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A. 安妮 · 海瑟薇的 英文介紹


The daughter of a stage actress and an attorney, Anne Hathaway was born on November 12th, 1982 in Brooklyn, New York. She and her two brothers were raised in New Jersey, where she led a tomboyish childhood and broke many bones.

In high school, though, she fully embraced her love and affinity for singing and acting. She remains the only teen to ever be accepted in the prestigious Barrow Group, an acting workshop in New York. She performed at Carnegie Hall in 1998 with the All Eastern U.S. High School Honors Chorus. Three days later, she was cast in the TV series Get Real, and her career was off and rolling.

Though short-lived, the family comedy-drama Get Real won a legion of committed fans, especially for Hathaway's character "Meghan Green." The young cast was nominated for a Young Star Artist Award (ensemble). Despite the minor successes, though, the show was cancelled after one season. Hathaway simply shrugged and got on with her life, enrolling at Vassar College.

becoming royalty

But acting remained an important part of her life. She filmed her first movie, The Other Side of Heaven, in 2000. In it she played "Jean Sabin," the love interest of a conflicted member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints. The role didn't propel her into the spotlight, but it did give her valuable experience in film, which, in turn, probably helped her win her next role.

During her audition for 2001's The Princess Diaries, Anne won the lead role, in part, by accidentally falling off her chair. Since the role demanded a klutsy-yet-charming lead actress, Anne's handling of the mishap convinced director Garry Marshall to hire her on the spot. She filmed in England with legend Julie Andrews and promoted the film all over Europe and North America. The role brought her a lot of mainstream attention and earned her nominations for a Teen Choice Award and an MTV Movie Award.

stage, screen, studies, star

In 2002, Hathaway took part in a stage proction of Carnival put on by the esteemed company City Center Encore! She won the prestigious Clarence Derwent Award for her performance, confirming her stage credibility. Meanwhile, she appeared in a solid film adaptation of Charles Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby.

Her latest film, Ella Enchanted, is slated for a spring 2004 release. Hathaway is currently working toward an English Literature degree from Vassar College, and will reprise her role for a Princess Diaries sequel.

B. 為什麼電影《她/雲端情人》的英文片名是「Her」而不是「She」

不用鑽牛角尖,在電影資料網站上搜索,片名用 Her 的,用 She 的都有,製片人喜歡用Her而不用She而已。

如果非要講出些道理來,個人覺得,Her 是賓格,傾向於被動接受,I love her, I hate her, I want her,都是「我」來主動,所以用 Her 表示 OS,比較符合對方的虛擬身份,以人類的視角來講述故事,也符合大家的習慣。

C. 用英語介紹電影千里千尋,200個單詞左右 帶漢語翻譯

Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi)
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
Spirited Away is the story of a young girl named Chihiro who is leaving everything that she knows to move with her family to a new town. On the way to their new home her Father decides to take a shortcut on a dirt road that ends and there is a tunnel, and her parents decide to go through. Scared, Chihiro follows and they find themselves in a small town with many restaurants. With nobody around, Chihiro's parents begin eating and decide to pay later. Chihiro wanders off and approaches a large building where she is told to run away before night by a mysterious young boy. She goes to find her parents who have turned into pigs. As she runs back toward the tunnel she came through she finds water blocking her path. The young boy from the bridge named Haku finds her and helps her into the large building from before, which is a Bathhouse for the Gods of Japan. Chihiro learns she can only stay to help her parents if she finds work at the bathouse, and she must work and find a way to reverse the effects on her parents. This is a story of growing up, and finding ourselves.

D. 英文電影台詞有一句是當她笑時 她就像一個天使

當她笑時 她就像一個天使
全部釋義和例句>>She's like an angel when she laughs
當她笑時 她就像一個天使
全部釋義和例句>>She's like an angel when she laughs

E. 電影《她》的英文名辦什麼是HER還不是SHE呢


F. 電影英語簡介!!!

There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life .
Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot.
He lost the touch with his family since then.His two pals helped him to lead a new life .
His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him by accident .She persuadee him to come back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advisebut then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkey
He returned and he got to know it's his uncle who ended his father'life .He fought against him and he won at last .
He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is lion of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!


功夫熊貓(Kung Fu Panda)

It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.

它是關於一隻懶惰熊貓的故事,名為Po,附近是功夫最大的發源地…當每天工作在他的家庭面條店時,po每天都希望能加入功夫行列中,意想不到地烏龜大師選擇履行古老預言, Po的夢想成為現實,當他加入功夫世界並且沿著他的夢想學習,但卻激怒了神奇五狹 -- 老虎、仙鶴、螳螂、蛇和猴子 。在他們的宗師的領導下一起干po走 但是,當他們知道不久之後,雪豹Tai向他們報復回來了,並且會對po和庄園進行威脅,大師不得不向po傳授功夫。 他可以把他的夢想成真?為變成Kung Fu大師? Po終於全心全意地去參加訓練,接受了任務:原來他的最巨大的弱點結果是他的最巨大的力量!不可思議的英雄誕生了!

變形金剛(Transformers )
In the Arctic Circle ring the 1800s, Captain Archibald Witwicky chips away at a massive sheet of ice, only to break it and fall into an abyss, landing on a robotic hand partially buried in the ice. He finds the eyes of Decepticon leader Megatron staring back at him, who burns a map showing the location of the life giving Allspark into Witwicky's eyeglasses. These are handed down to his descendant, Sam, in the present day. Elsewhere, Decepticon Blackout attacks a United States Air Force base in Qatar in the present day, grabbing and absorbing information from a computer whilst he destroys the base and deploys Scorponok. Scorponok chases Captain Lennox and his Special Ops team in the desert and in a village, when Lennox makes a phone call to The Pentagon, who send a jet to fight off the Decepticon. Sam Witwicky buys his first car, which happens to be the Autobot Bumblebee. Bumblebee helps Sam to gain Mikaela as his girlfriend. The Autobots come looking for Archibald's glasses, whilst hiding in Sam's yard, and the nefarious Sector 7 comes to invade Sam's house. The film eventually concludes with a battle that begins at the Hoover Dam and concludes in Los Angeles as Autobot leader Optimus Prime and Megatron face each other.

在19世紀期間的北極圈, Archibald Witwicky上尉損害冰巨型的板料,只有打破它和落入深淵,登陸在冰部分地埋沒的一隻機器人手。 發現Decepticon領導人Megatron的眼睛凝視他的他,燒顯示給與生命Allspark地點的地圖入Witwicky的鏡片。 這些被遞下來對他的後裔,山姆,在現在。 在別處,他毀壞基地並且部署Scorponok, Decepticon停電在現在,劫掠和引人入勝的信息的卡達攻擊美國空軍基地從計算機。 Scorponok在沙漠追逐隊上尉Lennox和他的特別Ops和在村莊,當Lennox打一個電話到五角大樓時,送一架噴氣機與Decepticon戰斗。 山姆買他的第一輛汽車,竟然是大黃蜂。 大黃蜂幫助山姆獲取Mikaela作為他的女朋友。 掩藏在山姆的圍場和惡毒區段來侵略山姆的房子, Autobots來尋找Archibald的玻璃。 影片以開始在胡佛水壩並且在洛杉磯結束作為Autobot領導人Optimus最初和Megatron面孔的爭斗最終結束。

G. 電影《她》講的是什麼



該片講述的故事大意是:米歇爾(伊莎貝爾·於佩爾 Isabelle Huppert 飾)是一家游戲公司的老闆,在同事和朋友們眼中,她為人冷淡疏離,行事雷厲風行,是一個無堅不摧的女人。可是,就在某一天晚上,米歇爾被闖入家中的蒙面暴徒強暴了。





H. 求茱莉亞羅伯茨的全部詳細介紹,及所有她的影片介紹,謝謝


英文名:Julia Roberts



身高:180 厘米


生肖 : 羊
2003年 《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》
2002年 《危險思想的自白》
2001年 《十一羅漢》
2000年 《永不妥協》
1999年 《逃跑的新娘》
1998年 《親親小媽》
1997年 《陰謀論》
1996年 《人人都說我愛你》
1995年 《愛情魔力》
1994年 《雲裳風暴》
1993年 《塘鵝暗殺令》
1991年 《鐵鉤船長》
1990年 《別闖陰陽界》
1989年 《鋼木蘭花》
1988年 《現代灰姑娘》

I. 用英語寫一篇作文,向我他她介紹成都的電影院,以及原因,要求從服務

is said that Cheng is a city which if you come you can't leave.It has a long history.there stands Du Fu's thatched cottage ,The Temple of Zhugeliang and some other place of historical interest.They are all so famous that many foreign tourists like to come here.Cheng also has a comfortable weather for people who live in there.Even though in the winter it is still warmer than any other cities in China.Besides,as Cheng people are fond of eating,they have created many delicious food such as hot pan,Three Big guns,and some others.

J. 英語:介紹一位喜歡的電影明星及他(她)的電影.單詞數60 -70個


魔法師的學徒又名《見習魔法師》或《巫師學徒》The Sorcerer's Apprentice(2010-7-16)----Balthazar Blake
海扁王 Kick-Ass (2010-4-16)----Damon Macready
女巫季節Season of the Witch (2010-3-19)----Lavey
壞中尉:新奧爾良港Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009-11-20)----Terence McDonagh
鐵臂阿童木(配音)Astro Boy (2009-10-23)----Dr. Tenma (voice)
豚鼠特攻隊(配音)G-Force (2009-7-24)----Speckles (voice)
先知/地球毀滅密碼/末日預言/神秘代碼 Knowing (2009-3-20)----Ted Myles
曼谷殺手 Bangkok Dangerous(2008-8-21)----Joe
國家寶藏2National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007-12-21)----Ben Gates
預見未來/驚魂下一秒 Next(2007-4-27)----Cris Johnson
世貿中心:World Trade Center(2006-11-9) ----John McLoughlin
惡靈騎士/幽靈騎士/靈魂戰車/鬼面騎士 Ghost Rider (2006-8-4) ----Johnny Blaze
異教徒/柳條人 The Wicker Man (2006-1-1) ----Edward Malus
天氣預報員 The Weather Man (2005-4-1) ----David Spritz
戰爭之王 Lord of War (2005-1-1) ----Yuri Orlov
國家寶藏National Treasure (2004-11-19) ----Ben Gates
火柴人 Matchstick Men (2003-8-8) ----Roy Waller
改編劇本/蘭花盜 Adaptation (2002-12-6) ----Charlie Kaufman / Donald Kaufman
追風戰士/風語者 Windtalkers (2002-6-14) ----Sergeant Joe Enders
柯萊利上尉的曼陀林/戰地情人 Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001-8-17) ----Captain Antonio Corelli
居家男人/住家男人/加料感情線 The.Family.Man (2000-12-22) ----Jack Campbell
極速60秒/驚天動地60秒/致命60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000-6-5) ----Memphis Raines 替代情人/穿梭陰陽界 Bringing.Out.the.Dead (1999-10-22) ----Frank Pierce
八毫米 8mm (1999-2-19) ----Tom Welles
蛇眼 Snake Eyes (1998-8-7) ----Rick Santoro
天使之城/X情人/天使多情 City of Angels (1998-4-10) ----Seth
變臉/奪面雙雄 Face Off (1997-6-27)----Castor Troy/Sean Archer
空中監獄 Con Air (1997-6-5) ----Cameron Poe
勇闖奪命島/石破天驚/絕地任務 The Rock (1996-6-7) ----Dr. Stanley Goodspeed
死亡之吻 Kiss of Death (1995-4-21) ----Little Junior Brown
離開拉斯維加斯/遠離賭城/兩顆絕望的心 Leaving Lasvegas (1995-1-1) ----Ben Sanderson
天堂有難 Trapped in Paradise (1994-12-2) ----Bill Firpo 尼古拉斯·凱奇
傾城佳話 It Could Happen To You (1994-7-29) ----Charlie Lang
超級賭徒.連環計中計 Deadfall (1994-7-15) -----Eddie
第一夫人的保鏢 Guarding Tess (1994-3-11) ----Doug Chesnic
黑白追緝令 Lily in Winter ( 1994 )_
世紀電影 Century of Cinema, A (1994-1-1)
西部紅石鎮 Red Rock West (1993-6-16) -----Michael Williams
拉斯維加斯的蜜月旅行 Honeymoon in Vegas (1992-8-28) ----Jack Singer
情挑野玫瑰/禁忌情緣 Zandalee (1991年)----Johnny
火鳥出擊 Fire Birds (1990-5-25) ----Jake Preston
全面攻擊/殺戮時刻 Tempo di uccidere (1990-1-1) ----Enrico Silvestri
我心狂野 Wild At Heart (1990-1-1) ----Sailor
吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss (1989-6-2) ----Peter Loew
月色撩人 Moonstruck (1987-12-18) ----Ronny Cammareri
撫養亞歷桑那 Raising Arizona (1987-3-6) ----H.I. McDunnough
憂郁男孩/藍衣人 the Boy in Blue(1986) ----Ned Hanlan
佩姬蘇要出嫁 Peggy Sue Got Married (1986-10-10) ----Charlie Bodell
棉花俱樂部 The Cotton Club (1984) ----Vincent Dwyer
鳥人 Birdy (1984-12-14) ----Sergeant Al Columbato
愛的召集令 Racing with the Moon (1984-8-23) -----Nicky/Bud
斗魚 Rumble Fish (1983-10-21) ----Smokey
山谷女孩 Valley Girl (1983-4-8)
黑獄風雲 Brubaker(1980-6-20)【凱奇的處女作】

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