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發布時間: 2023-01-06 11:06:14

① 壯志凌雲英文觀後感


The film shows the technology aircraft and its flight ability.

In the past two hours, the pilots flew the fighter F-14 and the relatively old A4 and F5 in the blue sky and white clouds for an hour and a half.

Those glittering fighters chased and formed each other, sometimes roaring overhead.

sometimes floating smoothly at an altitude of 10000 meters, accompanied by lofty mountains and rivers and magnificent dawn and afterglow.

All kinds of scenes were very good, and the pilots in the cabin were nervous and sometimes playful dialogue, which made the audience feel immersive.

The film not only attracts many weapon fans, but also is very attractive to the general audience.








② 為何很多航空迷都是因為《壯志凌雲》這部電影而入坑的呢

1986年5月16日,一部名為《壯志凌雲》(TOP GUN)的電影在全美各大影院上映,雖然上映之初就有影評人士把這部影片譏諷為「美國海軍有史以來最昂貴的徵兵廣告宣傳片」,認為這是在拿納稅人的錢開玩笑,但這些言論卻絲毫不能阻擋《壯志凌雲》隨後在票房上取得的巨大成功,有人甚至稱該片為「地球版的星球大戰」。美國海軍也憑借著此片,迎來了自二戰結束以來歷史上最高的入伍率,大批的美國有志青年在《壯志凌雲》的感召下加入了美國海軍的行列。另外,這部電影的男主角湯姆.克魯斯也憑借著《壯志凌雲》而迅速走紅,一步一步成為銀幕上的超級偶像,堪稱F-14「雄貓」戰斗機的第一代言人。



③ 介紹美國電影壯志凌雲的英語作文(初二水平)

Medellin is a U.S. navy lieutenant, his father is a famous old exploits the pilot, and his idol. Once, he and his comrades gus together sent to anti-aircraft gun training base is the most rigorous training. Medellin training is not well, he is always a panic in the air, the instructors are not satisfied with his performance has been, the students especially the fourth group schneider is for him. Medellin fell in love with the beautiful enthusiasm Charlie, graally, Charlie also have fallen in love with the personality of students and make an exception and invite him to your home, this makes all day for training medellin trapped by the news. A training before graation, medellin one machine with partner gus and drive, e to the malfunction of the motor, meanwhile, the sea, medellin and gus was forced to ?

④ 壯志凌雲ice怎麼了


⑤ 壯志凌雲用英文雜說

Top Gun (1986) / Drama-Action


Top Gun is a quintessential Reagan-era by-proct, a pure fantasy highlighted by typical concentration on materialism and superficiality. From the synthesized score by Harold Faltermeyer (Fletch, Beverly Hills Cop) to the synth-rock tunes of Berlin and Kenny Loggins, this film is about as deep as a kiddie pool. Even the much ballyhooed aerial scenes are obviously cut together in such a way that the fight scenes seem phony. Yet, even with all of the elements of cheese and bad melodrama, Top Gun just plain entertains.

Only the top 1% of all Navy fighter pilots get to attend Top Gun, the Navy's school for the crème de la crème. After a near fatal accident shakes up the best pilot in Lt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell's (Cruise, Days of Thunder) squadron causing him to be chosen for Top Gun. Maverick is about as cocky as they come, but no more so than the rest of the pilots in the school, and they have a heated competition to see who is the best among them. While there, he falls for the civilian instructor (McGillis, Witness) and loses his co-pilot (Edwards, Gotcha!) in a tragic accident, causing him to question if he indeed has the right stuff.

There is so much laughable badness to Top Gun, I frankly can't understand why I recommend it. The romance is terribly developed, and about the only selling point to Tom Cruise's appeal is his ever-present smile. Val Kilmer (Top Secret!, True Romance) gives one of his worst performances in a film to date, seemingly in pain in every scene (reportedly Kilmer was forced to be in the film e to contractual obligations), and the entire plot is contrived beyond belief. Lots of shots with men standing around in their underwear, hugging each other, speaking almost nose-to-nose; the homo-erotic elements are too blatant to be denied.

Despite my assessment of the poor quality of many aspects of Top Gun, I have to admit, that it does hold my interest all of the way through, making up for its weaknesses with shear entertainment value. You might call it a guilty escapist pleasure for me, or perhaps I'm just nostalgic for my high school days, ring which this movie caused much imitation from my peers -- whatever. I enjoy watching every second of this piece of vapid, overblown crapola.

⑥ 電影《壯志凌雲》觀後感,誰有

影片《壯志凌雲》講述了美國海軍飛行員麥德林以自己老飛行員父親為偶像,幾經沉淪,終於奮起,駕駛銀鷹,縱橫藍天,最終成為一名飛行精英的故事。 應該說, 該片的故事情節司空見慣, 無甚新意,但是影片創作者另闢蹊徑,利用主人公飛行員的特殊身份,大量地表現了新科技航空器及其卓越的飛行特技,令平時只能在畫刊海報上一睹其英姿的觀眾們嘆為觀止。影片近兩個小時,其中飛行員們駕駛代表國際一流水準的戰斗機F-14和相對老舊的A4、F5急馳在藍天白雲中的鏡頭卻足足佔了一個半小時。那些銀光閃閃的戰斗機相互追逐,相互編隊,時而從頭頂呼嘯而過,時而平穩地浮游在萬米高空,伴以崇高的山川和壯美的晨曦、余暉,各種情景,令人陶醉。何況,還有機艙中飛行員們那時而緊張時而俏皮的對話,真給人以身臨其境之感。為了拍出真實可信的效果,該片的攝影立下了汗馬功勞,他們不僅要採用多角度、多鏡頭的不同手法,還要上天入地,追逐著搶拍各種驚險刺激的場景。正是如此,該片不僅吸引了眾多兵器迷們,對一般觀眾而言,它也是極具誘惑力的。 當然,在突出刺激、艱苦的飛行訓練外,影片的主要任務還是表現主人公從沉淪到奮起的歷程。此外,與緊張的演練生活相對比,該片也著意表現了一段士官生與女教官的戀情,它給影片撒上了柔柔的浪漫溫情,使得天上人間張弛有度,頗具感染力。影星湯姆·克魯斯在該片中因飾演飛行精英麥德林而走紅影壇,其身著戎裝的颯爽英姿令人過目難忘。值得一提的是,該片主題曲《帶走我的呼吸》(《Take my breath away》,真情感人,對渲染主人公的內心情感起到了不可替代的作用,它獲得了第59屆奧斯卡最佳原創音樂獎,也成了風靡至今的情歌金曲。

⑦ 為什麼《壯志凌雲》這部電影能成為幾代人心中的大片呢








⑧ 如何評價阿湯哥主演的動作電影 《壯志凌雲:獨行者》

這部電影單論製作的視覺效果來說,教科書式的好萊塢電影,誠意很足。現在很少有人這么拍電影了。空戰的場面還是非常好的,拍攝的很用心,看起來很刺激,阿湯哥確實下功夫了。航母部分的場景比較恢弘,可以看到美國海軍的配合。 劇情,老套的很,基本都能猜中。

⑨ top gun中文翻譯是壯志凌雲的意思。但我想要英文解釋。

top gun有好些意思
它而還表示美國海軍陸戰隊中最優秀的人,即The best in best。

⑩ 關於電影《壯志凌雲》中情節設定的一點疑惑



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