fish was the ghost of a thief who'd drowned in that river 60 years before.


4.is to offer her a wedding ring.


5.Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman...

要套住一個無法捉摸的女人 最好的辦法。

6.It's only three lines long

這地方為何透著古怪 卻又令人熟悉。

7.My wedding ring, the symbol of fidelity to my wife


8.Oh, I don't usually remember

談宗教很沒禮貌 你不知道可能會冒犯到誰。

9.in the most recent Newsweek.

我註定死亡的命運 跟到豐都一樣艱難。

10.nd let me tell you, I've never seen anything like this!

我當時剛離開豐都鎮 正要探索我的命運。

11.Daffodils! - They're your favorite flower.


12.How did you get so many?

木已成舟 只有傻子會繼續奮戰。

13.I told them it was the only way to get my wife to marry me.

桑德拉·提普頓 我愛你,我也要娶你。

14.I have the rest of my life to find out


15.Oh, you're not.

我忍不住要想 也許他在別的地方還有別的生活。

⑽ 電影大魚經典台詞


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