㈠ 「將有一部電影要放電影」用英語怎麼翻譯
There will be a movie to be on
There is going to be a film to be on show
㈡ 明天將有一部有趣的典雅上映在xinhua電影院的英語怎麼說
An interesting film will be shown in Xinhua cinema tomorrow.
㈢ 明天有班會,後天有電影英文
There will be a class meeting tomorrow,a film the day after tomorrow
㈣ 英語作文帶翻譯 題目我的一天 20個句子
1、明天晚上將有一場英語電影 there will be an English film tomorrow night
2、將來會有更多的污染嗎 will be there more pollution?
不,沒有 No, there won't
3、你認為後天有雨嗎 do you think there will be rain day after tomorrow?
4、我們將更少的使用地鐵 we will use less subway
5、一百年後將沒有紙幣了 there will be no paper money after 100 years
6、兩小時後,我的父親將回來 my father will come back two hours later
寒假的時候 我和爸爸媽媽去了親戚家 親戚很友好在午飯時准備了很多好吃的 是根據中國的習俗來的 很豐盛 最後一道菜仍然是魚 年年有餘
的意思吧 沒過一會兒 給了壓歲錢 也是中國的習俗之一 但是我都交給了我媽媽 在元宵節的是時候 元宵和春卷 依然是 必不可少的.....
During the winter holiday, my parents and I went to the relative, many relatives prepare many delicious food, the meal is according to chinese trdiaion it is very sufficient and delicious. The last dish is still fish, meaning that there will be surplus for every year. Without before long , people give children year money, which is alson one of china custom. But i hand all money to my parents. At the time or lantern festival, rice glue ball and spring roll is indispensable.
㈤ 後天學校禮堂將要有一場電影 用英文翻譯兩種表達方式
1) There will be a movie show in the College Hall at the day after tomorrow.
2) It will have a movie show in the College Hall at the day after tomorrow.
㈥ 明天將會有一場英文電影 英語
There is going to be an English film
滿意請採納,不懂歡迎追問 謝謝😄
㈦ 明天將有一部有趣的電影上映英文
1、There is going to be an interseting film tomorrow.
2、Is there some milk in the fridge?
Yes, there is a littie.
3、Someone is waiting for you at the school gate.
4、There is going to be an interesting movie tonight.
5、There in(is) the key to the third door.
6、Is there something in my desk?
㈧ 明天有班會,後天有電影怎麼用英語說
Have a class meeting tomorrow, a film the day after tomorrow
㈨ "這部電影明天上映"用英文怎麼說
The film __is__ _released___tomorrow.
The film is released tomorrow.
其中,release 即指電影的「上映、發行」。
㈩ 用英語怎麼翻譯每天電影院將會有一場精彩的電影
Every day the cinema will have a great movie