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發布時間: 2023-01-02 07:43:51

『壹』 電影《刮痧》從56分「我只是講了事實」到57分方大同生氣的離開這一段的英文台詞

『貳』 「刮痧」用英文一,兩個單詞怎麼說

scraping 英[ˈskreɪpɪŋ] 美[ˈskrepɪŋ]
n. 刮; 擦; 挖; 刮擦聲;
adj. 刮的; 吝嗇的;
[例句]She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees.

『叄』 急! 求英語牛人幫忙翻譯幾段話 關於電影《刮痧》

In the thinking mode, mainly manifests in the raise child and treats people handles matters the aspect. In China, teaches the child aspect, the parents generally believe that suitable beating and scolding to the raise child is beneficial, also ecated the child also to enhance own prestige, let the child be convinced to oneself, as the matter stands had the matter which killed two birds with one stone. 「hits is kisses, scolds is the love」 this very universal idea also in Chinese parents' taking root at heart. In the movie, after son Dennis by father Xu Datong is only a dozen gently, calls to account when why the father does hit him, his father, grandfather also such tells him, 「hits him is loves his one way.」In the Chinese inherent thought also has one idea 「under the club the loyal son」, probably is also wants to express the similar meaning. This also noisily left the joke, Dennis to display to his good friend's love, has hit him unexpectedly, this naturally wrong Italy, certainly, regarding one since childhood the child who will grow up in the US, will be is impossible to understand will contain significance. In the US, hits the child is matter which violates the law, makes the wrong thing regarding one child to be most i.e. teaches, influence. The US is one pays great attention the democracy, equal state, what the guardians are more is the hope and the children treats as an equal, respects mutually, by one kind of friend's status the American is the rationalism, US's home ecation esteem by the rational basic principle treatment family member and family business. The American parents many are the foster raise child's ty, with the ty which should to do to the society regards equally, this surmounts indivial standpoint, but is not completely or parents own benefit regards the home ecation from the family itself. Since they thought that nurtures the children is the ty, also does not attempt the raise children to provide against old age, does not attempt the repayment, oneself old have entered the old folks home is a person proper home to return to (certainly, these Chinese regard as moral procere do not stem from US's social security mechanism and cultural convention). the Chinese is the cordiality is supreme, our country's home ecation take the human relations as a foundation, take the emotion reason as the principle, the whence manages family affairs the courtyard interpersonal relationship. Our country parents regard as the child are their private property, considers the child ecation from indivial retirement or indivial honor face angle, in the meticulous parents feel attached to is concealing thickly 「the exchange of gifts between friends」 the personal relationships. From this mentions, is not difficult to understand why the Chinese parents 「do hope that a son will grow up to be successful」, 「hoped female becomes the phoenix」 mood by far in the US, often home ecation goal utility.

『肆』 關於電影《刮痧》的影評,這個用英文怎麼翻譯,英文中有書名號么

又名: Gua Sha Treatment / Gua Sha












刮痧,就是利用刮痧器具,刮試經絡穴位,通過良性刺激,充分發揮營衛之氣的作用,使經絡穴位處充血,改善局部微循環,起到祛除邪氣,疏通經絡,舒筋理氣,驅風散寒,清熱除濕,活血化瘀,消腫止痛,以增強機體自身潛在的抗病能力和免疫機能,從而達到扶正祛邪,防病治病的作用。 文化差異在影片中算是一種瘀病,需要刮痧才能一個經脈的兩端連在一起,活血化瘀的作用,亦可以理解成祖一輩的文化受到阻隔,需要刮痧颳去隔閡才能有一個文化的傳承繼續下去。


『伍』 請幫忙將「刮痧」翻譯成英文!謝啦!

刮痧(Skin scraping)是中國傳統的自然療法之一,它是以中醫皮部理論為基礎,用牛角、玉石等在皮膚相關部位刮拭,以達到疏通經絡、活血化瘀之目的。刮痧可以擴張毛細血管,增加汗腺分泌,促進血液循環,對於高血壓、中暑、肌肉酸疼等所致的風寒痹症都有立竿見影之效。經常刮痧,可起到調整經氣,解除疲勞,增加免疫功能的作用。

『陸』 急! 求英語牛人幫忙翻譯幾段話 關於電影《刮痧》

上述語句可以翻譯:Based on the misunderstanding of Guasha therapy in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) , Guasha tells the story of Chinese people who are in a lot of difficulties because of the conflict between Eastern and Western cultures.

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