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1. 美麗人生的影評





2. 求《美麗人生》英文觀後感的中文翻譯

範文:"Beautiful life" is not a tragedy. From Guido's funny appearance at the beginning, it can be seen that the director Roberto benini wants to create a comedy atmosphere, but he definitely does not deliberately weaken the ideology of the film for the sake of kitsch.

In fact, on the contrary, benini's treatment is to avoid vulgarity, to express deeper thoughts, and to prevent the audience from inlging in shallow feelings.

Benini just wants to tell all people who really love life through this film that nightmares are temporary and believe that a beautiful life is forever.


3. 誰看過美麗人生電影的!就是講猶太人那個的~!用幾句英語概括一下內容!謝謝大家了 !

美麗人生(Life Is Beautiful)


義大利梅蘭坡電影公司 出品
中國電影集團公司 發行
上海電影譯制廠 譯制

《美麗人生》這部影片是由義大利著名喜劇演員兼導演羅伯特.貝尼尼自編自導自演的一部黑色喜劇片,除了本屆奧斯卡金像獎以外,該片還曾獲得過總共二十八項國際大獎,在全球佳評如潮。《美麗人生》在美國的票房已經超過《郵差》,成為美國電影史上最賣座的外語片。迄今為止收入已近2300萬美元,在全球更是突破1億美元大關,而更令人稱道的是,該片的製作成本僅僅為650萬美元。 貝尼尼也由此成為奧斯卡影史上第一位以外語片拿到奧斯卡影帝的外國演員, 取得了無數電影人畢生夢寐以求的成功。 貝貝尼1952年出生在義大利的阿里佐,主要代表作有《一個快樂的傳說》、《不法之徒》等電影,他的電影真實、簡練,而且總是熱情洋溢、充滿笑容 。《美麗人生》是他所執導的第六部影片,片中他用全新的視角來反映戰爭的殘酷,而觀眾則在笑聲中領悟到人生的真諦:生活是美好的,哪怕一時被黑暗所籠罩,我們依然能夠找到美之所在。

4. 誰有義大利電影《美麗人生》的專業影評

《美麗人生》--偉大的父愛 本片由義大利國寶級導演羅伯特貝尼尼自編自導自演,講述了一個關於親情和愛情的故事,情節跌宕起伏,感人肺腑。該片曾獲得嘎納電影節評委會大獎和奧斯卡最佳外語片獎等多部大獎。是值得各位收藏的一部佳作。 樂觀開朗的猶太青年圭多和朋友駕車來到城裡,途中邂逅了美麗的女教師多拉,兩人互生情愫。幾經磨難,兩人結為夫妻。但好景不長,就在他們的兒子生日那天,圭多和兒子被強行帶到了納粹集中營,原因是他們是猶太人。多拉沒有猶太血統,但為了和丈夫兒子在一起,也登上了通往集中營的火車。在集中營里他們被分開關押。圭多為了不讓兒子幼小的心靈受到傷害,就「欺騙」他說這是為他的生日而舉辦的一場游戲,游戲規則是不能哭不能鬧不能想媽媽,率先得到1000個積分的孩子就可以得到一輛真坦克,兒子信以為真。圭多還要想方設法向妻子報平安。最終圭多為了兒子的安危,自己慘死在德軍的槍口之下。 反映二戰時期的影片有很多,他們的共同點就是過多地渲染死亡和血腥。但這些在這部影片中沒有直接體現,而代替它的是更多的歡笑和淚水。首先圭多是一個勇敢的男人,他喜歡上了多拉,就勇敢地去追求,不論路途有多麼的崎嶇,最終他做到了。其次圭多是一個有責任感的男人,當他們在集中營的時候,圭多一刻也沒有忘記呵護自己的兒子,也沒有忘記和妻子取得聯系。在他心中親情和愛情就是他的全部生命,所以最後他不惜犧牲自己的生命來保全兒子,由此可見父愛的偉大。影片中有幾處場景值得一提:首先是圭多冒充視察人員來到多拉的學校跳「脫衣舞」的滑稽場景,這一幕是為了引起多拉的注意,從而體現圭多是一個既勇敢又富有幽默感的男人。其次是圭多在被處死之前向藏在鐵窗中的兒子擺出小丑般的走路姿勢,這是為了不讓兒子害怕,並且快樂的走向死亡,體現了偉大的父愛。最後是兒子和母親相聚,對母親說:''我們贏了,我們得到了1000分,我們贏了。」這是最為傷感的一幕,我們為圭多的犧牲而傷心,為孩子的心靈沒有受到傷害而感動,圭多死得值得。影片告訴我們痛苦只是暫時的,唯有樂觀的人們才能得到美麗的人生。

5. 下面是電影《美麗人生》的一點影評,誰來幫我翻譯成英語~千恩萬謝

This is one about the life movie, front the death, anybody all is authorized to choose your point of view, "Beautiful Life" touches me is the base to the life heartfelt intolerance, this is his makings, perhaps is Italian's makings, in the movie base as well as his periphery all only is a miniature, the base humorous base optimistic all enough proved he completely has already conquered the life, already deserved into the life control, this was Judea's nationality's arrogant,The base life is a game, the same time base is playing the life, in the concentration camp death valley, he does not have an expression annotation death breath, a spoken language has not disclosed to death dreading, but is merely regards as the life a game, can have the harvest game, this is the average man hopes to attain or equal incompetently, I thought, the base thought should be same with Trotsky, Trotsky executes when the waiting writes down section of writing: The life is beautiful.I received very many inspirations suddenly, the life have been perhaps incomplete, the life haze was perhaps murky, but we might choose the tolerant point of view to contain all regrets, we should understand oneself was the life this game control, we should do are forever smileThis also is one about the dear ones movie, the base is a successful man, the success lies in his human nature to be beautiful, he formulates the game is actually a love game, in order to protect beloved son small approximately book Asia, the base braves the life danger to work as the translation, has compiled the Nazi cruel system beautification to suit the son small approximately book Asia's game rule, even if the game rule is not real, but the base father loves incomparably really.Moved me also to have that section of broadcasts, base several regards for pulls has sent to the world most touching love, pulled has cried, I cried.In the movie ending, the base exhorts small book Asia not to be able over and over to leave the small iron tank approximately, in is grasped by the Nazi soldier still makes the son who the funny movement attempts to let in the small iron tank to believe on the way game authenticity, in life final, the base as well as most the shed mood did not express with the funny movement thick has licked sentiment of approximately the calf to son small book Asia.

6. 美麗人生影評英文範文影評

美麗人生影評英文 範文 篇1
It goes without saying that Life is beautiful is one of those movies that take a lasting effect on you. In reality it is a back comedy. After watching it, I found that it had less to do with the holocaust and more to do with the human feelings. Even if you see something not beautiful, the world still intends to tell you: life is beautiful with a humorous tone. Whenever you face the difficulty, please keep on optimistic attitude and then go all out. As long as you are willing to face it, maybe you will realize that things are not as awful as you think. Obviously, it all depends on you. Through this film, we have cause to believe that life is beautiful forever.
The View of Life is Beautiful

As a man, he may be fragile, however, as a father, he will be brave beyond our imagination. This is what I learned from the movie, Life is Beautiful.

This story was adapted from Benigni's father's own experience. In the first half, we can laugh the loudest and delight at the comedy talent of Benigni. It tells us how a Jewish man has a wonderful romance with the help of his humour. Then the optimistic man, Guido, chased Dora strenuously and they had a cute little boy, Joshua. The film then delves into a very touchy area in which Guido and his family are transported to a concentration camp. Guido tries to effectively convince his son by using that same quality to protect his son that their entire imprisonment is part of a huge game in which participants must collect points to win a tank. Meanwhile, he seized every opportunity to let Dora know they were safe, like using the amplifier to talk to her. Finally, Guido was killed by Nazi soldiers while Dora and Joshua were rescued by American troops.

The most impressive part for me is when Benigni knows that Nazi is on the road to ruin. In the chaos, he tells his son to stay in a box until everybody has left and tries to save his wife. Unfortunately, he is caught by a Nazi soldier. When he passes by the box, he still makes funny gestures to indicate Joshua to stay in the box and continue the game.

I have been wondering about the movie's name, Life is beautiful. I think this story is a tragicomedy. Guido as well as a great number of people died in the concentration camp, which makes audience feel really pathetic; his wife and son survived, which could be viewed as a miracle. Under father and mother's careful protection, Joshua was so lucky. Although the historical setting is dark, we do not feel that depressed about it. It is an unforgettable fable that proves love, family and imagination conquer all.
Life Is So Beautiful

I am sure you will make a wrong judgment if you just watch the first half of the film—Life Is Beautiful. You may think it is a complete comedy, but in fact it is a black comedy. That means maybe you will see something not beautiful, even so, the director still wants to tell you: life is beautiful, with a humorous tone.

The movie released in 1997, telling us a story happened in World War II. Guido, a Jew, met a beautiful Italian woman called Dora in a small town. He loved her at first sight, and tried his best to win her heart. They

called married Joshua. and have a son But their happy life

Nazi caught Guido

took them away.


The with family her was ended soon. The and Joshua and Dora insisted she husband and son.

taken to Concentration camp

lied to his son that it by train. Guido

is a game prepared for his birthday, and the prize was a real tank. In order to protect his little son, Guido died. Finally Joshua and Dora survived.

The movie using World War II as the theme is very common, but a black comedy about this is creative. Many elements of comedy are used in the film, the humorous lines, the clownish action…

all of these make

you laugh. How can you feel that it is about World War II! Guido looks like just a little guy, who is a little silly, a little lovely. But it is this little guy teaches us many things.

Firstly, he teaches us that you should keep an optimistic attitude. Things are not as terrible as you think. It all depends how you treat them. “If you smile at the mirror, the mirror will smile back.” Secondly, as a parent, it is your ty to ensure the healthy growth of your children, not only on physiology, but also on psychology. Children’s soul will be deeply hurt if they are faced with so cruel truth. And it will influence their life. Thirdly, just love who you love. Love your sweetheart, and love your family.

The director of the film—Roberto Benigni found another way to show World War II, subverting other traditional perspectives. It also shows the optimistic nationality of Italy.

Through this film, we have reason to believe that Nightmares are limited, the beautiful life is forever.
The View of La Vie Belle

This is one of those movies that have a lasting effect on you. After watching it, I found that it has less to do with the Holocaust and more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship of a father and his son. The holocaust provides the ultimate context, that brings and highlights the story and adds yet another deep dimension to the movie. No such piece of art has ever before combined laughter and tears of sadness in me before and that is the miracle of the movie. The realism of the movie is not its strong point, but then again it is not supposed to be; this helps in bringing the audiences to a state of mind away from reality, focusing on the feelings generated by forgetting about all external events and developments of the war. Despite that, the movie does not fail to point out an element of the nazi psychology demonstrated by the doctor who was obsessed with riddles. This portrayed the nazi 'state of mind' (if ever such an expression existed) as a sick mentally disturbed state. Life is really beautiful as you watch Guido's relentless efforts to make a lovely exciting experience of the concentration camp to his son. You get exhausted just watching him going through his painful day and yet you smile as he speaks to his son and makes him laugh. One can go on forever describing the creativity of this movie, but one will not be able to capture all its beauty in writing.

This is one of those movies that have a lasting effect on you. After watching it, I found that it has less to do with the Holocaust and more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship of a father and his son. The holocaust provides the ultimate context, that brings and highlights the story and adds yet another deep dimension to the movie. No such piece of art has ever before combined laughter and tears of sadness in me before and that is the miracle of the movie. The realism of the movie is not its strong point, but then again it is not supposed to be; this helps in bringing the audiences to a state of mind away from reality, focusing on the feelings generated by forgetting about all external events and developments of the war. Despite that, the movie does not fail to point out an element of the nazi psychology demonstrated by the doctor who was obsessed with riddles. This portrayed the nazi

'state of mind' (if ever such an expression existed) as a sick mentally disturbed state. Life is really beautiful as you watch Guido's relentless efforts to make a lovely exciting experience of the concentration camp to his son. You get exhausted just watching him going through his painful day and yet you smile as he speaks to his son and makes him laugh. One can go on forever describing the creativity of this movie, but one will not be able to capture all its beauty in writing.

In the second half, Guido, Guido's uncle Eliseo, and Joshua are taken to a concentration camp on Joshua's birthday. Dora demands to join her family and is permitted to do so. Guido hides Joshua from the Nazi guards and sneaks him food. In an attempt to keep up Joshua's spirits, Guido convinces him that the camp is just a game – a game in which the first person to get 1,000 points wins a tank. He tells Joshua that if you cry, complain that you want your mother, or complain that you are hungry, you lose points, while quiet boys who hide from the camp guards earn points. He convinces Joshua that the camp guards are mean because they want the tank for themselves and that all the other children are hiding in order to win the game. He puts off every attempt of Joshua ending the game and returning home by convincing him that they are in the lead for the tank. Despite being surrounded by rampant death and people and all their sicknesses, Joshua does not question this fiction both because of his father's convincing performance and his own innocence.

Guido maintains this story right until the end, when – in the chaos caused by the American advance drawing near – he tells his son to stay in a sweatbox until everybody has left, this being the final test before the tank is his. After trying to find Dora, Guido is caught, taken away, and is shot to death by a Nazi guard, but not before making his son laugh one last time by imitating the Nazi guard as if the two of them are marching around the camp together. Joshua manages to survive, and thinks he has won the game when an American tank arrives to liberate the camp, and he is reunited with his mother.

7. 急求一篇由羅貝托·貝尼尼導演的《美麗人生》影評,要求五百字數,(用英語寫的追加分)!!!!!!!!

實在的說,在看到這部《美麗人生》之前,對喜劇類型的藝術電影,總是懷有些許微詞的。而且再說這部《美麗人生》又是反映與描寫大戰期間納粹暴行的片子,所以總能想到 ,一個專事喜劇創作的西方電影人羅伯托•貝尼尼,能夠拍得過大導演史蒂芬 斯彼爾伯格徹底悲情的《辛德勒名單》嗎?能拍得過羅曼斯基完全悲愴的《鋼琴師》嗎?我比較懷疑,恐怕羅伯托•貝尼尼連鬼才導演法斯賓德的反納粹名片《莉莉 瑪蓮》的一半深度,也不會有吧?不是搞笑,是說深度。沒有看過羅伯托•貝尼尼的這部《美麗人生》以前,真的就是這么想的 。再加上,那些戰爭本身就是殘酷和悲烈的,彷彿根本不有什麼喜劇可言。這一點常識老幼皆知。記得有位大的影評家說過 :喜劇本身常常不能承載重磅眼淚 。這部《美麗人生》由義大利梅蘭坡電影公司出品 。哦對了,看到的這個版本是上海電影譯制廠譯制。

後來偶然一個機會,去看羅伯托•貝尼尼的另外一部影視片子,在場觀者,好象無一不提及他的這一部《美麗人生》 。人們往往感嘆這部影片的收獲成果,說它前前後後獲得了太多大獎,包括奧斯卡最佳外語片獎,戛納影展評審團大獎在內的二十八項國際影壇大獎。還說《美麗人生》在戛納電影節試映落幕之際 ,全體觀眾就地起立 ,舍淚鼓掌長達12分鍾之久 …… 就這樣感召下,我也終於,打算去認真看一看,這一部喜劇的《美麗人生》了。看《美麗人生》這一天 ,正好還是一個臨近紀念人們共同父親節的日子。影片《美麗人生》是由義大利藝壇所謂的「國寶級」人物羅貝爾托 貝貝尼自編自導自演的。表面上,在這里,貝貝尼拿了一種極為樂觀的生活態度,為大庭觀眾喜劇性地講述了一個大戰期間極為悲慘的三口之家的故事。特別認真的講,《美麗人生》開片將近一半時刻,我仍然沒有看到並且感受到,人們常常提及肺腑之痛 。反爾隨著銀幕故事,我總是笑口常開的樣子 ,不時跌入在喜劇導演善常的連環搞笑的場景裡面。

換一個視角說,也就是在《美麗人生》的前半部,沒有發現任何有關納粹或者戰爭的悲劇色彩以及暴力疑點。也就是說,《美麗人生》至此一半,還屬完完全全義大利人喜劇的味道。有人說,義大利人喜劇的味道,與他們地處的天然環境有關。甚至想到,義大利明星羅伯托•貝尼尼自費編導演的這《美麗人生》,終於讓他找到了一個全世界都拍爛拍絕的影視題材。《美麗人生》故事背景是戰爭前的義大利某處一個小鎮。逍遙樂天的猶太青年人基多有點混世味道,用了英雄救美女的一招,嘻嘻哈哈出現在銀幕之上。基多特有女人緣,他在進大城市投靠開餐館叔叔時,又有多次巧遇美麗女教師多拉的天作機會。真有一點天賜良緣的意思。《美麗人生》愛情場面有一些類同小學生謄印描紅,動效拍得,實在象一些國產電影中的乏味愛情故事一樣,平淡收斂,死水微讕。如果認可這樣一句話:藝術是現實生活的反映 ,那麼導演貝貝尼的感情生活,大概理聽應當是一帆風順的。電影正如觀眾所料那般 ,熱烈追求,花言巧語,棄富奔貧,情人們隨天從願,而且不久,基多夫婦生活裡面,發生了一個可愛的小男孩約書亞 。

基多一家的幸福生活,這時候才發生了戲劇性變化。《美麗人生》由喜漸悲。納粹來了,生活不在喜劇。美麗的人生,加上了血腥。我們看到,《美麗人生》的電影故事進展五年之後,第二次大戰爆發了,基多被迫帶上小男孩約書亞,在刺刀威逼下登上了開往集中營的悶罐火車。妻子朵拉捨去求生之望,尾隨家人一起,主動跟上基多和約書亞,來到殘忍強暴,不堪血腥的猶太人集中營。這時候我發現 ,男主人公曾經一向開懷的那種大笑,不再顯得由衷。這時候的基多,他掛在臉上的,是苦苦的笑。隱痛的苦笑。基多開始心事重重。基多為了保護自已可愛的孩子,不讓他的小約書亞心受創傷,於是父親仍然貌似開懷。基多總是騙自已的孩子說,我們在這個集中營的生活,只是暫時的,這只是玩一個掙分的游戲。這是一個掙夠了一千分之後,我們就可以贏得一輛坦克車,並且獲得人身自由的游戲。小孩子約書亞喜歡玩具坦克車,那是每一個孩子純真深中的自覺天性。游戲是孩子的生活一角。

《美麗人生》中,游戲對於父親,一方面是為了迎合親兒子。另一上方面又是老爸的童心未泯。這是一個真實而又美麗的謊言。一個讓人笑看又心痛的動情故事。這是父與子的生死游戲。《美麗人生》這種藝術情境的手法,顯示了義大利民生開朗樂觀的一面,並且影片隨時隨地用逗樂搞笑效果,神奇的將一個看似不可能發生的童活般故事搬上銀幕,娓娓道來。基多用游戲的方式讓小兒子的未泯童心不受任何傷害。天真好奇的兒子對父親的話信以為真,他崇拜這個永遠打不垮的樂天老爸。這個看似喜劇的父親的心,是那麼的神聖與高潔。悲情隨著喜劇畫面,漸入佳境。如果說,悲劇是把人生中最美好的東西毀滅給人看。看到《美麗人生》以後 ,我更加深入理解了悲劇的這一定義。後來以為,《美麗人生》是悲劇的,而不是喜劇的。《美麗人生》是借用了喜劇的基本原素,進行悲劇演生與鋪排。喜劇只是《美麗人生》的一個善良外套。《美麗人生》的真正核心,應當是悲情的。是一種天哭的慟情。她還是大悲之中的人情呼喚。

影片《美麗人生》中間,父親基多一點一滴都不願意,讓自已兒子幼小的心靈因戰爭苦難而異暗。基多害怕小約書亞的心靈從此蒙上悲慘陰影。於是導演盡量渴望,把《美麗人生》拍得童真再顯,拍得實如溫暖。在影片《美麗人生》當中,有這樣兩處場景,鏡頭表達的寓意非常。第一處場景,書店前的父子對話:小約書亞問父親:為什麼商店門上掛著猶太人與狗不準進入牌子?父親回答說:我們開的書店就不掛這種牌子。小約書亞說:我們也掛一個。父親說好,牌子寫什麼?小約書亞想了一下,拿格外的孩子氣說 :野蠻人和蜘蛛不許進書店。第二處場景 敵寇關押猶太人集中營里,放送的廣播歌劇 :在敵寇慘無人道的血腥集中營里,基多一面求生心切,另一方千方百計想和隔壁女監里的妻子取得聯系,他渴望向多拉報一個信息,告訴多拉,這一邊父子平安。終於有了一個機會,基多利用敵軍廣播喇叭,播放了多拉從前喜歡聽的奧芬巴赫的歌劇。聽見這動人樂聲,多拉心裡,明鏡一樣明白了,那邊的父與子還活著。艱苦卻樂觀的活著。父與子,還有母親,一家人,一邊游戲著暗炎人生,一邊艱難渡過每一天。


這是獻給孩子的禮物 。是父與子的生死游戲的禮物。直到影片《美麗人生》一片終了時刻,我看著小約書亞乘著紅軍坦克遠遠開去,路上孩子找到了他的媽媽,當小約書亞擁入愛母懷抱時候,我不禁站起身來,為了這個小男孩約書亞重見母親,為了孩子收獲到了這樣一份人生大禮物,深深的致示敬意 。同時,也為了小約書亞的爸爸和媽媽們表示由衷敬意。向他們祝福。我為他們的美麗的人生用心鼓掌。用心淚流。我真的,為了他們在那一段暗黑生活中,苦苦掙扎中的慘痛每一天 ,安靜地流下來眼淚 。掌聲和眼淚,為了這一場電影里的純真游戲 。一場父與子的生死游戲 。笑容與欣慰,為了電影裡面這個美麗的人生。父與子的生死游戲。美麗的人生。

父與子的生死游戲。美麗的人生 …… 據說第一個提出父親節建議的是華盛頓的約翰•布魯斯•多德夫人。多德夫人的母親早亡,其父獨自一人承擔起撫養教育孩子的重任,把他們全部培養成人。1909年多德夫人感念父親養育之恩,准備為他舉行慶祝活動,同時她想到所有的父親對家庭和社會的貢獻,於是給當地一家教士協會寫信,建議把6月的第三個星期日定為父親節。1910年6月人們慶祝了第一個父親節。當時凡是父親已故的人們,都佩戴一朵白玫瑰,父親在世的人們佩戴紅玫瑰。這種習俗一直流傳至今。但是開始時父親節的日期各不相同,而且有的地方用蒲公英作為父親節的象徵,有的地方則用襯有一片綠葉的白丁香作為父親節的象徵。直到1934年6月才統一規定6月的第三個星期日為父親節。後來全世界有多個國家通過儀式,用心和禮物來紀念父親節。父與子的生死游戲。美麗的人生。

8. 誰有義大利電影美麗人生的英文影評或者介紹急需!!


Plot Summary for Vita è bella, La (1997)

In 1930s Italy, a carefree Jewish book keeper named Guido starts a fairy tale life by courting and marrying a lovely woman from a nearby city. Guido and his wife have a son and live happily together until the occupation of Italy by German forces. In an attempt to hold his family together and help his son survive the horrors of a Jewish Concentration Camp, Guido imagines that the Holocaust is a game and that the grand prize for winning is a tank.



This is one of those movies that have a lasting effect on you. After watching it, I found that it has less to do with the Holocaust and more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship of a father and his son. The holocaust provides the ultimate context, that brings and highlights the story and adds yet another deep dimension to the movie. No such piece of art has ever before combined laughter and tears of sadness in me before and that is the miracle of the movie. The realism of the movie is not its strong point, but then again it is not supposed to be; this helps in bringing the audiences to a state of mind away from reality, focusing on the feelings generated by forgetting about all external events and developments of the war. Despite that, the movie does not fail to point out an element of the nazi psychology demonstrated by the doctor who was obsessed with riddles. This portrayed the nazi 'state of mind' (if ever such an expression existed) as a sick mentally disturbed state. Life is really beautiful as you watch Guido's relentless efforts to make a lovely exciting experience of the concentration camp to his son. You get exhausted just watching him going through his painful day and yet you smile as he speaks to his son and makes him laugh. One can go on forever describing the creativity of this movie, but one will not be able to capture all its beauty in writing.



As a labrador puppy, Quill is sent to live with a couple, Isamu (Teruyuki Kagawa) and Mitsuko Nii (Shinobu Terajima), who work as volunteers, training guide dogs (seeing eye dogs). When he grows to an alt dog, he is taken to a guide dog school, by a friendly, yet firm trainer Satoru Tawada. Although Quill is a little slower than the other dogs at the school, he seems to have an unusual 'empathy' and remarkable patience with his trainers. Tawade decides that Quill would be the ideal guide dog for Mitsuru Watanabe (Kaoru Kobayashi), but Wanatabe, a lonely and ill-tempered middle aged man, isn't as enthusiastic - he would "would rather sleep than be dragged around by a dog.". From here, the story is narrated by Wanatabe's daughter, Mitsuko (Yukika Sakuratani), and slowly, Wantanbe is rehabilitated, venturing into the outside world, and learning, not only to trust other humans, but the animal at his side who guides him.


This is an emotional movie, very heartwarming. A true life story cycle of a guide dog. I've seen it and it warms you up directly for animal lovers and indirectly for non animal lovers. Overall, a good cinematography but more can be add on. They should make more films like this, where they can show us how it looks like in the eyes of these superb creatures created by god for a purpose. Directorship is of this film is good and the director emphasize on balancing the act of both animals and humans in this film. At least, I know now how an animal feels when things like this happens. It just warms your heart when watching this film. In words, its a good movie to watch with your girlfriend who will definitely hold your hand whilst watching this movie.


9. 求電影《美麗人生》英文觀後感



提取碼: guhh

簡介: 猶太青年圭多(羅伯托·貝尼尼)邂逅美麗的女教師多拉(尼可萊塔·布拉斯基),他彬彬有禮的向多拉鞠躬:「早安!公主!」。歷經諸多令人啼笑皆非的周折後,天遂人願,兩人幸福美滿的生活在一起。然而好景不長,法西斯政權下,圭多和兒子被強行送往猶太人集中營

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