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發布時間: 2023-01-11 14:21:28

Ⅰ 電影《七宗罪》的英文簡介

There are seven Catholic death penalty, but a series of bizarre murders, seven of the victims were killed in this one. Somerset full experience of detectives and make unremitting efforts to finally does not appear to be linked to the murder of a loss as to how many, 5 after the murder, the murderer who is the next target? Where? No one can foresee. Police at a loss e, the killer turned himself in the miraculous, and this time the perpetrators of the "seven sins" is still two, I wonder if he will stop there? He also Zitouluowang Why? The perpetrators claim to the "great masterpiece" will be completed in the tight custody of the police, the murderer Chachinanfei can do it again? The outcome of people far beyond the expected.
Seven made it clear that the Catholic Church: "gluttonous" and "greedy" and "lazy" and "jealous" and "proud" and "anger" and "Yin Yu." Sha Mose is the host of senior homicide police, who will soon retire but Mills is a novice, to pay a high interest, please voluntarily to the branch. Monday morning, a murder, assailants in the refrigerator after the words "gluttonous", Tuesday, is a lawyer at the scene with the words "greed", a day, depending on the seven died. In the face of the case, Sha Mose earned the hearts of many al-living in the city for a long time, he has long habit of looking at things coldly, like this is not the case then, after consideration and stay to help Mills, Mills gas side Just, irritability impulse, mystify the killer on his election as a result of the last seven - "angry." Strong was killed meters to anger his wife, Tracy. Allow themselves to be "jealous", Mills became "angry" and a strong won this game. Sand can be retired, but looking at the Black Maria Mills, is what the community has always been in such a miserable, or simply naive is also a crime.

對照的是中文 , 翻譯不容易,希望樓主給分`

Ⅱ 七宗罪深度解析是什麼








Ⅲ 七宗罪是那七宗,求排名和英文翻譯還有每一宗大致的意思

七宗罪(the seven deadly sins):
傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懶惰(Sloth),

Ⅳ 有電影《七宗罪》的英文影評或賞析嗎

提示:《七宗罪》的英文名叫做"Seven",所以你找個英文搜索引擎( www.google.com就可以),輸入關鍵字"movie seven comment"要多少就有多少。下面就有一個: Director David Fincher doesn't want his audience to be comfortable for a moment while watching "Seven." Shaky camera shots, dark sets and a disturbing script that takes its characters to the extremes of emotion all contribute to the film creating a unsettled feeling that stays with you for a couple hours after the credits roll. The film begins with the overused premise of a young cop (Brad Pitt) being teamed for a murder investigation with an veteran on the verge of retirement (Morgan Freeman). The two quickly develop a tense disrespect for each other, Pitt being the cocky smartass type (who is nonetheless optimistic about the future) and Freeman the hardened, pessimist New Yorker who has seen it all. Their investigation of a bizarre murder, in which an obese man is forced to eat himself to death, turns into a hunt for a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins -- gluttony, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and wrath -- as his calling card. The second victim, a rich lawyer, is the not-so-subtle tip off -- "greed" is written in blood on his carpet. What gives "Seven" it's unsettling impact is the way the film connects deeply with each character, even the victims who are never seen alive. Freeman, Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow ("Flesh and Bone") as Pitt's wife are all in top form here and the audience comes to know them intimately -- whatever affects them, affects the viewer equally. This is especially true of Pitt, whose character struggles to maintain his optimism in the face of the horrors he sees. The killer is played, by a well-known actor who is not named in the opening credits (the procers want to keep his identity a surprize), with a calm but explosive demeanor conspicuously reminiscent of Anthony Hopkins in "Silence of the Lambs." Although very little of the violence in "Seven" is on screen, it is by design considerably more disturbing than a horror movie or more mild thrillers like "Misery." The tension is so well played that even though the unsatisfying conclusion becomes obvious a good 15 minutes before the climax, it doesn't diminish at all the churning feeling in the pit of you stomach as you leave the theater. Because of the way it assaults the emotions, seeing "Seven" should not be taken lightly. It's a difficult movie to forget.

Ⅳ 誰能幫我寫一篇關於電影七宗罪的3000字的英文影評,謝謝啦

You really can't say enough about Se7en. It may have lacked critical acclaim (how this wasn't at least nominated for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay is beyond me), but this film is easily in the top 10 films of the 1990's, and one could argue that it is the best. Andrew Walker pens a marvelous script that is brilliantly realized by David Fincher, along with the help of 3 of the greatest actors of their generations.

David Mills (Brad Pitt) is a young up and coming detective who's just been transferred. His partner is William Somerset (Morgan Freeman), who's on the verge of retirement. Different though they may be, they must track a serial killer who is choosing his victims according to the seven deadly sins (gluttony, sloth, greed, lust, pride, envy, and wrath).

What makes Se7en so excellent in my mind is how incredibly real it is. There's the gritty feel to the film, and Fincher uses great shots and locations to effectively pass on his intentions to us. The film is one of the most suspenseful I've ever seen, and that is also attributed to Fincher, not to mention a wonderful musical score. Andrew Walker's script is fantastic. Easily one of the best of all time. It's such a simple concept, but the creation of the characters and the depth and development of each one is one truly remarkable quality of the script. The best quality of course, is the unpredictable, unorthodox, and scary ending that will make your stomach sink like a weight. The cinematography and editing are brilliant as the film is fluid and seamless. Technically, this film is perfect.

The acting...well, anyone who's ever said Brad Pitt is for show obviously hasn't seen this or Fight Club. He's wonderful as the motivated, yet rash and sarcastic David Mills. It's a great character arc, and Pitt plays the complex character with heart and ease. Morgan Freeman...what can you say? He's Morgan Freeman, so he's excellent. Once again, a well written character that the actor takes and makes his own. Freeman is magnificent again.

Of course, our 2 detectives are great, but the true stand out of the film is the actor who plays the killer, whose inclusion in the film was kept secret until the day of release. Don't worry, I haven't spoiled anything. He gives a magnificent, yet haunting and disturbing performance that will stick with you for day after day. It is one of the best villainous performances of all time. The final confrontation is spectacular because of him.

All in all, Se7en is a must see if you are a movie fan. It's one of the best films I've ever seen, and you'd be a fool to miss this classic. As terrifying as it is suspenseful, Se7en is a thriller that will stick with you, an experience you'll never forget. I cannot recommend this movie more.

Ⅵ 七宗罪的英文

Seven Deadly Sins



英 [sɪn] 美 [sɪn]

n. 原罪

v. 犯罪;違反(教規)

He thinks it's a sin to covet other's properties.


commit a ~ 犯罪

forgive a ~ 寬恕罪過










Ⅶ 求介紹七宗罪中英文劇情簡介

「暴食」、「貪婪」、「懶惰」、「嫉妒」、「驕傲」、「淫慾」、「憤怒」,這是天主教教義所指的人性七宗罪。城市中發生的連壞殺人案,死者恰好都是犯有這些教義的人。兇手故弄玄虛的作案手法,令資深冷靜的警員沙摩塞(摩根•弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 飾)和血氣方剛的新紮警員米爾斯(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 飾)都陷入了破案的謎團中。他們去圖書館研讀但丁的《神曲》,企圖從人間地獄的描繪中找到線索,最後從宗教文學哲學的世界中找到了兇手作案計劃和手段的蛛絲馬跡。兇手前來投案自首,這令眾人都鬆了一口氣,以為案件就此結束,怎料還是逃不出七宗罪的殺人邏輯,這次兇手瞄準的目標,是那個犯了「憤怒」罪的人
"Gluttony", "greed", "lazy" and "envy", "proud" and "lust" and "angry", this is referred to in Catholic doctrine seven deadly SINS of human nature. Even bad homicide happened in the city, and the dead are guilty of these teachings. The murderer mystifying pranks, senior officers calmly Formosa plug (Morgan Freeman ) and soft new officers mills (Brad Pitt ) is in the investigation of the mystery. They go to the library reading Dante's the divine comedy, tried to find clues from describing the hell on earth, finally from the world of religious literature, philosophy, traces of the perpetrators plans and methods. The murderer to surrender, this makes them all loose 。

Ⅷ 電影七宗罪賞析 ,要的是英文賞析哦,中文的謝謝了先


Ⅸ 那個七宗罪分別是什麼 他們英文開頭字母組成的方便記憶的是哪個單詞好像《達芬奇密碼》又說到

七種罪惡(七宗罪,the seven deadly sins):傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懶惰(Sloth),貪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及慾望(Lust)。 電影里表現的是這樣的:第一種是暴食者,非常肥胖,被逼迫進食過多而胃脹破而死~~第二種是律師,非常的貪婪,怎麼死的忘了~第三位是個懶惰之極的人,罪犯早在一年前就開始這個計劃,將此人捆綁床上一年整,折磨而死~~第四個是個妓女,在酒吧被利刀刺死~~第五位是非常美貌的女明星,因驕傲被割下鼻子而死~~第六 七個種是有關聯的,罪犯因嫉妒偵探的妻子而將其殺害,割下了他妻子的頭顱,而罪犯掌握了偵探家易憤怒的秉性,在得知妻子被害之後,一槍將罪犯斃掉,而自己也因為憤怒罪而被捕入獄~~

Ⅹ 七宗罪的英文分別是什麼!








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