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A. 《亂世佳人》英文影評100字以內

The GONE WITH THE WIND take the heroine Scarlett's love entanglement and the life bitter experience as the master line, vividly reappeared south the plantation economy from as the collapse, the slave-owner has as prosperously lived from as luxuriously as the dead end, the slave-owner social class by crazily provokes the war until the defeat death, the slavery economy substitutes for south this US for the capitalism economy slave society's collapse history. Therefore, it not only is a human happy love pinnacle of poetic creation, also was a reflection politics, the economy, moral many aspects is huge at that time the historical picture scroll which but profoundly changed.

B. 求一篇亂世佳人五百字英文觀後感

The story sounds more wonderful against the American War Time. Scarlet, the heroine, like Jane Eyre, Scarelet was a strong woman instead of a coward, was crazy about love and was determined.She is self-willed, but there is still so much kindness and purity live in her heart.
Every coin has two sides. Humanity and single-mind in love, it is a great quality of ladies, and Scarlett has it.
「After all, tomorrow is another day!」 It』s a day of good fortune for all the good. Remember the old saying: Yesterday is dead, forget it; tomorrow doesn』t exist, don』t worry; today is here, use it!



C. 電影《亂世佳人》主人公人物分析 英文的簡單260——300字即可

Analysis of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind

"Gone With the Wind」 is my favorite novel written by Margaret Mitchell, a southerner in the U.S., and the situation is described from the southern point of view. The author, used many stories she heard from her family who had lived through it, to weave this thrilling novel. It is full of dashing, daring men and women, thrilling episodes, and much romance. The heroine Scarlett in this book is so different from a traditional Chinese woman that I have decided to write something about her.

'Gone with the Wind' has represented the turbulent social reality in the South in American Civil War. Scarlett O』hara is beautiful then, in order to realize her dream of living better, she regards love and marriage as a chip of trade. There』s no true love in her three marriages, until the end, she understands that Ashley, the person she bears in mind for twelve years is not her true love, but one beautiful unreal image belongs to the South in the past and does not adapt to this coming new society. The person who she really loves is similar to her --- Rhett Butler.

To understand Scarlett better, I divided the essay into 4 parts as followed.

1. Scarlett』s Growth

Scarlett's growth can be divided mainly in two periods,before the Civil War and after it.To understand Scralett,we should know the two different ways of life have a great influence on Scralett』s character.

Before the Civil War breaks out, Scralett as well as other old aristocratic young ladies in the south lives an easy,luxurious life full of barbecues,balls and flirting with beaus.For a young lady who has only got 16,the life for her just means learning the arts and graces of being more attractive to men,which is also the south society』s regulation of woman.On one hand,by the diligently stubborn teaching of her mother and black mammy, the seed off the purity and tradition are buried deeply in her mind. But on the other hand,her Irish father also influences her by the Irish stubbornness,arrogance,etc.These two spirits conflicts frequently in the young girl』s mind.Just like her spreading skirts,the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.

After the Civil War, Scralett』s true self, which is apparently opposite to the lady-mannered discipline of the old south,crazily yield sand matures in the desolate earth after the war.Scarlett』s anti-traditional behavior is more and more undisguised.

2. Scarlett』s Character of Breaking the Rules

Part of Scarlett's enring charm for me is her aspiration to break the rules. She challenges nineteenth-century society's gender roles repeatedly, running a store and two lumber mills at one point. Scarlett is in some ways the least stereotypically feminine of women (in other ways the most), and the more traditional Melanie Wilkes is in many ways her foil. But Scarlett survives the war, several marriages, the birth of children, and even a miscarriage. Melanie, on the other hand, struggles with fragile health and a shy nature. Without Melanie Wilkes, Scarlett might simply be seen as harsh and "over the top", but beside Melanie, Scarlett presents a fresher, deeper female characterization; she lives a complicated life ring a difficult period of history.

3. Scarlett』s Hopes and defects

The other charm of Scarlett to me is that she is always full of hopes of tomorrow, life and the future. Some of her lines from Gone with the Wind, like "Fiddle-dee-dee!" "Tomorrow is another day," "Great balls of fire!" and "I'll never be hungry again!" have become well-known all around the world. She is charming and candid.The dream of tomorrow would call back the strength to live today, and the hope of future would help her to swallow all the bitterness of the present.The land is the only thing,which helps her to maintain her consciousness of tomorrow.From the beginning to the end,land Traa is always the core of Scralett』s life.Her constant care for Traa is never stopped because only from it her consciousness of tomorrow can be realized.Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything.For it』s the only thing in this world that lasts;it』s the only thing worth fighting for.

Scarlett is remained as one of the most controversial literature figures from the day the book published till now.Her bad deed,bad words and bad thoughts after the war-time appropriately reflect her natural character——mixture,she is a blending of the good and evil,of practical and ideal,of despair and hope,and of yesterday and tomorrow.She is by far the most developed character in 「Gone with the Wind.」 She stands out because she is strong and saves her family but is incredibly selfish and petty at the same time.

4. Conclusion

From the analysis of her character, she cannot be regarded as a perfect woman. By a rough glimpse, she seems to be a rude,ignorant,and hypocritical remaining of the old Southern aristocrats.Just like other southern people,she hates the war, disgusts the new established south government, deeply recalls the previous life,together with the careless revealing of her attitude towards slavery.They become the root where the criticism derives from.However, Scarlett is real and believable.

Forgetting the past doesn』t really mean that nothing has happened. Forgetting the past is to accumulate energy of the future.The purpose of Scarlett』s looking forward is to survive to fight, because that is the miracle literature has created to attract,to move,and to encourage the people wherever they are. The old are gone with the wind, while the new are gathering new strength to march on.

D. 亂世佳人佳句賞析英文

1. 亂世佳人佳句
亂世佳人佳句 1. 亂世佳人中的好詞好句






















2. 亂世佳人最經典的一句話是什麼
亂世佳人最經典的一句話是:After all,tomorrow is another day! 畢竟,明天又是新的一天! 這句話是出自:當斯嘉麗趕回家裡告訴白瑞德,她是真正愛他的時候,白瑞德已不再相信她。


《亂世佳人》(Gone with the Wind),是根據小說家瑪格麗特·米切爾的小說《飄》改編的一部美國電影,由費雯·麗、克拉克·蓋博主演,於1939年上映。女主角費雯·麗憑借其精湛的演技成功塑造了郝思嘉這一經典的人物形象,獲得了當年的奧斯卡最佳女主角獎。


影片參加了1939年第12屆奧斯卡金項獎角逐,獲得最佳攝影獎等多項獎項。 全片由喬治·丘克、維克托·弗萊明(Victor Fleming)和山姆·伍德(Sam Wood)三人執導完成,其中由喬治·丘克執導的畫面只有33分鍾。
3. 求《飄》句子賞析












4. 亂世佳人的句子









But there 's one thing I do know,and that is I love you,Scarlett.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us.












5. 《亂世佳人》經典語錄
1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts。

土地是世界上唯一值得你去為之工作,為之戰斗,為之犧牲的東西,因為它是唯一永恆的東西。 2.Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die。

無論發生什麼事,我都會像現在一樣愛你,直到永遠。 3.I think it's hard winning a war with words。

我認為紙上談兵沒什麼作用。 4. Sir, you're no gentleman. And you miss are no lady。


5.I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid。 我做任何事不過是為了有所回報,我總要得到報酬。

6.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you。 哪怕是世界末日我都會愛著你。

7.I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for you than I've waited for any woman。 我從沒有像愛你一樣愛過任何一個女人。

我也從沒有像等你那樣等過任何一個女人。 8.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I'll never be hungry again! 即使讓我撒謊、去偷、去騙、去殺人,上帝作證,我再也不要挨餓了。

9.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is no place for me。 現在我發現自己活在一個比死還要痛苦的世界,一個無我容身之處的世界。

10.You're throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy。 你把自己的幸福拱手相讓,去追求一些根本不會讓你幸福的東西。

11.Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day。 家,我要回家。

6. 電影《亂世佳人》的經典台詞是什麼
我認為最經典的台詞是這句Tomorrow is another day.是《亂世佳人》裡面最經典的一句台詞。



對於郝思嘉佩服之極,對於瑞德,感動了,且唏噓而惋惜。 最愛的電影,沒有之一,每年都會看一遍,因為飄是我最愛的小說。



經典值得你一遍遍重溫,費雯麗和克拉克.蓋博,兩人的氣質,長相,表情,言談舉止就是我心目的人物形象,一本厚實的名著成功改編成經典電影,亂世佳人的導演,編劇,製片人功不可沒。 所以在最後,女主角斯佳麗與白瑞德的感情糾葛令無數人為之傾情,而兩人的告別之吻最令人記憶深刻:夕陽如火,白瑞德摟住斯佳麗的纖腰深深吻下去,彷彿從此要把心愛的寶貝拱手送人,疊成一雙的剪影將身邊的炮火隆隆全都壓了下去,只留下濃情一片。

7. 誰能告訴我《亂世佳人》里的英語名言例如:afterall,
I'll never be hungry again… As god as my witness…as god as my witness they're not going to lick me,i' m going to live through this and when it's over,i'll never be hungry again.no,nor any of my folk.if i have to lie,steal,cheat,or kill,as god as my witness,i' ll never be hungry again.When pigs can fly!我的愛已經磨光了.被阿什利威爾克斯和你的固執磨光了.你就像一條叭喇狗,想得到什麼就非要得到不可.我的愛已經磨光了.是瑞德對思嘉說的那句.:"我把一個男人能給予一個女人的愛全都給了你." 一個人是不可能被打敗的,你盡可以把他消滅掉,可就是打不敗他.他只有從自己內心深處被打垮…… Had she ever understand Ashley,she would never have loved him;had she ever understand Rhett,she would never have lost him.我從來沒有耐心把破碎的東西補好,我寧願記得它好的時候,而不是看著那傷疤過一輩子 對於她所愛過的這兩個男人,她誰都沒有真正了解過,所以才雙雙失去了他們.現在她才模模糊糊地意識到,如果她真正了解過阿希禮,她就決不會愛他了;如果她真正了解過瑞特,她也就決不會失去他了.Whatever comes I'll love you just as I do now until I die。
8. 亂世佳人經典語句








9. 《亂世佳人》經典語錄
Scarlett: As God as my witness。as god as my witness they're not going to

lick me.I'm going to live throughthis and when it's all over, I'll never be

hungry again.No,nor any of my folk . If I have to lie , steal,cheat,or kill,

as God as my witness,I 'll never be hungry again.(Out of this complete

defeat a new and mature Scarlett is born.)





Scarlett: Tara!Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get him

back . After all ,tomorrow is another day!


Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is no place for me.


You're throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.


Sir, you're no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.


I think it's hard winning a war with words.我認為紙上談兵沒什麼作用。

I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid.

10. 飄里的經典句子
1.一個孩子哭喊著要月亮,可是如果他真的有了月亮,他拿月亮來干什麼用呢?同樣,你拿衛希禮來干什麼用呢?親愛的,你雙手把幸福拋掉,同時又伸出手去追求那種永遠也不會讓你快樂的東西.我愛你,也了解你,思嘉,徹頭徹尾的了解,這絕不是衛希禮所能做到的,可是,你卻偏要一輩子痴心夢想地追求一個你不了解的男人. 2.他沉默了一會,輕輕地微笑."得到前妻的允許,這就更加的方便了.你可以有足夠的理由向我提出離婚,那麼……" "離婚?不!瑞德"她起來跑去抓住他的胳膊."你錯了,我並沒有想離婚……我回來就是想要告訴你,今天我才知道以前我做錯了,我是個大傻瓜.原來我是愛你的……" 瑞德好象是筋疲力盡了. "如果以前我聽到你這些話,我會虔誠得感謝老天的.但是現在我的愛已經消磨殆盡了……戰爭期間我就想過離開你,但我沒有做到,只好常常回來看你.戰爭結束後,我冒著被捕的危險就是為了要看你.我和你結婚的時候就知道你並不愛我,我了解衛希禮的事,你也明白.但是我那時非常傻,我以為還能讓你愛我呢.但是衛希禮一直在那裡,把我逼的快發瘋了.不過,那時候邦尼還在,她非常像你,和你一樣任性,一樣勇敢,興致勃勃,我寵愛她,嬌慣她……就像我寵愛你那樣,但是她有一點與你不同……她愛我.我很欣慰能把你不要的愛拿來給她.她這一走…就把什麼都帶走了…" "哎,親愛的."思嘉感到非常難過,她走上前,希望他會像以前那樣伸出雙手後把她拉過去摟在懷里,但他並沒有那樣做."親愛的,我對不起你,但我會補償你以前為我所付出的一切!我們會過得很快樂……" "不用了,謝謝你了…但我不想拿自己的心去做第三次冒險了.親愛的,你以為只要說一聲對不起,就能抹去這一切的傷害么?如果我對你還有什麼,那麼,只有你最憎恨的兩樣---憐憫和慈悲的心." "那就是說,你已經不愛我了?"思嘉深深地望著他. "對,我已經不能承受這一切所帶來的痛苦與折磨了." "但是…但是我愛你呢." "那就是你的不幸了." 她盯著他看,眼裡燃燒著絕望而固執的表情,"別犯傻了,瑞德!我能使……" 瑞德的兩道黑眉聳成新月形."不要再這樣下去了,思嘉.我要走了…" "不,我不讓你走.如果你走就帶我一起走!" "不行."他堅決地說,好象根本就沒有商量的餘地. 頓時思嘉想要大聲哭出來,但她拚命克制住自己,支起下巴.強作鎮定地問:"你要去什麼地方?" 他看著她,眼裡流露出贊賞的光芒."也許會去英國…或者是到巴黎,也可能先到查爾斯頓,思嘉,我已經流浪的夠了,想要好好珍惜年輕的時候拋棄的那些東西.東西碎了就是碎了,我寧可忘記它最好時的模樣,也不想再讓它修好,然後再看著那破碎的地方,親愛的,我什麼都不管." 1.願上帝保佑那個真正愛過你的人,你把他的心都揉碎了 2.Tomorrow is another day! 3.我從來不是那樣的人,不能耐心的拾起一片碎片,把它們合在一起,然後對自己說這個修補好了的東西跟新的完全一樣.一件東西破碎了就是破碎了,我寧願記住它最好時的模樣,而不想把它修補好,然後終生看著那些破碎了的地方. 4.即使是一種最堅貞不渝的愛也會被消磨掉。

我對你的那份愛,早被衛希和你那股瘋狂的固執勁給消磨沒了。如果你能在半道上出來迎接我,我一定會跪在地上親吻你的腳 5.你從不知道,我對你的愛已經到了男人對女人的極限 6. 親愛的,我才不在乎呢 7.我一直照料你,寵愛你,你要什麼我都給你。



8. 我愛你,可我不想讓你知道。 你對那些愛你的人,太殘忍了,斯佳麗。

你抓住他們的愛,像鞭子一樣在他們頭上揮舞」 9.我從來都不了解那兩個男人,如果我了解希禮,我決不會愛上他;如果我了解瑞德,我決不會失去他。我真不知道在這個世界上我了解過誰。

E. 電影《亂世佳人》的英文版觀後感

So wonderful is「Gone with the wind」that it』s still my favorite film though there are many great movies in the world.
As far as I'm concerned,Captain Rett is such a gentleman that he protect and take care of his wife,Scarlet, in real earnest. His love is deep as the ocean,however,the girl he loves doesn't love him.
Opposite to everyone else,I don』t like Scarlet very much,because of not only her cool,but aiso I really think she is so silly that she is guilty,to Rett. Although she is good at attracting guys,she doesn』t know who』s her true love,and never value Rett's love.That』s why she can't get Rett's trust in the end.
In short,love is gift that should be cherished and never forgotten,love can't lose after regret.

F. 亂世佳人的英文影評加上中文翻譯


便是最好的歸宿。 Can't help falling in love with him.
Rough experience made him aware and can't even sincere,
But in mercenary, cynical appearance,
The hidden a star can bring anyone happy really --
He can in the most critical juncture appeared in birth Melanie and panicked scarlett in front,
The face always bad laugh,
Tone appearing rhett type of satire.
But that is such a man,
With your arms to snap ring tight, scarlett
Soothing words, like a soft spells,
Can make any manic soul instant calm down,
Can make any confusion body no longer away.
Rhett's charm lies in,
His whole body and send out the mature man glamour
And incomparable wisdom,
But it all comes down to the most important point,
That is, he has a kind of magic power that will bring people strong sense of security.
Have him on, it seems that all things can be solved,
Have him on, even facing all danger all don't worry about that.
His arms are so powerful, the warm
As the most safe haven.
So of man,
His arms
Is the best end-result.

G. 觀看亂世佳人電影英文觀後感


“Gone With the Wind” is quite famous. The story happens ring Civil War. Scarlet, the daughter of a farmer was beautiful and attractive. Before the war, her life was placid. But when the war broke out, her life changed totally. Her husband died because of disease, and she became a widow. However, she was different from other women. She couldn’t bear wearing dark clothes and staying at home all the time. Just at that time, Captain Butler came into her life. They were very similar, both treacherous and avaricious, so they soon became friends. Scarlet had to be feed the whole family, and this made her marble. Later on, Scarlet had her own factory, and was graally disliked by many people because of her arrogance.

Captain Butler was very wealthy and charming as well. He loved Scarlet, and before long, they got married.

On the other hand, Scarlet had been loving a man called Ashley for a long time, but Ashley had a wife, Melanie, who was respected by everyone, except Scarlet. Even after she got married with Butler, she still wanted Ashley.

Some time later, Scarlet and Captain Butler had a daughter. This made Butler become a kind father. But their daughter died. From then on, Scarlet and Butler quarreled much oftener than before. Otherwise, when Scarlet met Ashley on his birthday at the factory, people saw them hugging, and this made Butler fly into a rage.

Melanie fell sick and she was about to die. Scarlet talked with her beside her bed, and she suddenly realized that Melanie was her only female friend, and she loved her very much. She also realized she didn’t really love Ashley. But everything was too late. When she came back home, Captain Butler was leaving. Her tears couldn’t do any help, and she could only watch him leave.

This story figured a lady who was fortitudinous. But the society made her play hard, and her personality distorted. She only cared for money, and she didn’t care about other people’s feeling. When she finally regretted, Butler’s patience had been deplenished.

In addition, Scarlet had a tag, “ Tomorrow is another day.” This showed that she was optimistic. When Butler left her, she also said, “Tomorrow is another day.” This sentence gave her courage, and made her feel much better. Maybe we should learn this point from her. No matter how difficult our life is, just face it optimistically, and tomorrow would be another day.


Read" gone with the wind", the heart a long time can not be calm, deep emotional tide is still much impact on banks of your sense, thought for a long time, after the he-ro-in-e Scarlett's outlook on life, values and the pursuit of love thought, I not only for its admiration, but also for its deeply sad, perhaps the person itself is a contradiction of the carrier, in the pursuit of love and loof life in the most precious love emotion.

As Scarlett -- a noble lady, attractive appearance and temperament has been mping countlespoony man, makes them for its or song or sad, but she had a crush on Wei Xili, one is not the most excellent man, the magic of love to delude one to folly, but Wei Xili love it is blue rather than his upcoming marriage, with Wei Xili, she is able to abandon the girls shy psychology, the heart love boldly express, this requires much confidence and courage! But Scarlett must do. A sad thing in life is to love someone and not fail to recover, but didn't have the courage to express, of course that expremyself whether can get love, that is another matter, after all, love was consensual, any single lovesickneand force is be of no avail. Love is not a form of integration, but the soul of the communion and the ideology of communication, harmony, only in this way, love music is beautiful, excite people's mind, this Scarlett showing courage is what I deeply admire.

In second, when Scarlett's new husband Charlie died, she was able to abandon secular beliefs regardless, withstands the pressure to the party, it is the courage of the second point performance. Never love marriage building is quite fragile, her husband died suddenly make it collapsed, all the ashes to ashes, leaving only the nominal pieces of wreckage and contact, and hypocritical to burst into tears, rather than to restore their original appearance, his true feelings reveal her naked, although this approach people in reason to accept, but in the false and true I would rather see the true. In real life, if we can have such courage to show her true self, lea beautiful coat people everywhere, then the guard, graally cold relationship will be greatly improved, and the increasingly popular so-called" diaphragm" will thaw collapse, people will more easily get along, so I admire her for this risk will be reviled, world reputation risk and reveal the true self.

In third, I appreciate her in trouble, more and more will never yield in spite of reverses the indomitable will and to promise to abide by strict.

Before the war, Scarlett can obviate the need for their food bank concern, a good home environment and the labor basically out of the relationship, but when the war broke out, in the face of yesterday's wealth suddenly turned to clay and the burnt black land, her clench one's teeth with their soft shoulders provoke the entire family life and reconstruction of the burden of the Tara, perseverance, confidence, the courage, and it is a weak woman bear it. The strong life is overwhelming, but not being overwhelmed by everything, in any time the natural calamities and man-made misfortunes in the survival and development. In the war of the melting pot, in social turmoil, she performed a by weak to strong new transformation.

After many difficulties and the long trek, when to return to hometown, facing the front of a barren field of a wolf, the wonderful Tara and associated memory how to tears trickling down one's cheeks? When you see the hungry she finally in the ground finds a radish while climbing in the black soil of the lens when we cry, how can you not be moved with admiration? In particular she raised vowed to rebuild the old hard and never starve that refuse to be cowed or submit, unaware of the atmosphere, but also I saw an extraordinary woman with a will of iron and toughness. Today some people when slight suffered some setbacks and tribulations is downhearted, abandonment, see at this moment are ashamed and feeling better?

If touched me is her strength and courage, then mixed in it with her to promise to abide by strict, it is also her a flash point. Just because the promised Wei Xili to take care of Meilan promise, and in the fall of Atlanta City, she risked arrest to stay, care will proce Meilan, later and take them through go through untold hardships to beyond housing and nothing of Tara, the sour, sweet, bitter, hot how is the ordinary people can imagine to face his rival, Wei Xili, the wife of Meilan, Scarlett could have enough reason to let its emerge of itself and perish of itself of methylene blue and ignore, even kill them, but she did not do so, but an attitude of tolerance to forgive everything and give care, and built like one's own brother sister love, this is my admire another point, its flashing light of human kindneis does not allow us to kill. No matter how she treats others, from this point on think beauty Meilan goodneis worth affirmation.

Of course, for she has certainly do not represent the shortcomings of her blind and obscure, Scarlett men too, since it is a person, so she has a human shortcomings and deficiencies. Her for that purpose, use unscrupulous divisive tactics to the feelings of others as a child's play, playing in the hands between attitudes and practices are I strongly oppose and resolutely rejected. I appreciate her spirit, but do not appreciate her means, after all, love is a dedication rather than to take, in order to pursue their true love, she put the young people when the stakes, without mercy waving consumption in their dance skirt, it also demonstrated her selfish.

Love is a responsibility, a promise, a kind of spirit, a hundred fold a choice without regrets, so playing with the feelings of the people will eventually be feelings by playing. The daughter 's death in the deep wound top sa a pair of salt, the pain is grieved, but she still loves Wei Xili so deeply in love with her and often give their help husband Reed white because the misunderstanding out. Now she felt really how much she loves her husband, but has lived in since the fantasy is not discovered, but it is already too late, a wake to already was after quzhongrensan, in the gentle breeze and bright moon night, in Taole this changes after leaving the black land lonely soul silently with an empty house. Sad! Deplorable.

Yes, she is the spirit of the victor, but are spiritual failures; she received many, also lost a lot of.

The next time the sun rises, in Tara that vigorous land will come again the familiar figure? Scarlett looking forward, in pursuit of ... ... At the same time, but also for future generations to leave let feeling gallop arbitrary space.

Essay two: sometimes people in retaliation for others often would like to own the pain to cause others to the soul of the punishment, but this is actually a manifestation of deceive oneself and others, sometimes it can not only rece the pain inside, revenge after the thrill, but will make their own suffering in sinking deeper and deeper into the mire. Scarlett emotional agony is proved this point, in retaliation for Wei Xili she married don doesn't like Charlie, so its a sad ending buried the inevitable factors, is really love, hate cutting!


Gone With The Wind is an incredible achievement showing us a broad spectrum of human emotions. Confronting war and adjusting to peace, love and hatred, altery and loyalty are all explored in this vivid masterpiece of Hollywood's golden age

The acting is wonderful, Vivian Leigh brought Scarlett to life just as Margaret Mitchell had written her. Vivian's amazing debut performance won her an Oscar. Not to mention that no one could have played a better Rhett Butler than Clark Gable and Hattie McDaniel was captivating as Mammy, winning best supporting actress for her role (the first for an African American actress).

For those of you who watched the movie and fell in love with it as I did, I strongly encourage you to read the book. Although the film is relatively accurate to the novel, (if they had made the film true to the book, it would have been 8 hours long) the book is magnificent and a milestone in American literature. There are more fascinating characters to discover, great action and humor and a better insight into what's going on between Scarlett, Melanie, Rhett and Ashley. There is so much that happens in the novel that isn't even hinted at in the movie. For an example, in the novel Scarlett has 3 children.

The film is timeless; deserving of it's 10 Oscars, and its place in film history. Don't let the length of the movie or the size of the book turn you off, once you get into the story, you'll be hooked.

H. 英文評亂世佳人

前面是對電影的簡介,next page 是review,即影評,長短你可以整理一下:)~


The GONE WITH THE WIND take the heroine Scarlett's love entanglement and the life bitter experience as the master line, vividly reappeared south the plantation economy from as the collapse, the slave-owner has as prosperously lived from as luxuriously as the dead end, the slave-owner social class by crazily provokes the war until the defeat death, the slavery economy substitutes for south this US for the capitalism economy slave society's collapse history. Therefore, it is not only a human happy love pinnacle of poetic creation, also was a reflection politics, the economy, moral many aspects is huge at that time the historical picture scroll which but profoundly changed.

As time goes by, the film 「Gone with the wind」 is forgotten by most teenagers, but it』s still my favorite film.

I admire Captain Rett, he is really a gentleman, and really knows what』s true love. So smart, interesting, handsome and strong. Most important is: he really knows how to protect and take care his wife: Scarlet.

Different from most other girls, I don』t like Scarlet very much, not because of her selfish and cool, just because I really think she is a poor fool woman, though she is good at negotiating with customers and good at attracting guys, she even doesn』t know who』s her true love, doesn』t know Rett is the one who really fit for her, I think that she doesn』t know herself at all, she is that kind of person who never like literatures, doesn』t have any romantic dreams.

That』s why she misunderstands herself loving Ashley but it』s not true.
I think another problem lead to their divorce is short of communication. Both of them are good at attracting others, so, for their experience and pride, they don』t like to show love to their partner, just pretend 「I don』t love you」, and hope their partners shows his/her love at first. This kind of game only works for chasing each other and having fun, but when they marry, it will terminates their relationship upgrade.

So as time goes by, their love faded, their marriage became a tragedy.

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