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發布時間: 2022-12-31 18:03:20

① 這部電影告訴我們外表美不重要重要的是心靈美,英文翻譯

The story gives us the lesson the real beauty lies in a lofty mind.

② 蘇聯老電影告訴我們很多東西,你應該多學習學慣用英語怎麼翻譯

The old USSR(Soviet Union) films tell us a lot (of things),which you should learn and learn.

③ 這個電影告訴我們我們每一個人都必須要愛自己的國家。用英語怎麼說

This movie tells us that everyone has to love his country.

④ 電影主要告訴我們1942年在河南發生的乾旱怎麼翻譯成英文

The movie mainly tells us the devastating drought which was happened in Henan Province in 1942.

⑤ 這是這部電影所告訴我們的,拒絕死亡就是放棄活著,保持本心才能面對自己. 這句話翻譯成英文

What the movie tells us is that refusing doom is renouncing living and that only maintain your true intention can you be worthy of yourself!

2、而「面對自己」我翻譯成「be worthy of oneself」,有「不辱沒自己、使人生有價值」的意思。
我個人覺得,從英文理解的角度上來說會比「face oneself」要合適點。

⑥ 這部電影教會了我們如何正確的認識生活,如何正確對待生活的苦難.翻譯成英語

This film instructs us how to correctly understand life as well as face the problems in life.

⑦ 翻譯成英語「這部電影向我們講述了這樣一個故事..."

This movie tells us a story goes like that......

⑧ 影片告訴我們每個人都是獨一無二的的英文

The film tells us everyone is unique.

⑨ 用英語翻譯一下短文 我看了這部電影,覺得他非常非常的好,這部電影告訴了我們,(還有補充的)

I see the film, thought that he is very good, the movie tells us, can't memorizing, want to have the correct methods, so quickly and well. 呵呵。我的好像和別人不一樣。

⑩ 「電影告訴我們阿凡提這個男人有多麼聰明」英文翻譯

The story tells the truth that, Arfanti is such a clever man !
The story shows us how clever Arfanti is !

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